Prof Ed 9 Prelim MOT

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Sipocot, Camarines Sur


Roxanne V. Belmonte
1. Get the Mean of the following score distribution. (5pts)

Test Scores Frequency (f) FX

28 1 28
27 1 27
26 2 52
25 3 75
24 4 96
23 8 184
22 7 154
21 6 126
20 5 100
19 2 38
18 2 36
17 1 17
N=42 Total=933
Mean = ∑fx/n
= 22.21

2. Find the Mean of the grouped frequency distribution of the spelling test scores of 40 grade V
pupils. (5pts)
Scores Frequency(f) Middle Score (X) fx
42 – 44 2 43 86
39 - 41 2 40 80
36 -38 3 37 111
33 – 35 4 34 136
30 - 32 7 31 217
27 – 29 8 28 224
24 – 26 5 25 125
21 – 23 2 22 44
18 – 20 3 19 57
15 - 17 1 16 16
12 - 14 2 13 26
9 - 11 1 10 10
N=40 Total= 1,132
Mean = ∑fx/n
= 1,132/40 = 28.3
3. Find the median of the following scores. (2 pts)

98 93 88 83 78
97 92 87 82 77
96 91 86 81 76
95 90 85 80 75
94 89 84 79 74


Test Scores Frequency (f) Cumulative Frequency (cf)

65 - 69 1 73
60 – 64 2 72
55 – 60 5 70
50 – 54 7 65
45 – 49 11 58
40 – 44 23 47
35 – 39 12 24
30 – 34 6 12
25 – 29 2 6
20 – 24 3 4
15 - 19 1 1
N = 73

Median = LL+ n/2-fb/fw i ]
LL = 39.5
N= 73
Fb= 24
Fw= 23
I= 5

[ ]
= 39.5+ 73/2-24/23 5

= 39.5+[36.5-24/23]5
= 39.5 + 2.72

5. Using the score distribution: 89, 88, 86, 86, 84, 83, 83, 80, 75, 75, 75, 70, 86, 83, 84, find the
mode and identify the kinds of mode present in the score distribution. ( 1 pts)
89, 88, 86, 86, 84, 83, 83, 80, 75, 75, 75, 70, 86, 83, 84

It is a Multimodal kinds of mode.

6. Table below shows the scores of 50 students in Filipino test. Find the Percentile 82. (5 pts)

X f cf
91 - 97 2 50
84 – 90 3 48
77– 83 8 45
70 – 76 6 37
63 – 69 10 31
56 -62 4 21
49 -55 5 17
42 – 48 7 12
35 - 41 3 5
27- 34 2 2

P82 = LL+ 82n/100/2-fb/fw I ]
LL= 62.5
Fb= 21
Fw= 10

P82 = 62.5+ 82(50)/100/2-21/10 50 ]
=62.5+ 41-21/10 50 ]

7. The scores of 10 students in spelling quiz are: 5, 12, 2, 9, 17, 15, 12, 7, 13 and 8. (12 pts)

a. Find the average deviation

b. Find the Standard deviation
c. Find the variance
score x-x (x-x)2
2 8 64
5 5 25
7 3 9
8 2 4
9 1 1
12 2 4
12 2 4
13 3 9
15 5 25
17 7 49
Total=38 Total = 194
AD= ∑(X-X)/N SD= √∑(X-X)2/N Variance = ∑(X-X)2/N
= 38/10 = √194/10 =194/10
=3.8 =4.40 =19.4

8. Find the coefficient of variation of the given data below: (15 pts)
Student A Student B Student C
10 10 10
14 13 10
16 15 11
17 16 12
18 17 15
19 19 18
20 20 20

Student A x-x (x-x)2
10 6.29 39.54
14 2.29 5.24
16 .29 .08
17 .71 .5
18 1.71 2.92
19 2.71 7.34
20 3.71 13.76
Mean of A = 10+14+16+17+18+19+20
7 SD of A = √∑(x-x)2/n-1 CV of A = SD/mean X 100
= 16.29 = √69.38/6 = 3.4/16.29 X 100
= 3.40 = 20.87
Student b x-x (x-x)2
10 5.71 32.6
13 2.71 7.34
15 .71 .5
16 .29 .08
17 1.29 1.66
19 3.29 10.82
20 4.29 18.4
Total = 71.4
Mean of B = 10+13+15+16+17+19+20/7
= 110/7 SD of B = √∑(x-x)2/n-1 CV of B = SD/mean X 100
= 15.71 = √71.4/6 = 3.45/15.71 X 100
= 3.45 = 21.96
Student C x-x (x-x)2
10 3.71 13.76
10 3.71 13.76
11 2.71 7.34
12 1.71 2.92
15 1.29 1.66
18 4.29 18.4
20 6.29 39.56
Total = 97.4
Mean of C = 10+10+11+12+15+18+20/7 SD of C = √∑(x-x)2/n-1 CV of C = SD/mean X 100
= 13.71 = √97.4/6 = 4.03/13.71 X 100
= 4.03 = 29.39

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