Indicate Whether The Following Sentence or Statement Is True or False

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Indicate whether the following sentence or statement is true or false.

1. The range tells you how often the minimum and maximum values occur.
2. The phrase “variability” refers to how typical respondents are.
3. When summarizing the variability in a categorical question, the researcher should use a percentage distribution or
sometimes a frequency distribution.
4. The data for your College Life E-Zine case is contained in XL Data Analyst, but XL Data Analyst cannot
accommodate different information for a different survey.
5. Summarization, generalizing, comparing and relating are the four functions of data analysis.
6. The type of research objective determines the type of data analysis.
7. If our research objective is to determine relationships, we should use the comparing type of data analysis.
8. The type of data analysis is affected by the type of scale: categorical or metric.
9. If our research objective is to summarize the data in the sample, we should use percentages if the variable has a
categorical scale.
10. Generalizing means the researcher will conduct hypotheses tests and/or compute confidence intervals.
11. Differences analysis is done by comparing percentages or averages.
12. In differences analysis the researcher identifies a categorical variable, such as gender, and compares the differences
between the groups making up that variable (i.e. male v. female) against another variable.

Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

13. Your authors propose a ________ -step approach to data analysis and presentation.
A) 4 B) 5 C)7 D)6

14. Which of the following is defined as a failure on the part of the prospective respondent to take part in the survey or to
answer specific questions on the questionnaire?
A) respondent failure B) noncompliance C) respondent stubbornness D) non-response

15. The first step in the step-by-step approach to data analysis is:
A) determine the research objective
B) record all the data and make back-up files
C) determine the appropriate analysis
D) determine what questions are involved

16. When estimating a population percentage all you need is:

A) the formula and the level of confidence
B) the formula, the population parameter, p, M, and the alpha level
C) the formula, percentage from the sample (p), sample size (n), and you must know the level of confidence needed
D) a crystal ball; you can't estimate a population percentage using statistical analysis

17. The true value found, if a census were taken of the population, is known as the:
A) population fact B) population statistic C) population hypothesis D) population finding

18. Which of the following is true about hypothesis testing?

A) sample results determine whether or not the hypothesis about the population parameter has been accepted
B) hypothesis testing is a form of generalization
C) the sample is the only source of current information about the population
D) all of the above are true

19. When comparing a categorical scale requires that the researcher compare:
A) percentages B) standard errors C) standard deviations D) averages

20. When a participating respondent does not answer a specific question, this is known as:
A) perplexing situation B) break-off C) item omission D) refusal

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21. When calculating the confidence interval for an average, the standard deviation is used:
A) because it indicates lack of variability
B) because it is the appropriate measure of variability for a categorical variable
C) because it is the appropriate measure of variability for a metric variable
D) none of the above; standard deviation is not used to calculate confidence for an average

22. When your XL Data Analyst compares the percentages of two groups and reports that the null hypothesis of the two
percents are equal is Not Supported, this means:
A) the percentages are the same but there is a difference between the groups
B) there is no significant difference between the two percentages
C) the two percentages are significantly different
D) the two percentages are equal

23. When you use your XL Data Analyst to test a hypothesis about a percentage you must do which of the following?
A) relate-hypothesis test-proportions
B) generalize-hypothesis test-percentage
C) summarize-hypothesis test-percentage
D) none of the above; you cannot test a hypothesis about a percentage using xl data analyst

24. When a researcher wants to compare the averages of several (more than two) groups, he or she should use:
A) multiple tests of differences between two averages B) three way differences tests
C) analysis of variance D) analysis of covariance

25. The chi-square test is performed by:

A) comparing a metric variable with a categorical variable
B) comparing one frequency table with one cross-tabulation table
C) comparing the difference among categories of more than three variables
D) comparing observed frequencies with expected frequencies

26. 65% of males bought a snack when they rented a DVD and 40% of females bought a snack when they rented a DVD
This is an example where a researcher would:
A) determine if there is a difference between the averages of two populations
B) determine if there is a difference between the percentages of two populations
C) determine if there is a significant association between the two populations
D) determine if there is a difference between males and females in terms of the types of snacks purchased

27. 40% of women video renters buy snacks; 65% of male video renters buy snacks. A computed z of 4.5 is calculated
Assuming the critical value of z is + or – 1.96, this means:
A) nothing; z does not determine anything
B) the null hypothesis is not supported; there is a true difference between the two percentages
C) the null hypothesis is supported; there is a true difference between the two percentages
D) the alternative hypothesis is not supported; there is a true difference between the two percentages

28. If we were to find a statistically significant difference, this would mean:

A) there is practical significance
B) the differences would remain in a large number of trials if we repeated the survey over many times
C) the p values are very large
D) the z values are very small

29. When you are comparing the averages of two variables for significant differences, which of the following is true?
A) the scales of measurement should be the same on both questions
B) since the same respondents answered both questions (variables), you do not have independent samples
C) you have two independent questions and one group
D) all of the above are true

30. The output for comparing the averages on two variables among the same sample members is labeled:
A) Two Paired-Variable Averages Differences Test Analysis Results
B) Three Independent Variable Averages Differences Test Analysis Results
C) Two Independent Variable Averages Differences Test Analysis Results
D) All of the above are used; the output label changes, depending on the variables tested

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1. F
2. T
3. T
4. F
5. T
6. T
7. F
8. T
9. T
10. T
11. T
12. T
13. D
14. D
15. A
16. C
17. A
18. D
19. A
20. C
21. C
22. C
23. B
24. C
25. D
26. B
27. B
28. B
29. A
30. D

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