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The present text appeared for the first time in 1902 - six years before the great scholar
William Walker Atkinson the legendary "Kybalíon - The 7 Hermetic Laws " under the
pseudonym "Three initiates " brought out. Over the decades it was completely wrongly
forgotten because it contained some of the central contents of the"Kybalíon " viewed from
a different angle that makes it easier for us to understand. For this reason, this first
German edition now rightly bears the title"Kybalíon 2 - The secret chambers of knowledge "
. On the one hand, this book provides supplementary approaches and further explanations
on the teachings of Hermes Trismegistos, on the other hand, the author gives very specific
hints and advice on how we can achieve spiritual awareness in our everyday life in
accordance with the Hermetic Philosophy. In this respect, reading the legendary"Kybalion -
The 7 Hermetic Laws " not necessarily a prerequisite for understanding this book, but it is
nonetheless "the modern Bible " the Hermetic Philosophy, which as a classic should not be
missing in any library for those seeking true knowledge.

Before we can set out on a journey of discovery into the secret chambers of
knowledge, I would like to give you a few aids to understanding. As the ingenious
master William Walker Atkinson writes, it is of great importance for the student
who thirsts for spiritual knowledge to be able to clearly distinguish between the
various levels of his mind. We have used the following terms in this book:


Logical thinking, includes both subconscious thought processes (e.g. driving a car) and conscious
ones; "Mind comes from understanding"

Rational achievements of the intellect and logic

Refers to all forms of conscious and subconscious thinking, as well as feelings and
Pure Spirit:
Is the spiritual, with our possibilities not comprehensible, not personified,
transcended Supreme Spirit

Please understand this classification as a hint, not an exhaustive explanation set in

stone. The meaning of the word “spirit” alone has changed several times in the last
hundred years and is still interpreted differently within the various philosophical
directions. For an understanding of our book, however, this initial definition
should be sufficient for now.
Hamburg, July 2014
Robert B. East


How often do we hear the question: What is "New Thinking"? And how difficult it is
to answer such a question. The object is so large and the people of the "New
Thought" have so gradually grown into the associated truths that they find it almost
impossible to explain in a few words what the term "New Thought" means. This is
made particularly difficult by the fact that the “New Thinking” does not contain any
specific creeds. There are many organizations and schools that claim to be loyal to
the "New Thought" but differ greatly in their teachings and other details on the
material level. But there are certain basic principles that are adhered to and
recognized by everyone, even if they use seemingly contradicting formulations and
expressions. Answering the question that has been raised is no easy feat, but let's
see what we can do.

It should be said in advance that “New Thinking” is the oldest thinking of all. It has
been honored and preserved by the few chosen at all times, even if the broad
masses were not ready for the teaching. It has been referred to by many names - it
has appeared in every form. At its core, every religion carries an authoritative
esoteric doctrine which most people do not grasp, but which few understand, and
whose hidden instructions contain a large part of what is now being taught as the
"New Thinking". The "New Thinking" contains clues to tremendous truths which
have found their way into the heart of esoteric teachings of all religions - the
philosophies of the past and the present - in the temples of the Orient and the
schools of ancient Greece. It is found in the praises of the poets and in the writings
of the mystics. The advanced science of this age touches it without fully realizing it.

It is not something that can be conveyed well through speech and word; it cannot
be grasped with the intellect alone. It must be emulated and lived by those who are
ready for it, by those for whom the time has come. Few has known it through all
ages and latitudes. It was known in all peoples. It has been passed from teacher to
student from the earliest days. It carries within it the truth to which Edward
Carpenter is referring when he intends the following hymn:
Oh, don't let the flame go out!
Guarded age after age in his dark caves,
worshiped in their sacred
temples. Nourished by a loving hand -
do not let the flame go out.
Throughout the ages of mankind, the flame has been carefully cared for. Numerous
candles were lit at their altar shrine, carrying away a spark of the sacred fire. The chosen
few have in all epochs kept the flame of wisdom shining through the anointing oil of the
pure spirit - that which springs from the deepest corners of the soul. To protect this
flame many had to pay with their lives and others had to endure persecution, insult,
abuse and disgrace. Some saw each other
forced to spread an air of mystery around them and assume the role of charlatan in order to divert the attention of the crowd and thus

protect a spark of the sacred fire. The ancient writers carefully interspersed fragments of this esoteric truth in widely circulating writings,

knowing that only those in possession of the key would unlock the hidden content and that the multitude of people did not even suspect

that there was there was a grain of wheat in the chaff. The modern follower of the "New Thought" may pick up books from all centuries

and discover the deep truths in them, presented in a language that seems absolutely clear to him, but for the ordinary reader it is only a

string of words that appear to be meaningless to him. The holy books of all religions can be read by one who has the key, and the Greek

philosophers since Plato assumed a different meaning when one understands the principles underlying the secret doctrines. Even

modern writers can be read with new insight once one has come into contact with the basic principles. Shakespeare, Bacon, Pope,

Browning, Emerson, Whitman and Carpenter have many dark, difficult to interpret passages that are brightened up and made

understandable when one has adopted the central thought - the all-unity. and the Greek philosophers since Plato take on a different

meaning when one understands the principles underlying the secret doctrines. Even modern writers can be read with new insight once

one has come into contact with the basic principles. Shakespeare, Bacon, Pope, Browning, Emerson, Whitman and Carpenter have many

dark, difficult to interpret passages that are brightened up and made understandable when one has adopted the central thought - the all-

unity. and the Greek philosophers since Plato take on a different meaning when one understands the principles underlying the secret

doctrines. Even modern writers can be read with new insight once one has come into contact with the basic principles. Shakespeare,

Bacon, Pope, Browning, Emerson, Whitman and Carpenter have many dark, difficult to interpret passages that are brightened up and

made understandable when one has adopted the central thought - the all-unity.

This truth has reached us far, far down the centuries, but it seems to be reserved for this age to
spread it among men. And yet the message does not speak to many. Some people grasp some truths
and now believe that they understand everything, but fail to recognize the true primal principle of
oneness. Others completely reject it. But those who are ready for it seem to instinctively grasp the
truth, as if they had known it from time immemorial - as if it were their own that they are now
becoming aware of. The mere fact that some are consciously turning to the truth seems to let the first
glimmer of recognition shine through them; others find it necessary to ponder it and awaken more
slowly to a recognition of the truth. For still others, the time is not yet right to acknowledge the great
truth, but the seed has been planted and in time the plant and flower will appear. What now seems to
them like the purest nonsense, they will have to recognize as the real truth when the right time for it
has come. A desire has arisen that causes mental restlessness until more light can be received from
them. As Walt Whitman had said: A desire has arisen that causes mental restlessness until more light
can be received from them. As Walt Whitman had said: A desire has arisen that causes mental
restlessness until more light can be received from them. As Walt Whitman had said:

"My words itch in your ears if you understand them"

And like the great American philosopher, writer and transcendentalist. Ralph
Waldo Emerson noted:

"You cannot escape the good in yourself."

Those people who are not yet ripe to understand will have the thought within them,
which, like a lotus flower, will gradually unfold naturally. The truth, once made
conscious, can no longer be lost. There is no standstill in nature. It is difficult to
convey an inkling of this truth to anyone but those who are ready to receive. Often
enough it gives the impression of outrageous madness to everyone else. To speak
to Emerson again:
“The words of every person who speaks out of this life must sound void to all
those who for their part do not live in precisely this thought. I do not dare,
to speak for the soul. My words do not convey their sublime meaning; they
are inadequate and cold. Only the soul itself can inspire anyone and yet strive
I even use mundane words, if I am not allowed to use holy, then, heaven
to hint at this goddess and to report what references to the transcendent
The simplicity and energy of the highest law I have gathered. "
Quoted from Ralph Waldo Emerson, "The all-soul, nature. Selected essays "

What is the "New Thinking"? Let's try to explain it. First of all, it is a term used to name that great wave of spiritual and parapsychic ideas that sweeps over the whole world, the outdated

dogmas, creeds, materialism, hypocrisy, superstition, disbelief, intolerance, persecution, selfishness, fear, hatred, intellectual tyranny and carry away despotism, prejudice, bigotry, sickness, and

perhaps even death. It is the current that brings freedom, independence, the ability to self-help, brotherly love, fearlessness, courage, trust, tolerance, progress, the development of latent

forces, success, health and life. It stands for everything that helps people to improve: freedom, independence, success, health, satisfaction. It carries the banner of tolerance, versatility,

brotherhood, love, charity and the ability to help oneself. It teaches people to stand on their own two feet to find the way for their own salvation, to advance the development of the forces

hidden in them, to assert their true humanity, to be strong, compassionate and loving. It preaches the doctrine of "I can" and "I will" and the gospel of "I work". It calls on people to stop

complaining and grumbling and urges them to stand upright and enforce their right to live and be happy. It teaches him to be brave as there is nothing to fear. It teaches him to discard

thoughts of fear and worry as well as the rest of negative foulbrood thoughts such as hatred, jealousy, malice, To kill off the envy and lovelessness that held him in the morass of despair and

failure. It teaches him all of this and much more. The "new thinking" stands for the doctrine of the fatherhood of God - the all-unity - the brotherhood of man - the kingship of the self. The "New

Thinking" has no creeds or dogmas. It is composed of individualists, each of whom reserves the right to see things with his own eyes, to see the truth as it reveals itself to him, and this truth in

the light of his reason, his intuition and his spiritual To interpret judgment so that through him it can reveal itself and give expression in its own way. Such a person does not care about any

facilities - he finds who held him in the morass of despair and failure. It teaches him all of this and much more. The "new thinking" stands for the doctrine of the fatherhood of God - the all-unity

- the brotherhood of man - the kingship of the self. The "New Thinking" has no creeds or dogmas. It is composed of individualists, each of whom reserves the right to see things with his own

eyes, to see the truth as it reveals itself to him, and this truth in the light of his reason, his intuition and his spiritual To interpret judgment so that through him it can reveal itself and give

expression in its own way. Such a person does not care about any facilities - he finds who held him in the morass of despair and failure. It teaches him all of this and much more. The "new

thinking" stands for the doctrine of the fatherhood of God - the all-unity - the brotherhood of man - the kingship of the self. The "New Thinking" has no creeds or dogmas. It is composed of

individualists, each of whom reserves the right to see things with his own eyes, to see the truth as it reveals itself to him, and this truth in the light of his reason, his intuition and his spiritual To

interpret judgment so that through him it can reveal itself and give expression in its own way. Such a person does not care about any facilities - he finds It teaches him all of this and much more.

The "new thinking" stands for the doctrine of the fatherhood of God - the all-unity - the brotherhood of man - the kingship of the self. The "New Thinking" has no creeds or dogmas. It is

composed of individualists, each of whom reserves the right to see things with his own eyes, to see the truth as it reveals itself to him, and this truth in the light of his reason, his intuition and his

spiritual To interpret judgment so that through him it can reveal itself and give expression in its own way. Such a person does not care about any facilities - he finds It teaches him all of this and

much more. The "new thinking" stands for the doctrine of the fatherhood of God - the all-unity - the brotherhood of man - the kingship of the self. The "New Thinking" has no creeds or dogmas.

It is composed of individualists, each of whom reserves the right to see things with his own eyes, to see the truth as it reveals itself to him, and this truth in the light of his reason, his intuition

and his spiritual To interpret judgment so that through him it can reveal itself and give expression in its own way. Such a person does not care about any facilities - he finds The "new thinking"

stands for the doctrine of the fatherhood of God - the all-unity - the brotherhood of man - the kingship of the self. The "New Thinking" has no creeds or dogmas. It is composed of individualists,

each of whom reserves the right to see things with his own eyes, to see the truth as it reveals itself to him, and this truth in the light of his reason, his intuition and his spiritual To interpret

judgment so that through him it can reveal itself and give expression in its own way. Such a person does not care about any facilities - he finds The "new thinking" stands for the doctrine of the

fatherhood of God - the all-unity - the brotherhood of man - the kingship of the self. The "New Thinking" has no creeds or dogmas. It is composed of individualists, each of whom reserves the

right to see things with his own eyes, to see the truth as it reveals itself to him, and this truth in the light of his reason, his intuition and his spiritual To interpret judgment so that through him it

can reveal itself and give expression in its own way. Such a person does not care about any facilities - he finds each of whom reserves the right to see things with his own eyes, to see the truth as

it reveals itself to him, and to interpret this truth in the light of his reason, his intuition and his spiritual power of judgment, so that it becomes apparent through him can reveal and give

expression in their own way. Such a person does not care about any facilities - he finds each of whom reserves the right to see things with his own eyes, to see the truth as it reveals itself to him,

and to interpret this truth in the light of his reason, his intuition and his spiritual power of judgment, so that it becomes apparent through him can reveal and give expression in their own way.

Such a person does not care about any facilities - he findsinternallywhat he's looking for. He thinks for himself and does not recognize any other person as a legitimate translator for what can

only be interpreted through his own soul. Outwardly, New Thought people differ from one another in minor features, words, and expressions, but on a deeper level they understand one

another, and careful study shows that they are all firmly on the rock of truth. They all have a part of the truth, but none of them have the whole truth. Everyone works their own way towards the

center point along their own path in life. But seen from above, everyone finds himself along the great path, striving towards the same goal I will try
take into account that so many of us are engulfed. My explanation is inevitably
oversimplified and imperfect, but I will do my best.
The "New Thinking" teaches above all that behind all things there is a Supreme Power
underlying them and contained in all things. This Supreme Power is infinite,
unlimited, eternal and unchangeable. It is, always has been, and always will be. It's
ubiquitous; omnipotent; and omniscient. This Supreme Power - All-Presence,
Universal Mind - can with MIND, PURE SPIRIT, LAW, THAT
are referred to by other names, it always means this Supreme Power, the center.
Personally, I prefer the word GOD and have therefore used it in this book, but when
I say GOD I mean this great All-Presence and not the conventional idea of a limited
God. Any idea that GOD limits even slightly cannot convince me. For me, GOD must
be unlimited and the whole universe must flow from him. I cannot accept any
partial view of God - GOD has to be “everything” for me. And I think that a careful
investigation will reveal the fact that this is a primal principle underlying "New
Thinking", always reminding that words count for nothing but the archetypes
behind ideas, and that the human being,told and what I mean when I say "God".

According to the "New Thinking", the human being unfolds in consciousness. Many
have now reached that level of spiritual awareness through which they become aware
of the existence as well as the immanence of God, and are therefore more likely to be
closedKnowledgeable has become as maintaining a belief that is based on other
people's authority, be it actual or assumed. This God-consciousness, towards which
mankind is constantly striving, is the result of millennia of unfolding, development and
erection of man and, when it is one day fully grasped by man, it will completely reflect
our present outlook on life, our ethics, customs, Upheaval of living conditions and

The "New Thinking" teaches that God is not a being that is distant from us, filled
with anger and thoughts of atonement, but that He is right here with us,
surrounding us, yes, even in understanding us from the beginning, filled with love,
and patiently recognizing our gradual growth and development, which allows us to
come to a clearer understanding of God. The "New Thinking" does not know the
wrath of God - such a view is dwarfed by the dazzling, overwhelming sight of the
love of God. The "new thinking" does not pretend to know the reasons for God's
laws and plans. We take the view that this cannot be known at the present stage of
human development. However, with the help of mind and intuition, man begins to
understand that all is good, and he sees in all experiences of his life the signs of a
loving, good, perfect, righteous and wise plan. And having this understanding
belief"GOD is - and everything is good. "
The "New Thinking" teaches that everything is one - the entire universe, everything
high and low, everything unfolded and unfolded, everything revealed and
unrevealed, everything is one - everything is an outflow of God. This leads to the
conclusion that everything in the universe is in contact with every thing and
everything is connected with the center God. It says, like modern science, that
every atom is part of an enormous whole and nothing can happen to any single
atom without having a corresponding effect on all other parts of the whole. It
implies that the feeling of separation is a delusion of undeveloped consciousness,
but a necessary delusion in certain phases,

"The sensation of divorce is an effective fiction of the universe"

As soon as the human being has advanced so far in his spiritual growth and his
spiritual development that certain previously dormant abilities awaken to
consciousness, or rather, as soon as the human consciousness has been developed to
the point that it becomes aware of certain abilities, of which it existed before has not
been known, so that man becomes aware of the all-unity and his relationship to all
that is. It is not just a matter of intellectual conceptualization, but the expansion of a
new consciousness. That person who has this new consciousness,White simple; the
person who lacks it regards the idea as related to insanity. This cosmic knowledge
comes to light for many as an enlightenment, for others it is a matter of gradual, slow

This notion of the all-unity explains many problems that humans consider unsolvable. It is the heart
of all occult and esoteric teachings. It is at the center of all religious thought, although it is hidden
until the key is found. She is the key that opens all doors. It illuminates all inconsistencies, all
paradoxes. It brings together the unbridgeable, all conflicting theories, all differing views in the most
varied of areas. Everything is one - nothing can be excluded from this unity - everything and
everything is included in it. Man cannot escape his oneness with the universe, however hard he may
try. Divorce and selfishness are seen merely as a result of the ignorance out of which man is slowly
emerging. Everyone does what he can, at his own stage of development. And everyone grows, slowly
but surely. Sin is simply ignorance of the truth. Selfishness and divorce form the basis of all that we
call “sin”. If we willingly hurt someone, it falls back on ourselves - such is the law. Evil, selfish thoughts
and actions affect us. We cannot hurt another without harming ourselves. It is not necessary for God
to punish us - we punish ourselves. When humanity finally understands and has become aware of the
all-unity, when it has insight into this law, when it is for things as they are, has a consciousness, then
divorce and selfishness will fall off one after the other like discarded clothes, and that, what we call sin
and injustice can no longer exist for humanity. When the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of
man have become reality in the consciousness of mankind, instead of beautiful, lovingly cherished,
but considered useless and impossible to realize ideal images, life will have become what has been
dreamed of through all ages. This all-unity is a fundamental truth of the "New Thought", although
many of its followers only have a weak idea of it but ideals that are considered useless and
impossible to realize, life will have become what has been dreamed of through all ages. This all-unity
is a fundamental truth of the "New Thought", although many of its followers only have a weak idea of
it but ideals that are considered useless and impossible to realize, life will have become what has
been dreamed of through all ages. This all-unity is a fundamental truth of the "New Thought",
although many of its followers only have a weak idea of it
have what it truly means and are only slowly coming to an understanding of what it
will mean to the world.

The "New Thinking" teaches that man is immortal. His teachers differ in their
theories as to how and where exactly he will live in the future, and I do not intend to
go into any length about such guesswork. It should be noted, however, that when a
person achieves that wonderful assurance of immortality through his awakened
spiritual abilities, he no longer sees the need to worry about "how" and "where". He
knows that he is and will be. He carries such a constant perception of existence and
deathlessness that all human conjectures appear to him like idle theories -
expedient in their own sphere of activity, certainly, but of no vital importance for
himself. He knows that there are no limits to the possible manifestations of life - he
knows that "infinity plus infinity" cannot even begin to express the possibilities that
lie before him, and he is not grieved. He learns to live in the now because he knows
that right now he is as much in eternity as he will ever be, and he continues to live.
He cares about life, not death, and he lives. He has faith in GOD and in the Divine
Plan and is satisfied. He knows that he would still exist and exist in the universe
even if our entire solar system, and every other system whose suns are visible to
humans, were dissolved into their original components. He knows that the universe
is vast and that he is a part of it, that it can neither be let out nor banished from it,
that it is an atom of concern and its destruction would destroy and disorder the
whole thing in its entirety. He knows that as long as the universe lastshe persists.
That if it were destroyed, the universe would also be destroyed. He knows that GOD
had a purpose for him, otherwise he would not be here, and he knows that GOD
does not make mistakes, does not change his mind and does not extinguish any
soul that he has produced from himself. He says: “I am a son of GOD; what I will be
one day has not yet been revealed *, but may come what may, I amstill a son of
GOD; I don't care what my future might be - it's not my business. I will put my hand
in the father's and say, "You lead me forward."

* “Beloved, we are children of God now, and it has not yet been revealed what we will be; weather
know that when it becomes apparent, we will be like him, for we will see him as he is. "
(1. John 3,2 Elberfelder 1905)

This image of the immortality of the soul, the human being as a spiritual being, is
also a principle of "New Thought", although its teachers have different ideas about
the methodology and plans for future life. I myself can only see life as being on a
kind of ascending ladder, rising from the depths into the higher and then striving
further and higher until my spiritual vision leaves me. I believe that there are beings
in the universe who are much lower on a spiritual ladder than humans. And that
there are also other, much more advanced forms of existence, much more
sophisticated than ourselves, true gods compared to us, and that we will continue to
advance on the path until one day we will be where they are. And that other
Facts know. These particular views are not essential, they are nothing more than a
hazy perception, supported in certain ways by outside sources, so you should not
adopt them unless you feel that they mean truth to you - make your own design, if
you prefer this. It will not change the fundamental law. If you are aware of the
essential principle of immortality, then theories, views, and opinions mean nothing.
Don't let theories satisfy you - be it my own or someone else's. -there is no
satisfaction until your feet are firmly anchored on the rock. Then as soon as you feel
the immovable rock below you you may build houses for your pleasure and to guide
yourself in the fun, only to pull them down again the next day, and again in
accordance with your advanced ideals. to build new ones. But in all the time the rock
is steady under you.

