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WS=4721 5 GON ae RECEIVE! INVEST 9oe.No. toe ae Philippines ~ ey YeurBusiteat Our Peep BY. ‘UAE DEVELOPUERT CORPORATION “One "Manage ness MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR No, 284 32) FOR + ALL GFZ DEVELOPERSISUBLESSORS SUBJECT —: Revised CDC Documentary and Procedural Requirements. for Sublease Agreement & Business Permit Approval Date 2 2019 June 19 In our goal of serving our locators better through a more transparent and accountable governance, Clark Development Corporation (CDC) hereby issues the attached Revised CDC Documentary and Procedural Requirements for Sublease Agreement & Business Permit Approval with provisions, to wit 4. General Policy on Subleasing 2. Approval of New Sublease Agreements & Business Permits 3. Renewal of Sublease Agreements & Business Permits These reforms aim to fully disclose, clarify and rationalize mechanics for various transactions to be complemented by additional enhancements after the recent launch and implementation of the 3-Year Business Permit System: 1. Additional Dedicated Account Officers per locator - CDC has deputized 24 Account Officers supervised by 3 Managers to directly handle, facilitate and look after business concems of locators. These officers wil b formally introduced to each locator soon, 2. Transparent & Accountable Governance ~ Enforcement of a No Gift Policy and the required execution of an Ant-Graft Certificate per locator to ensure intagtty of CDC transactions; 3. Computerization Upgrade for Faster Decision Making & Processing of Transactions ~ For accurate information sharing and decision-making, COC has integrated all existing computer databases and created @ single-window system whereby all account officers can log, monitor, follow through, and act on requests or : business concems of locators; 4. Business Policy Harmonization with other Eco Zone Authorities in the Philippines and Review of the Clark Master Plan — these undertakings are work in progress to ‘maximize competitiveness of Clark and other areas of investments in the country We look forward to your continuing trust and confidence in doing business in the Clark Frooport Zone, “A proud mambor ofthe BCDA group" 2 Big 2128 CP. Gari cox € Cuno ave. Cin Freep Piipica 23 (G48) 8.6000 ose com Page 1of 4 Revised Documentary and Procedural Requirements for Sublease Agreement & Business Permit Approval |. GENERAL POLICY ON SUBLEASING 1. Developers/Sublessors andior their prospective Sub-Lessees and concessionaires shall Secure the prior writen consent of CDC before the signing and notarzation of their respective Sublease Agreements. 2. Pending issuance of the CDC Approval to the Sub-lease Agresment, no Developerisub- lessor shall alow any Sub-lessee fo undertake any ofthe following: Construction/renovation; Hiring of employees; ‘Advertising: or Importation/bring-in of goods related tothe proposed project. 3. Sub-essees shall not be allowed to further sub-lease any portion of its sub leased property; 4. DevelopersiSublessors shall act as surety of the Sub-lessee forall intents and purposes. Henco, developers/sublessors shall ensure compliance by the sub-lessees with existing Jaws a8 well as policies, rules and regulations of CDG; ease 6. The Sub-lessee shail hold COG, its directors, officers, employees, representatives and/or ‘agents, absolutely free and harmless from any lability, criminal or otherwise, claim oF demand by third (3") persons for any loss or damage arising from or in relation to the Sub-lessee’s operation within the Property; or those caused by the fault, negligence oF willful misconduct of the Sub-tessee, its directors, officers, employees, representatives or ‘Quests, including but not limited to dims for property damage, personal injury or \wrongful death, as well as from the commission of any unlawful activity under the laws of the Republic of the Philippines and other international laws, induding but not limited to ‘money laundering, smuggling, kidnapping, etc; 7. The Sublease approval or Business Permit shall be revoked in case of discovery of any 'mis-dectaration during post-evaluation; and 8 Sub-lessee shall comply with the Memorandum Groular requiring all business establishments in Clark to install a Close Circuit Television (CCTV) Camera System within their premises as a requirement safety and business monitoring purposes. 