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Po=cyNumber 〃0.Iわ侮 032200013971

Typeofinsu「ance Ma「ineHul=nsu「an⊂e
ノen后A5uI臼n〆 ノ  .  .. ′ ′  ′.一

「leinsured 打・SindoUtamaJayaand/orasp…CiPaiand/Ormanage「and/OrOWnerand/or
セ心事I7gguIワ mo直gagesfortheirrespectiverightsandinterest

Add「ess Ahm∂t KompIekRegeneyParkBiok冊No.30」ln.Sriwijaya.Peijta-Batam

Pe「iodoflniUranCe Ma「Ch21th。2O22toMa書くh21th,2023
尤lりk∂偽k調停的ungan (bothdatesinciusiveat12.00noonIo⊂altime)

Veきるei〈s) K部)∂l VesseiName :BAHARI17

Type    :GeneraICa「go

Yea「OfBuilt :1998

GR17NRT   :1188T/649T


T「adjngLimits A伯∂伍h与g∂巧やn IndonesianandASEANwater§(excIudePh=ippines)

lnte「est看niured ●′一●・.′● ●. Huii′maChinery,materiais,equipment(inciudingequipmentonboard),gearet⊂,and everythingconnectedtherewithvaiuedasperscheduie,

TotaiSumlnsu「ed ′′ -′-.′′ ′■ IDR6,000,000,000.00

PremiumRate 7ちhf伽mi 0.9%

P「emiumCaicuiation lJE偽i山型ysnrfemi iDR6′000・000′OOO・00XO.9%        = 一DR     54,000,000.00

AdministrationCostlB句のAd7,面相asi   = lDR      50.00O.00

鵬ai                =IDR    与40与0.000.00


Coverage a.Clausel.2isdeleted
Kono施i伍′ねI79guI均∂n 2.PaymentonAccountClause


AdditionalCiauseandConditjons Valuesat訓time
1・Forthepu「posesofaiicontributionstoGeneralAverageandSalvageandSue&  Labou「・allvesseIsa「edeemedtobefuiIyinsuredfortheiractuaIsoundma「ket
K居u5u/くねnKona施i7bmb∂h∂n 2.Gene「aiAve「ageExpendituresuptoUSD50′OOO.00-tObepaidinfu=without

resourcestoothercont「ibutoryinte「est"Adjuste「feenotdeemedtobepartof USD50.000,OO.-refe「「edtoabove,

membe「 of Am
3. To waive ail 「ight of ;ubrogation againit訓Assu「eds Spe⊂ified in the Assured

4, Heiicopte「 CIause (5O9CTBOO781)

5. Hu=しeased Equipment dause l/11/95 (CL 362)

6. Lightening CIause

7. Part(s) removed CIause l/11I95 (Cし364)

8" Radio and Aidsto Navigation Ciause

9. 1ncIuding new and/or a⊂qui「ed and/or added and/O「 manage VeSSels heid ⊂OVered
at te「ms to be agreed

lO. Institute Radioactive Contamination. Chemi⊂ai. BioIogicai, Biochemi⊂aI, and

Eiect「omagnetic Weapons Exdusion CIause (Cし370) 1 0/1 1/03

1 1. Nominated Loss Adjuster Ciause:

it is he「eby noted and ag「eed that in the even of a ⊂iaim. Ioss adjuiterS tO be

ieIected from the fo=owing panel :

● PT Radita Hutama inte「nusa

● PT Dha「ma N=aitama

12" Nominated Ma「ine Surveyor:

it is hereby noted and agreed that in the even of a claim′ Marine Surveyors to be

Seiected f「om the fo=owing panei:

● PT Maritim Surveindo inte「nu;a (MSi)

● PT RBMS/ Riswan Brahmana Mandiri Survey

● PT Asuka Baha「i Nusantara

13. Ext「a Cont「actuai Obligatjon Liabiiity Ex〔lusion Ciause

14. Terro「ism Exciusion Ciause

15. Nu⊂iea「 Energy Risk Exdusion Clause (Amended lW89)

16. institute Cybe「 Atta⊂k Ex⊂lusion CIause (Cし380) 10/11/03

17. PiIots Non-しiability ⊂iause

18" lnstitute Radjoactive Contamination, ⊂hemicai. Bioiogi⊂ai, Biochemical and

Electromagnetic Weapons Exclusion CIause (CL 356A〉 1/1 1/02

19. Ranging damage sustained during cargo ope「ations at each port sha= be deemed
ai damage ⊂auSed by a singie ac⊂ident or occurrence