The “New Thinking” teaches us that there is a spiritual evolution taking place in
people - that they grow, develop and develop their spiritual abilities. That his mind
develops and thereby causes the development of new abilities that lead him to
higher paths of realization, that the higher mind begins to manifest. It teaches that
humanity is approaching the plane of cosmic knowledge. Teachers speak of this
truth in different ways - using different labels - but the "thing in itself" is a
fundamental law of "New Thought".

The "New Thinking" also teaches the following principle: "Thoughts are things".

Every thought that we think emerges and carries within it a force which, depending on
the driving force behind our thoughts and the mental attitude of the other person,
influences others to a greater or lesser extent. And it teaches that similar things are
attracted to similar things in the world of thoughts - that a person is attracted to
thoughts that are in harmony with his own - yes, that in varying degrees even things
are influenced by thoughts. It teaches"As he measures it in his soul, so he is" (Proverbs
Solomon 23: 7 Elberfelder 1905), and that a person is able to change, and often
changes, his entire character and nature by changing his thoughts and adapting his
basic mental attitude. It teaches that thoughts of fear and worry, like all the rest of
foulbrood, attracts negative thinking, thoughts, people and things on the outside and
draws people down to the level of their thought images. And on the contrary, a person
can pull himself out of the quagmire through right thinking and surround himself with
people and thoughts that correspond to his thinking. And it teaches that thoughts do
indeed take shape. That the mind behaves positively to the body and that a person can
become sick or healthy, suffering or free from suffering, according to his thoughts and
his basic mental attitude. It teaches that the human mind contains hidden powers,
dormant awaiting the day of their unveiling, which can be developed and trained and
miraculously used. It teaches that human beings are still in their infancy with regard to
the right use of their spiritual powers. These and similar things in many ways,
expressed according to the teacher's point of view, are basic principles of "New

At this moment I cannot do more than just mention these things. In the following
chapters I will go into each sub-area to a fuller extent, but
it would take many volumes before I felt like I got just below the surface of the
underlying subject. And then remember that I can only give my little bit of the
truth. Every other person has his own piece of truth, so that what is mine is
nothing more than a grain of sand on the beach.

The "new thinking" is not a fad as many people believe. Nor is it a new religion as
others thought - it only includes what can be found in all the great religions of the
world, but is mostly hidden in such a safe way that only those who look carefully can
find it . It is not a new religion but will help illuminate any religion or shade of
religious thought. It has no churches or temples - it allows its followers to pray in
the shrines of their fathers or, if they prefer, in the open field, by the ocean, in the
forest, in their own quarters; somewhere - everywhere, because they cannot escape
the universe, GOD is everywhere,

The person who awakens in an awareness of the real primal principles, which underlie
what we call “new thinking” and make it up, will have found a peace that transcends
everything previously experienced, becomes a joy that has never been imagined feel, will
have acquired a knowledge that exceeds everything previously thought possible. Words
cannot express these things - it has to be seen, felt, experienced in order to be realized.

This, my friends, is my response to the question of what the "new thinking" is. I am fully aware that my remarks do not answer the

question, but I am also aware that such a question cannot be answered with just a few words - perhaps it could not even be completely in

as many volumes as the number of sentences I used get answered. It's too significant. It has a meaning for everyone who feels drawn to it

- everyone takes from it what suits their needs and leaves the rest for others. And take what you want from her, the stock never runs out.

And so it seems like I only answered the question by telling a little about what the "New Thinking" means to me - at least something.

Should it mean something different for you, more than what I mentioned, something that differs from what has been given, then do not

blame me or yourself. We only recognize what we have scooped from the source into our small bowl - the The source is still full to the

brim and in constant flux. The contents of your bowl are as good as mine - mine is as good as yours - so let's not argue or compare them.

Instead, let us take some of the sparkling, life-giving potion that has been given to us and call out audibly so that other thirsty people and

seekers of the source can hear that it has been found. what we have scooped from the spring into our small bowl - the spring is still full to

the brim and in constant flow. The contents of your bowl are as good as mine - mine is as good as yours - so let's not argue or compare

them. Instead, let us take some of the sparkling, life-giving potion that has been given to us and call out audibly so that other thirsty

people and seekers of the source can hear that it has been found. what we have scooped from the spring into our small bowl - the spring

is still full to the brim and in constant flow. The contents of your bowl are as good as mine - mine is as good as yours - so let's not argue or

compare them. Instead, let us take some of the sparkling, life-giving potion that has been given to us and call out audibly so that other

thirsty people and seekers of the source can hear that it has been found.

It is not yours or mine - it is everyone's property.



Every thought we think begins in the movement of a thought wave or vibration,
which varies with the force of the original thought and moves with greater or lesser
speed and intensity and which has more or less influence on people far away from
the person sending the thought. We are constantly sending thought influences and
continuously receiving thought waves from others. I am not referring to the
thoughts of others that are intentionally sent out or consciously received in
accordance with the well-known and current laws of telepathy, but to the equally
real, but far less understood, unconscious sending and receiving of thoughts, which
constantly happens to all of us. Of course, these are all different manifestations of

This power of thought transmission is carried out ceaselessly by all human beings,
usually indirectly and unconsciously. Our thoughts create vibrations that are sent
out in waves in all directions and affect more or less everyone with whose mind they
come into contact. We can see cases of this kind every day. People are influenced by
the thoughts of others on business, on the street, in the theater, in church, and in
fact everywhere. Public opinion is largely shaped by the thoughts of a number of
powerfully positively charged thinkers who are sent out as a stream of thoughts
and swiftly affect the entire country. That very stream of thought gains strength as
it develops, since to it the thought vibrations of everyone who comes under its
influence is added. Great waves of collective sensation seize the country and carry
everyone in front of them, except those who understand the laws of mental
influence and know how to protect themselves against these external impressions.

The united streams of thought of the majority of the population strike against the
minds of the individual and exert an almost irresistible influence.
There is one very important fact in this investigation into the power of thought
vibrations that everyone should keep with them in their thinking. I am referring to
the fact that the law of attraction of “like with like” is preserved in the world of
thought and that one attracts those thoughts of other people which in their nature
correspond to those of one's self. A person who hates will attract all the hateful and
vicious streams of thought that surround him in a greater radius, and these extra
thoughts will act as fuel for the fire of his base feelings, making him more hateful
and hateful than ever. Someone who thinks love and has outgrown the old negative
thoughts of incomplete development, will not attract these negative thoughts. You
will pass him by, hurrying to a point of attraction in the minds of others who think
similarly. And the person who thinks love will direct all the loving thoughts within his
sphere of activity on himself. People instinctively recognize these forces when they
are in the neighborhood with others
get together who think like themselves. Communities as well as people have their
own personal characteristics. Every village, every small town and big city has
peculiarities that are noticeable to those who enter this place. And strangers who
move into these communities gradually take on the characteristics of the place,
provided these do not prove to be too unpleasant for them. If so, they will not be
satisfied and will leave as soon as possible while they are within the limits of the
place. It is good to be surrounded by people whose thoughts are related to ours,
since in this way we give each other strength and are relatively free from external
disturbing influences.

Each person is permanently surrounded by an aura of thought that affects those

who come into contact with them. Some people attract us without a word being
spoken, while others repel us as soon as we come within the radius of their aura.
The aura of a person is composed of the nature of his predominant thoughts - it
reflects his general mental attitude. This radiation is not only felt by humans, but
also by animals. Children are extremely sensitive to the influences of the aura, and
many inexplicable likes and dislikes of children cannot be explained in any other
way. Some people are extraordinarily sensitive to the thought atmosphere of other
people and will immediately sense the mental attitude of those with whom they
come in contact.

When one experiences the wonderful working of the law of thought attraction, he realizes the importance of controlling his thinking so that only the best and most helpful thoughts in the world

are drawn to him, instead of the depressing, painful, negative thoughts that so many people have Minds to be set apart. The person who maintains a hopeful, trusting, fearless mental attitude

will attract similar thoughts from others, and through this influx of external thoughts will be strengthened and advanced to move on from success to success, supported by the combined driving

force of the thoughts he is attracted to. He becomes a magnet that attracts whatever strengthens and helps him. Equally true is that the person who experiences a negative, fearful, retains a

surrendering frame of mind, will attract similar thoughts from the great thought field, which will only depress and drag him deeper into the den of despair. Remember at all times that in the

world of thought “like of like” is attracted. And rest assured, whatever you think you will be drawn to a corresponding thought that has been sent away from the minds of others. Have you ever

observed the attraction of thoughts in strangers who meet? Everyone draws his own kind. Put a hundred unfamiliar men and women in a room and within an hour they will have formed groups,

each group representing a different type - one will attract similar thoughts from the great field of thought, which will only push him deeper into the pool of despair and pull him down.

Remember at all times that in the world of thought “like of like” is attracted. And rest assured, whatever you think you will be drawn to a corresponding thought that has been sent away from the

minds of others. Have you ever observed the attraction of thoughts in strangers who meet? Everyone draws his own kind. Put a hundred unfamiliar men and women in a room and within an

hour they will have formed groups, each group representing a different type - one will attract similar thoughts from the great field of thought, which will only push him deeper into the pool of

despair and pull him down. Remember at all times that in the world of thought “like of like” is attracted. And rest assured, whatever you think you will be drawn to a corresponding thought that

has been sent away from the minds of others. Have you ever observed the attraction of thoughts in strangers who meet? Everyone draws his own kind. Put a hundred unfamiliar men and

women in a room and within an hour they will have formed groups, each group representing a different type - one that will only push him deeper into the pool of despair and pull him down.

Remember at all times that in the world of thought “like of like” is attracted. And rest assured, whatever you think you will be drawn to a corresponding thought that has been sent away from the

minds of others. Have you ever observed the attraction of thoughts in strangers who meet? Everyone draws his own kind. Put a hundred unfamiliar men and women in a room and within an

hour they will have formed groups, each group representing a different type - one that will only push him deeper into the pool of despair and pull him down. Remember at all times that in the

world of thought “like of like” is attracted. And rest assured, whatever you think you will be drawn to a corresponding thought that has been sent away from the minds of others. Have you ever

observed the attraction of thoughts in strangers who meet? Everyone draws his own kind. Put a hundred unfamiliar men and women in a room and within an hour they will have formed groups, each group representing a diff
different mindset. Everyone is instinctively attracted to the matching qualities
in others and attracts them as well.
If you were developing along certain paths, the best plan would be to think as much as you can along the desired path, trying to keep the related thoughts as often as possible.

In this way you will not only develop your mind through autosuggestion, but you will also draw helpful thoughts from others from the great ocean of thoughts and gain the

benefit of their own thinking as well as your own. Many of us have been thinking along certain directions with the utmost attention and unreserved concentration, and

suddenly a wonderful idea comes into our mind from somewhere, and we are almost shocked at the sudden possession of a precious thought that relates to the matter being

dealt with stands. Full of strength, hopeful, expectant, focused thoughts on almost any subject will bring valuable thoughts from others. There is no question that many people

have developed such powers that bring them into contact with the best of minds who work along similar paths. Many inventors will find themselves creating the same

invention, and writers keep discovering that the book they have just written bears a striking resemblance to a book written at the same time by another writer, possibly in

another country. Often a lot of discontent is caused by a lack of understanding of the workings of the law of the attraction of thoughts. that many people have developed such

powers that bring them into contact with the best of minds who work along similar paths. Many inventors will find themselves creating the same invention, and writers keep

discovering that the book they have just written bears a striking resemblance to a book written at the same time by another writer, possibly in another country. Often a lot of

discontent is caused by a lack of understanding of the workings of the law of the attraction of thoughts. that many people have developed such powers that bring them into

contact with the best of minds who work along similar paths. Many inventors will find themselves creating the same invention, and writers keep discovering that the book they

have just written bears a striking resemblance to a book written at the same time by another writer, possibly in another country. Often a lot of discontent is caused by a lack of

understanding of the workings of the law of the attraction of thoughts. that the book you have just written bears a striking resemblance to a book written at the same time by

another writer, possibly in another country. Often a lot of discontent is caused by a lack of understanding of the workings of the law of the attraction of thoughts. that the book

you have just written bears a striking resemblance to a book written at the same time by another writer, possibly in another country. Often a lot of discontent is caused by a

lack of understanding of the workings of the law of the attraction of thoughts.

There is no one need to worry about the possibility of being overly influenced by the
thoughts of others. This can be remedied by putting yourself in the key that is
suitable for you - so that you only receive the helpful vibrations that correspond to
the thoughts that are too high in your mind. Each person is master of his own mind,
and nothing will be able to penetrate it unless he allows it. The internal influence is
much stronger than the external. All one has to do is keep one's mind free of lower,
negative thoughts and the unwanted thoughts of others will not be drawn onto it.
Only the harmonizing thoughts will find suitable accommodation in his mind. He
fixes his own mental keynote and his mind will not respond to any other key. If he
thinks love, hate will not come close to him; if he thinks truth, thoughts of lies will
flee from him. ›› For how he measures it in his soul, so he is “can also be applied

Man has wonderful opportunities to develop his mind to such an extent that he
attracts what he needs from the great memory of unexpressed thoughts. He will
find enormous quantities of unexpressed expressive thoughts that will willingly flow
into his mind to receive the expression not given him by the mind in which they
arose. Thoughts hunger for expression and flow to the mind of those who have
sufficient energy to express the thoughts that come to them. Many are too lazy to
express the great thoughts they generate, and it remains for others to absorb and
use those unexpressed thoughts. Nothing is lost, and for what one person does not
need, there is someone else who will make use of it. Unexpressed thoughts are
added to a common "thought storehouse" for tapping into and attraction of all who
need them.
Your mind is a magnet that attracts thoughts that it holds with your conscious or
unconscious demands and desires. By developing a suitable mental attitude, you
may attract the best thought products from all over the world.

Isn't this worth trying?



For a long time after I began to work for it, I was supposed to be aware of the
workings of the law of attraction "New Thoughts ”cause headaches and I assume that
other people will find it difficult to understand as well.
It is comparatively easy to understand the influence of the mind on the body, the mind on the minds of others, the willpower on the mind, the fact

that a thought will attract a similar thought, etc. But when it is first pointed out, That there is such a thing as a law of attraction, by means of which

one draws things to oneself on the one hand and, on the other hand, exerts influence on circumstances and events by means of one's own thought

formation, this fact or this law, which is active in this way, becomes difficult find understandable. Apparently there is a huge difference between the

effect of thoughts on people and the effect of thoughts on things. But as soon as you grasp the idea of all-unity, you will begin to understand

therefore one part of the whole will affect another part of the whole, be that other part a person or an object. I have never heard a full and clear

explanation of the internal operation of the Law of Attraction, although many understand the general operation and can get a good idea of it by

analogous inferences. But many people know from experience that the law of attraction exists and is in full effect, and the beginner who cannot

understand it will have to find it necessary at the beginning to simply believe the law until he has obtained results by himself was convinced of its

real existence. I have never heard a full and clear explanation of the internal operation of the Law of Attraction, although many understand the

general operation and can get a good idea of it by analogous inferences. But many people know from experience that the law of attraction exists

and is in full effect, and the beginner who cannot understand it will have to find it necessary at the beginning to simply believe the law until he has

obtained results by himself was convinced of its real existence. I have never heard a full and clear explanation of the internal operation of the Law of

Attraction, although many understand the general operation and can get a good idea of it by analogous inferences. But many people know from

experience that the law of attraction exists and is in full effect, and the beginner who cannot understand it will have to find it necessary at the

beginning to simply believe the law until he has obtained results by himself was convinced of its real existence.

Apparently there is a great law of nature by means of which an atom attracts what is
necessary for its development. And the power that produces these results is manifested
in desire. There may be many desires, but the predominant one has the strongest
attraction. This law is recognized by the various kingdoms of nature, but it is only
beginning to be understood that the same law is maintained in the realm of

Our mental attitudes cause us to attract things that are of a nature that accords with our predominant
thoughts and desires. A thought firmly fixed in the mind and continuously cherished will draw to its owner
those things that are represented by the thought, except in cases where other mental influences are at
work that counteract the power of thought. For example, if two men genuinely wanted the same object,
the stronger mind would get the object. However, it is not always best to want a certain thing, as that
particular item may not be best for you at the level of your present development. The better plan is to have
the thought of ultimate success To leave the details to the mode of operation of the law, to take advantage
of the resulting things, to turn each of them into one's own advantage and not to let any opportunity slip
by. It will be found that this is the way the law works. I have seen people fix their ambitions and aspirations
to a certain object and after receiving it, found that it was not what they wanted. As already stated, the
better plan would be to have the mental attitude of a successful achievement who tied their ambition and
aspiration to a certain object, and after receiving it, found that it was not what they wanted. As already
stated, the better plan would be to have the mental attitude of a successful achievement who tied their
ambition and aspiration to a certain object, and after receiving it, found that it was not what they wanted.
As already stated, the better plan would be to have the mental attitude of a successful achievement
recording, allowing the details to be worked out from day to day - taking
advantage of each part of the plan as appropriate and always accompanied by the
feeling that the particular thing that is happening is the best that can come of an
eventual one Success can happen.
I believe that much of the work of the Law of Attraction is done by attracting people
with similar beliefs who are in all likelihood interested in your own plans, ideas,
matters, etc., and at the same time being made to be you by others People are
attracted who may serve one. It is a matter of mutual attraction, not a case of one
mind influencing another. Two people with similar mental attitudes will attract each
other and come together for mutual benefit. And although the result often seems to
be the attraction of things, it will be seen that things are moved by human hands.
Many other important results take place by that one has drawn thoughts and ideas
from outside to oneself, which one then puts into practice, and is thereby enabled
to realize one's desire. But there are cases when the mind can be observed to have
a positive influence on things. Some people seem immune to accidents, while others
shimmy from one accident to the next. People of fearless, daring natures seem
exempt from many of the things that happen to fearful people. In combat, some
people seem to have some kind of “protective magic” over their lives, while others
are constantly being wounded. I've heard of several cases where men have almost
looked for death but never found it. At first glance it might appear as if the thing
they were looking for should overtake them,

And the same thing seems true for business and everyday life. The person who
dares and appears to be free from fear takes all possible risks but will usually come
out victorious. When he fails, it's mostly because he loses his nerve at the last
minute. Fear is one of the greatest attractions of the mind. It is equal to trusting
expectation; In fact, fear is a type of trusting expectation that evil will happen. The
expectation varies in degree with the degree of fear. Your thoughts put you in
connection with the outside world and its powers, you attract people and objects
and repel them - through the character of the thoughts cherished. The mutual
attraction between you and them is because your thoughts are tuned to the same
keynote. You are closely related to all the other fragments of the whole, but you are
only drawing to yourself those parts which in their way correspond to your mental
attitude. When you think of success, you will find that you have got the forces in
motion that are conducive to that success, and from time to time, if you maintain
the same mental attitude, other things as needed will fit in and help you in your
endeavors. Things seem to reach you in the most surprising ways, and
opportunities will arise that, if benefited, will ensure your success. You will find that
new thoughts will enter your mind that should be harnessed. You will meet people
who will help you in a variety of ways with tips, ideas and active support. Of course,
the work will do that
you have to perform cannot be carried out for you by others, but the law will ceaselessly
assist you and support you. It will present you with opportunities and opportunities that
you must seize yourself. It will open doors leading to ascension for you, through which you
will, however, have to go yourself.

The ventures in which it will attempt to achieve a particular cause will seem like
detours, but do not let that alarm you, for no matter how tortuous the road may be,
you will reach the end of your journey. Sometimes it will take you beyond your
intended goal, and as you pass it, you will smile at how you consider this point on
the path, which now seems so insignificant, only a few steps before to be the goal
and the reason for your journey could. Sometimes the thing that seems to
represent all that is worth having and that makes you take the trouble will have
ceased to interest you as soon as you get close to it. And you will move on without
attempting to seize it

Confidence in the law and its recognition seems to be rewarded with immediate
forward movement. Lack of faith and its denial slow down progress, even if the law
is always at work, because if we do not move forward, it pulls us in a different
direction based on the attraction we have set in motion, even if it does is done by us
unconsciously. The law apparently operates in two ways, even if in reality both ways
are just different manifestations of one. The thing you fear attracts as much as the
thing you hope for.