9. Weltten request of renewal of Sublease Agreement shall be submitted to CDC not less than ninety (80) days prior to expiration to allow sufficient evaluation of business operations and eligibility to continue enjoying certain tax incentives and privileges oF Continue doing business in the Crk Freeport Zona. 10. Payment of all applicable CDC fees and charges as enumerated in Annex B Page 2064 Il. APPROVAL OF NEW SUB-LEASE AGREEMENTS & BUSINESS PERMITS 1. CDC ENDORSEMENT to Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) + CDC Endorsements to the Secufties and Exchange Commission (SEC) for incorporation/egistration or amendment shall be issued upon approval by COG. of the project or amendment thereto, * The request for issuance of Endorsement to SEC should be indicated in the Endorsement Letier which is being submited along withthe other documentary requirements for approval of SLAS 2. To facilitate approval of proposed sublease agreements, the following original documents in three (3) sets shall be submited to CDC Bushiess Development and. Busiiess Enhancement Group: 4. Letter of Intent (signed by the Sub-Lessee); Endorsement Letter (signed by the Sub-Lessor); ©. Term Sheet oF Agreement to enter into Sub-Lease AgreementiContract (Preliminary Contract); 4. CDO- Notarized and Completely Filled-Out Application for Registration Form (MO Form 2013-01) Annex ¢ Proof of Financial Capability (any oral of the fllowing) * Aucited financial Statements forte last 3 years of operation of applicant frm (or parentimanagement company i applicable) stomped "Received" by the Burase © internal Revere ‘+ Veritabie Bank Certtcation of deposits or approved loan or reat ne; if equly financings less than total project coat {. Company Profe including resume and photocopies of passports of the key officers of the Sub-Lessee, 9. Board Resolution authorizing the Sub-Lease Agreement and Signatory theroof (Gisrogard if Sub-Lessee isa Single Proprietorship). and hh. Executlon of Certicaion/Warranty (CDG Form hereto attached as Annex D), Noto: Al epplcations shall only be processed upon complete submission ofall documentary requirements as provided herein. 3. Requirements shalt be presented to the Marketing Department for the issuance of Order of Receipt as clearance given to the CDC-RMO {o receive the said requirements prior to submission to the CDC Records Managemen! Office (RMO) for stamping of offal receipt thereot IW RENEWAL OF SUB-LEASE AGREEMENTS & BUSINESS PERMITS A. Renewal of Sub-Lease Agrwement/Contract 1. Ail contracts and approvals certiicates should be renewed at least 90 days prior to ‘expiration, Page 3 of 4 2, To facilitate approval of request for renewal of sublease agreements, the following ‘original documents shal! be submitted to CDC Business Development and Business Enhancement Group: 2, Endorsement Letter (signed by the Sub-Lessot); 'b, CDC- Notarized and Completely Filed-Out Application for Renewal Form (MD Form 2013-02) supportad by required supporting documents Indicated in the eheckiit of MO Form 2013.02 Annex E Note: No application shall be processed unless all documentary requirements are.