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Surabaya, June 06th, 2022

To : The Head of Visa Section

The Embassy of South Korea
Subject : C-3 Visa Application – Tourism Plan

Dear Sir/Madam,
I, the undersigned below :
Name : Eko Fery Susanti
Address : JL Kemlaten IX Asri No 20, Kel. Kebraon, Kec. Karangpilang, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Passport : C9081613

I would like to inform that I am public servant teacher and a small retailer of “Kangen Water” purified
consumable water. The intention of my trip to Korea is fulfilling my only son’s wish to visit Everland
which has been promised long time before the Covid-19 pandemic. We also would like to visit the head
quarter of “Kangen Water” namely Enagic Korea which located in Gangnam-gu, Seoul. Just because this
is a private trip, we will use tourist guide service or travel alone by using maps app. For additional
information, I and my son aren’t in the same family card because he previously registered to my cousin’s
family card. Currently we stay at the same residence in Surabaya. I fully guarantee that I will not seek
any employment, over stay, or permanently stay in South Korea and will return to Indonesia when the
trip is over. All of expenses during the trip will be borne by myself.
Your approval is highly appreciated and I thank you for consideration.

Yours Faithfully,

Eko Fery Susanti

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