Most of the time, when someone looks for anger, they will find it, and when they
feel they are able to handle and get over all kinds of difficulties, the anger seems
to be absent. You get what you ask for. The old saying “The world treats a person
as he behaves” is based on a recognition of this law, although strictly speaking it
is not entirely correct. A person who expects to be kicked and pushed around
usually finds their expectations confirmed, whereas a person who demands
respect usually gets it.
As I said earlier, the law won't do the job for a person, but it puts tools and materials in his hand and keeps
him well supplied with both. The law constantly brings possibilities to each of us and it is up to us to use
them or to let them pass unnoticed. Thoughts, objects, people, ideas, possibilities, opportunities, and other
things that we attract keep passing us by. But it takes courage to take it. That person is successful who
knows how to use the possibilities that other people cannot see. He has confidence in himself and in his
ability to shape the rough matter that is in his hands. As a result, he never has the feeling that the world
has run out of opportunities for him, or that all the good things have already been given away. He knows
that there are plenty of other good things where the others came from and just keeps looking until
something comes up after a while and he reaches for it and takes it. The law of attraction works. You use it
constantly and unconsciously every minute of your life. What things do you wear What kind of things do
you want Do your thoughts agree with the things you want or You use it constantly and unconsciously
every minute of your life. What things do you wear What kind of things do you want Do your thoughts
agree with the things you want or You use it constantly and unconsciously every minute of your life. What
things do you wear What kind of things do you want Do your thoughts agree with the things you want or
agree with those you fear? Which ones are they? The
law is either your master or your servant. Make your
choice and make it now.

The advanced person has the outstanding privilege reserved to consciously train his
mind in any desired form - the privilege to change, repair and supplement the
mental structure. In the lower animals, in primitive man and even in the majority of
people today, the development of the mind takes place mainly through external
forces - environment, contexts, stimuli, etc. and of course even the most advanced
man is subject to these influences. But the developed human knows that HE
HIMSELF has an influence on the structure of his mind. This structure is of course
carried out in the area of the subconscious, the conscious thought provides the
material and the "I" is the builder. In a previous chapter I talked about the
subconscious level of the mind and how thoughts from us or others are added to it
on a daily basis. I have also compared the subconscious level of thinking with a
body of water through which a clear stream flows, and shown how the character of
the complete water-body depends on the quality of the water that is poured into it.

The subconscious mind can also be compared to an immense warehouse where

goods are carried and stored. It will readily be seen that the essence of the contents
of the warehouse must be determined by the quality of the goods that are brought
in on a daily basis. If this idea is accepted, one can see how important it is to choose
these mental goods that are stored.
The subconscious level of the mind is an immense warehouse into which we
continuously carry goods to be stored for future uses. Moreover, these goods are
used constantly. The greater part of our thinking is done along the path of
unconscious mind activity and the subconscious level of the mind can only use what
has already been stored in it.
The mind moves along the paths of least resistance and when it becomes necessary for us to ponder a particular topic, we observe ourselves taking the simplest path of

thought, which is always the path that has been most traveled in the past. It tires us to think in new directions while it takes little effort to think in familiar ways, and so we

consequently move along the paths of least resistance. At the subconscious level of our minds, we have a lot of preconceived notions, a lot of prepackaged ideas that we have

never really thought about. At some point in the past we have taken these opinions and ideas from some source and never really looked at the other side of the question. Yet,

as soon as any of these topics arise in a conversation or while reading, we may find that we have solid opinions about them and are quite biased about them. Only when we are

forced to break away from the old opinion and idea, to examine and inspect them carefully and precisely, do we notice that there is no justification for this, and now it annoys

us to think that we have this have kept old thing with us for so long, discard it and replace it with a good, sensible thought from our own production. Good mental house

cleaning will reveal to us many such useless and defective items within the subconscious storeroom. that we have solid opinions about them and are quite biased towards

them. Only when we are forced to break away from the old opinion and idea, to examine and inspect them carefully and precisely, do we notice that there is no justification for

this, and now it annoys us to think that we have this have kept old thing with us for so long, discard it and replace it with a good, sensible thought from our own production.

Good mental house cleaning will reveal to us many such useless and defective items within the subconscious storeroom. that we have solid opinions about them and are quite

biased towards them. Only when we are forced to break away from the old opinion and idea, to examine and inspect them carefully and precisely, do we notice that there is no

justification for this, and now it annoys us to think that we have this have kept old thing with us for so long, discard it and replace it with a good, sensible thought from our own

production. Good mental house cleaning will reveal to us many such useless and defective items within the subconscious storeroom. that there is no justification for it, and

now it annoys us to think that we've kept this old thing with us for so long, discard it and replace it with a good, sensible thought of our own making. Good mental house

cleaning will reveal to us many such useless and defective items within the subconscious storeroom. that there is no justification for it, and now it annoys us to think that we've

kept this old thing with us for so long, discard it and replace it with a good, sensible thought of our own making. Good mental house cleaning will reveal to us many such

useless and defective items within the subconscious storeroom.

Among the many worthless items of mental junk, fear, worry, jealousy, hatred,
malice, envy, etc., can be considered to be the thoughts encountered in most
people's minds. A careful examination of these objects will result in them being
disposed of in the mental garbage dump and replaced with suitable contemporary
objects. None of these items will stand up to the trials of the higher mind. And then
the belief that man is a worm of dust; a pitiful sinner, only worthy of eternal
damnation; a child of darkness, fit only for the throat of fire; All these beliefs were
conveyed to the human being and stored by him in the camp of the subconscious
and used continuously.

How can any man believe he is a worm of dust and a child of darkness and at the
same time realize that he is a Son of God, with a fate so great, so great and
magnificent that his mind cannot even comprehend it ? How can a person ruled
by such ideas throw off the veils he has outgrown and emerge into a brighter,
spiritual consciousness?
And then the idea of failure, fear, worry and all the rest. Man has been given these
things until he was so filled with them that it affects all of his actions and thoughts.
And the more he thinks and acts on this path, the more likely he will continue to carry
out such thoughts and deeds in the future. He travels the old road over and over again
until doing this has become second nature to him and it becomes all the harder to find
a new path.

Man should realize that he is what he thinks. He should know that he forms his
mind, albeit unconsciously, by the nature of the thoughts that he is thinking. When
he thinks bright, serene, happy, confident, and courageous thoughts, he is building
a thought-form that takes on the color of those thoughts. And likewise it is true that
his thought-form takes on that color and all his actions are influenced by the
predominant hue of his mental attitude when thinking thoughts of fear and worry,
tribulation and despair.
Man can practically rework himself through the development of a certain line of
thought and let this find a home in his subconscious mind. By continuously keeping
the mind in certain channels, one can develop and develop the abilities in such a
way that they take over the new habits of thoughts and will in a short time,
following the new mental path that has been spread out before them, without
effort . Remind yourself that every time you think a thought or put a thought into
action, you make it all the easier for your mind to repeat the same thing.

If you wish to be energetic and energetic, think as many energetic and energetic
thoughts as you can and strive to put them into action. Continuously allow your
thoughts to dwell on these subjects, and strive to actually let the thoughts take
shape as often as possible. By following this path, you will gradually transform
yourself as far as these habits are concerned, and the new path will be a natural
path and the old abandoned habits will seem very unreal to you. One can train
one's mind in any direction desired or found necessary. Remember, this is the
conscious training of the mind and shaping of the subconscious. You fill that
The subconscious store of the goods that you wish to use, and when you have the
opportunity to produce any of these mental treasures, you can assume that you will
only find those that you have deposited yourself. The subconscious thought process
can be raised just like a child or pet. It can be shaped and shaped according to one's
will. Understandably, this requires perseverance, but getting there is an important
We have been servants of our minds for so long that we consider the condition of
these matters to be incurable, and even when we do not like it, we have
surrendered to the inevitable. The "new thinking" contains the message of the
mental freedom of the human being. It shows him that the mind is just a tool of the
True Self - an instrument to use - an apparatus that can be taught to obey its orders.
When the desire is present in a person, he can shape his mind to carry out his
desires and aspirations.
If a person lacks certain qualities, he can develop and train the coveted qualities by
constantly carrying them in his mind and allowing them to manifest as often as
possible through action. And if one desires to overcome certain powerless thoughts
and tendencies, one can do so by carrying within oneself the thought that is exactly
the opposite of the one one desires to overcome. He's in control if he just asserts
himself. He is the master of the warehouse and has the power to admit only those
goods that he considers desirable.
Autosuggestion and affirmation are practically the same. They are based on certain
statements that are constantly repeated or confirmed by one, that the properties
corresponding to the autosuggestion or affirmation develop in him.

When someone is lacking in self-confidence and feeling shy, embarrassed, or timid,

the affirmation "I CAN AND I WILL" will prove to be a wonderful mental tonic. Let
him repeat it over and over again, not like a parrot, but with the full conception of
the meaning, and sooner or later he will notice the "I-can-and-I-will" vibrations that
are beginning to settle in him to manifest. And if he is suddenly confronted with an
offer or a task, he will notice how the thought “I can and I will” sprouts in him and
immediately leads to the deed. Before the Shift, he felt nothing but “I can't” and “I'm
afraid” as soon as he was confronted with something new. He will have recreated
himself. And so it is with the mindset. Get used to

You are constantly building your mind - you are building the building of the character
every day. How do you build it - what materials do you use in the construction? Are you
using the best possible material, positive, bright, confident thought materials? Or are
you using the flawed, imperfect, negative, scary materials that so many have used?

As you build your mind, why don't you do it right? Why don't you insist that the
best material is used, rejecting everything that is not wanted. If you make a
miserable job of it, don't look to anyone but you
blame yourself.
You are still edifying today - what kind of material do you use?


Many of you will have read Edward Bulwer-Lytton's occult story "Zanoni" and
remember the Guardian of the Threshold, that fearsome monster who encounters the
neophyte Glyndon in the master's secret chamber, Mejnour and what Mejnour means
when he says:

In this house there is one

who surpasses all others in wickedness and wickedness
and who by the power of his eyes is the bravest
and terrify the best of people.
In another chapter Glyndon tries to penetrate the mysteries of the secret
chamber and meets the hideous Guardian of the Threshold, who is described
as follows:
The windows suddenly darkened
the air became quite impenetrable
and in the place of the delight
that everyone had felt before,
came the most terrible horror.
Little by little a figure emerged from the darkness.
It looked like that of a human head
covered with a veil,
from which two eyes glowed with such demonic fire,
that the blood froze in the limbs.
Nothing else could be seen in the face
except for the terrible eyes ..
. . The monster crawled forward,
until it finally settles with his hideous reptile-like body
crouched near the table. And the
phantom spoke to the intruder,
whose mind felt the words more than heard:
“You have entered an immeasurable space.
I am the keeper of the threshold. "

Those familiar with the occult symbols and images recognize in Bulwer-Lytton's
Guardian of the Threshold the adversary of human development - that hideous figure
standing before the passage to freedom - Fear itself. Fear is the first and greatest
adversary that must be overcome by the person who wishes to escape bondage and
gain freedom. The gate to freedom has been shown, the seeker takes a few steps in its
direction, but the sight of the malicious guardian of the threshold puts a stop to him -
FEAR. Bulwer-Lytton did not exaggerate in his description
- Words cannot describe the abomination of this monster.
Fear stands in the way of all development, all progress. Fear is the cause of all
human failure, worry, and misery. The fear of the people keeps them captive -
the fear of the individual makes him a slave. Until fear has been overcome, it
cannot be for the individual or for humanity as a whole
give a progress. This adversary must be overcome before there can be an escape. And
it can be overcome by those who take it easy and courageously face it. Look fear
straight in the eyes and it will lower her gaze and back away from you. Affirm the "I AM"
and know from the depths of your soul that nothing can hurt the real "I", and fear
blows from you in the fear that you will defeat her and put her in chains - she knows
about the power of the " I AM “consciousness.

If a person allows fear to enter his heart, he will attract all that he fears. Fear is a
powerful magnet and has an amazing attraction. In addition to this, it brings man's
efforts and energies to a standstill and prevents him from doing what he could
easily do if he were free from the monster. Man advances in the relationship in
which he frees himself from fear. Show me a successful person and I'll show you a
person who courageously dared to turn away from fear.

Take your own life for example. You have been offered many opportunities which
for fear you have allowed to pass you. You have encountered a fair amount of
success, and at the last moment, when the reward was already in sight, you
withdrew your hand and flinched. How come? Because you've lost your nerve and
fear has entered your heart. When the seed of fear enters the system, it paralyzes
the whole body.
Fear is the father and mother of all the brood of negative thoughts that keep man
captive. Worry, jealousy, hatred, malice, envy, lovelessness, bigotry, intolerance,
contempt, anger and the rest of the foulbrood springs from their womb. You doubt
this? Well, let's look at it. You don't worry about things unless you fear them; you
are not jealous unless there is also fear; Hate is always mixed with and arises from
fear - one hates nothing that does not have the power to hurt one; its origin can be
seen in envy; Bigotry, intolerance, and judgment all arise from fear - persecution
only begins when the object of persecution is feared; closer examination will show
that anger is a vague sense of fear which causes the anger arises. Something that is
not feared creates amusement and derision rather than anger. Examine it closely
and you will find that all of these negative, hurtful thoughts bear a close
resemblance to their parental origin - fear. And when you take up the work and
remove the fear, the foulbrood of the offspring will perish from lack of food.

Fear has held humanity under its spell for ages, and its effects are more palpable
than ever. We absorbed fear with our mother's milk
- yes, even before birth we were cursed with it. It has been suggested into us from
childhood. The “if” and “but”, the “assumed that”, “what if”, and “aren't you afraid”
have always accompanied us. We have been taught to fear everything from above in
heaven to below on earth, even the subterranean currents. The ghosts of childhood
and the dreadful things of adulthood are all from the same piece. We are told for a
lifetime: "If you are not careful, the goblins will come for you." *

* The sentence comes from the poem "Little Orphan Annie" written by James Whitcomb Riley in 1885. The
poem has four stanzas, the second and third stanzas are stories that Annie told the children
told. Every story tells of a naughty child who is brought by the goblins as punishment. In
the moral and educational attitude is "Little Orphan Annie" with the "Struwwelpeter" of the doctor Heinrich
Hoffmann (1845) to compare (note cl. Transl.).

No matter in which direction we may turn, we are constantly being instilled with
fearful thoughts. Anyone who knows the power of repeated suggestions
understands the importance of all of this to the world. The brave New Thought
believers - the carefree - and others of this line of thought work to pour a stream of
clear, living water into the muddy, stale pool of fearful thoughts that the world has
accumulated. Others also add theirs to the river, but the pool is huge.

No good has ever come about out of fear, and it never will. It is a negative thought
that has dragged its greasy form through the ages, seeking to devour all that is
promising for humanity. She is the greatest enemy of development - the sworn
enemy of freedom. The cry “I'm afraid” has always been heard and it was only when
one or more people dared to smile with fear in the face that a bold deed was done
that made the world move a little forward. Let anyone advance a new idea that has
been calculated for the good of the world, and immediately you will hear the
screams of fear with the accompanying lamentations of the child offspring named
hatred and anger that fill the air, and awakening resounding screams, growls and
snouts from all the dread dwellings within earshot. Have someone try to do
something in a new way - to improve an existing scheme - to teach the truth in new
ways - and the outcry grows. Fear is the curse of mankind.

The man caught in fear becomes its slave and no more cruel mistress has ever
existed. Man sinks into the mud in proportion to his fear. And the pathetic, albeit a
bit humorous part of the matter is that the human being has enough strength the
entire time to climb up and deal such a blow to his strict overseer that he has to flee
from him. Man is like a young elephant who is not yet aware of his strength. Once
someone has realized that nothing can harm them, fear flees. The person who has
understood what exactly he is and where his place is in the universe, separates
himself from fear forever. And before he reaches that level, fear disappears with
every step

And not only on this level can fear be conquered, but even on the lower level of
selfishness and selfishness, fear can be stamped out. When man realizes that fear is
just a grimace-faced, hollowed-out Halloween pumpkin, instead of the glowy-eyed
nightmare he thought it was, he will run towards it and knock it off the post it was
placed on to frighten him. He will see that the things that happen are never as bad
as the things we fear. He will see that the fear of something is worse than the thing
itself. He will see that just as the expectation of a thing hoped for is greater than its
realization, so too is the expectation of a thing dreaded worse than its event. And he
will find that the majority of the feared things will not happen. And he will find that
even if something does happen, things will somehow straighten out so that we can
bear the burden better than we ever thought possible. God not only curbs the wind
for the shorn lamb, but also curbs the shorn lamb for the wind.
One often finds that it is the fear of something that attracts it, while a fearless
mental attitude at the very last moment tends to turn things around. Job exclaimed:
"What I feared has come upon me." *
* "For what I feared has come upon me, and what I worried has struck me" (Job 3:25
Luther 1912) "

As someone once said, and I have repeated it many times, "There is nothing to fear
but fear." Well, I'll go further now and say that it doesn't even make sense to fear
fear because it is so terrible If it appears from the outside, it consists of the weakest
material inside. It is a thin, flat wooden slat that has been painted to look like it is
made of iron. A couple of strong blows will crush them. She is a hoax - a yellow dog
wearing a lion skin. Stand up in front of him and smile boldly in his face - look him
in the eyes and smile. Don't worry about his terrifying shape - his grimaceous mask
- he is a weakling when he is met with courage and trust. All of these negative
thoughts are weaklings

Do you want to know how to remove fear? Then listen. The way to remove fear is to
overlook its existence and to carry the ideals of courage and trust before and within
you. Trust in the grand scheme of which you are a part. Courage through your strength
as part of the whole. Trust in the Law. Courage from your ability to work in accordance
with the law. Trust in your fate. Courage through your knowledge of the reality of it all
and the illusions of divorce. Courage and trust arise from knowledge of the law of
attraction and the power of thought. Courage and trust in your knowledge that the
positive always overcomes the negative.

People often feel that the principles of "New Thought" are beyond them, that they
cannot understand them, that they want something that is useful in their daily life.
Well here is something for these people. This idea of the removal of fear will act on
them and calm their minds in ways they have never consciously experienced before.
It will give you a sweet sleep after work, it will give you an orderly mind while you
work, it will make your ways smoother, it will in a short time see to it that things are
going their way. And while it does these things for them, it will make them better
people. It will prepare them for the knowledge of higher truth.

You, neophyte, who stand at the gate of the secret chamber, then longing to pass
through its portals and from there to knowledge and freedom and power, do not
be frightened by the sight of the guardian of the threshold. He just got up for that.
Smile at his face and hold his gaze - and you will see what an old swindler he is.
Push it aside and enter the room of knowledge. Beyond that, other rooms are
waiting for you, which you will walk through one after the other. Leave the
guardian for the intimidated mortals who fear the goblins. Freshly diced is half won.
So let go of the moaning "I can't" or your grouchy "I'm afraid" and sweep past the
guardian of the threshold with the courageous cry of "I CAN AND I WILL",


Many people have the impression that the spiritual healing of ailments is the main concern
and basic principle of "New Thinking".

While these individuals have been drawn to the healing aspect, they will quickly see
the deeper layers of our thoughts and soon the mere healing of ailments, as
important as it is, will sink into relative insignificance. Many start with a treatment
with a spiritual or spiritual healer and then work their way up to higher levels, while
some are interested in the higher truths and after the treatment notice how their
physical powers are strengthened and developed without doing anything special.

I purposely do not go into the subject of spiritual healing or the influence of the mind
on the body, and I cannot do more than merely address these subjects in general.
There are numerous books on this and the majority of my readers know from personal
experience of the success that this method of healing accompanies. Each and every
school of spiritual healing seems to have its own favorite theory and method of
Some prefer personal treatments, others prefer "remote treatment", in which the
treating person and his patient can be separated by many kilometers and the healing
thoughts are communicated through telepathy.
Personally, I believe that all of these different forms of treatment are just different
ways of "calling up" the same force - the wonderful power of the mind over the
body. I believe that the best plan of treatment is to teach the patient to use the
wonderful powers of their own mind to heal themselves, and I also believe that no
long-term regimen will be effective and that future ailments will be prevented until
the patient is in the awareness of this fact has grown into it. But just as you have to
crawl before you learn to walk, it is often necessary for the patient to weaken in his
physical and mental powers and, suspicious of his own powers, to receive support in
some form of external treatment.

Many schools claim that their way is the only way and that all other methods are
flawed or at least not entirely correct. Some of these considerations are also very
plausible and convincing, until we look around and see that all the schools and
cults are achieving great results, and closer examination shows that the
percentage of cures is always about the same, regardless of the claims of the
individual schools and practicing healer. I know they all get results, but as I've
said before, I believe that the best lasting result is achieved by those practicing
healers who, while treating, teach their patients to help themselves, on their own
two feet to stand and activate their God-given power,

I believe that the various followers of Christian Science, Psychology, Suggestive

Therapy, Faith Healing, Divine Science, and all the rest of them are using the same
great power - the only difference is in the method used
Use. And I also know from my own experience that it is quite possible for a
person to become aware of the healing powers that are in him and, through the
use of them, to bring about a complete restoration of health and energy
without any other action.
I believe that the healing power is latent in every person and that when he is healed
by another, the healing has been brought about by the healer by activating and
bringing this healing power into being. This awakening of inner strength can be
accomplished through any of the various methods of personal treatment or remote
treatment. In the latter case, the healer's positive thought waves act on a
subconscious level of the patient's mind and awaken the latent power contained
therein, resulting in healing. The effect emanating from the healer's mind, whether
transmitted through verbal suggestion or telepathy, works just like the powerful
and repeated autosuggestion or affirmation of the patient himself. Both reach the
patient's subconscious level and restore the normal state of that part of the mind
that is responsible for the physical functions. And the normal functioning of the
mind thereby restored sends the appropriate impulses via the sympathetic nervous
system to the affected areas in order to supply them with an increase in nerve
currents and blood circulation, as a result of which worn and dead tissue and cells
are renewed and the organ functions properly again.

