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Role of Social Media Regarding Online Shopping During Covid-19


Course Title: Introduction to Mass Communication

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Session: 2018-2022

Department: History & Pakistan Studies

The coronavirus eruption (COVID-19) is the world's first and foremost human disaster, impacting the
lives of millions of individuals . Social media is the fastest communication network among worldwide
people. During the outbreak of COVID-19 the usage of social media platforms increased two times more
compared with normal days. Any kind of information related to pandemic is available in social media and
its networks. The engagement in social media platforms is increased during lock down to interact with
family and friends. People are more active on Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms to stay
updated. Worldwide people were online for various reasons during this pandemic crisis such as work
from home, to organise a web meeting, to attend online classes conducted by education department using
various applications. Online purchase is the one of the main reasons to be active on social media. As the
stores are closed and people buying a practice through online network are also increased during this crisis.

Social Media Usage and COVID-19

People use social media platforms to be updated about COVID-19 information during the lockdown
times. physicians find social media application as an effective and efficient mode to communicate and
follow up with another physician regarding patient care. According to the Dissemination of any
information are reached easier and faster with the advancement of the internet and its social media
platforms. Facebook, Instagram were most useful platforms for the circulation of information. found
google trend was most access to obtain COVID-19 updates. According to the datareportal report the
social media user all over the world are 4.14 billion users. They were 12.3% annual growth of social
media users. The report stated 99% of social media users access through mobile phones. They
highlighted that social media platform Twitter has gained more attention during the crisis. As the
conversation and interaction move fast on social media there was expansion in Twitter platform for
getting more COVID-19 updates. Twitter has been long term usage among people to express their views
and engage in discussion in a public forum. Therefore, Hashtag continues to grow attention among social
media users. The audio, visual effect and easily accessible strengthen the social media platforms are
more reachable compared with another. The social media platform is for interaction. Apart from
accessing information people use social media and its platforms for purchase during the pandemic. The
complete lock down has opened a way to purchase online. apart from reading news and other updates
people increase their purchases through social media. Eighty-two percentage of respondents say through
social media they are able to get brand information about any product. Online business marketers utilised
the social media usage pattern more favourable to promote their products. He added a COVID-19 social
media usage by 10.5% between July 2019 to 2020. Therefore, social media ranked second place in digital
activity. Reddy (2020) said that more than fifty customers shifted to the online store. They have even said
that they will continue to buy through online. six out of ten customers said they shifted to adapt online
shopping due to fear of visiting stores in person.
Duffett, R.G. (2015) highlighted that over the past few years technology innovation usage has increased,
especially in approaching online social media platforms/networks. Kountouridou and Ioannou (2019)
they discussed the importance of the brand promotional page on Facebook. The user interaction on
Facebook create buying intention. According to the Sharma and Jhamb (2020) online users who receive
the online booked products at their doorstep are very well aware about the product features like a quality,
production place and other details. The UNCTAD (2020) report summarized that digital technologies
were effective during the pandemic. There was more online purchase of foods, groceries, health care
products, hygienic products, gardening and DIY house decorating product during COVID-19 eruption.
Instagram has become a significant part of life. This social media platform provides users with the
opportunity to expand their network and provide a platform for businesspeople to interact with potential
customers. As news of COVID-19 spread, the trends of buying online today are changing. Baby Boomers,
homemakers, and older generations are starting to see online shopping as a valid and safe option to obtain
groceries and household necessities. Notably, studies on social media and how past researchers pursued
social media impact consumer buying behavior many decades ago. Instagram marketing influences
shopping behavior, especially the younger generations and millennial mothers. Rapid changes on the
internet globally, starting from product offerings on e-commerce platforms, product reviews by
consumers, and influencers on Instagram, has to a certain extent compelling them to purchase products
such as gaming, fashion, beauty, and lifestyle to keep up with the trend. In understanding the factors
influence the usage of Instagram among Mothers during the COVID-19 in Malaysia in terms of buying
the necessities product via e-commerce platforms. It is currently in trend as consumers shift their buying
preferences while making purchases amid the COVID-19 pandemic in Malaysia. Digital has become
‘new normal’, and e-commerce is changing shopper’s relationship. This study will explain the uses of
Instagram related to e-commerce platforms and the challenges and opportunities in the communication
field of advertising and marketing in Malaysia. Due to its popularity in recent years, social media has
been generally known as a new medium for 6 that can be used as a marketing instrument by individuals or
companies. Instagram is one of the most common and preferred social media platforms for expressing and
sharing experiences among young consumers in today's postmodern era. Social media consumption is
rising as more and more people go under lockdown. Everyone used to wonder what the “digital
transformation” is actually meant.
While the Coronavirus quarantine will unavoidably end sooner or later, a considerable lot of the
monetary changes that are going on are probably going to remain. Here are a few general tips to
remember. Interface with your clients in a multi-or omnichannel way, understanding that a similar client
may, on various days, shop on Amazon, one more internet based store, or come to your business face to
face. Be straightforward. Assuming that you're encountering challenges because of deficiencies,
increasing expenses of specific things, or postponements because of production network issues, open up
to your clients. Keep them informed with regards to the most recent turns of events and don't attempt to
conceal issues. Be adaptable. During and, no doubt, after the pandemic, clients like having however many
options as could be expected under the circumstances with regards to client care, delivering, installment
choices, and each part of an exchange. For instance, on the off chance that you started offering home
conveyance administration while you had to close down, you should seriously think about proceeding
with this strategy in any event, when your entryways are open. Concentrate on your information. You
should know which stages and channels are presenting to you the best outcomes. You can likewise gather
significant data from clients straightforwardly through surveys, client care communications, and checking
web-based media remarks and audits. To an ever increasing extent, clients presently like the
accommodation of internet shopping. While the limitations forced by Coronavirus might have made web
based shopping considerably really engaging, this is really a drawn out pattern that is probably going to
proceed with all the way into the post-pandemic future. To capitalize on this, organizations need to offer
straightforwardness, adaptable strategies, and helpful omni-channel answers for customers. Sitefinity has
a few incredible accomplices who can broaden your site with internet business abilities.
Individuals and their lives have been firmly impacted by the Coronavirus emergency in various ways.
Different limitations made by the legislatures and specialists impacted people groups' wellbeing, and
social and monetary circumstance, just as their mentalities and conduct. Because of development
limitations and lockdowns, individuals stayed disengaged in their homes with restricted contacts with
others. Online media permitted them to interface with family members, companions, schoolfellows,
educators, and additionally partners just as in shopping. This is the ideal opportunity to expand your
online media exercises to help and engage clients while they are stuck at home. Making supportive
substance to show clients how they can scrape by at home until they can utilize your items once more, is
probably the most effective way to fortify client relations. Contingent upon your business, supportive
substance could be plans coming from a bistro or café, home exercises from a rec center, home medicines
from a delight specialist. Obviously, it should be applicable and suitable for your business. Different
types of connecting with content could be contests where clients need to share video of them playing out
a specific errand.

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