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Province of Cebu vs.

Heirs of Rufina Morales because no contract of purchase and sale was

executed by the parties.
In 1961, petitioner Province of Cebu
leased in favour of Rufina Morales a 210-sq.m. lot Issue:
which formed part of Lot No. 646-A of the Banilad
W/N there was a valid sale of the subject
Estate. This lot was among those donated by the
property by virtue of the auction sale?
Province of Cebu to the City of Cebu, in which it
was divided into sub-lots and the area occupied
by Morales was thereafter denominated as Lot
No. 646-A-3. Held:

In 1965, the City of Cebu sold the donated YES, there was a valid sale of the subject
lots at public auction in order to raise money for property by virtue of the auction sale.
the infrastructure projects. The stages of a contract of sale are as
Morales, being the actual occupant to the follows:
subject lot has the preferential right thereof so 1. Negotiation, which covers the period from
she was allowed to match the highest bid. the time the prospective contracting
Morales paid the required deposit and partial parties indicate interest in the contract to
payment for the lot but she was not able to make the time the contract is perfect;
any other payments on the balance of the 2. Perfection, which takes place upon the
purchase price for the lot, until she died. concurrence of the essential elements of
In the meantime, the Province of Cebu the sale;
filed an action for reversion of donation against 3. Consummation, which begins when the
the City of Cebu and consequently, they entered parties perform their respective
into a compromise agreement in which it provides undertakings under the contract of sale,
that the donated lots be returned to the Province culminating in the extinguishment thereof.
of Cebu except those that have already been In this case, Morales had undoubtedly
utilized by the City of Cebu. commenced performing her obligation by making
One of the nieces of Morales wrote to then a down payment on the purchase price but it was
Cebu Governor Eduardo Gullas asking for the not completed due to legal complications between
formal conveyance of the subject lot in the Province of Cebu and the City of Cebu.
accordance with the award earlier made by the The Court held that the award is
City of Cebu. The request remained unheeded tantamount to a perfected contract of sale
thus, the heirs of Morales filed an action for between Morales and the City of Cebu.
specific performance and reconveyance of
property against the Province of Cebu and they A contract of sale is a consensual contract
also consigned with the court the amount of and is perfected at the moment there is a meeting
P13,450 representing the balance of the of minds upon the thing which is the object of the
purchase price which the Province of Cebu contract and upon the price. Under Article 1458 of
allegedly refuse to accept. the Civil Code, the elements of a valid contract of
sale are as follows:
The Heirs of Morales averred that the
award at public auction of the lot to Morales was 1. Consent or meeting of the minds
a valid and binding contract entered into by the 2. Determinate subject matter
City of Cebu and that the lot was inadvertently 3. Price certain in money or its equivalent
returned to the Province of Cebu under the
In this case, all these elements were
compromise judgment. They alleged that they
present in the transaction between the City of
could not pay the balance of the purchase price
Cebu and Morales. A sale by public auction is
during the pendency of the said case due to
perfected when the auctioneer announces its
confusion as to whom and where payment should
perfection by the fall of the hammer or in other
be made.
customary manner.
It was also contended by the Province of
The City of Cebu was the owner of the lot
Cebu that there is no perfected contract of sale
when it awarded the same to Morales, who later
became its owner before the same was donation was tainted with illegal cause or
erroneously returned to the Province of Cebu consideration. Accordingly, the donation was made in
under the compromise judgment. The award is view of the desire of Salvador Lopez to have sexual
tantamount to a perfected contract of sale relations with Conchita Liguez.
between Morales and the City of Cebu, while Conchita Liguez argued that under Article
partial payment of the purchase price and actual 1274 of the Civil Code of 1889, which was the
occupation of the property by Morales effectively governing law in 1948 when the donation was
transferred ownership of the lot to them. executed, in contracts of pure beneficence the
consideration is the liberality of the donor, and that
This is true notwithstanding the failure of liberality per se can never be illegal since it is neither
Morales to pay the balance of the purchase price. against the law, morals or public policy.
Failure to pay the balance of the purchase price
Issue: W/N the said donation was predicated upon an
did not render the sale inexistent or invalid, but
illicit causa?
merely gave rise to a right in favour of the vendor
to either demand specific performance or Held:
rescission of the contract of sale.
In the present case, it is scarcely disputable that Lopez
In this regard, Article 1592 of the Civil would not have conveyed the property in question had
he known that appellant would refuse to cohabit with
Code provides that in the sale of immovable him; so that the cohabitation was an implied condition
property, even though it may have been to the donation, and being unlawful, necessarily tainted
stipulated that upon failure to pay the price at the the donation itself.
time agreed upon the rescission of the contract
shall of right take place, the vendee may pay, Google translate:
even after the expiration of the period, as long as Can the woman as owner have the donations canceled
no demand for rescission of the contract has even during the marriage? This is, in sum, the
been made upon him either judicially or by question, reduced to determining whether the different
notarial act. nature between the acts for consideration and the acts
for profit, and their special and diverse circumstances,
In this case, the heirs of Morales could still may motivate a different solution as for the time when
tender payment of the full purchase price as no the woman has to claim and obtain the nullity of the
demand for rescission had been made upon act; question that does not leave to be very interesting.
them, either judicially or through notarial act. The The Code, despite the variation it has introduced in the
consignation of the balance of the purchase price 1851 project, putting as the second paragraph of
before the trial court thus operated as full article 1.413, or as a limitation of disposals or
payment, which resulted in the extinguishment of obligations for consideration, which was a general
their obligation under the contract of sale. limitation of all the acts of the husband, shows,
however, that it has not varied from criterion and that
--- for him donations must in all be equated with any other
illegal or fraudulent act of onerous nature, when saying
With respect the contention, as previously in art. 1,419: "It will also be brought up in the inventory
stated, a contract of sale is a consensual contract of the society- the amount of donations and disposals
that is perfected upon a meeting of minds as to that should be considered illegal or fraudulent, with
subject to art. 1,413. ' (Article 1.415 should also be
the object of the contract and its price. Subject to cited, which is the one that talks about donations.)
the provisions of the Statute of Frauds, a formal "In summary: the husband can only donate the joint
document is not necessary for the sale assets within the limits set in art. 1,415. However, only
transaction to acquire binding effect. For as long the woman or her heirs can claim against the validity of
as the essential elements of a contract of sale are the donation, since only in their interest establishes the
prohibition. The woman or her heirs, to be able to
proved to exist in a given transaction, the contract annul the act, have to suffer real damage,
is deemed perfected regardless of the absence of understanding that there is not until, so much so that,
a formal deed evidencing the same. terminated by any caused by the community of
property, and after its liquidation, the donation cannot
………………………………………………………… be attributed to having any concept of the husband,
nor obtain in consequence the wife the due
LIGUEZ vs. CA compensation. The Donationi therefore legally has a
The Court of Appeals held that the deed of conditional effectiveness, and in harmony with this
character, they must fix the effects of the same in
donation was inoperative, null and void because (1)
relation to the acquirers and third-party holders,
Lopez, who was the husband of Maria Ngo, had no
having, in its case, taking into account the provisions of
right to donate the conjugal property to Conchita the Mortgage law. To prevent any harm, the woman
Liguez, who at that time was a minor; and that the (2) may, during marriage immediately upon the act, record
its existence before the Courts and request measures
of Caution, as already said. To avoid this in the future,
and when circumstances require, You can urge the
declaration of prodigality.

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