——flly ‘complied/submited, 3. Requirements shail be presented to the Marketing Department for the issuance of (Order of Receipt as clearance given the CDC-RMO to receive the said requirements, 4. Assigned Account Officers. of the Marketing Department under the Business Development and Business Enhancement Group shall undertake the following 2. Evaluate and process applications; '. Coordinate with applicant Developer/Sub-lessor and/or Sub-lessee to solicit or verity information relative to the operations of the Sub- Lessee, ©. Update the applicant Developer/Sub-lessar and/or Sub-iessee as to the status of he application: G.Intiate releasefissuance of approvals, permite, andlor certificates; ‘and, .Assist the applicant DeveloperiSub-essor andlor Sub-essee in all the facets of processing and thereafter. B. Renewal of Businoss Permits 1. In order to avoid business interruption, all Susiness Permits (CRTE and RO) should ‘be renewed atleast ninety (20) days prior to expiration 2, To faciitate renewal of Business Permits, he following original documents shall be submitted «, Locator Information and Undertaking; Annex F ». Audited Financial Statement and Income Tax Return duly received by the BIR ang LGU concemed; ©. General information Sheet for Corporations and Partnership; and, 4. Execution of CortifcationWarranty Annex D Mandatory Postings 1, Valid Business Permit shall be conspicuously displayed inthe sublease premises here the public ean view, and Page 4 of 4 2. Sign board indiceting the corporate name/business name of the Sub-lessee at the sublease building facade or at doors for office spaces shall be mandatory Role and Assignment of Account Officer (AO) Roquests and applications of every Locator aro assignod to a particular Account Otficer from the Marketing Department under the Business Development and Bushises Enhancement Group who shall be responsible forthe fllowing. a. Verifies completeness of the documentary requirements submitted and issue Order of Recsipt prior to submission to the GDC Records, Management Office (RMO) for stamping of official receipt thereof. b, Evaluates and process all requestslanplcetions; © Coordinates with applicant DevolopertSub lessor and/or Sub-lessee to salict or verify information retave to the operations of the Sub- Lessee; |. Updates the applicant DeveloperiSub-lessor andlor Sub-lessee as to the status of tha application; . Initiates release/issuance of approvals, permits, andlor certiicates, f. Assists the applicant Developer/Sub-lessor and/or Sub-essee in all the facets of processing and thereafter. Al correspondence relative to Lease/Sublease Approvals shall be addressed to Engr. MARIZA 0. MANDOCDOC, Ph.D. Officer-n-Charge Vice President for Business Dovolopment and Business Enhancement Group Bldg. 2125 CP. Garcia car. E. Quine Avenue Clark Freeport, Philippines *Annex B OTHER FEES AND CHARGES Page 1 of 12 Amount PARTICULARS UILDING UTILITIES AND REGULATORY DEPARTMENT” Construction Permit ] based on NBCP 2) Processing Fee for Utility Rolatod Permits 100.00 3) Dumping Permit (for construction debris) 100.09 4) Cerfificate of Annual inspection (CA) based on NBCP 5) Property Surveys (for nondocators) Survey fee for GAAP lated requrements* First contusion sitCAAP-HP application 10,000.00 Suoeedng applications up to sites or CAAP-HCP, per ete | 5900.00 Suceeding eplications bayond 10 ses, per sito 3,000.00 b. Technical Boundary Survey i. Main Zone, per hectare 5,000.00 ~ 01 open areas not included nthe pre-suneyed parcls based onthe revised land use plan ji. Subzone, per hectare Bono it Topographical survey, per hectare 1000.00 on a +m contourinterval and up b,fathorityo Suney 20000 ¢. Survey Inspection and Cetfcation 200.00 * eiscounted rates for locators based on ta? ©) Map Production (cost por page) a atxstt 300000 Clark Mult spoctal Stoite Image Map ‘0 cize plat 3900.00 ‘A2size plot 2000.00 ©. Location Map (M sizefoack & tite) 20000 d.__Localion\ciity Map (M4Cclored exp) 35000 1)__PenaltiesfFines on Offenses ‘based an HCP eo Ree 4) DeedatAssigment(ranser eas) Fixed Rate or 5% (Total Consideration + MGL for the remaining life), whichever is tigher where: Fixed Rate = 20% (Present Value of total MGL of the | ‘Old Contact for the remaining life) or 20% (Present Value of MGL of Prevailing Lease Rates for the remaining life, whichever is| higher) 2) Amendment Fees: a. — Use of Property/Business Activity b. Extension of Term ©. ‘Consideration a Reducton of rea 3) Change of namefownership 4 Issuance of VIUC (Vila Land Use Certisto) for those not subject to CDC Revenue Share Processing fee + % of soling price b.