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Digital Transmission System (DTS) Job Aid

JOB AID-1 (W1/S1)

Name of participant: …………………………………………….

Registration Number: …………………………………………….

1.1 Title: Identification of different types of Transmission media and their
1.2 Objective:
On completion of this visit/ practical exercise, the participant will be able to:
a) Identify the different types of Transmission media like CAT-5/CAT-6
Copper Cables, Feeder Cables, Optical Fiber Cable, Antenna etc.
b) Understand application of different Transmission media and Components.

1.3 Venue/Site: Training Center.

[*In training locations where the required equipment / set-up is not available, the
same will be carried out through field visit]

1.4 Set up/Equipments Required:

 CAT-5/CAT-6 Cables/Copper Cables
 OF Cable/ Feeder Cables
 Different types of Antenna
1.5 Exercise:
1.5.1 Standard Installation practice used for equipment to be taught (if applicable)
• Marking of lines to mount the equipment’s Iron work installation
• Power DC distribution panel installation
• Mounting of Racks
• Cable preparation and laying
• Powering ON
• Software installation
• Equipping different modules
• Testing
1.5.2 Demonstration by Faculty.
1.5.3 Write down the different Component of DDF?

Sl. No. Name of Component

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Digital Transmission System (DTS) Job Aid
1.5.4 Identify the CAT-5/CAT-6 Cables and Connectors and uses?

CAT-5/CAT-6 Cable Use

1.5.5 Identify the different types of Copper Cable used for local loop?

SN Copper Cables

1.5.6 Identify the different types of feeder Cable used in Radio Communication?

Sl. No.

1.5.6 Write down the different types of Antenna used for transmission?
Sl. No. Type of Antenna

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Digital Transmission System (DTS) Job Aid
1.5.7 Identify the different Types of Optical Fiber Cables?

OF Cable Type Use

1.6 Learning Outcome :( to be filled by participants)







1.7 Self-Assessment:

(1) Waveguide is used for more than …. transmission.

(a) 2 GHz
(b) 2 MHz
(c) 2 KHz
(d) 200 Hz
(2) Full form of DDF
(a) Digital Distribution Frame
(b) Data Digital Frame
(c) Data Distribution Frame
(d) Digital Divide Frame
(3) Parabolic antenna is generally used for ………
(a) Point to point Microwave communication
(b) Point to multi-point Microwave communication
(d) None of these
(4) For high speed communication which of the following is the best medium?
(a) Copper wire
(b) Microwave
(c) Optical Fiber Cable
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Digital Transmission System (DTS) Job Aid
(d) Co-axial Cable
(5) Which one of the following is not a part of DDF
(a) Jumper
(b) Tag Block
(c) U-Link field
(d) PCB
(6) The connector used in CAT-5 cable is
(a) RJ-11
(b) RJ-45
(c) BNC
(d) RJ-100
(7) Which one of the following is not a type of Copper Cable in Telecom
(a) Primary
(b) Secondary
(c) Tertiary
(d) Distribution
(8) Tight Buffer tube OFC is used in
(a) Indoor application
(b) Outdoor application
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
(9) Aerial OFC is used in
(a) Every where
(b) In hilly areas
(c) In sea.
(d) For satellite communication.
(10) Submarine OFC is used in
(a) Every where
(b) In sea
(c) In hilly area
(d) For satellite communication

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