Historia de Arequipa

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Its magnificent architecture, tradition and natural wonders have made Arequipa one of the most
important cities in our country. At Universidad Continental we know that one is not born in vain at
the foot of a volcano; For this reason, we want to share 8 facts about the White City that fill all of
Peru with pride.

1. “Here we stay!”

There is no accuracy for the etymology of the name "Arequipa". However, some specialists
determine that it comes from the Aymara “ari qquepan” (sounding trumpet), “ariq quipa” (beyond
the peak) and “ari quipay” (here we stay). The latter, in reference to the expression of the Inca
Mayta Cápaq to his subjects when he saw the Chili River.

2. It is the second most populous city in Peru

Arequipa is not only the White City, it is also the second most populous city in our country, with
1,080,635 inhabitants, according to the INEI Census in 2017. Likewise, the strength of its people
has positioned it as one of the most important centers of the industry and commerce of Peru. The
strength of being Arequipeños and Arequipeñas!
3. With great pride, Cultural Heritage of Humanity

Arequipa for the world! There is no visitor who does not surrender to the beauty of its Historic
Center. For this reason, the colonial and republican mansions made of ashlar, a volcanic rock;
made UNESCO declare the Historic Center of the city a World Heritage Site in 2000.
4. Its gastronomy shines internationally

A stuffed rocoto or guiñapo chicha? Of course. It is known that Peruvian cuisine is recognized
worldwide thanks to its great tradition. And it is precisely the gastronomy of Arequipa which
preserves its history in each of its dishes.

The famous "picanterías" that lead the way in Arequipa were consolidated during the colonial and
republican times, housing the best pre-Hispanic culinary techniques. Today it is impossible to talk
about Peruvian gastronomy without considering the Chupe de camarones, Soltero de queso,
Ocopa Arequipeña, Cuy chactado, among other dishes. Of course, let's never forget the frozen

5. Unique landscapes around the planet

Arequipa is a city that impresses with its fantastic geography and beautiful landscapes. Volcanoes
such as the Misti, "Chanchani" (the Beloved) and "Picchu Picchu" show their magnificence in the
surroundings of the city. Also, its valleys and canyons ensure the adventure to the inhabitants and
visitors; being the Colca Canyon, the deepest in the world.

And it's not just us who say it! In 2019, UNESCO officially declared the Colca Canyon and Andagua
Volcanoes, located between the provinces of Castilla and Caylloma, as a new member of the
International Network of Global Geoparks.
6. Arequipeños and arequipeñas, Peruvian pride

Arequipa has seen the birth of great intellectuals and politicians who are part of Peruvian history,
among them: Nobel Prize winner Mario Vargas Llosa, former Peruvian President José Luis
Bustamante y Rivero, Mariano Melgar, Víctor Andrés Belaunde, Mariano Paz Soldán, Pedro Paulet,
the writer Ventura García Calderón, the tennis player Alex Olmedo, the poet Percy Gibson, among
7. Wititi Dance: color, identity and World Heritage

Also known as the "dance of love", the Wititi Dance is danced in all the districts of the Colca Valley,
in the province of Caylloma, especially in the rainy season. Mentioned was a pre-Hispanic war
dance and an expression that is a meeting space for two peoples. The historical and cultural value
of this cultural expression made it recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 2015.

8. One of the best destinations in Latin America

There are many reasons to fall in love with Arequipa. The various attractions of the White City
have made it one of the must-see destinations for all travelers. The American magazine Forbes
considered it one of the 10 best cities in the world to visit in 2018.

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