__ for those subject to 5% Revenue Share ae 5,000.00 2,500.00 5,000.00, 5% 5,000.00, Page 2 of 12 71 SIGORPORATE PLANNING DEPARTMENT: REPRODUCTION OF MAPS (per shoct) Paint (Full Color) AEB 12X11) 15000 ABIX) 400.00 2 (22° 34") 75.00 A (24° 35") 1,500.00 AD (6X 48") 3000.00 ‘ait (Minimal Colo) M4 (8 12X11) 7500 AB (11X17) 160.00 A2 22°34") 300.00 1AM (24x35) e000 AAO (36" X48") 4,200.00 Print (th Satelite kmago) 4 (8 12X11) 300.00 ABIX AT 200.00 22X34) i 250000 1A (24°38) 350000 AD ("X45") 690000 Digi! (JPG, EPS) Ad (6 12" X 11", nsuding CD 00.00 b. _NEWGENERATION MAPS Pint (Full Color) 1M 8 12X11) 450.00 RBOITX I) 700.00 2 G2 X38) 1050.00 At (24° 38") ‘1800.00 AO G6" 48") 3,300.00 Paint (Minimal Color) 1M 12"X11) 375.00 ROX) 450.00 2 @2X34) 600.00 A241 35") 900.00 ‘NO 36" 46") 1,500.00 Print (wth Satelite Imago) MB 12"X 119) 00.00 IBTX 47) 4400.00 RQLX) 2,100.00 AL 4" x 35") 3900.00 ‘AO (6X 46") 6600.00 Digi (PG, EPS) M4 (8 112°X 119), inducing CD 0000 ©. DATAPURCHASE (CFZ) Reads 75,600.00 Sircture 54,000.00 River 3600.00 ‘Contour 54,000.00 Drainage 1000.00 Water Lines 23,900.00 ~ Page 3 of 12 ‘Sewer Lines "44,400.00 Electical 10,800.00 | Fiber Optic 3,600.00 Noe:_no charges ul be imposed on maps requested by locator fr sz £4 8A Tio Sareea eso JGUSTOMER SERVICES DEPARTMENT ET| BUSINESS REGISTRATION 1) Certficate of Registration and Tax Exemption (CRTE}* 2) Registration Certfcate (RC), annually -business permit without tax incentives 3) Authotityo Purchase (ATP) INMIGRATION-RELATED FEES 4) DOLE:Alien Employment Pemnit (AEP) Renewal regardless ofthe nurber of years 2) BESubie-Clark Working Vise Endorsement Renewal forone (1) year 3) Subic Clark Investor's Visa 4) Dependent Visa (OV) Renewal 5) Provisional Perit o Work (PPI) 6) Special Working Pormit(SWP) CDC-CSD FINES 1) Non-teparting of separated alions within 30 days from The dato of actu seperation Penalty per day, until date of compliance 2) Visa Application delay Renowat +16 months efter application, por marth +> 6 months - 12 months afer epplcaion, por month +> 42 months after application 3) VisalAEP Penalties + Late renewal (per month of delay) + 1-6 months after exiry of AEP or working visa * Nore than 6 months but not exceeding 1 year ater ‘ei of AEP or working visa “= More than 1 year after expiry of AEP or working visa * penalties wil only apply ifocatarfemployer fit to justify to the ful slisfation of CDC, DOLE, and BI ‘why the allen failed to renew AEP of Visa, Hence, CDC shal not issue endorsement without the clearance of both agencies. Ce 2,000.00 2,000.00 1000.00 10.00 10.00 | 100.00 50.00 60.00 75.00 50.00 10.00 20.00 ‘100.00 200 Php 10.00 Php 20.00 endorsement for deportation Php 5.00 Php 1000 Php 20.00 endorsement for deportation For Disposal ‘of unserviceable property: Purchase of Terms of Reference *+ PHP 100,000 and below +> PhP 100,000 up fo PhP 500,000 +> PhP'800,000 up to PHP 750,000 + > PhP 750,000 up to PhP 4 Niton +> PRP 4 Mllion 2) _Scrap Buyers Registration Foe & Accretion of Scrap Buyars!recylabo materials Page 4 of 12 * industrial or commercial wastes: 5,000.00 * wastes from households, fast food establishments and smell offices 2,000.00 Aan Registration Fee a SSS ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT. S50 @ Certificate of Environmental Clearance b. CNC Application ECC based from IEE Checkist ECC based from IEE Report 500,00 & ECCforECP {ECC for ECA Projects 4. ONG Eoo.Cet Non Coverage) h. Tree Trimming Permit iL Tree Cuting Perit 2) WastetManagement a. — Spacial Exit Pass for Hazardous Waste 500.00 b. Special Exit Pass for Recyclable Matériale/Scrap 50.00 3) Review and endorsement of Environmental ‘Impact Statement 300.00 4) EMD Fines 2. Vandalism (ine plus cost of restoration 1,000.00 'b. Unauthorized Seavenging 1,000.00, c. —Gatbage/Waste Disposal + Unauthorized Buming of Garbage and Scrap Material (per offense) 5,000.00 ‘Improper garbage disposal/Handiing (per offense) 5,000.00 **Hlegal disposal of POL (petroloum, cil and fubricants) and other Hazardous/Toxie wastes 50,000.00 Pius, per day of delay of cleanup 10,000.00 d.