In other words, I believe that the real work is done by the patient's mind - the healing power, which has been awakened in one of several ways and working its way through the patient's brain

and nervous system. Each person carries, in many cases only as a dormant potential and inactive in many others, a certain recovery-promoting force, which is able to restore lost abilities and

strength of diseased organs and body parts. This power can be awakened through the mental exertion of the healer, through his suggestions, treatment, ceremonies, remedies, etc., and also

through the willpower or belief in the patient himself. But in all cases it is the same awakened power and power that does the healing. I acknowledge of course that it is possible for a person to

transfer what is called "vital life force" from his organism to the organism of a weakened patient, but this transferred life force only corresponds to the nature of a "tonic" and only adds

strength to the patient, to carry it forward until the mental powers do their work. In the case of a severely weakened patient, it is not possible for the mind to send flawless impulses to the

body because the brain is weakened, and this makes it necessary for the patient to seek the help given by the healer, through his most highly developed life force available until he has

regained sufficient strength to continue the work himself. to transfer from his organism to the organism of a weakened patient, but this transferred life force corresponds only to the nature of

a "tonic" and only adds strength to the patient to carry him forward until the mental forces do their work. In the case of a severely weakened patient, it is not possible for the mind to send

flawless impulses to the body because the brain is weakened, and this makes it necessary for the patient to seek the help given by the healer, through his most highly developed life force

available until he has regained sufficient strength to continue the work himself. to transfer from his organism to the organism of a weakened patient, but this transferred life force corresponds

only to the nature of a "tonic" and only adds strength to the patient to carry him forward until the mental forces do their work. In the case of a severely weakened patient, it is not possible for

the mind to send flawless impulses to the body because the brain is weakened, and this makes it necessary for the patient to seek the help given by the healer, through his most highly

developed life force available until he has regained sufficient strength to continue the work himself. until the mental forces do their work. In the case of a severely weakened patient, it is not

possible for the mind to send flawless impulses to the body because the brain is weakened, and this makes it necessary for the patient to seek the help given by the healer, through his most

highly developed life force available until he has regained sufficient strength to continue the work himself. until the mental forces do their work. In the case of a severely weakened patient, it is

not possible for the mind to send flawless impulses to the body because the brain is weakened, and this makes it necessary for the patient to seek the help given by the healer, through his

most highly developed life force available until he has regained sufficient strength to continue the work himself.

In many cases of the disease, especially in cases of dysfunction, the patient's recovery-
promoting power is neutralized by the fact that the patient's mind is overloaded with
fearful thoughts, which in many cases act as the causative agent of the disease and also
prevent the patient from making his / her own to use the recovery-promoting powers
given to him by nature for this purpose. Fear is a poison that has killed millions, and
worry is their oldest child seeking to break his parents' record.
I have always maintained, regardless of the challenges of other writers, that a
large percentage of the healings brought about by "New Thinking" were not
achieved by seeking a particular type of healing, but simply by letting the patient
get away from the Worrying, fearful and sheltering from negative thoughts was
held back. When the patient “takes his foot off the brakes”, the forces will
immediately begin to heal. By the same token, there is no need to take a shovel
and start shoveling the darkness out of a room - opening the window and letting in
the sunlight will do just fine. When the windows are open and hope and courage
are allowed to pour in, fear flees, Worry and the rest of the sinister horrors. In the
same way, the sunny ideas will shortly destroy the microbes that have polluted the
mental space.

There is no particular secret in how the "New Thought" healings are effected. You
won't find anything miraculous or astonishing about it if you learn about the
processes of nature. When the recovery forces are awakened, or when the brakes
of wrong thinking are released, nature continues to send increased nerve currents
to the affected area. This work is done along subconscious pathways, along the
major nerve centers and the sympathetic nervous system. This nerve current is like
an electrical current sent to the part of the great dynamo - the brain. This nerve
current vitalizes the organs or parts of them and also causes increased blood flow
in these areas. Nature builds up the body with the help of blood, that through the
arteries flowing liquid nutrients are transported to all parts of the body - to all
organs or parts of them - edifying, repairing, replenishing and nourishing. On its
way back to the heart, the blood carries the degraded cells with it through the
veins; Waste and other system pollutants that are burned and destroyed by the
oxygen in the lungs and that the blood is exposed to on its return journey. No part
of the body - no organ - can be properly nourished and stimulated unless it has
normal nerve flow and an adequate blood supply. And when a person's mind is
filled with negative, worrying, fearful thoughts, or thoughts of hatred, malice or
jealousy, it is impossible for him to to send the correct nerve current to different
parts of his body, thereby affecting the circulatory system. He begins to manifest
what we call illness. When normal conditions of the mind are restored, normal
conditions of the body follow.

The action of the heart is accelerated by certain feelings; the flushing or pale
cheeks from certain thoughts, the digestion being affected from certain thoughts,
etc. And the same thing manifests on a greater level when inappropriate thinking
becomes a habit. Inappropriate thinking results in inappropriate living - the two
go hand in hand. Tell me what a person thinks and I will tell you what he does and
how he lives and what his state of health is. I don't have enough space here to
explain exactly how each thought affects you, but I can safely say that this
wretched thought “FEAR” is the home of a whole host of negative thoughts, and
when you get rid of them you will destroy the entire brood, as it not only gives
birth to its offspring, but also keeps it alive. Get rid of them immediately.


Many modern writers have attempted to explain the apparent duality of the human
mind by constructing complex theoretical structures on the solid foundation of the
dual workings of the mind. Some of these writers have carried their reflections to
absurd lengths and tried to explain all the problems of existence through their
theories of the duality of the mind. Since man has a mind that is able to work along
two different strands of performance, they assumed that man inevitably must have
two minds. Some have called these two minds the "objective" and the "subjective"
mind, respectively. Others have preferred the terms “conscious” and “subconscious”.
Still others thought that the terms "voluntarily" and "involuntarily" might best
represent the idea. But all of this presupposes that man has two distinguishable
minds, some even consider them to be different beings. They ignored the fact that it
was almost impossible to separate these two minds; they failed to show that the
qualities ascribed to the two respective understandings seemed to run into one
another. They failed to tell us exactly where the objective ended and the subjective
began. These theories have proven to be very useful working hypotheses, but as a
permanent solution to the problems of the mind they have failed, and while
beginners in "new psychology" eagerly embraced them as the presenting solution
to the whole question,

The idea that man has two minds is nowadays regarded by many of the careful
researchers as only a fiction. They recognize that man has only one mind that is
active on two different levels of performance. I will set out what I consider a fair
explanation. Inevitably I can only present general principles, since the reasons for
the space keep me from going into detail. I am compelled to use terms that will
appear familiar to those familiar with the dual mind theory, but it will be noted that
I use these terms to indicate various forms of operation of the same mind, and not
to do so to point out that man has two minds. In contrast to the other authors, I
prefer the terms “conscious thinking” and “subconscious thinking” because I
consider these terms to be clearer and closest to the actual truth. To the reader
accustomed to viewing the subconscious mind as a higher mind, in fact the soul,
this chapter will prove quite confusing and perhaps even disappointing. I must ask
that reader to withhold judgment until they have carefully worked through this
chapter and the next. He will be able to do this more quickly if he remembers that
the subconscious mind, which some writers have raised above his conscious
brother, is said by the same writers to be the mind, who, in the hypnotized state,
receives all sorts of absurd suggestions from the conscious mind of another and
acts accordingly. Exactly these writers speak of the subconscious mind as the soul
of the human being in order to then inform us in the following chapter that a
human being in which the subconscious is based
Cost of the conscious being trained, going crazy. These people consider
half-truths to be truth.

Beyond what we call the conscious and the subconscious, there is something
higher than either that could be called the superconscious. I will return to this
after discussing the conscious and subconscious functions of the mind. Do not
confuse the properties of the superconscious with the manifestations of the
subconscious functions of the mind.
Man has only one mind, but he has many mental faculties, each of which is capable
of working along two different paths of mental activity. There are no clear dividing
lines that separate the various abilities from one another; they merge into one
another like the spectrum of the color scale.

A conscious thought from all areas of the mind is the result of a directly
transmitted impulse. An unconscious thought from all areas of the mind is either
the result of a previous conscious thought of the same kind, a conscious thought
of another person from the level of suggestion, thought vibrations of the mind of
another person or thought impulses of an ancestor, transmitted by the laws of
The conscious thought is reborn - "freshly shaped" - while the subconscious
thought is of less recent creation and is actually often the result of vibrational
impulses that were transmitted ages ago. The conscious thought goes its own
way, brushing aside the tendrils that overgrown the path and rolling the stones
blocking its direction out of the way. The subconscious thought usually moves
along well-trodden paths.
A thought impulse originally brought about by a conscious thought can, with
continuous repetition or habit, become absolutely automatic; the impulse given by
the repeated conscious thought develops a strong dynamic of movement, which
carries it forward on subconscious paths until it is stopped by another conscious
thought or changed in its direction for the same reason.

On the other hand, thought impulses guided along subconscious paths can be
resolved or corrected by a conscious thought. The conscious thought creates,
changes or destroys. The subconscious thought continues the work given to it by
the conscious thought, following instructions and suggestions.
The conscious thought generates the thought habits or movement habits and
transmits to them the vibrations that they will carry forward on them. The conscious
thought also has the power to produce vibrations that neutralize the movement
dynamics of a thought habit; he is also able to set in motion a new thought habit or
movement habit with stronger vibrations, which overcomes and absorbs the first
thought - or the first movement - and replaces it with a new one.

All thought impulses once sent on their way continue to vibrate on subconscious
paths until they are corrected or extinguished by subsequent impulses of a
conscious thought or some other determining power. The continuation of the
original impulse adds dynamism and strength to movement and makes it more
difficult to correct or erase. This explains what is called the "power of habit". I think
this will be easily understood by those who have struggled to break an easily
acquired habit again. The law applies to good and bad habits. The moral of the story
is obvious.
Different areas of the mind often come together to produce a single
manifestation. A task to be carried out may require a joint exercise of the various
areas, some of which can appear through conscious thoughts and others through
unconscious thoughts.
Encountering new circumstances - new problems - requires the exercise of
conscious thought, while known problems or tasks can be easily handled through
subconscious thoughts.
There is a natural, instinctive tendency in living organisms to carry out certain
activities: namely, the tendency of an orderly body to seek that which satisfies the
needs of its organism. This tendency is sometimes called "craving". Basically, it is a
subconscious mental impulse, originating and triggered by the first cause, that
carries along the pathways of evolutionary development, and as it progresses its
strength grows and unfolds.
Humans, the highest species of life on earth so far, show the highest form of
unconscious thought processes and also a much higher development of conscious
thought processes than can be observed in animals. And yet the degrees of these
powers differ very widely between different people. The various degrees of conscious
thought processes are clearly noticeable. They are in no way dependent on the
amount of "culture" possessed by the individual, social position, or educational
advantage. Mental culture and mental development are two very different things.

You just have to look around to notice the different levels of development of
conscious human thought processes. The thought processes of many people are
little more than subconscious thought processes that show little of the properties
of volitional thinking. You prefer to let other people think for you. They tire of
conscious thought processes, and they find the instinctive, automatic,
subconscious mental processes to be much simpler. Your mind works on the paths
of least resistance. They are little more than human sheep.
As the lower life forms progressed on the evolutionary scale, they developed new
abilities that were latent in them. These abilities always came in the form of
rudimentary unconscious thoughts and were then worked up through higher
subconscious forms until the conscious thought was brought into play. The
evolutionary process towards a highly developed conscious thought process is still
going on.
This law of evolution is still going on and man begins to develop new powers of the
mind, which of course first manifest themselves within the pathways of
unconscious thoughts. Some people have developed these skills to a considerable
extent, and it is possible that within a short time people will be able to use them
within the range of their conscious capacities. Indeed, this is the force
have already been acquired by a few. This is the secret of the Eastern occultists and
some of their Western brethren. There will be more to be said on this subject in the
following chapters.

The accessibility of the mind by the will can be enhanced through properly
controlled application. What we habitually refer to as “strengthening the will” is
actually training the mind to obey inner strength. The will is strong enough, there
is no need to strengthen it. Yet the mind must be trained to receive and carry out
the suggestions of the will. The will is the outward appearance of the "I AM". The
current of will flows at full strength along the spiritual wires, but you must learn
how to pull the pantograph up so that it touches the energized wires before the
mental tram can start moving. This is a slightly different idea than what you have
usually heard from other writers on the subject of willpower.

The attraction of the ABSOLUTE draws people up and the vibrational force of the
first push has not yet been exhausted. The time of evolutionary development has
come when man can help himself. The one who understands the law can work
miracles through the development of his intellectual faculties, while the one who
turns away from the truth will suffer because of his lack of knowledge of the law.

He who understands the laws of his mental being develops his latent powers and uses
them wisely. He does not disdain the expressions of his mental subconscious, but also
takes advantage of them and loads them with the duties that are most suitable for
them. And he is able to achieve wonderful results through their work, by having
mastered them and having trained them to obey the commands of the Greater One.
When they fail to do their job properly, he regulates them and his knowledge prevents
him from interfering with them in an unreasonable way and thereby harming himself.
He develops the latent abilities and forces inherent in him on the path of conscious as
well as unconscious thought processes. He knows that the real person in him is the
master, for which both conscious and unconscious thought processes are only tools. He
has banished fear and enjoys freedom. He found himself.

He learned the secret of the “I AM”.



We are so used to thinking that the mind is operating within conscious pathways
that it comes as a great surprise to us when our attention is drawn to the fact that
most of the mental work we do is along the subconscious Paths manifested. We
are aware of many of our thoughts and many of our actions, but are almost
completely unconscious of the thousands of thoughts and actions that are being
expressed every hour.
When we ingest food in the form of food, we do so consciously, but the process of
digesting and absorbing nutrients is unconscious, although the impulse that does
it comes from the mind as if it were being done consciously. The food is converted
into blood and the blood is carried to all parts of the body so that the various
organs and parts of the body are built - all subconsciously. The heart beats, the
stomach digests, the liver and kidneys perform their functions - all unconsciously.
But the work is done precisely, carefully and neatly under the guidance of the mind
operating on the subconscious level. These things don't work on their own. The
mind controls them just as definitely as if the work were done on the conscious
And so it is with many actions that we must first perform with the greatest care and
effort, but can later be performed almost automatically. The woman who works at
the sewing machine - the painter who uses his brush - the worker who uses his
tools or runs his machine - they all found that their work required all of their care
and attention at first, but is now the subtleties of the work have been mastered, the
work seems to take place almost automatically - unintentionally - almost
independently. Many times we were lost in thought and forgot about the steps we
were taking; suddenly, when we woke up from our daydream, we found ourselves
on our doorstep, unconsciously we had followed the familiar path. I have seen
people in what is known as an "absent-minded state," crossing the streets with a
dense crowd, walking with the greatest caution and reason through heavy traffic,
who were completely unaware of their actions and reacted with amazement when
they were told about the risks they were exposed to had been. I have been told by
seasoned workers that no man fully understands his job until he can do it almost
automatically. A person doing the same task every day acquires the skill to do it
with barely a trace of conscious effort or conscious attention. Nobody would think
of claiming that their fingers or hands inherently have enough intelligence to do
the work uncontrolled by the brain. The unconscious impulse comes from the brain
acting on the subconscious level of performance, and the activity is directed just as
rationally as if the entire consciousness were directed towards it. Of course, this can
only be done when the mind has become in the habit of performing that particular
task. Leave something wrong with the machine and immediately the mind slips
back to the conscious level to correct the problem.

The subconscious level of the mind is conveniently the habitual level. As I noted in a
previous chapter, the subconscious level of the mind can only manifest what (1) has
previously been learned on the conscious level, (2) through one
another mind, conveyed by suggestion, (3) conveyed to it by thought waves, etc.
from another mind, (4) conveyed through the lines of heredity, including the
impulses passed down from generation to generation, from the time of the original
vibratory impulse *
* The "original vibration impulse" could also be called the "kabbalistic big bang".

triggered by the first motive *,

* the very first reason, the original reason
(Editor's note)

which gradually unfolds and reveals the impulses when the right moment in
evolutionary development has been reached.

The most common habit of thoughts or movements can be found along

subconscious pathways, and so can the manifestations of the newly awakened
faculties of the superconscious (which we will talk about later). The
subconscious level is a strange mixture of high and low, wisdom and folly,
superstition and supreme philosophy.
It is a warehouse of all kinds of mental furnishings, tools, toys, and the like. At this
level, a curious conglomerate of wisdom and folly, passed down by our
consciousness, can be found, inherited from our ancestors and acquired by those
with whom we come in contact. This collection is continuously expanded.

And that's not all. From time to time a superconscious ability awakens, perhaps only
temporarily and not yet fully developed enough to be absorbed by the
consciousness, which has to manifest itself along subconscious pathways. This has
led some writers to speak of the subconscious level of the mind as the soul, the
"higher mind" and so on. They saw genius and inspiration manifest in subconscious
channels, imagining that there was a separate mind that had all the higher faculties
of the mind and that they called the "subjective mind". They have been so carried
away by the higher manifestations that they have completely overlooked the
foolish, inconsequential, nonsensical things to be found there. You completely
forgot that their so-called "higher mind" was constantly open to suggestions and
autosuggestions from the conscious mind of its owner or of another person. They
did not seem to consider that both the lower and the highest faculties of the mind
manifest on the subconscious level.

The subconscious level of the mind, then, is what it was made to be through
previous conscious thinking. The well-known writer Henry Wood has compared it to
"a reservoir or a cistern into which a thin stream of conscious thought flows." If this
is the case, it will be evident that the utmost care must be taken to keep the stream
pure and unadulterated. If the mind has been polluted by allowing a stream of
negative thoughts in the past to flow into it, the remedy is to change the quality of
the flowing stream so that it becomes clear as crystal and the body of water in the
cistern gradually after enlightening, until it is as pure and clear as the stream itself.
And the bigger they are
Quantity of clear thinking flowing in, the sooner the cistern will be cleared of its

This is where autosuggestion plays such a prominent role in rebuilding character

and in human development. The autosuggestion forms a steady, strong current
that flows in and cleanses the muddy waters of the mind. Whether we call them
autosuggestions or affirmations or instructions or declarations doesn't matter. They
are all the same under different names.
There was once a dispute between students on the subject as to whether man's
knowledge first came to him via the subconscious level and then reached the conscious
level, or whether he obtained knowledge via the conscious level that he then reached
forwarded the subconscious level; Many good arguments came from both sides.
Personally, it seems to me that both sides are right. Many things that a person knows
were obtained through the use of the conscious faculties of their mind, and they were
then transmitted to the subconscious level or the habitual level. Thanks to the unfolding
of the superconscious faculties, other things came to him, first manifesting along
subconscious pathways and then moving on into the field of consciousness. Then, after
thoroughly mastering it, the knowledge was passed back to the habitual level or the
subconscious. People often “feel” that something is so before they “see” that it is true.
Then, after seeing it and intellectually accepting it, he hands it back to the emotional
plane, stamped with the approval of the intellectual plane. I think that all of this will be
more understandable for you when you have read the chapter on superconsciousness.

As man progresses on the conscious level, his store of subconscious knowledge

becomes in large part the result of his own conscious thought processes and less the
result of the thoughts and suggestions of others. A person with limited ability to think,
someone who makes little use of his conscious thinking power, has a subconscious
memory that is almost entirely composed of the impressions he has taken over from
others. The suggestions and thought impulses of others make up almost all of his
knowledge. He has given little thought himself - in fact, he barely knows how to think
for himself and is almost entirely dependent on others for his mental concepts.

As man advances in his thinking power, he invents things for himself and passes his
thinking results on to the great subconscious warehouse. And such a person
understands what he is - feels and recognizes the existence of the Real Self and thus
begins to work creatively on the thought level. No longer is he a mere automaton - he
has started acting for himself.
And as he progresses, his strength grows. He makes use of the subconscious level of
thought, but fills the warehouse with new, fresh impressions and inferences, and slowly
but surely he is eradicating old negative, erroneous impressions that previously filled
his subconscious. A strong, vigorous, positive thought, freshly sent from the conscious
plane, will neutralize a dozen negative thoughts that resided in the subconscious that
have done a lot in pulling the person down and keeping them down.

