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Distinguish between the following pair of term

(i) Chromatids and Chromosomes

Chromatids Chromosome

1. A chromatid is an identical half of a A chromosome is a thread-like

duplicated chromosome. After structure present in the nucleus or
duplication of a chromosome, two nuclear region of the cytoplasm that is
identical halves are formed, each of made up of a single molecule of DNA
which is called chromatids. and proteins, carrying some or all
genetic materials of an organism. It is
the Sister Chromatids only who have

2. Their main function is to enable the Their Function is to carry the genetic
cells to duplicate material

3. A chromatid, on the other hand are A chromosome occurs throughout the

created only when the cell pass through cell’s life cycle
mitosis or meiosis stages

4. It is the Sister Chromatids only who Chromosomes only have centromeres

have centromeres

5. DNA is not utilized during DNA is utilized during macromolecule

macromolecule synthesis synthesis, it is the Sister

6. Sister Chromatids are identical Chromosomes are not exact copies of

copies of each other each other. One copy of gene comes
from each parent

7. Chromatids have a long and fibrous Chromosomes have a thin ribbon-like

structure. structure.

(ii) Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic chromosome

Prokaryotic chromosome Eukaryotic chromosome

1. Double stranded circular DNA Long strands of DNA containing

genetic information
2. Made up of a single chromosome Made up of several chromosome

3. Short, circular DNA molecule Often having a pairing homologous

4. Occur in the nucleoid Occur inside the nucleus

5. Lack telomeres or centromeres Have telomeres or centromeres

6. No homologous chromosomes Often have a pairing homologous

occurs chromosome

2. Outline the relationship between gene, DNA and Chromosome

Genes are segments of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) that contain the

code for a specific protein that functions in one or more types of cells in the
body. Chromosomes are structures within cells that contain a person's genes.
Genes are contained in chromosomes, which are in the cell nucleus.

3. Sate the two major law of inheritance

(i) Law of segregation:

It states that each trait consists of two alleles which segregate during the
formation of gametes and one allele from each parent combines during

(ii) Law of Independent assortment

It states that a pair of traits segregates independently of another pair

during gamete formation.

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