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The demographic for my

Demo gr a phics:
Psychometrics and modes of address:
 Ag e: 16-25
•Aspirer: seek status
 Gend er: m ostly m ale, b ut alm ost b alanced •Explorer: Discover new things

 Social class: C 1, C 2 •Reformer: not impressed by status and

materialism, socially aware
 Ethnicity: not sp ecific

 Relig ion: not sp ecific, b ut p robably scientific Uses and gratification theory:
Pers onal i dentity: Reinforces the values and
 S exual orientation: nonspecific ideologies of the user. Confirms their world

 Ed ucation level: college or university educated

 Incom e: average incom e

 Occup ation:

 Geog rap hical location:

Psychometrics and modes of address

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