If we do not think thoughts for ourselves, another person's thoughts and

suggestions will fill our subconscious storage and we will become his creatures
Thoughts instead of having a stock of original thoughts you made yourself. Many of
us have peacefully and without hesitation accepted the thoughts of fear,
superstition, worry, sickness, poverty, limitation, contempt, bigotry, etc., and our
mental camp has been filled with such waste. When we break our bonds and shake
off our bonds and are free, then we dare to think for ourselves and quickly begin to
fill our subconscious with bright, fresh, new, self-thought thoughts, and the old
negative thoughts find themselves excluded or neutralized by the positive thoughts
that are now flowing in.
New areas of consciousness open up in front of the person and he advances rapidly
in his knowledge. He falls back on the superconscious abilities of knowledge and
after he has brought the results into the realm of consciousness, he passes them
on, mentally digested, to the subconscious level, so that they can be easily accessed
whenever he needs them. Everything that is our subconscious has a constant
impact on our life, our actions, our health, our character. For a person whose
subconscious is filled with thoughts of illness, it is the easiest thing in the world to
get sick. Of course, all of the work of developing the disease is done on the
subconscious level, and the work is done quietly and silently, and most definitely
without his conscious knowledge. From one day to the next he finds himself sick
without knowing how it happened. If he changes his mind and keeps sending
healthy thoughts to the subconscious, he will find that he is no longer troubled by
the old ailments that previously turned his life into a burden. The subconscious no
longer has the old material to work with and consequently begins to use the new
material, and instead of creating disease, it builds a strong, healthy body.

If you have in your mind the idea of the subconscious as a big warehouse, with
thoughts that you have passed on from the conscious plane and that are constantly
manifesting as actions, you will be careful not to pass on and store anything but the
best thought material. You will deny access to the negative thoughts rising up in
your mind and you will deny entry to the harmful suggestions of others.

What would you think of a person who accumulates a supply for the winter and fills
his basement with poisonous food, things that cause disease, things that bring
death? You'd think he's crazy, wouldn't you? Yet this is exactly what many of you
have done. You have filled the storehouse of the mind with the most hideous things.
Poisons, deadly things, filthy objects, everything that sooner or later hurt you. Away
with it. Drive them away. Fill their places with the strong, sane thoughts that have
come into your mind since you became familiar with the "New Thinking".

Remember, THOUGHTS TAKE FORM THROUGH THE DEED. This is reality, what kind
of thoughts would you like to take shape through the action in you and through
you? Ask yourself this and act accordingly. If you find yourself thinking along a
certain path, ask yourself, “Do I want this thought to actually take shape?” If the
answer is “yes,” pass the thought on. If the answer is “no”, immediately stop
thinking further along these lines and start thinking along exactly opposite lines of
thought. Remember, a positive thought will always be
neutralize a negative thought. By a positive thought, I mean a thought of
courage, hope, fearlessness, determination - an “I can and will” thought. By a
negative thought I mean a thought of fear, worry, hate, malice, illness, "I can't",
"I'm afraid".
“A person is what he thinks in his heart” is true because a person is for the most part
the result of his store of subconscious thoughts, and the unconscious store is
largely dependent on what conscious thought has made of it Has. You build up your
stores of thoughts, and sooner or later those thoughts will indeed take shape. Be
careful in your choice. The best is just good enough for you and doesn't cost more
than the inferior grades. Use a little common sense and choose a good supply of
the best possible.


There are many faculties in the human mind that are outside the realm of
consciousness. They are abilities that have been hidden and that develop in the
consciousness from time to time. We currently have no real knowledge of some of
these special abilities. Other abilities, in turn, have been recognized by a few
advanced people at all times, and from these true Masters many of us now receive
occasional glimpses, but they do not see fully clearly and will not see so clearly until
further development of man has advanced is. Other superconscious faculties, once
kept secret from man, have already developed and we are becoming more and
more aware of their existence.
Many writers considered these abilities to be part of the so-called "subjective mind",
but closer inspection will show that the subconscious mindset only contains what has
been conveyed to it by the conscious level of the mind: the suggestions of others. Be it
verbally or through thought transference, through heredity, etc., or through a
reflection of these superconscious abilities before they have unfolded on the conscious

The subconscious thought processes only contain what has been inflicted on them, while the
superconscious faculties contain within them what the human being has never known before, neither
consciously nor unconsciously.

Just as the subconscious area of thought processes is below the conscious, the
superconscious abilities are above the conscious. And that which is today on the
conscious level will already have been passed on to the subconscious tomorrow,
and much of what is now still included in the hidden superconscious abilities will
have unfolded in the consciousness at later times. Much is now part of our everyday
life that was part of the superconscious in earlier times of human development and
later unfolded into the present human consciousness, then mentally digested and
assimilated and finally passed on to the subconscious level.

Through concentration, meditation and other means of spiritual development a

person can at certain moments awaken some of the hidden superconscious abilities
in such a way that he receives clear impressions and knowledge from them and can
use both. Many so-called mystics and occultists, both east and west, have
accomplished this, but the majority of us must be content with the occasional
sparks or faint reflections of the light emanating from the unfolding faculties. Some
of these abilities will not develop until the person has reached a much higher level
of spiritual development than is currently possible. Others are just beginning to

A person who descends into the depths of his subconscious only finds what has
been stored there. This alone is enough to give him a wonderful knowledge of the
past - of the course of evolution - of many different kinds
Information that is stored there - of things, long forgotten by
Some say that by those who know how to look for it, even past life memories can
be found there. But everything that can be obtained from the subconscious has
been stored there. In contrast, those who have been able to glimpse what the
superconscious mind entails, report that the knowledge thus obtained is above
human experience. It is a look into a strange world - an enlightenment. The person
who was able to catch a glimpse of the knowledge about the possibilities of
superconsciousness is a changed person - life is no longer the same for him -
where he used to believe, he now knows.

At best, the small area of consciousness known to the average person - even if
the entire subconscious area is added to it - is only an insignificant speck. Most of
the things of greatest importance are beyond his reach, and he gets his only
knowledge of them through the reflection of the superconscious realm. Of course,
consciousness grows - it is immediately growing - through the cause of the
unfolding abilities of the superconscious, but the human being only touches the
outer edge of the superconscious.
Man cannot say whether there is a God by exercising his conscious abilities, the
circumstance cannot be grasped by the conscious thought processes and yet he
feels through a faint spark of superconsciousness that there is a God and as he
progresses he will know what he is feeling right now. It is the same with the
immortality of the soul. Consciousness cannot prove it and yet, through
superconsciousness we feel the truth of what we can neither prove nor see. And
these two questions currently outweigh all other questions in importance. All of
our ethical principles, all of our morals, all of our life plans are based on these two
facts that we cannot know by our conscious mind, but are only able to feel through
the gradual unfolding of our superconsciousness. As this development takes place,
our concept of God matures - it becomes less childish. We recognize him as a much
greater presence than our forefathers would have ever dreamed of, who could
only see in him an enlarged human being with all human defects, weaknesses and
limitations. And the man of the future will have a much higher concept of him than
ours. And as this progresses, our certainty of immortality increases in strength. It
becomes more a question of knowledge than belief. In some of us development
has reached the realm of consciousness and some have awakened in a state of
consciousness of immortality.

Stop thinking for a moment and see where our feelings of justice, mercy, love,
sympathy and goodness come from. Certainly not from the old consciousness. The
intellect does not tell us these things. Why should a person show love or
camaraderie for another when the intellect alone decides this question? Why
shouldn't everyone take care of himself and let his brother starve and suffer?

Why shouldn't he trample his brother down in the quagmire and take his belongings away
from him? Is there something in the cold intellect that tells you to do it differently? Not in
the least. Then why don't you do these things? I'll tell you why. Because you
it can't. Because a protest arises from the depths of your soul. You do not stop with
your discussions on this topic, you listen to the inner voice and look into the light
that comes from the unfolding of the superconscious. But you say that everyone
has always had these feelings and you do not understand what the unfolding of
superconsciousness has to do with the question. Stop for a moment! Did man
always feel accordingly? Has human sympathy always been as pronounced as it is
now? No! It is a gradual development - not a constant opening. We are little more
than barbarians today in some ways, but we grow as developments go and at some
point it will be impossible for us to do what we take for granted today. In a few
years, humanity will look back in amazement at the records of war, bloodshed,
killing, annihilation and all the rest, and wonder how people of our intellectual
development have endured these things. They will look at our plot as we see the
crimes in the arena of battle of ancient Rome. And our economic and social
inhumanity towards our brothers will appear cruel to the people of this future time.
It will be inconceivable to them because they have reached a stage of spiritual
development that makes it simply impossible to do the things that seem natural
and inevitable to us today. For them, the brotherhood of man will not be an empty
dream, but a truth lived every day.

From this region of the superconscious comes that which is not contrary to reason, but is
located beyond reason. This is the source of enlightenment - enlightenment - inspiration.
This is the region from which the poet draws his inspiration, the writer his gift, the seer his
vision, the prophet his knowledge. Many have received messages of this kind from the
depths of the superconscious and thought they heard the voice of GOD - that of the angels -
but the voice came from within. The sources of intuition can be found in this region. Some of
these superconscious skills are higher than others, but each has its own role to play.

Many of the higher psychic forces are hidden in this region of the superconscious. Some of us are capable of applying these gifts
to a greater or lesser degree, but for all but a few, this application is always more or less on the subconscious level - we find it
difficult to make parapsychic faculties manifest within the order . But through practice and growth, these gifts are brought into
the realm of consciousness, and we become able to use them like any other faculty of the mind or body. When man has attained
his strength, he will have mastered wonderful powers and will have instruments and tools at his disposal that few even dream of
at this point in time. It is a wise regulation of the law that man cannot grasp the use of these powers until he is ready for the
powers. When he is ready for them, the powers will come and he will know enough not to use them inappropriately. As the
higher parapsychic abilities unfold, the spiritual abilities also unfold, making it impossible for the owner to improperly use his
newly discovered powers. The person who strives for high psychic powers must have clean hands and a clean heart. In truth, the
fact that he seeks power for the sake of power shows that he is not the one for this gift As the higher parapsychic abilities
unfold, the spiritual abilities also unfold, making it impossible for the owner to improperly use his newly discovered powers. The
person who strives for high psychic powers must have clean hands and a clean heart. In truth, the fact that he seeks power for
the sake of power shows that he is not the one for this gift As the higher parapsychic abilities unfold, the spiritual abilities also
unfold, making it impossible for the owner to improperly use his newly discovered powers. The person who strives for high
psychic powers must have clean hands and a clean heart. In truth, the fact that he seeks power for the sake of power shows that
he is not the one for this gift
suitable owner is. Power only appears when he is not interested in power.
Strange paradox - wonderful wisdom.
The area of superconsciousness is the source of the greatest satisfaction for a person who recognizes its existence and is open to the knowledge arising from it, even if the skills are not yet

fully developed. (You understand that the full development of such an ability brings it fully into the realm of consciousness and it is no longer a superconscious ability but one that is now part of

our conscious thought processes.) Many people have received inspiration and inspiration from within Received a message that amazed the world. Many poets, painters, writers, sculptors have

acted on the inspiration they received from their superconsciousness. And you will notice that certain poems, certain writings, certain pictures, certain statues have something about them that

speaks to us and lets us feel their strength, but is not accessible to our simple rational mind. Some of us then say that such things - works of art - have "soul" in them, and we are closer to the

truth than we suspect. Some writers satisfy the intellect but fail to evoke any emotion in the reader while another writer writes a few verses or a short story and, behold, the world is delighted

with the message. This is also true for the speaker who inspires the audience with a few simple words that spring directly from his inner self, while a very polished speaker only attracts the

intellectually interested. that speaks to us and lets us feel its strength, but is not accessible to our simple rational mind. Some of us then say that such things - works of art - have "soul" in them,

and we are closer to the truth than we suspect. Some writers satisfy the intellect but fail to evoke any emotion in the reader while another writer writes a few verses or a short story and, behold,

the world is delighted with the message. This is also true for the speaker who inspires the audience with a few simple words that spring directly from his inner self, while a very polished speaker

only attracts the intellectually interested. that speaks to us and lets us feel its strength, but is not accessible to our simple rational mind. Some of us then say that such things - works of art - have

"soul" in them, and we are closer to the truth than we suspect. Some writers satisfy the intellect but fail to evoke any emotion in the reader while another writer writes a few verses or a short

story and, behold, the world is delighted with the message. This is also true for the speaker who inspires the audience with a few simple words that spring directly from his inner self, while a

very polished speaker only attracts the intellectually interested. that such things - works of art - have "soul" in them, and we are closer to the truth than we suspect. Some writers satisfy the

intellect but fail to evoke any emotion in the reader while another writer writes a few verses or a short story and, behold, the world is delighted with the message. This is also true for the speaker

who inspires the audience with a few simple words that spring directly from his inner self, while a very polished speaker only attracts the intellectually interested. that such things - works of art -

have "soul" in them, and we are closer to the truth than we suspect. Some writers satisfy the intellect but fail to evoke any emotion in the reader while another writer writes a few verses or a

short story and, behold, the world is delighted with the message. This is also true for the speaker who inspires the audience with a few simple words that spring directly from his inner self, while

a very polished speaker only attracts the intellectually interested. while another writer writes a few verses or a short story and see, the world is excited about the message. This is also true for the speaker who inspires the aud

Our superconscious abilities are our only tools to communicate with the life center -
with higher forces. The messages of the soul penetrate through them. There are times
when through these instruments our view penetrates beyond the limits of personality
and our soul mixes and communicates with the divine. Through the channels of the
superconscious we become familiar with the true self - through them we are sensitized
to the “I am”. It is through the same sources that we become aware of the unity of
things - our relationship with the whole. Through them we are assured of the existence
and presence of GOD - the immortality of the soul. The only answers to life's
indispensable questions are received through these channels.

The resting place of the soul can be found in the deepest inner depths of the
superconscious - the holy of holies. This is where the divine spark lingers, our most
precious inheritance from GOD - what we mean when we say “spirit”, “pure spirit” and
“spiritual”. It is the soul of the soul - the center of the True Self. Words cannot give an
idea of the true meaning of the mind. In order to understand the pure spirit, one
would have to understand GOD, for he is a drop of the spirit sea, a grain of sand from
the shores of infinity, a part of the sacred flame. It is that part of us which all these
processes of evolution, growth, development and unfolding are aimed at fully knowing
and becoming aware of it. When we learn to recognize the existence and reality of the
pure mind, he will reciprocate and send us flashes of illumination - enlightenment. As
one matures in spiritual development, one becomes familiar with the inner voice and
learns to distinguish it from messages from other levels of the mind - learn to follow its
lead and allow you to operate through yourselves.
Some people are so developed in their spiritual understanding that they are living
the life of pure spirit - being guided by the spirit. The spirit affects us all more than
we are aware of, and we can bring ourselves into a conscious experience of its
guidance, if only we trust it and turn to it - for the light.
I cannot get any further into this subject as it is a subject that one fails to find words
to describe. Those who are conscious of it will understand what I mean; and those
unfamiliar with it would simply misunderstand me if I were to try to describe an
awe-inspiring inner feeling that their experience is unknown.

The pure spirit is that in man that comes closest to the center - thus to GOD. And
when you come into close, conscious contact with it, you feel its closeness to the
comprehensive present - you feel the touch of the invisible hand.
Many of you reading these words have had moments in your life when you were
momentarily aware of being in the awesome presence of the unknown. These
moments may have happened while you were engrossed in religious thoughts -
while reading poems that carried messages from one soul to another - out on the
sea and very impressed by the grandeur of the universe - in an hour of the Distress
when man's words seem like mockery - in a moment when all seemed lost and you
were forced to seek consolation from a power higher than you. But no matter how
and when this experience happened, its reality could not be doubted - the lingering
perception of peace, strength and love, which you became aware of, could not be
doubted. In those moments you were aware of the pure spirit within you and its
deep relationship with the center. GOD reveals himself to man through the medium
of the spirit.


What am I? Where do I come from? Where am I going? What's the meaning of my

life? These questions have been asked by man at all times, in all countries, in all
regions. And when the countless worlds that surround the millions of suns of the
universe are inhabited - and I believe they are - these questions have been asked
there and may have been answered by inhabitants of the worlds in which life is
higher Form manifested as we have reached it so far in this life. All people have
asked themselves these questions - that is, all people who have reached a level
where the mind realizes that a problem exists; because many people seem
unaware of the existence of an unanswered problem. Your mental vision is not
clear enough than they could see that something requires answering. For many of
us, the question remains completely unanswered. The smallest detail of the
question remains unsolved. We screamed out loud in the agony of our minds -
shouted to the Infinite that something should be said about ourselves to us, but
only the desperate echo of our own screams echoed back to us. As the poet put it
For what am i?
A child screaming in the night.
A child screaming for light. With
no language, only screams.
(Lord Alfred Tennyson)

We are like a hamster in a cage that has exhausted itself from endlessly running in
the wheel and at the end is still in the same place as at the beginning. Or as bad as a
freshly caught wild bird, we throw ourselves against the bars of our mental cage,
over and over again in our effort to achieve freedom, until we finally lie powerless
and bleeding on the ground, still in captivity.
We have sought to climb the mountain of knowledge, driven by the thought of the
place of blissful rest on its summit. Exhausted, we struggled up the steep and stony
slopes, and finally, with bleeding hands and tired feet, exhausted body and mind
from our efforts, we reach the summit and congratulate ourselves on the successful
completion of this task. But if we look around, see, our mountain is just a foothill -
far above us, towering higher and higher, mountains stretch out after mountains,
the highest peak is hidden in the clouds.

We have this hunger for spiritual knowledge that exceeds the hunger for bread. We
have looked for this way and have not found the way to the bread of life - it. We
asked this authority and that teacher about the bread that nourishes the soul, but
we were given nothing but the stones of dogmas and creeds.
Finally we collapsed exhausted and felt that there was no bread to be had, that
everything was an imagination, a will-o'-the-wisp of the mind, that none of this contained
any reality. And we cried. But we forgot that just as the hunger of the body presupposes
that there is something somewhere in the world that can satisfy it, that just as the hunger
of the mind presupposes that there is mental nourishment somewhere
- the very fact that this hunger for soul exists is a sure indication that somewhere
there exists what the Absolute intended to satisfy the hunger. The desire within
us is evidence of the possibility of satisfaction. The problem is that we have
looked outside for what we can only find inside.
"The kingdom of God is within you."
(Luke 17:21 Luther 1912)

If you prefer to solve the problem of life - the riddle of the universe - through
scientific research, careful deliberation, formal thought, mathematical
demonstration, follow this method under all circumstances. You are taught the
strength and limitation of the human intellect. You will travel the circle of thought
around and, like the hamster in the wheel, you will find that you walk on the same
floor over and over again. You will discover that you have hit an intellectual dead
end - the dead end of logic.
After beating your wings against the prison of the incomprehensible and hurting
and collapsing exhausted - after you've done all your intellect is capable of and
consequently learned your lesson, listen to the inner voice, see the tiny flame that
burns steadily and cannot be erased, feel the longing of the something inside and
allow it to unfold. Then you will begin to understand that while the human mind
developed - through slow stages from sensation to simple consciousness - from
simple consciousness to self-consciousness (in its lowest and highest form) - a
consciousness (and a few have already attained it) higher than we expected up to
this point, which is now starting to manifest. You will then understand that there
can be a reasonable belief that knows and does not just believe. You will learn these
and other lessons over time.

As you progress along the pathways of spiritual development, you will discover
other sources of knowledge, seemingly separated from the intellect, although in
reality united with it. You will find out that there are areas of the soul that have not
yet been explored and into which you are granted access. You will find that you will
be able to gain knowledge of the big questions that have challenged your
intellectual endeavors; and if the information does not come to you through the
door of the intellect, it will not appear alien to the intellect. It won't be contrary to
the intellect - it will be beyond the intellect. Instead of reaching the ego through the
door of the intellect, it will seem as if it came from a higher source - the higher mind
- and is then passed down to the intellect so that it can absorb it and combine it with
what it already has stored in itself. You will find that you have a new world of
thought that opens before your mental gaze, and at the sight you will cheer.

And when you have reached the stage where you feel the inspiration of the higher
self and are able to live in accordance with it, you will say with Edward Carpenter:

Please refer! The healing power lowers

the feverish mind soothingly from within,
spreads peace between troubled nerves.
Please refer! The Eternal Savior that everyone is looking for
lingers hidden inside everyone ...
Oh, insurmountable joy.
(Edward Carpenter)

GOD created and rules what we call the universe. And this universe is not the minor
thing that many of us have considered it to be. It is not the earth as the center with
the sun, moon and stars that move around it, everything is only intended to
contribute something to the comfort, care and well-being of the inhabitants of this
patch of dirt - the earth. It is a universe, precisely this notion the human mind
cannot grasp. There is no limit to what it is. It has no limits, no restrictions. All parts
of space are filled with manifestations of the absolute. Countless suns exist, each of
which has its own planetary system. Worlds arise every day and worlds pass away
every day. Of course I mean when I say "arise" and "pass away", that they change
their shape - they are merged or dissolved. In nature there is no annihilation, only
change of form. In his complacency, man imagined himself to be the highest
possible form of created life, mistaking this tiny grain of matter - the earth - to be
the only piece of matter that contains life. When he became aware that there are
millions and millions of worlds that contain life in a higher or lower form - when he
became aware that this old earth is just a grain of sand on the seashore of the
universe - when he became aware that in other spheres Beings exist who are as far
above man as man is above the amoeba - he began to recognize the relative,
proportionate insignificance of man and the greatness of GOD.

