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2nd Floor Precision Tek Building, Rizal Highway corner Argonaut Road, SBFZ


In compliance with Republic Act No. 11469, otherwise known as the Bayanihan to Heal As One Act,
and its Implementing Rules and Regulations and DTI and DOLE Joint Memorandum Circular No. 20-04-A,
series of 2020 (DTI And DOLE Supplemental Guidelines On Workplace Prevention And Control Of Covid-19),
EasyPOS Solutions Inc. hereby adopts the following policies and programs to achieve a Covid 19-free


EasyPOS Solutions Inc strictly implements the following:

o Always practice personal protective measures such as regular handwashing, wearing of face masks
and face shield, physical distancing of at least 1 meter, and avoiding crowded places.
o Self isolate or just stay at home and not report to work if with COVID-19 like symptoms (fever,
cough, sore throat, myalgia, flu-like illness). Inform your supervisor immediately of your condition.
Please provide medical certificate and other necessary medical documents for employees who cannot
report to work beyond one day.
o Undergo risk exposure assessment and be subjected to contact tracing procedure if with exposure to
COVID-19 suspect, probable or confirmed case, according to prescribed national guidelines set by
the Department of Health and local government and workplace policies.
o Adopt an appropriate alternative work arrangement upon discussion with and approval by your work
supervisors subject to governing rules and regulations and other local personnel guidelines.

o Keep personal track of daily activities for easier history-taking when contact tracing is needed.

o Strictly follow and implement guidelines on infection control procedures, waste management, and all
other guidelines on managing visitors and clients.

o Strictly adhere to guidelines on the implementation of community quarantine issued by the Inter
Agency Task Force on Emerging and Infectious Diseases and all other authorized bodies regarding
mass gatherings, observance of minimum health standards and physical distancing.

o Always fact check and be on alert for any new information or advisory.

o Employees who travelled to or from Metro Manila and nearby areas with high cases of COVID-19
are required to have a one-week quarantine/work from home set up.


A. Mandatory Covid 19 Testing
1. To ensure that other employees are Covid 19-Free, the conduct of mandatory Covid 19 test
shall be required before on-site reporting for work.

2nd Floor Precision Tek Building, Rizal Highway corner Argonaut Road, SBFZ

2. EasyPOS Solutions Inc. may also conduct Covid 19 testing under any of the following

i. Random Testing: Officer/employees may be selected at random for Covid 19

testing at any interval determined by the Company.

ii. For-Cause Testing: The company may ask an officer/employee to submit to a

Covid 19 test at any time it feels that the employee may show any signs and symptoms of
Covid 19, including, but not limited to, the following symptoms: difficulty of breathing or
breathlessness while speaking, constant pain or pressure in the chest, paleness or cold and
clammy skin, confusion or changes in mental state or unresponsiveness.

3. All Covid 19 tests shall employ, among others, two (2) testing methods, the Rapid Antigen Test
which will determine the result for close contacts, and COVID-19 suspect and probable cases.
The Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) as the standard of the
Department of Health to confirm the presence of SARS-CoV-2. Where the confirmatory test
turns positive, the company’s Assessment Team shall evaluate the results and determine the
level of care and administrative interventions that can be extended to the concerned employee.
4. EasyPOS Solutions Inc. shall inform the officer/employee who was subjected to a Covid 19
test of the test-results whether positive or negative.

5. All costs of Covid 19 testing shall be borne by EasyPOS Solutions Inc.

B. Treatment, Isolation, And Referral

1. An officer/employee who, for the first time, is found positive of Covid 19 , shall be referred for
treatment and/or isolation in a DOH accredited center. For this purpose, EasyPOS Solutions
Inc. shall provide a list of at least three (3) accredited facilities which an employee who was
tested positive for Covid 19 may choose from.

2. Following isolation, the company’s Assessment Team, in consultation with the head of the iso-
lation center, shall evaluate the status of the infected employee and recommend to the em-
ployer the resumption of the employee’s job if he/she is no longer infected by the virus.

3. All costs for the treatment and isolation of the infected employee shall be charged to his
account. The period during which the employee is under treatment or isolation shall be
considered as authorized leaves.

2nd Floor Precision Tek Building, Rizal Highway corner Argonaut Road, SBFZ

C. Advocacy, Education and Training

1. EasyPOS Solutions Inc. undertakes to increase the awareness and education of its officers
and employees on the adverse effects of the dangerous coronavirus through continuous
advocacy, education and training programs/activities to all its officers and employees.

2. All officers and employees are required to undergo an orientation/education program. The
program shall include the following topics:

i. General Information of SARS-CoV-2

ii. Adverse effects of the virus on the person, workplace, family and the
iii. Preventive measures against the spread of the SARS-CoV-2; and
iv. Steps to take when intervention is needed, as well as available services for
treatment and isolation.

3. To encourage all officers and employees to lead a healthy lifestyle while at work and at home,
EasyPOS Solutions Inc. undertakes to conduct the following activities as often as possible:

i. Lifestyle assessment programs on health nutrition, weight management, stress

management, alcohol abuse, smoking cessation, and other indicators of risk
ii. Health wellness screenings (e.g. blood pressure and heart rate, cholesterol
test, blood glucose, etc.);
iii. Other activities promoting health and wellness.

D. Roles, Rights and Responsibilities of Employer and Employees

1. EasyPOS Solutions Inc shall ensure that the workplace policies and programs on the preven-
tion and control of the spread of the Covid 19, including rapid testing, shall be disseminated
to all officers and employees. The employer shall obtain a written acknowledgement from the
employees that the policy has been read and understood by them.
2. EasyPOS Solutions Inc shall maintain the confidentiality of all information relating to Covid-!
9 test results or to the identification of the infected employee in the workplace; exceptions may
be made only where required by law, in case of overriding public health and safety concerns;
or where such exceptions have been authorized in writing by the person concerned.

2nd Floor Precision Tek Building, Rizal Highway corner Argonaut Road, SBFZ

3. All officers and employees shall enjoy the right to due process, absence of which will render
the referral procedure ineffective. 

E. Monitoring and Evaluation

1. The implementation of these policies and programs shall be monitored and evaluated
periodically by management to ensure a covid-free workplace. For this purpose, an
Assessment Team shall be constituted in accordance with JMC No. 20-04-A

F. Effectivity.

The provisions of these policies and programs shall be immediately effective after its ratification by the
management and the employee’s representatives and its posting in the company’s bulletin board.

Owner/Manager Employees’ Representative Date

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