20, Sanction and Limjtation Exciu;ion Ciause- LMA 310O

21. When a vessei missing for 6 (six) months from the date of saiiing from her last
PO巾She sha= presume to be an Actuai Totalしoss

22. FuIi p「emium ifTotaiしoss Ciau§e

23. Deferred p「emium clause

24. Canceiiing Retu「ns only

25. Ali cIaims fo「 loss′ damage or expense resuiting from any one occu「「en⊂e Or Series
Of occu「rence arlSing Out Of any event sha= be adjusted as one ciaim

26. 1t is ag「eed that any ownership changes would not affect this policy, P「OVided
that there is no change in management.

27, Seepage and Po=ution Exciusion Ciause (01.01.89)

28. lnfo「mation Te⊂hnoiogy Clarifi⊂ation Clause

29. Poiiticai Risk, Financiai Gua「antee and Credit Risk Exciusion CIauie 1995

30" Cance=ation Ciause-30 days

31. Co-Insurance CIause

軸no豊豊謹言葦等      乞約歳
32, Dispute CIause (AAU1 2021〉

33. CompIiance Ciause (AAUi 2016〉

34. 」ELC Communi⊂able Disease ExcIusion CIauie

35. TotaI Asbestos Ex⊂iusion CIause

36. Marine Cyber Endorsement

37. The appointment of ave「age adjuiterS. eXPert in 「eiation to matters whi⊂h may

give rise to a claim under this insu「ance is subject to nominated adjuiter: and/or
SurveyO「S eXPect any iawyer,

38, Deductibie not appiicable to claim fo「 gene「ai average, SaIvage. and sue & labou○○
Deductibie aiso not to appiy in 「e叩ect of survey. iegaI and adjuster’; fees"

39. 1t is agreed that a sequence of damages a「ising f「om the following sh訓be
t「eated as due accident and poiicy deductibIe sha= be appIied accordingiy: incIude
durjng transit of a canal.

40, Contracts (Rights & Thi「d Pa巾es) Act 1999 Exciusion CIause: A person who is not a

Party tO this insu「an⊂e POIicy shaii have no right unde「 the cont「act (right of thi「d
Pa巾es) act 1999 (UK) o「 othe「 substantiveiy sim帖r legisIation, tO enfo「⊂e any Of

41. Absolute asbestos exciusion ⊂lause:

The poIicy sh訓not appIy to and does not cover any actuaI or a=eged =ab描ty
Whatsoever fo「 any claim or ciaims in 「espect of ioss o「 iosses di「ectiy or indirectly

arising out of, 「eSulting from. in ⊂OnSequen⊂e Of, ⊂Ontributed to or aggravated by

asbestos in whateve「 from or quantity.

42. Agreed VaIue Clause

Notwithstanding anything to the ⊂Ontra「y herein, it is hereby deciared and

agreed that in ⊂aSe Of a 〔iaim a「ISlng in 「eSPeCt Of訓o「 any interest insured in the

POIicy scheduie. the vaIue refIected against such item o「 item§ Shaii not be
rega「ded as an agreed vaiue between the insu「e「 and the insured. The actuai

VaIue and amount recove「abie in respect of ea⊂h and every item iost o「 damaged

Wi= have to be proved by the insured to the iniure「 - the maximum amount

re⊂OVerabIe being the sum cove「ed o「 the replacement vaIue. whi⊂heve「 is lower.

43. C看aim Payment ⊂lause (30 days)

1t is noted and agreed that any ⊂iaim unde「 this poiicy sha= be settled at no

Ionger than 3O (thi巾I day§) afte「 the date of finaI adjustment 「eport ha§ been

agreed by both the lead underw「iter and the Assu「ed.