And then, as he begins to see these things, he will slowly gain spiritual awareness
through which it will be evident to him that he is on a long journey and that
wonderful opportunities lie ahead of him. He will become aware that as he
progresses on the path he will acquire new powers, new insights, new qualities that
will make him a GOD compared to his current state; even if the greatest and highest
state that he can imagine, compared to GOD, is no more than a crumb of dust
dancing in the sunlight compared to the sun itself.

GOD manifests himself in every atom of matter - in every atom of energy - in every
atom of intelligence. Its manifestations, though obviously innumerable, are all different
manifestations of the same thing. Basically there is only one single manifestation of
GOD that takes on innumerable shapes and forms. We are the expression of God's
strength, limited, that is true, but steadily growing, driven up by the attraction from
above, we develop an awareness of our relationship to all other expressions of GOD
and to GOD himself.

GOD exists, has always existed, and always will exist. It is the only thing in the
universe that has no previous cause. It is its own cause. He is the cause of the
causes. He is the CAUSELESS CAUSE.
The human intellect, unaided, is incapable of grasping the idea of a thing without
a cause or a cause without a previous cause. The human mind is closely related to
the universal law of cause and effect. It
it is not possible for him to reject this law or to recognize an exception to this law
because such an exception would violate the law.
The intellect is forced to accept either of these two things: (1) that there is a first cause, or (2) that the chain of cause and
effect is endless. And both conclusions leave the intellect in a bad position because when it acknowledges a first cause,
its chain of cause and effect is broken. And if, contrary to this, he assumes that the chain of cause and effect is endless,
he is confronted with the fact that something that has no beginning cannot have a cause - that a thing without beginning
is a thing without cause. Apart from the fact that the unlimited cannot be grasped by the limited mind, the intellect, in its
striving not to have to admit that it cannot explain something, has made an explanation which it cannot itself either
grasps or understands. Poor intellect! It is the most valuable mentally working tool that man possesses. Even so, if he
makes the mistake of defining a person only through the mind and does not recognize the tool in him, he puts himself in
a ridiculous situation. He is not aware of the wonderful possibilities that lie ahead. Intermingled with the thinking arising
from the higher levels of the soul, it will produce results that it currently cannot even dream of, except from those that
have reached the higher level of consciousness. He is not aware of the wonderful possibilities that lie ahead.
Intermingled with the thinking arising from the higher levels of the soul, it will produce results that it currently cannot
even dream of, except from those that have reached the higher level of consciousness. He is not aware of the wonderful
possibilities that lie ahead. Intermingled with the thinking arising from the higher levels of the soul, it will produce
results that it currently cannot even dream of, except from those that have reached the higher level of consciousness.

Because the intellect has its limitations, we should not lose our trust in it or
accept things that others tell us that are contrary to the intellect just because
someone else makes such things truthful. Accept the decision of the intellect as
long as you do not receive the truth from the higher consciousness. If it comes
from the higher consciousness, then it will not stand in opposition to the
intellect, but go beyond it. This will teach you that the intellect and higher
consciousness are doing a work together. Blind faith is very different from
inspiration - please don't confuse these two.
I can safely say that the mind, without being helped, is incapable of grasping the
idea of a causeless source, but our higher consciousness is aware of the existence
of what the intellect cannot comprehend. Just because the mind cannot
comprehend a cause without a previous cause does not mean that there cannot be.
A blind person cannot imagine or understand color, but color does exist. The fish at
the bottom of the sea can neither imagine nor understand things on land, but such
things exist. Nor could a person develop the concept of sugar if he has never seen
or tasted anything sweet before. It is all a matter of experience or awareness and
without that nothing can be understood. The intellect, knowing all its limitations, is
able to decide matters within its own sphere. When the time comes for us Knowing
things outside of the intellectual realm, we realize that we have higher states of
consciousness than we previously thought possible, and are able to use them.

At the intellectual level of consciousness, everything we can know has a previous

cause - every object has a creator. And consequently, without assistance, the
intellect is incapable of developing an idea of a thing without a cause - a thing
without a Creator. Because he doesn't
Experience of such a thing and has no awareness of the existence of such a thing.
Accordingly, man can never create an intellectual concept of GOD. He can believe in
GOD because he feels conscious of his existence, but through the intellect he can
neither explain nor understand the mystery. He will acknowledge that GOD created
man, but he cannot answer the childlike question, "But who created God?" And yet
he remains unable to form a mental picture of a thing without a cause - without a
Creator. In order to ensure the existence of GOD, he must go to a higher source of
consciousness. Many people believe in GOD because they have been told

As man grows in spiritual consciousness, his understanding of GOD'S reality becomes clearer and
clearer. From blind faith to a flicker of consciousness, then to a clearer conception, then to an
awakening realization, then to a knowledge of his essence, then to a weak understanding of his law,
etc. GOD is known not through the intellect but through the higher Awareness. And after being
known in this way, the intellect begins to bring things together again into a new concept on its level.
Until man knows everything he will have a use for the intellect to use as a tool in connection and in
harmony with his higher sources of knowledge. For a person who feels that GOD exists, any
discussion of the opposite is in vain, and for the person who does not feel this, no argument will be
able to create this feeling. It is something that he must receive from within, not from without. I am of
course not talking about any social conception of GOD. Some people who call it "nature" have a
higher concept of GOD than others who imagine God with all the limitations of man. Names do not
matter, it is the idea that shows what degree of God-consciousness a person possesses. who imagine
God with all the limitations of man. Names do not matter, it is the idea that shows what degree of
God-consciousness a person possesses. who imagine God with all the limitations of man. Names do
not matter, it is the idea that shows what degree of God-consciousness a person possesses.

Humanity possessed all possible images of GOD, ranging from that of a stick, stone or tree to idols, the sun, a human-like being,
to higher concepts. But all people who have ever worshiped God, be it as a stone, an idol, the sun, in the gods Baal, Brahma,
Buddha, Isis, Jupiter or Jehovah, actually worshiped this causeless primordial reason, its shape, falsified by the inadequacy of
the worshipers' mental or spiritual vision, they were able to glimpse. The gods of prehistoric man appear very small to us when
we look back, and the gods of his descendants seem but little improvement; indeed some of the latter may have less attractive
properties than the primitive archetype. It has been said that man's God is simply an enlarged picture of himself and has all the
qualities of the beholder. This is just another way of saying that man's idea of GOD is only a reflection of his own level of
spiritual awareness and development. As a thing grows bigger as you approach it, so GOD seems to grow as we approach it.
And yet, in both cases the change does not lie in the thing, but in ourselves. If you know a person's idea of GOD, you know
what he himself is or rather what stage of development he has reached. that man's idea of GOD is only a reflection of his own
level of spiritual awareness and mental development. As a thing grows bigger as you approach it, so GOD seems to grow as we
approach it. And yet, in both cases the change does not lie in the thing, but in ourselves. If you know a person's idea of GOD,
you know what he himself is or rather what stage of development he has reached. that man's idea of GOD is only a reflection
of his own level of spiritual awareness and mental development. As a thing grows bigger as you approach it, so GOD seems to
grow as we approach it. And yet, in both cases the change does not lie in the thing, but in ourselves. If you know a person's idea
of GOD, you know what he himself is or rather what stage of development he has reached.
The highest human-possessed ideas of GOD include the attributes of ALMIGHTY,
ALL KNOWLEDGE, ALL PRESENT. Many people admit this and use the terms
carelessly, without having any idea of the real meaning. Let's see what these
words mean and then maybe we will understand better what we mean when we
say "GOD".
ALMIGHTY means, of course, that GOD is in possession of all power and strength. All
power is his - not some power, but everything in power; that there is no other power
and that all power is consequently GOD'S power. This leaves no room for any other
power in the universe and consequently all manifestations of power in the universe
must be forms of GOD'S power, although we call the results of this manifestation of
power "good" or "bad". It is all power and strength of GOD.

ALL KNOWLEDGE means all-wise, all-seeing. It means that GOD is in possession of all
knowledge; that he knows everything; that there is no place that he cannot see;
nothing he doesn't know; not a thing he doesn't fully understand. If there is the
slightest thing that GOD does not know about; if there is the slightest thing that he
does not see; if there is the slightest thing he does not understand, the word is
meaningless. GOD knows, sees and understands all things and must always do so for
all eternity. Such a being cannot make mistakes, change his mind, act unfairly or
arbitrate. Endless wisdom is his.

ALL PRESENT means present everywhere, at the same time. It means that GOD is
present in all space, in all places, in all things, in all persons, in every atom. If this is
not true, then the word is meaningless. And when GOD is everywhere there is no
room for anything else. And if this is true, then everything must be part of GOD -
part of a vast whole.
As you can see, these words that we have used so carelessly and carelessly mean
everything. If we can recognize and feel the meaning of these three words, we will
begin to understand something about the greatness of GOD. Of course, with our finite
minds we cannot grasp more than the most obvious parts of this great truth, but we
grow, we grow.

If we use these three words omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence - attributes of GOD -

with their exact meaning acknowledging, we open our minds to a wonderful influx of
knowledge about the nature of what we call GOD. We are able to see unity where there was
discord - unity where there was multiplicity - peace where conflict manifested. We will
receive a flood of light on this subject that illuminates those places that were previously
shrouded in darkness - that make dark, difficult-to-interpret places understandable.

With understanding these words, we will see that GOD is the sum total of all
knowledge, and we cannot accuse him of ignorance or sue him of the smallest
thing or the biggest problem. He KNOWs everything there is to know - everything
that can be known. We will also see that all is power, that there can be no room for
a power outside of him, because in him is all the power that is or can be. We cannot
think of a power that is opposed to omnipotence. All power must clothe GOD and
all manifestations of power must come from him. We will also understand that GOD
is everywhere, he must be in all things,
People, places - in us - to be present. We will see that GOD dwells in the most humble
things, that we are all part of the whole, parts of the universe of GOD. Small parts,
that's true, but still part, and even the smallest part is dear to the heart of the whole.
The whole is the sum of its parts and all people and things are only parts of the whole.
And no part can be bigger than the whole; and no part is the same as the whole; and
the whole is the sum of the greatness of all parts, manifested and non-manifested. And
we who are manifested cannot grasp the unmanifested, to which the manifested
relates like the drop to the ocean.

All things are included in the idea of GOD - PURE SPIRIT, mind, matter,
intelligence, movement, power, life, love, justice. This idea of GOD - the causeless
primordial reason - was accepted by many people from the most varied of nations,
tribes, countries, climes and times. The wise, seer, philosopher, prophet, priest,
scientist of all times and nations here and there, isolated and few, saw this truth -
became aware of the existence of the whole, each expressing the thought by a
different word. The religious man called this concept GOD, the philosopher and
scientist the first cause or the unknowable or the absolute, the materialist nature,
the skeptic life. And the followers of the various creeds have it variously Jehovah,
Buddha, Brahma, Allah and named by many other names. But they all meant the
same thing - GOD.
And how should we look at this big whole of which we are part? Certainly not with
fear, for why should a part fear the whole; why should the simplest atom in the
body of the universe fear the soul who directs and rules the body? Why should the
circumference fear the center? When we become aware of what exactly we are and
how we relate to the whole, we feel that “love drives out fear”, love for it, in which
we live and move and have our being.
When I speak of GOD in this book, it is in a further, larger, more powerful idea of
the Supreme, the Absolute, the ineffective Primordial, and that is why I write this
word in UPPER CASE. This differs from the anthropomorphic - human-like - idea of
God: a being with all the limitations of limited intelligence and childish ideas,
passions and motivations of a human being. When referring to the
anthropomorphic idea of God - a God who has a personal name - I have spelled the
word the conventional way. As you have noticed, I have used the word “him”, “his”
etc. to refer to GOD, not because I regard him as masculine or rather man than
woman, but because it is more convenient, the ordinary form to follow, and to avoid
the word "it", that we usually use for inanimate or inferior things. GOD has no
gender. Or perhaps it would be better to say that he incorporates both the elements
of father and mother that appear separate in his manifestations. The idea of
endowing his God with the quality of man is probably explained by the fact that
primitive man viewed woman as an inferior being and therefore preferred to
imagine God as himself - that is, male. The mind of man has instinctively rebelled
against this idea and we find many peoples who have created for themselves the
concept of a female deity ruling together with a male deity. The Catholic Church
instinctively felt this
I remember the story of a Catholic woman in great need who went to the altar of
the Blessed Virgin for consolation. A Protestant who didn't understand asked her
why she wasn't praying directly to God. She replied, “I feel better when I pray to the
Blessed Virgin. She is a woman and can understand me better. “If we remember
how in our childhood we went to our mother rather than our father with our
problems, we can understand that feeling and the motivation that inspired the
Catholic churchgoer too appreciate knowing.
At this point in his development man can know practically nothing about the inner
nature of GOD. He is only just beginning to become aware of his existence - his reality.
He is only just beginning to grasp the meaning of the unity of life - seeing GOD through
his manifestation. To some, the idea of GOD seems like that of a great impersonal
force - a great unlimited and eternal principle. To others, GOD appears as a personal
God. To the former, the idea of endowing GOD with personality seems almost like
sacrilege - a limitation of an unlimited principle - an idea that belongs to the childhood
of mankind. It appears to the others as if the thought of God as a principle deprived him
of all feelings and love and compassion and understanding - and how the concept of
him appears as a blind force or principle of electricity, light, heat, gravity, etc. - and their
souls lean against this Thoughts on. They cry out that they have been robbed of their
loving father, whose presence they had sensed - whose closeness they were often
aware of.

Yet another group - the materialists - see the Absolute as infinite and eternal matter
from which all things spring, of which everything else is only a property or
manifestation. This view, though apparently satisfactory to those who hold fast to
materialistic teachings, is most repulsive to those who perceive matter to be the
grossest form of GOD'S manifestation.

It is strange how it can appear to those who have not yet grasped the truth, yet all
of these views are partially correct and yet none of them are entirely correct. The
Divine Paradox manifests here.
Those who have glimpsed the truth know that GOD himself is beyond the highest
imagination of the mind of the present man, but they also know that GOD
manifests in three different ways: (1) SUBSTANCE or matter, ( 2) ENERGY or power,
(3) PURE SPIRIT, intelligence or mind. All of these terms are unsatisfactory, but the
terms matter, energy, and PURE SPIRIT are the best terms available to try to explain
the inexplicable.

GOD in his three manifestations gives us unlimited and eternal spirit, unlimited and
eternal energy, unlimited and eternal matter. For those who prefer to think of GOD
as a personal God, the idea of the manifestation of infinite and eternal spirit
appears most powerful and satisfies the desires of their soul. For those whose
intellects refuse to be satisfied with the idea of GOD as a person, and yet are
unwilling to believe that there is nothing but the manifestation of matter, the
manifestation of infinite and eternal energy satisfies intellectual desire. For those
whose hearts no longer demand faith in a Divine Father and who can recognize
nothing but matter as the cause of all life,
When we realize that, regardless of whether we are a materialist, occultist, or orthodox
believer, we are all really looking at the same causeless primordial ground - GOD - seen
through some particular manifestation, we will cease to see faults and iniquities in one
another. We will realize that we are all children of the same Father - all brothers and
sisters who look to this Father as the source of our inner being and as our strength and
support. Then for the first time we will get a real idea of the fatherhood of God and
brotherhood of man.

depending on the degree of their development. Everyone is doing their best as best
they can. And the scientist who is confronted with what is the first motive, the first
cause, nature, or the unknowable - and the materialist who sees matter as universe
- all have their faces turned to GOD.

GOD is everything that one can grasp spiritually about a personal God and even
more. He is the personal God without the restriction of individuality. It includes
everything we would like to see in a personal God and more. He is the God we have
always worshiped, but now that we have come closer to him, we realize that he is
much bigger, much more powerful, much more divine than we ever imagined as a
being. He is everything we can wish for and yet more. He unites the love of father,
mother, brother and sister - indeed, the love of every human relationship - and yet
these qualities are but an atom of the faculty of his love. In revelation as pure spirit,
GOD feeds everyone with expectation, desire, Hope and longing and then
transcends them. The limited cannot even begin to grasp the love of the unlimited.

And GOD in his appearance as energy includes all the energy and power that can be grasped by
humans - and more. Everything in terms of energy and strength is from GOD. He is omnipotent - all

And GOD in his appearance of the pure spirit is omniscient. He has all knowledge. There
can be no knowledge outside of oneself. He is the summary of all knowledge and all
wisdom. He doesn't make mistakes, he doesn't change his mind - he doesn't regret - he
doesn't learn - he knows and has always known.

And GOD in his appearance as matter is omnipresent, his substance is everywhere

and there is no other substance. The materialist is right when he claims that
matter is omnipresent, but confuses appearance with what lies behind it -
revelation to the revelant.
The metaphysician, the occultist and the scientist have arrived on the same level.
From their different points of view, they see that PURE SPIRIT
Energy and matter (or as the scientist calls them: intelligence, force and matter) are
infinite and eternal. Many agree on this point and yet were unable to continue the
analysis. They found that these three principles exist in the universe and beyond
that they cannot infer. You are right, but you fail to see that these things are not
causes but the manifestations of the one - the causeless primordial reason - GOD.

We cannot form the faintest idea of GOD except through his three manifestations
and their connection. We are only just entering the stage of mental development
where we begin to understand a little bit about these manifestations and their laws.
We are only just beginning to harness our little knowledge of them and apply that
knowledge by utilizing some of the wonderful energies that we have discovered. We
currently only have a basic knowledge of these manifestations of GOD and it may
be that we are still on a preschool level even in millions of years. And until we at
least partially grasp the meaning and nature of these wonderful manifestations of
GOD, we cannot even remotely imagine what lies behind them - GOD himself.

And why try at this time to fathom the unfathomable? Why try to master the higher
math of life when we can first learn that two and two make four? What nonsense.
Let's talk about this as much as possible
Learn forms of appearance - let us grow into a comprehensive knowledge that is
brought to us from outside and inside - and cheer. Let us look with expectation to the
worlds yet to be conquered - to the days of blissful knowledge that lie ahead and be
happy. Let us cheer and exclaim that we have finally found the path, and let us travel it
with confidence and courage and joy.

Let's not cry now that we have realized that GOD is so much bigger than we ever
dreamed it would be. Let us not feel that he has moved so much into the distance,
for that is far from the truth. Once we have reoriented ourselves, we will see that as
our conception of GOD has grown, we too have grown proportionally. Let us realize
that by being aware of GOD'S existence we have become aware of our closeness to
- as part of the whole - of it, not just of GOD created to have been, but were brought
forth from him - possessing an atom of his pure spirit - a part of his substance - a
particle of his power - being from him and not from him - being a part of him and
not separated from him. And let us know that as we grow, unfold and develop, we
will acquire a greater share of all of its properties - knowledge, power and power
over space. If we remember that we were brought up from him, and just as the
child possesses all the attributes of the Father in a less developed form, so we, the
children of God, have a particle of each of his attributes. Think about it for a
moment and remember that we are GROWING.

You great eternal infinity, you

great unlimited whole.
Your body is the universe - your mind is the soul. You feed
the immensity, because you are everything in space.
If you hadn't been in front of me, I wouldn't be here.
How could I live outside of you?
Do you not feed earth and air?
There is certainly no place for me outside of anywhere.
If you are God and feed the immensity of space,
Then I am from God, otherwise I have no place.
And if I had no space or if I weren't here, I certainly can't
be “banished” because that's how I would be somewhere.
Then I have to be a part of God, no matter how small:
And if I weren't part of him, then would be
there is nothing like a god.


There is only one. GOD'S manifestations are apparently innumerable, but from the
cosmic point of view everything is ultimately only one. The mind cannot fully grasp
this idea without the aid of symbols or images of speech - metaphors. The person of
cosmic knowledge is aware of this all-unity, but cannot convey it clearly to others
through words. The mind creates a symbol in attempting to express the
inexpressible. The mystics tried to express the idea of unity through a symbol - a
circle with a center, with rays reaching from the center to the circumference,
touching it in all places.
This circle symbolizes the universal unity, the center represents the central
intelligence, power, presence - GOD - surrounded by his radiation. This symbol is
insufficient because the circle depicted has dimensions - there is something outside
of it. The circle of GOD'S radiation has no such dimensions - no such limitations -
and there is no outside of it. Everything is included and nothing is left out. There is
no outside - everything is inside. And in the symbol the rays emanating from the
center have gaps that leave a part of the room untouched by the rays, while in
reality the rays from the center touch and cover every part of the outflowing
universe - there is no place, no person or thing, which is not in contact with the
center - not in connection with GOD. God's love, presence, power and spirit reach all
and are still a part of him, just as the sun's rays spread in all directions and are still
part of the sun. But every symbol, linguistic image or form of expression is
insufficient. The inexpressible cannot be expressed. The limited cannot express the

Everything is one. The most beautiful thing - the most hideous object, the life-giving drink
from the crystal spring - the deadliest poison, the wonderful mountain - the destructive
volcano, the spiritual person - the puffed drunkard in the gutter, the person who teaches
and lives the highest truth - the one Murderers awaiting gallows, the most sublime kind of
femininity - the lustfully grinning curb swallow, the harmless pigeon - the deadly snake - all
are contained in the circle. Nothing is left out - none can be left out. We have to include the
lowest as well as the highest. On other levels of life there are radiant beings so much higher
than the human being as we know him, as the human being is higher than the amoeba.
And on other levels there are life forms lower than anyone we know. And these are also
included. They are all in the circle - archangels and elementals. You are one with us - the
higher and the lower. And the higher ones know about this relationship and do not shrink
from it - even the person who recognizes the truth does not shrink from this relationship.
Everything is one. And there is one thing in everything.

