Students Full Name:: Arely Lopez Bolaños

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STUDENTS FULL NAME: Arely Lopez Bolaños

STUDENT’S ID: U2003059L0091


PROGRAM: Administración y Desarrollo de Negocios

TEACHER: Nallely Jetsemani Rocha Vazquez

ASSIGNMENT 5: Exercises: Reported Speech present and past tenses.

UNIDEG Branch: Plantel UNIDEG San Luis de la Paz

DATE: 28/02/2022
Reported speech present tenses
• Direct speech: Carla said ´´I am very sad´´
• Reported speech: Carla said she was very sad

• Direct speech: ´´ I like reading books´´

• Reported speech: Say you like to read book

• Direct speech: Laura told Carlos ´´I´m watching the news´´

• Reported speech: Laura told Carlos that she was watching the news

• Direct speech: Sofia said ´´I´m going to study in Canada´´

• Reported speech: Sofia said she is going to study in Canada

• Direct speech: Diana said ´´I´m so tired of running´´

• Reported speech: Diana said she was too tired to run

Reported speech past tenses

• Direct speech: Said ´´I played volleyball all morning´´
• Reported speech: Said he had played volleyball all morning

• Direct speech: Monse said ´´ I wanted to travel´´

• Reported speech: Monse said he wanted to travel

• Direct speech: Sandra said ´´ I went to work all week´´

• Reported speech: Sandra said she had been at work all week

• Direct speech: My sister said ´´ I´ve been waiting for you to come to my house tonight´´
• Reported speech: My sister said that she had been waiting for me to come home until

• Direct speech: My mom said ´´ Last night I went out to dinner with your sister´´
• Reported speech: My mom said last night she went out to dinner with my sister

Reported speech future tenses

• Direct speech: Alejandro said ´´I´II go play soccer later´´
• Reported speech: Alejandro said he will go play soccer later

• Direct speech: Naomi said ´´I´ m going to be dancing tomorrow at the dance
• Reported speech: Nomi said she´d dance at the dance tomorrow

• Direct speech: She said ´´ Ride a bike tomorrow´´

• Reported speech: Said he´d ride his bike tomorrow
• Direct speech: She said ´´I´II see you tomorrow at school´´
• Reported speech: He said he´II se me tomorrow at school

• Direct speech: Axel said ´´I´II go on vacation´´

• Reported speech: Axel said that he will go o a vacation trip

Reported speech Incluyendo los verbos modales

• Direct speech: She said ´´I must study every day´´
• Reported speech: He said he had to study every day

• Direct speech: Liam said ´´ I can go swimming on the weekend´´

• Reported speech: Liam said he could go swimming on the weekend

• Direct speech: Zulema said ´´I will not go to the party´´

• Reported speech: Zulema said she wouldn´t go to the party

• Direct speech: She said ´´I must go home early today´´

• Reported speech: She said she had to go home early today

• Direct speech: She said ´´I´m going to work´´

• Reported speech: She said she was going to work

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