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GOOD NEWS LETTER I can answer your questions!

“For all have sinned and fall short

of the glory of God”
Dear Friend HOW? Romans 3: 23
(Write your name in the box)
Because--I’ve got help for you! Yes, you are a sinner!
Hi there! But I still love YOU!!!
Yes, I can answer all your questions.
Happy? Sad? I can change you!
What? Why? When? Where? Who? How? You just can’t do it on your own!
What’s gone wrong? First the bad news!
A Red Letter Day?
I can give you a new start. How?
We’ve all missed the mark!
Why me?
Whatever next? God’s mark!
Read the Good News!
Questions? Questions? Questions? Why?

GOOD NEWS LETTER I can answer your questions! “For all have sinned and fall short
of the glory of God”
HOW? Romans 3: 23
Dear Friend
(Write your name in the box) Yes, you are a sinner!
Because--I’ve got help for you!
But I still love YOU!!!
Yes, I can answer all your questions.
Hi there! I can change you!
What? Why? When? Where? Who? How? You just can’t do it on your own!
Happy? Sad? What’s gone wrong? First the bad news!
I can give you a new start. How?
A Red Letter Day? We’ve all missed the mark!
Why me?
Whatever next? God’s mark!

Questions? Questions? Questions? Why? Read the Good News!

I can answer your questions! “For all have sinned and fall short
of the glory of God”
HOW? Romans 3: 23
Dear Friend
(Write your name in the box) Because--I’ve got help for you! Yes, you are a sinner!
Yes, I can answer all your questions. But I still love YOU!!!
Hi there!
What? Why? When? Where? Who? How? I can change you!
What’s gone wrong? First the bad news! You just can’t do it on your own!
Happy? Sad?
I can give you a new start. How?
A Red Letter Day? We’ve all missed the mark!

Why me? God’s mark!

Whatever next?
Why? Read the Good News!
Questions? Questions? Questions?
I am Jesus, God’s only Son. “No one has greater love than to lay Here’s a prayer (talking to God) if you
I died on the cross 4 U down his life for his friends.” John 15:13 truly mean to follow the Lord Jesus
to take away your sin.
Christ with all your heart- always.
That’s why My Father sent Me--
How? Come to Me. to save you, as if you had been saved
“Heavenly Father, I am sorry for all the
Be truly sorry (repent) and ask Me to from drowning!
bad things I have done. Forgive me;
take away your sin. My Father will Love you, Jesus
and thank You, Lord Jesus, for dying
forgive you.
“For God so loved the world that He on the cross to take away my sins. Please
Then you will receive the gift of
gave His only Son so that whoever come into my life with Your Holy Spirit;
everlasting life.
believes in Him shall not die but giving me--Your love, peace and joy.
This is the greatest gift--ever!!!
have everlasting life.” John 3: 16
“I am the Resurrection and the In Jesus’ name. Amen.”
Life”. John 11:25
*Every day read God’s Word, the Bible,
Believe in Me and receive Me into to learn more.
your life--as your best friend. *Ask for God’s help (pray) each day.
*Other Christians will help you as well.
I am Jesus, God’s only Son. “No one has greater love than to lay Here’s a prayer (talking to God) if you
I died on the cross 4 U down his life for his friends.” John 15:13 truly mean to follow the Lord Jesus
to take away your sin. Christ with all your heart- always.
That’s why My Father sent Me--
to save you, as if you had been saved
How? Come to Me. “Heavenly Father, I am sorry for all the
from drowning!
Be truly sorry (repent) and ask Me to bad things I have done. Forgive me;
Love you, Jesus
take away your sin. My Father will and thank You, Lord Jesus, for dying
forgive you. “For God so loved the world that He on the cross to take away my sins. Please
Then you will receive the gift of gave His only Son so that whoever come into my life with Your Holy Spirit;
everlasting life. believes in Him shall not die but giving me--Your love, peace and joy.
This is the greatest gift--ever!!! have everlasting life.” John 3: 16
When? In Jesus’ name. Amen.”
“I am the Resurrection and the *Every day read God’s Word, the Bible,
Life.” John 11:25 to learn more.
Believe in Me and receive Me into *Ask for God’s help (pray) each day.
your life--as your best friend. *Other Christians will help you as well.
ort I am Jesus, God’s only Son. “No one has greater love than to lay Here’s a prayer (talking to God) if you
I died on the cross 4 U down his life for his friends. “John 15:13 truly mean to follow the Lord Jesus
to take away your sin. Christ with all your heart- always.
That’s why My Father sent Me--
to save you, as if you had been saved
How? Come to Me. “Heavenly Father, I am sorry for all the
from drowning!
Be truly sorry (repent) and ask Me to bad things I have done. Forgive me;
Love you, Jesus
take away your sin. My Father will and thank You, Lord Jesus, for dying
forgive you. “For God so loved the world that He on the cross to take away my sins. Please
Then you will receive the gift of gave His only Son so that whoever come into my life with Your Holy Spirit;
everlasting life. believes in Him shall not die but giving me--Your love, peace and joy.
This is the greatest gift--ever!!! have everlasting life.” John 3: 16
In Jesus’ name. Amen.”
“I am the Resurrection and the When?
Life.” John 11:25 *Every day read God’s Word, the Bible,
to learn more.
Believe in Me and receive Me into *Ask for God’s help (pray) each day.
your life--as your best friend. *Other Christians will help you as well.

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