Separation is just an illusion - a web of dreams of undeveloped consciousness. As a

person unfolds into Cosmic Knowledge, he realizes the folly in the idea of
separation, of exclusion - of contempt - of the real difference between parts of the
whole. He sees gradations and degrees - stages of growth - levels - but ultimately
no real differences. He realizes that God alone is perfect, that all the rest are only in
proportion. As the center is approached, it grows
the approaching one on the step ladder. And the further something is from the
center, the lower it appears in the relative division. But whether higher or lower, it is
part of the whole - something created by God. The only measure of perfection is God.

Each is part of the universe. Not just a part, but a part closely related and connected
to every other part. And everything is in constant motion - constantly advancing -
developing further - unfolding - approaching the center. All life is on the way. And
as the section progresses on the way, the more conscious it becomes of its
connection with the universe and with its center - becomes more and more aware
of the non-existence of the separation and the all-unity. This awareness is the
evidence of the stage of the journey reached by the traveler - a milestone along the
way. The awareness of individuality does not decrease - on the contrary,
individuality expands - grows - absorbs more content. The traveler recognizes his
connection to and with an ever-increasing part of the whole until he becomes aware
of the path of his closeness to everything far ahead, and the feeling of divorce
disappears and never returns. The traveler on your path can rest for a long time -
can even go astray and seemingly lost - but never will he go backwards - and
however lost he may be, he will always return.

As one begins to see things for what they are, one becomes aware of a rapidly
increasing compassion and understanding. Prejudice after prejudice fall away from you
until your vision has become clear. Then one begins to "understand". Man sees in
others what is in himself - he sees in himself what is in others. And he loses the feeling
of superiority - and with that stops judging. He regrets but does not judge. He has a
broader understanding of people's motivations - a clearer understanding of their
weaknesses, their temptations. He regards them as fellow travelers on the path - some
ahead of him, some behind him a little, some stumbling and dirty with the dust and dirt
of the road, but all travelers on the path heading for the same goal.

He recognizes the only truth in all sciences, all religions, all philosophies, but knows
that none of them contains all truth. The truth is too big and too big to be held in
one place - or by a single person. All of them have a part of it. When one becomes
aware of this, one realizes the folly in the bickering, jealousy, condemnation,
prejudice and bitterness between people of different beliefs and adherents of
different religions. He realizes that they are all facing the truth from different points
of view, that all are doing their best as they can. All tell the truth as they see it. As
the feeling of divorce falls away

For those who have this feeling of all-unity, the world expands immeasurably; to be
precise, for such a person the universe becomes the world and everything that it
contains appears to him as something related. All people are his brothers - all
places are his home - all joys are his - all pain is his pain (even if in reality no pain at
all) - all life is his life. He feels close to everything - humans, animals, plants,
minerals - all are parts of the one.
And such a person realizes that all that we have called “sin” grows out of the feeling
of divorce - a lack of knowledge of all-oneness. When man finally realizes that all is
one and divorce is only a delusion, it will be impossible for him to "sin". The human-
to-human relationship will then be leveled on the foundation of all-unity and
injustice will then be impossible. The feeling of divorce is responsible for man's
suffering - distress - torment
- Selfishness - lack of human brotherhood. By the dawn of the morning the laws of
man will have lost their usefulness and will be forgotten. The Divine Law of Unity
will be written in people's hearts and form an infallible guide. The good of one will
be the good of all. The fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man will be
living truths and principles of action. There will only be one code of ethics and one
moral code, and these will be inscribed in people's hearts.

Everywhere in that part of the universe with which we are familiar, we perceive that
immutable laws are at work - the same everywhere. From the most humble forms of life
to the highest, all are under the law. And we know before the all-unity that the same
laws are active everywhere in the universe, always the same. The suns, surrounded by
their systems, obey the same laws that control the movements of the smallest atoms in

Everything is one, and yet the multitude of manifestations and expressions is unlimited.
Each is part of the whole and yet the whole is expressed differently in each one. The
separate experience of the part constitutes the combined experience of the whole.

People differ in details, but essentially they are the same. Take all different kinds of
religion and examine them. What do you find after weeding out the useless? Simply
this: An awareness, coming from within, that there is, behind all things and in all
things, a Universal Presence that loves what has emerged from it. This is the basic
consciousness of religion. What more can you ask for? All the rest was built around
through human ignorance, self-conceit and the desire to rule over others, through
a display of superior knowledge. The priesthood built temples around the Divine
Spark to protect it, but thereby almost completely blocked it from view. Tear down
the walls and look fearless

And while man looks at the light, he becomes aware that the whole universe is
permeated by this universal presence - that the universal intelligence knows everything -
that the universal force is at work everywhere - that everything is one - everything is an
outflow of God .

When this idea of the unity of life is grasped one begins to understand the
wonderful relationship between people and things - the supernatural secrets of
telepathy, thought transmission, clairvoyance and other phenomena of this kind.
Calling "new thinking" can only be understood when the idea of unity has been
grasped. Many dark passages that are difficult to interpret are made intelligible -
many difficult facts assimilated and absorbed - when we grasp the idea of
Human sympathy, love, affection, compassion, compassion, tenderness, brotherly
love, humanity will not be understood in any other way. As man grows into this
understanding, his sympathy increases. In the beginning man only cared for
himself, then for himself and his family, then his tribe was included, then the
alliance of the tribes, then his principality, then his nation, then friendly nations,
then nations with which he came into contact is and so on, until eventually he will
have a brotherly feeling for all of humanity and there will be no more wars among
men. As he grows into the idea of oneness, so does his compassion, albeit
unconsciously at first. As man advances up the ladder,

This is the point that humanity is traveling towards. Individuals have emerged a little
and are viewed by the masses as visionaries. Others have fallen to the end and are left
alone, considered by the mass of people to be barbaric and incapable of loving people.
But everyone is moving forward. Selfishness is given the bells for the dead - a better
day dawns on humanity as it progresses. The day of “Universal Peace” and “Human
Brotherhood” is a long way off, but we are approaching it. In the midst of the noise of
materialism, desire, selfishness and greed, a different sound comes out. It is not loud,
but it is clear and strong and is constantly growing in size.

People stop to listen and wonder what it all means. Soon they will find that the clear sound resonates
through them, and they will gather around the yardstick that sound proclaims. And this sound will then be
so pervasive and world-filling that the legions of mammon and selfishness will drop their weapons and
advance inexorably with the rest of humanity. This is not a dream - it is a prophecy of the future. Man
cannot escape it. It may reach him with pain and suffering - but it will reach him. The sound resounds.
Listen to him. It swells and grows in strength. Soon it will fill the world. And when a person hears him, he
will understand and eagerly await the day when he will be able to to lay down the weapons with which he
fought his brother, not only on the battlefield but also in the marketplace. He will greet the coming day with
joy when he will be freed from the recurring struggle after constant attempts to rob his brother and at the
same time preventing another brother from robbing himself. He will greet the day when love and not fear
will rule. These things will happen through the unfolding consciousness of all oneness in man's mind. and
at the same time preventing another brother from robbing himself will be liberated. He will greet the day
when love and not fear will rule. These things will happen through the unfolding consciousness of all
oneness in man's mind. and at the same time preventing another brother from robbing himself will be
liberated. He will greet the day when love and not fear will rule. These things will happen through the
unfolding consciousness of all oneness in man's mind.

It is difficult when our vision of the folly of all the selfishness and struggles of
brother with brother grows and we are still unable to escape it. Nobody can escape
it until everyone escapes, but everyone who grows in his feeling and
understanding becomes part of a growing army that will soon form a plurality. One
day mankind will be amazed to find how many in number are ready for the new
age and let out a joyous cry of liberation, and the mutual discord will come to an
end. Accelerate the coming of that day.
On that day the teachings and philosophies of Christ will prove applicable and
workable and the spirit of the Master's teachings will be lived. Man will no longer be
afraid of living out these teachings as claimed today by those who consider them
"unfit" for life. Then the Sermon on the Mount can be realized - then the golden rule
will be found in every person's heart and mind. With the awareness of the all-unity,
the true idea of Christ's commission and faith come to its ultimate fulfillment.


Man is. He lives and always will. He can't die. What we call death is no more death
than sleep, into which we sink at night and from which we emerge in the morning,
refreshed, brightened and invigorated. It's a temporary loss of consciousness -
nothing more. Life is continuous - continuous progress, continuous development
and development. There are no sudden interruptions - no surprising changes - no
supernatural transformations.
Everything is constant growth.

Many believe that they will live beyond death, that what they call "my soul" emerges
from the remains of the body and will live forever. Those in whom spiritual
awareness has been awakened have a new idea. You feel the "I AM" AWARENESS
with strength within you and you know that whatever happens to the body, the Real
Self will persist. They know that what they call "I" is the soul and do not be fooled by
the idea that the soul is something that only appears after the "I" is entrusted to
death. Stop for a moment in this thought. All the difference lies between these two
ideas. The whole question hangs on this distinction. The soul is not something
separate from you - it is YOU - YOU are the soul.

I am Lord of a thousand worlds,

And have ruled since the beginning of
time; And night and day in cyclical cradles
Will pass while I see their works.
But time will end before I find redemption
(Charles H. Orr)

It is YOU who will live forever, not an intangible something that develops from you in the hour of your death. This YOU lives in eternity, presently as much as in all future. This is eternity - right

NOW. Before we grow into understanding, many of us feel that life has no consequence - that it is a wretched thing and that real life will not begin until we escape our bodies and become PURE

SPIRIT. But no, you are PURE SPIRIT now as much as ever. It is true that you have a body of flesh and you will not be so burdened in some future time. But you can be assured that you have a

body because you need a body - because at this point in your development a body is indispensable. If you outlast the need for a body, you will be free from it. And then there are bodies and

(other) bodies. Those of the people who have kept the flame of esoteric knowledge alive at all times taught that on other planes of existence - in other worlds - beings exist with bodies far more

ethereal than ours. And also that on lower levels of life beings could be found whose bodies are much more material and coarser than those tailored to us. They taught that when we have lived

the experience of earth life and prepared ourselves for a life on a higher plane, we will advance to the higher plane and incarnate in a body that is for our advanced ones Those of the people

who have kept the flame of esoteric knowledge alive at all times taught that on other planes of existence - in other worlds - beings exist with bodies far more ethereal than ours. And also that on

lower levels of life beings could be found whose bodies are much more material and coarser than those tailored to us. They taught that when we have lived the experience of earth life and

prepared ourselves for a life on a higher plane, we will advance to the higher plane and incarnate in a body that is for our advanced ones Those of the people who have kept the flame of esoteric

knowledge alive at all times taught that on other planes of existence - in other worlds - beings exist with bodies far more ethereal than ours. And also that on lower levels of life beings could be

found whose bodies are much more material and coarser than those tailored to us. They taught that when we have lived the experience of earth life and prepared ourselves for a life on a higher

plane, we will advance to the higher plane and incarnate in a body that is for our advanced ones that on other levels of existence - in other worlds - beings exist with much more ethereal bodies

than ours. And also that on lower levels of life beings could be found whose bodies are much more material and coarser than those tailored to us. They taught that when we have lived the

experience of earth life and prepared ourselves for a life on a higher plane, we will advance to the higher plane and incarnate in a body that is for our advanced ones that on other levels of

existence - in other worlds - beings exist with much more ethereal bodies than ours. And also that on lower levels of life beings could be found whose bodies are much more material and

coarser than those tailored to us. They taught that when we have lived the experience of earth life and prepared ourselves for a life on a higher plane, we will advance to the higher plane and

incarnate in a body that is for our advanced ones

Degree of development is suitable. And they also taught that before we incarnated
on earth, we stayed elsewhere and used bodies that corresponded to our
development at the time. Bodies that are much lower on the ladder of development
than those we currently have. The body is always an instrument of the soul, and the
soul is given the instrument that best suits its level of development.

Some schools teach the teaching of metempsychosis (transmigration of souls) or

reincarnation (rebirth), as it is commonly called. They believe that after death we
return and occupy another earthly body that draws us to itself through the law of
attraction or karma. I have always felt that there was a lot in this performance,
although I also believe that its advocates have made too many claims. It is
undisputed that the theory of metempsychosis is the only possible explanation for
the inequalities and manifest injustices of life. It is the only theory that is consistent
with justice. But to assume that life is just a round of repeated earthly incarnations
in bodies as we know them here on earth,

I believe the soul has existed for ages. I believe that it has always existed as part of
the whole, manifested as a separate or seemingly separate entity, has existed for
countless ages, working its way up through various expressions from lower to
higher, always advancing - always growing. And I believe that it will go on to grow
and unfold and develop through the ages, progressing from lower to higher
manifestations and then on to higher and higher and higher. The man who has
developed enough to catch a glimpse of what is hidden in the soul becomes able to
look a little further ahead than his companions - to penetrate the darkness for a
short distance, but beyond that he cannot see. Some have been able to grasp truths
obviously well beyond the understanding of the plural, but even that is nothing
compared to the whole truth. GOD'S plan reveals itself to man only insofar as man is
able to grasp it. As a person grows in spiritual understanding, he will find new
sections of truth waiting for him.

It doesn't make much difference whether someone believes in transmigration of souls or not. At best, it's not
worth arguing about. When the awareness of eternal life comes to one, he does not care how many bodies he has
used as he progressed on the path, or how many more he will have opportunities to use before moving on to a
higher plane . He doesn't care much about such things except on the grounds of guesswork. He knows he IS and
always will be. He feels every moment as PRESENT and lives it out. He knows that he cannot be destroyed or
wiped out. He knows that the smallest thing in the universe is governed by the Universal Law, that GOD is aware
of his existence and is fully aware of everything that afflicts him. He knows, that it cannot be destroyed - it cannot
be separated from the whole - it cannot be placed outside the universe - it can neither be forgotten nor ignored.
To know these things, do not worry him what lies ahead. He knows that whatever it is must be good. He knows
that the universe is very big and there is enough space for him somewhere in it and that the best place for him
will be where he can be found at any time. He knows he's his own best that the universe is very big and there is
enough space for him somewhere in it and that the best place for him will be where he can be found at any time.
He knows he's his own best that the universe is very big and there is enough space for him somewhere in it and
that the best place for him will be where he can be found at any time. He knows he's his own best
cannot escape - that he cannot escape from GOD. And knowing these things he is
content - he lives on, day after day, enjoying the game of life in and around him.

Whether further growth results through additional incarnations on earth or in other

worlds or whether the soul, once freed from the fetters of the earthly flesh, enters
other planes of existence in order to grow there, is not essential, does not matter.
The universe is large, and it is very possible that we may be given an opportunity to
visit all parts of it as we evolve. In such a case it seems as if we are currently on a
relatively low level of life and need to first awaken to an awareness of what all this
means, to become aware of our growth, our progress and our development in the
future. A child grows and develops without being aware of it. Then it becomes
aware of itself and grows in its understanding, remembers and thinks and draws
conclusions. And so it may be that we are in a child's state of spiritual awareness
and are only just beginning to “notice” this.

Worrying about a future life is as useless a thing as worrying about the next week,
the next month, the next year. The one who has grown finds one as ridiculous as
the other. None of them do anything useful. The real philosophy is to live in the
NOW. Don't worry about future life. Better leave that in GOD'S hands. He takes
everything into consideration - anticipates all obstacles - knows everything about
you and your needs - and is truly capable of regulating all matters of the universe
without your special suggestions. Man's idea of life afterward changes from time
to time as he grows. Some of the old ideas were very childish, and some of our best
ideas appear to the mind of a being that has reached the higher levels of existence,
no doubt just as childish. What kind of children in understanding we must appear to
such radiant beings who long ago left the path we are now walking behind and
reached the level of spiritual manhood. I don't know where these beings are and
what condition they are in, but I have a secure feeling that they exist and that it is
part of GOD'S plan to allow them to lend a helping hand to those who are at our
developmental level.

I believe that the ancient teaching of angels and archangels is based on truth and represents
man's imperfection in expressing a fact of the spiritual world that is beyond his understanding.
In our own conceit we are able to imagine that GOD has exhausted his creative power by
supplying the earth with the manifestations that we see around us and that there are no other
forms of life anywhere in the universe. This is an idea as absurd as the one man had before, that
this little earth - this grain of sand - is the center of the universe and that the sun and moon and
stars were created only for the benefit of a certain inhabitant who is called man. The people
have outgrown this idea but still hold on to the same absurd notions that the earth is the center
of spiritual life and that man as we know him is the highest and only being that possesses a soul.
People will later realize that GOD'S universe is large and our world is very small compared to the
whole and that the human being, as we know him, is only the manifestation of the soul at a
certain stage of development. This can be difficult for some only the manifestation of the soul is
at a certain stage of development. This can be difficult for some only the manifestation of the
soul is at a certain stage of development. This can be difficult for some
seem understandable, but they will gradually grow into understanding. Man -
real man - is a wonderful being, but man in his present expression is an
undeveloped, crude, crude, and primitive creature.
I haven't tried to come up with a theory about future life. I have my own views on
the subject, and have alluded to them here, but I have no desire to impose any
particular theory on you. If you have a theory or idea that will give you comfort and
satisfaction, it is important to hold on to it. The prospect is good that we are all
right, but none of us are completely right in our imagination. I do not understand
how man at his present stage of development can try to grasp the details of a
future life. He can see a little further into the darkness, but can no longer
understand it as a brief idea of the truth. I think, when one is awakened to the
awareness of eternal life - when one feels certain TO LIVE - TO BE - one will not put
much emphasis on the details of a future life. Then it will make you feel safe to
trust the law. I think that Paul, the mystic, summed it up well when he said: "We are
all sons of God, but what we will be one day is not yet known."

Human development has taken place along a path of gradual unfolding of
consciousness. I draw your attention to the fact that I am speaking of unfolding
instead of appropriation, although the process of growth and development involves
both unfolding (or growth from within) and appropriation (or growth from
outside) ). There is something inside that has a constant urge to develop, and there
is an attraction that draws you in and assigns what is needed outside. It should be
remembered that I am naturally using the words inside and outside in a
proportionate sense and am fully aware that from the absolute point of view inside
and outside are the same.

In all of us there is a mighty force that urges expression and growth, drawn up in
the direction of the ultimate good - drives us to unfold and develop - sheds shell
after shell in the ongoing development and unfoldment - propelled by the impulse
transmitted by the causeless primordial reason through the attraction of the
absolute. Like a plant, we are driven to grow gradually but surely - steadily - from
seed to flower, until our developmental possibilities are fully expressed. We grow
like the lily, unhindered and steadily, unfolding leaf by leaf, until the plant has risen
in complete beauty, crowned by its divine blossom.

At the center of our being is something that drives a powerful desire to unfold and
develop, and we will follow this impulse as long as one last atom of life remains in
us. The seed in the ground will express itself through a small sprout that, in its
effort to reach the sun's rays, will move weights a thousand times its own. The
seedling may be bent to the ground and tied to it, but its foliage, following the law
of its being, will instinctively grow upwards, move along the path of least
resistance, and grow towards the sun, despite all the efforts that try to prevent it .
Like the plant - like the seedling - this something within us will not allow us,
Submitting to the limiting ties will not allow us to conform to the norms that we
have from time to time to be observed. As long as it has to submit, it maintains
reserves of strength and the unbroken pressure in the direction of its desire day
after day, until one day through extreme exertion it throws off the restrained
obstacles and, obeying the laws of its being, grows again towards the sun.

