Troobleshooting: #1 Default Credentials Are Being Rejected

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#1 Default credentials are being rejected

If, when trying to login to the Raspberry with the default account, your credentials are being
rejected, you may have installed a different version of the Raspbian Operating System, or you may
have downloaded it from a non-official source. In this case, you can try one of the following actions:

Reinstall Raspbian from

Reboot in “Recovery Mode”:

1. Reboot and hold SHIFT key while booting

2. On the next screen, select your Raspbian image and choose Edit Config (e)
3. Select cmdline.txt tab and add the line init=bin/sh
4. Select OK and reboot your system again
5. When a terminal shows, type:

mount -o remount, rw /
passwd pi
(enter a new password)
exec /sbin/init

6. You should now be able to login with the password you just set
7. Follow these instructions again to remove init=/bin/sh line

#2 You are not able to update your packets

CASE 1: The remote server seems not to answer

• Double-check your Internet connection

In this case, check your Internet connection. You could, for example try to reach google servers by
using ping command. If indeed the problem appears to come from your internet connection, please
double check the good connection of your Ethernet wire.
In the case you’re using WIFI Dongle, please ensure you entered the right credentials in the access
point configuration menu.

Ensure your proxy settings allow you to connect to the Internet

You have several options to configure proxy settings:

Manual configuration for apt

First, navigate to the following folder as follows:

cd /etc/apt/aptd.conf.d

Create a file called 10proxy: sudo nano 10proxy

If you the proxy doesn’t require you to authenticate, add this line:

Acquire::http::Proxy "http://proxyaddress:proxyport/";
Otherwise, add this line:

Acquire::http::Proxy "http://username:password@proxyaddress:proxyport/";
Make sure to include the “/” at the end

Using Raspbian Menu

Use the command sudo raspi-config to access Raspbian settings, then find proxy settings and
enter the IP of the proxy, the listening port, and your credential.

Make sure you entered these data in the corresponding fields. Then, save it and you should
be able to pass the proxy.

Case 2: The server returns an error

A typical problem occurring when trying to update you packets using a fresh-installed operating
system is the server returning an error similar to this:

E: Release file for is not valid yet (invalid for another 3h 43min 17s). Updates
for this repository will not be applied.
E: The repository ‘’ does not have a Release file.

This often occurs when your system clock is not synchronized with the server one. Please make sure
your clock is synchronized using:
If the datetime line doesn’t match the real-time, fix this by typing:

date -s “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS”

Of course, replace time pattern with corresponding values and don’t forget to run this command as

When your clock is synced, you should be able to communicate with server and update your packets.

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