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Intern Name: Qiana Boyd

Topic/Title of Lesson: Life in the Virginia Colony

Grade: 4th-grade


In this lesson…
Overview Students will learn about life in the colonies from notes and google slide presentations
SS.4.4.5 Describe everyday life in colonial Virginia
Standards of Learning SS.4.0.6 Investigate and research to develop arguments orally and written
Essential Questions What was life like for different groups of people living in colonial Virginia?
Students will be able to…
describe everyday life in colonial Virginia from the perspective of multiple groups
Objectives and describe how the culture of Virginia showed influence from a variety of
I can describe everyday life in colonial Virginia from the perspectives of multiple
Learning Target(s) I can describe how the culture of Virginia showed influence from a variety of
Must be familiar with google slides
Necessary Prior Importance of agriculture and its influence on slavery
Knowledge Must be familiar with how money, barter, and credit were used
Materials Paper, pencil, Promethean board, Google slides, lesson notes
Review prior knowledge from last class and uses a google slide presentation to introduce
today’s topic Google Slide Link Here
1. Google slide presentation to introduce today’s topic Google Slide Link Above
2. Write in learning targets
3. Small farms slide
Instructional Activities 4. Men’s role slide
& Strategies 5. Women’s role slide
6. Children’s role slide
7. Enslaved People slide
Including Pictures and descriptions
Homework None
Key Vocabulary Cash crop, Money, Barter, Credit, debt, savings, tobacco
Types of homes and Architects
or Concepts
Informal non-graded worksheet in class that divides 4 different types of people and
Assessments writes their roles in the colonies.
Sticks? Class discussion on the above Material. Each corner of the room represents is a
Closure Activity number on how confident they feel about the material. Have one person from each group
share why they picked that number or explain what they learned.
Accommodations Extra Time on Assessments
Life in the Virginia Colony: Expanded Content Specifications
Resources n-at-jamestown/

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