Life is growth. It moves on, pushing in this and that direction along the paths of
least resistance, drawing towards it what it needs most today to discard tomorrow
- after it has served its purpose, after having drawn the helping properties from it
have been. It takes on many forms as it grows, shedding shell after shell when it
has outgrown it. Any attempt to force it to retain a shell from which it has already
outgrown will cause the nature of life to revolt, and in the end, with a tremendous
effort, it will break open and tear the shells that hold it back to pieces.
The philosophical mind, pondering the great questions underlying life, will quickly
encounter what is called the "Divine Paradox." He finds himself compelled to
acknowledge what are apparently contradicting aspects of the same thing. He finds
two equally satisfactory answers to the same question, each of which would appear
appropriate if it weren't for the other. These circumstances put the philosopher in a
position to be able to answer every big question only proportionally with a “yes” or
“no”. Once he has become aware of the center, the philosopher not only sees that
neither of the two answers is undoubtedly correct (from an absolute point of view),
but that both answers, when combined, create the only true approximation to the
correct answer. One is forced to answer; "It is and it is not." The explanation is
partially understood when we remember that absolute truth cannot be conveyed in
relative terms. The novice who enters the path will encounter the Divine Paradox.
Don't let that intimidate you - it's just horrible in appearance - when you get close to
it you will see that it is a friend and helper.

We encounter this divine paradox when we boldly contemplate the question of

human growth, development and development. One school of thinkers will
advocate the opinion that man grows and develops only through external causes,
that he is a creature of heredity, environment, circumstance. Another school will
teach that his growth comes entirely from within and that external circumstances
have no effect on him. Both will present you with brilliant arguments, remarkable
notions, and examples, and for a moment you are almost convinced until the other
side of the question appears before you. Then you will be torn apart by
contradictions, and if you do not acknowledge the Divine Paradox,

There are two general causes at work in the development of the ego - one internal and one external. These causes are
contradicting from a relative standpoint; from the absolute point of view they are one. Neither of these two relative causes
determines or controls human development. It is a constant play or action of these two forces. The inner urge encounters
numerous hurdles, obstacles, barriers and handicaps that seem to distract the ego from its path that is spread out by the inner
force. And yet the inner force pushes forward, and either it exceeds, overcomes, undermines or sideways past the external
obstacles. At first glance, it may seem like the old claim: "The irresistible force comes into contact with the immovable body" The
claim is beyond the human mind, but the comparison is not correct, because while the two forces are continuously working
against each other, the inner urge ennobled by the external obstacles is victorious in the end and the Life plant rises towards
the sun. The vast river on its way to the ocean was forced to take this and that path - forced to bend here and under there - but
eventually the sea was reached and the water of the river returned home. if the inner urge ennobled by the external obstacles is
victorious in the end and the life plant rises towards the sun. The vast river on its way to the ocean was forced to take this and
that path - forced to bend here and under there - but eventually the sea was reached and the water of the river returned home.
if the inner urge ennobled by the external obstacles is victorious in the end and the life plant rises towards the sun. The vast
river on its way to the ocean was forced to take this and that path - forced to bend here and under there - but eventually the sea
was reached and the water of the river returned home.

I would like to say at this point that my philosophy teaches me that ultimately the
inner forces and opposing obstacles are only recognized as different
manifestations of the same thing and the highest manifestation of harmony can be
found in the apparent disharmony. If
To speak of relative things, one has to use relative terms in order to be able to make
oneself understood at all. Even if one wished to speak from an absolute point of
view only, one would find no words to express oneself and be forced to remain
silent. I am saying this now so that I cannot be misunderstood later. In order to
convey my message, I have to assume that this inner force that urges development
is the most essential influence in human progress, and that the external forces that
act on the inner force lie in the nature of the obstacles. Before we come to a
conclusion, however, I trust that you will recognize that both forces are
indispensable factors for human development.
A peculiarity of this process of development is to reflect on what is most necessary:
Actually, the underlying cause of development is the ultimate or highest effect or
the result itself. The flower or fruit pressing for expression causes the seed to
sprout, the plant unites Stalk develops, leaves grows, and fulfills all the laws of their
growth. The potential oak in the acorn, eager for expression, causes the full growth
and development of the tree. In the lowest forms of life, the potential human has
been found eager for expression and development over millions of years. The result
man was the cause man. The last to appear was the first cause. And in the present
man nests the potential higher man of the future and perhaps beyond this being in
an ascending order, superior to man as much as man is to the lowest forms of life
known to science. Truly: "But many who are first will be last, and the last will be
first" (Matthew 19:30, Luther 1912) and that in several respects.

I look at a growing plant or flower, one is bound to be amazed by the ease and
naturalness of growth, by the absence of exertion or pain. And we may wonder why
this process is not carried out in the higher forms of development. We wonder why
man cannot develop his ego in a similar way without all of the growing pains,
struggles, and efforts. Oh, we are blind. If we could only look at the plant through a
sufficiently large and powerful microscope, we would be a continuous tearing down
and building - destruction - exertion - pain - tearing apart - singling out - replacing

- recognize. Change - change all the time. But the plant, true to the instincts of
nature, does not unnecessarily go against the laws of its growth, and the pain is
reduced to a minimum and may even give a certain sense of pleasure (for pain and
pleasure are not far from each other), but the Humans seem to oppose every
growth step and hold back because they fear the change and thus prolong and
intensify the pain. Poor man - but he is learning.
We will say more about this process of development elsewhere in this book and leave
the subject for the time being in order to take up the various forms of human
development. However, keep this in your thinking that there is something inside that
urges development and development. And this something is what will ultimately appear
as the divine flower on our life plant. It is nothing foreign to us - not something from
outside - but rather the higher self that one day we mean when we say “I”. At the
moment the "I" is our awareness of the higher level in our present development. Your
“I” today is very different from the “I” from ten years ago and your “I” in ten years will be
very different from your “I” today.
And when we become aware that this process has continued through the ages,
our minds fail for the time being - we cannot grasp this wondrous truth, pregnant
with such amazing possibilities.


It is important to understand something about the growth and development of
consciousness in a person - the unfolding of the "I" consciousness in him.

In the lower order of animals there is only a smaller proportion of what we call
consciousness. The awareness of the lower forms of life is little more than mere
sensation. The subconscious level of life is on the rise, but only with the coarser
abilities, the higher abilities remain inactive and undeveloped. Life in the lower
forms is almost automatic. In the mineral world there seems to be no life, the life
principle is almost completely suffocated in matter. Yet the occultist tells us that
there is a faint first sign of life even in the mineral world, and some of the
progressive scientists are beginning to acknowledge

There is in nature an instinctive tendency of living organisms to perform certain

actions - the tendency of an organized body to seek what satisfies the needs of its
organism. It's a simple kind of mental exertion, apparently entirely along
subconscious channels. In the plant world this tendency is clearly noticeable and
extends from the minor displays in the lower species to the greater ones in the
higher species. It is what is often referred to as the "life force" in plants. In some of
the higher manifestations of the plant world, however, there appears a faint tinge
of independent "act of life" - a faint indication of consciousness - a faint display of
conscious effort.

In the lower animal world we discover a much higher level of consciousness, which
differs in level, in a number of species and genera, from the almost plant-like
manifestations in the lowest animal species to the almost human intelligence of the
highest species. The level of consciousness in the highest of the so-called "lower
animals" approaches the lowest level of consciousness in humans and certainly
approaches that of a child. Just as a child shows the stages of human physical evolution
in its body before birth, so a child reveals before and after birth to maturity - the mental
evolution of human beings.

As man progressed in development and development, he began to manifest the

first signs of what is known as self-awareness, and this is higher on the ladder than
simple awareness. To convey the idea of consciousness in its various
manifestations with words is very difficult; in fact, many authors in the field of
psychology report that, strictly speaking, it proves unsuitable for definition. To
describe one thing you have to compare it to something else, and since there is
nothing like consciousness in nature, we have nothing to compare it to. To my
mind, the best idea of awareness is conveyed through the words "awareness" and
Simple awareness is an awareness of external things - things other than the inner
self - a result of the meditation of the mental gaze.
The vast majority of people barely know what self-awareness is. They are used to
taking things for granted and never find it necessary to take a mental inventory of
themselves. On the other hand, some become pathologically self-conscious and
find it difficult to take their eyes off themselves. It is the ancient principle of the
outside and the inside that manifests itself in so many forms.

With the emergence of self-awareness, man gained an idea of the "I". Until then, he
had never mentally formed the "me". At first the idea was hazy and cloudy. Man
began to think of himself in comparison to others of his kind. The idea of "I" began
to grow. Let us leave primitive man behind as this "I" -cognition unfolds and come to
man today. A quick thought will show us that each of us has an "I" at a different
level of development. We think of ourselves in different ways.

Many of us think of ourselves on the physical level alone. We think of the "I" as a
physical being with a head, body, limbs and organs, from the brain to the liver. For a
person at this stage of development, the body is the real self and the mind is only a
vaguely understood appendix to the body - something useful for the use of the
body. Such a person speaks of "my mind", "my soul" as things that belong to him
and which he uses, but which are not his. For him, “my mind” or “my soul” are just
like “my hat”, “my coat”, “my shoes” - something that goes with it or has to be used,
but not “me”. The "I" is alone on the physical plane, the higher parts of the human
being are his "not-me", just like things are,

Man on the physical plane lives physical life. He eats, drinks, sleeps, and performs other physical acts that are easy and
convenient for him. He finds his only pleasure in the physical - he knows nothing else. His feelings and passions are only slightly
ahead of those of the libertine and he fails to understand another person who has already outgrown that level. Of course we
cannot accuse or condemn such a person, for he can only see what he is and if we were at his stage of development we would do
the same. It is a necessary stage of development that everyone has gone through or is currently going through. It's the
childhood level. Such a person is like a young bear - all his worries are still ahead of him. He has a relatively lighthearted time -
the only pain he recognizes is the pain of the body or its equivalent, a deprivation of what satisfies his sensual nature. Unaware
that he is not the highest life, he feels a kind of pity or contempt for those who find pleasure in other things. He enjoys some
kind of animal pleasure, and it seems rather a pity that he has to awaken and face the next level pain - but life is relentless - the
child has to grow in spite of all the pain - yes, through the means of pain. that he is not the highest life and feels a kind of pity or
contempt for those who find pleasure in other things. He enjoys some kind of animal pleasure, and it seems rather a pity that he
has to awaken and face the next level pain - but life is relentless - the child has to grow in spite of all the pain - yes, through the
means of pain. that he is not the highest life and feels a kind of pity or contempt for those who find pleasure in other things. He
enjoys some kind of animal pleasure, and it seems rather a pity that he has to awaken and face the next level pain - but life is
relentless - the child has to grow in spite of all the pain - yes, through the means of pain.

Some of us have outgrown the physical plane of consciousness. For one who has
reached this level, the ›› I “presents itself as an intellect or mind that has control
over the body and organs and is resident in the brain or the brains of the human
being. It only makes a small difference if these people are over
the mind as the materialists think (a substance evolved or secreted from the brain), or
whether they see it as some kind of intangible substance that manifests itself through the
brain. Both points of view are a matter of intellectual opinion for them and they feel the
same in both cases - in both cases the image of the "I" is the same
- they feel that the center of consciousness is the intellect. To such a person the
intellect appears as the true self, in fact it may even reach the point where he bows
to his intellect and worships him as his god. He is aware of the wonderful powers of
the mind and he begins to cultivate and develop them (all of which are a very
necessary part of growth), often with results that are almost fabulous. Some of
these people will follow the path of pure intellectual abstraction; others will develop
the creative powers of the mind and make them manifest in wonderful inventions,
great discoveries, etc .; still others will develop the imagination and become poets,
writers, artists; others will combine the operational and imaginative qualities and
become successful large entrepreneurs, etc. Everyone will follow the path of least
resistance and develop in what will prove to be the most attractive. But her "I" is
always the mind. Some will proceed along certain pathways of parapsychic
development, which is just a form of manifestation on the mental level. Many
believe that parapsychic powers are identical to spiritual powers, but in reality they
are on the mental level of consciousness, although the higher forms of parapsychic
powers are only available to those who have reached a certain level of spiritual
development. The lower forms of psychic power can be obtained from those which
develop the mind along certain paths and these strictly speaking belong to the
mental level, albeit far removed from the usual mental development. The higher
forms of psychic power can only be attained by those who have reached a certain
level of spiritual development.

For man on the mental plane, the mind is everything. You are aware of its mastery
over the body, are aware of the wonderful powers of the mind over the particular
body under its control, the bodies of others. For them, the mind is the Supreme Self
- identical to the pure spirit. They are aware of the wonderful work of the mind but
are not aware of any higher thing. For some of them, death seems like the end of
everything. Your idea is that everything dies with the brain. Others feel that the
intellect will continue to exist, but it is merely a belief or hope based on the words or
opinions of others who claim to have the authority to speak.

When a person fully enters the mental level of consciousness, their worries begin.
He becomes dissatisfied. He feels new longings that he strives to satisfy. Tolstoy
says of this state: “As soon as the mental part of a person takes control, new worlds
and desires open up, multiplied a thousandfold. They become as numerous as the
radii of a circle, and the worry and fearful mind sets out to first cultivate the desires
and then satisfy them, thinking that there will be contentment in this way. ”But
albeit on the mental level brings her own satisfaction, she also brings her own pain
Dissatisfaction. Man is everywhere surrounded by the limitations of the intellect.
He yells: “Why?” And finds no answer within the boundaries of his intellect. He
grows beyond accepting things just because someone else has said them and
demands an answer from his thinking skills. He instructs his intellect to guide him,
but he finds out after some time that the intellect is leading him on a tiring
journey, around a well-trodden path, and he finds himself far from what he is
looking for. The further a person progresses along purely intellectual paths, the
more he opens himself up to unhappiness. The more he suffers, the more he
knows. And yet the intellect is the finest instrument with which the pure spirit

Man's only possibility of escaping from the pain of the mental plane is through the
channel of spiritual development - through the growth of consciousness along
spiritual paths - the turning of the light of consciousness into the up to this point
unexplored field of spiritual abilities. Here alone is peace.

In the next chapter I'll talk about spiritual unfolding.



Man has progressed on the paths of development, growth and development, one after
the other through the stations of the physical plane, then on to the greater and further
mental planes in all their different phases. From the relatively carefree physical level he
has moved on to the mental level with all its worries, doubts, struggles, agnosticism,
denial, longings, dissatisfaction, discontent. Finally he recognizes a new path winding its
way up the mountain, and even if he does not know where it will lead him, in his
desperation he desires to travel it, almost in defiance of the hope that it will lead him to
the Promised Land.

He is traveling there. He notices the footprints of previous travelers, but also sees
that few have traveled the path. He feels insecure because instead of seeing where
the road is going, he sees the path winding and can hardly see more than a few
steps ahead. But carried forward by a longing that he can hardly grasp, he takes the
few steps with faith in his heart, and after having taken them he is conscious of
climbing the heights and further steps open before him. He remembers the words
of the old, familiar hymn:
I do not desire to see the distant scenery,
one step is enough for me. You lead me
(John Henry Newman, "Guide me, mild light")
He quickly realizes that he has stepped on new and unfamiliar ground and crossed
the borders of a new country. He is in a strange area. There are no familiar
landmarks. He doesn't recognize the place. He becomes aware of the great
distance that exists between himself and his friends that he has left behind at the
foot of the hills. He calls out loud to them to follow him, but they can barely
understand him and seem concerned for his safety. They wave their arms and
signal with their hands that he may return. They fear to follow him and fear for his
safety. But he seems possessed by a new courage and a strange impulse in him
pushes him on and on. To which place he is traveling he does not know

After a while, after having traversed a particularly difficult section of the path, he
comes to a bend in the path and steps onto a wide piece of ground that gives him
the feeling of a break. He knows this is a resting place, a place to stop and watch.
He realizes that he has a wonderful view. On the one hand, he can compassionately
see the others on the levels below, striving for this and that path and trying to
move forward. Far back on different paths he discovers men and women
struggling, and strange as it sounds, he feels instinctively and realizes that they are
all looking for the path he has trodden and followed for a short distance is. On the
other hand, he sees a glorious new land - a land of sunlight and shine. Far away he
discovers groups of people who are traveling higher paths, and from afar the
sound of their voices reaches him - they sing with joy. For the first time he feels
what the real "I" is. He recognizes the body and mind as useful instruments, tools,
servants, but he has a clear understanding of the "I" that is separate from them and
used separately
will. He becomes aware that he always existed - to exist now - and was destined to
always exist. He doesn't think these things through - he knows them, just as he
previously felt that he existed at any given moment. The "I am" has taken on a new
meaning - has apparently grown, because he also knows that it has not really
grown, but that he has arrived at a level of consciousness for the first time, able to
recognize himself as what he is.
He knows that he has come a long way to get to his present location and that he
has a long journey to go, but from now on he will travel consciously and not as a
blind man. He looks down and sees others covered with the dirt and dust of the
road traveling on the plains below. But he knows that he too has traveled these
paths and does not judge them for the dirt and dust. He shared her journey with all
the complaints and filth. He knows that he is in a borderland of Cosmic
Consciousness - and that there are regions of glorious beauty on the other side that
are traversed one after the other. He sees endless stages of existence that open to
his sight.
The soul awakens when it reaches this level and realizes itself as it is in all its glory -
with all its wonderful possibilities. She feels an enthusiastic joy in existence - in the
NOW. She feels part of the WHOLE - knows that the universe is her home. It
recognizes itself as a tiny drop in the great ocean of pure spirit - a ray of the
supreme sun - a particle of Divine Being enclosed in a material body, using that
body and something called mind to reveal itself. The soul does not torment itself
about the past or worry about the future. She is aware that she IS and always will
be, and therefore lives in the NOW. She knows, that it cannot be harmed or
destroyed - that it exists in accordance with the law (and that law is good). It does
not look for explanations, it knows that it will step through matter when the time
has come, shedding sheath after sheath in its unfolding and gaining greater and
greater degrees of knowledge.

She is aware of the existence of the Universal Presence - she is aware of God and his
closeness. For the first time she becomes aware of the reality of what she spoke about so
lightly but without ever understanding it - the omnipresence, omnipotence and
omniscience of God. And knowing and understanding these things - she is content. And
she recognizes her being one with everything. She knows that the development of the
individual means the development of everything - that not a single part of the whole is
separate from the whole or from any part of the whole. She realizes these things and is
amazed. The feelings of old life - hatred, fear, envy, jealousy, malice - fall away from her.
She cannot despise and condemn. She sees ignorance instead of evil. She sees separation
and selfishness where she saw sin before. She finds herself possessed by only one feeling
of humanity and of the entire world - love.

All the time! Love for the lowest creature in existence - the vilest man - the most
shameful woman - for she knows that even these cannot be left out of the grand
scheme of life and that in the end even they cannot escape their own good. And she
feels her relationship and connection to all life - knows herself
inextricably linked - and knows that what is good for the individual is good for all, and
that what hurts the individual hurts everything.

She sees that GOD'S love extends to everyone, no matter how far back they are on the
path. She sees that GOD'S love - like GOD'S sunshine - is bestowed on everyone - saints
and sinners. She realizes that there is no living creature who is so little or so sunk in the
pool of ignorance that GOD would not remember her and would not be willing and
eager to give her a helping hand, and that sooner or later the helping hand Hand
seized by the unfortunate and he is raised. She becomes aware for the first time what
the parable of the "lost sheep" means and sighs when she realizes how little of its
meaning she was able to grasp in the old life.

She recognizes life and death as one. She recognizes death as birth. She loses all fear
of death and knows about its nature. Behind the hideous mask of death she sees the
glorious face of a radiant creature - life.

The soul has these and other experiences when it awakens. And she doesn't stop
seeing, because new visions keep coming up and her vision gradually becomes
clearer. Life takes on a new meaning when one reaches the limits of Spiritual
Consciousness and takes a few steps beyond the limit. Words cannot convey the
idea - it must be experienced in order to be grasped. Maybe you are at the foot of
the hill - at the beginning of the narrow path. You can only see the first steps - take
it, take it. Don't worry about the steps that follow - you will recognize them when
you are ready for them. Walk boldly on the path and do not look back. The path is
narrow and winding but it has been trodden by the elect of all time and many are
now ready for it. You may find it necessary to put aside many of the worthless
things you currently carry with you - much of it is actually a burden, but you held on
to it as if it were extremely precious. Prejudice - limitations - hatred - aversions -
resentment - feelings of superiority towards your brothers - lack of charity -
- Bigotry - worn shells that need to be discarded - manifestations - moldy and putrid
ideas, heirlooms from the past - self-righteousness - these and other useless things
will hold back your progress and will be discarded one by one as you advance on
the path. Things that you carried around and were proud of will be recognized as
worse than worthless and tossed aside with relief, albeit with pain at first. Much of
the splendor with which you have covered yourself will be snatched from you by the
stones and thorns of the road or taken from you as too heavy for your shoulders.
Yes, and after reaching the higher levels of the journey, you will be glad to take off
all of your clothes that you have tried to cover the pure mind with,

See, the light creeps up over the mountains and the rays of the rising sun have
penetrated your room and shine on your face. You shake off the burden of heavy
dreams - you feel the drowsiness of the half-awake state. Open your eyes - great
things are before you today - rise from your bed - step to your window and allow
the healing rays of the sun to fall on you. Everything seems wonderful to you. Life is
worth living - the grim images of the night are
fled - you are finally wide awake and smiling. You hear the voice of the soul
singing: “Joy! Joy! Joy!".
It is the hour of soul awakening.

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