1. Warranted that vessel must be in a seaworthy condition at the time of accident

and any iniu怖ciency of vessei’s construction o「 outfitting or ⊂「eW O「 tOWing
「equirement (but not Iimited to engine power〉 0「 stabiirty or overd「aft o「
OVerIoading of ca「go, fo「 the t「ade or se「vice in which the vesseI is empioyed. a「e
breaches of the war「anty of seaworthineiS

2" Wa「「anted Classed and CIass maintained at the time of accident, eXCePt Whiist dry
do⊂ked or unde「 repair and/0「 COmPiy with ⊂iass requirement in
Obtaining/maintaining ⊂Iass ce巾ficate once the vessel has been cIassed unde「
⊂iassification of Biro Klasifika;i lndonesia
3. Warranted avaiiabiiity and valid vessel’statutory document andIor statutory
ろ富さでKhu拙5 Certificate at the time of accident

4. Warranted ia掴ng Pe「mit from Port Autho「jty at the tjme of accident

5. Wa「「anted that the vesse=s seaworthy and seaworthiness maintained at the time
Of a⊂⊂jdent

6" Warranted no overloaded capacrty on ⊂argO and/or no overdraft of the vessei

7. Wa「「anted singIe tow oniy

8. Warranted no carriage of iogs, timbe「, nickel ore and iron ore

暫二二二二農園n BIIanO 」口BSima†upclng Kav 15  T +62 21 75 9OO 800

鞭瞭-_ ニ ̄臆 -ニ ̄こ     しebakBulus.C=。ndok F +62217660OO5

」okqr†a 1244O. lndonesia asu子anS崎S而COm

租〇〇〇正式 農園園長は自動〇〇 1.ExcIudedIossduetooverIoading
2" ExcIudingHijacking.Piracy&Ter「orism

3" Ex⊂iudingProtectionandindemnityRisk

卸要田は二直音モ 1%ofSuminsuredea⊂hves§eianyoneaccident&N帥forTotaiしOSSO「Const「uctive 丁°taiしoiS


書〇〇〇〇〇〇●ぉ易さ甘置Wa什anty lnstalmentsasperdefe「「edp「emiumcIausewithdetaiiasbeiow:

筆書鵜置〃○○寡坤仰n伽mi .1stinstaimentdueon30daysfrominceptiondate(25%);
・ 2ndinstaimentdueon6Odaysf「ominceptiondate(25%);

・ 3「dinstaImentdueon90daysf「Qminceptiondate(25%);

● 4thinstaImentdueon120daysf「ominceptiondate(25%);

ニ棚l二三 軍報喜田原案軍手 ー Asuran§iA§traBuanaPT                      60.00%

ー AsuransiTakafulUmumPT                   40,00%


Authorized Signato「y

二二  二工三三三 」調Sjmoル叩∩9Kqv.「5 丁 十622「75900800
物関山恥rq恥Jmニ    _e=重富BuIus. CiIondak F +62217660005
_l=てこ一〇 12440, IndonesiO こ六三』 二 ̄三、l三 二 二二 ̄(

membe「 °( AS皿

1" Being a CO-iNSURER of the under mentioned insu「ance ⊂OmPanies川ey sha一一・ ea⊂h fo「 themse-ves and not one fo「 the
Other・ SeVe「訓y and independently have the rights and assume the lia踊es in pro函On tO thei「 respective sha「es as

2. The打ASURANSI仰RA BUANA as the representative of the CO〇一NSURER(S)・ Shal- attend to訓matte「s connecte占with
thi§ CO-1NSURANCE but settIement of c-aims wjthin the te「ms and condition of the Po-icy and premium coIiection are
handied by each CO〇一NSURER indepe=dent-y.

3" Any agreement of decjsion which may be made between the Assured and PT ASURANSI ASTRA BUANA in connection wjth
this CO-1NSURANCE sha“ be fina- and bjnding upon訓CO〇一NSURER(S)" Neverthe-es§ any 「evision o「 a-teration in rate, termS
and ⊂Onditions of the Poiiey o「 any in⊂reaSe Of -iabi-rty over and above the ini耶um lnsu「ed wIII be subject to prior

4. Any notj⊂e Whi⊂h may be given by the Insured to町側RANSI ASTRA BUANA in w「iting or otherwjse shall be deemed as

gjven to a= other CO-iNSURER(S) ai We=.

5" Names of CO-iNSURER(S) and their 「espectjve shares are as foiIows :

;ha「e (%)

P丁. Asuransi Astra Buana

60% asしeade「

Authorized Signatory

PT. Asuransi TakafuI Umum

40% as Membe「

ー I i

membe「 of ASTRA

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