—_ Unauthorized Cutting of Trees (total fee is equivalent to basic penalty plus offense) Basic fine per cubic meter hardwoods 7,500.00 fastwoods and ober varios 3,500.00 ~Penalty hardwoods 100,000.00 fastwoods and other variaties 10,000.00 © Litering Viatons 50000 @ Other offenses + General ‘Non-compliance to CFZ Environmental Quality Standerds and procedures (per 40,000.00 ofiense} 3,000. + General | 1 Non-comeliancof tha Conon the EOC (per etlanse) TET ESTENTERPRISE REGULATORY DEPARTMENT. 1) Import Permit (regular fee) a. Nocommercial value 50.00 With commercial value up 10$1,000 100.00 $1,001 - $10,000 150,00 $10,004 - $50,000 300.00 $50,004 - $100,000 __360.00 | Page 5 of 12 8 ‘$700,004 - $500,000 Over $500,000 Temporary Transfer Vehicle importation of Tax-exempt vehicles (TEV) Bring in permit (per transaction) a. For commercial use b. Fornon-commercal use Direct Export clearance (regular fee) Bring out Permits: (regular fee) a samples (NCV) b. Local sale + $10,000 & below + Above $10,000 ©. Constuctive Export + $10,000 & below + Above $10,000 d Retum to souros ©. Screp/waste, per permit {. Temporary transfer to CBVWNon-CBW 9. Imported Veticle a b. Gale Pass (CoastalPTT Phils) © COA Gate Pass d.Lubwetl (gate pass for bringin) €. CDC sticker for tax exempt vehicle 4. Centiod True CopytCetfcation Request 9. Amendment of permits: + fret amondent + second amendment Merchandise Control a. Fuel Coupon ERD Fines: a Late submission of expired/cancelled permits: Bill of Lading, Cerfffcate of Tax payment: fine, per permit = penalty, pe day of delay Loss of IP, EC, PBI/PBO Forms; per page ‘Non-compliance of inspection of infoutbound goods, per permit ‘Non-filing of morithly PBO tor imported vetiide, per velide \Misdactaration on shipment Amount or percentage of the value of misdeclared goods, whichever is higher + tstOfense * 2nd Offense + 3rd Oflense 1. Non-compliance fo fling or approved adiission permit {e-taps}, Perit to Brinn oF Out and Export Documentation 9 Salling/transterring of goods to companies without vad PTO pases 500.00 700.00 50,00 3% of importoxing invalus 200.00 50.00 one 50,00 500.00 4000.00 200.00 300.00 50,00 200.00 50.00 50.00 30,00 100.00 one 10000 15000 50.00 ‘one 4000.00 10.00 4,000.00 200.00 4,000.00 1500.00 4900.00 50,000.00 or 1% 100,000.00 or 1% 200,000.00 or 1% | 4,900.00 Page 6 of 12 “Amount or percentage of the valua of misdeciared goods, whichever le higher + 4st Offense + 2nd Ottense + 3rd tense 1. Late fling of Permits (importation or of goods without an ssuod Pernt) * 4st Ofiense + 2nd Ottense + 31d Offense |. NoPBO prior tothe payment of tax ‘Amouni or percentage ofthe value frisdocered goods, wichover is higher * 1st Offense * 2nd Offense + 3rd Offense |. Non-compliancs tothe joint CDC and BOC inspection of goods forinbourd! and outbound k. _Enty of prohiited merchandiso, tems 8) Other Fines & Penalties for TEVs Removal of CDC Sticker (Imported Veticl) . Failure to present TEV forinspetiontdtiveny © “Loadng/shipping ofthe requested motor vehicle atthe porto rig prior tothe approval of COG 4. Sale, tansfor,assginment or payment of dues & taxes without pir eleaance + exclusive of payment of duties and taxes © Unauthorized use of TEV ouside the Freeport Zone anger than the proved it of 366 hours or 44 days ina month “frst 10 hours beyond the 14-day allowed period + succeeding hours therttr 4. Any other actor omission tending to circumvent the Policy Guidelines on TEV Depending on the surrounding circumstances, penates may range fromm afne to the fareltue of the TEVs and suspension er cancellation of flare applications fo adnision of TEVs and of the RIE 50,000.00 or 196 100,000.00 or 1% 200,200.00 01 1% 50,000.00 or 1% 100,000.00 or 1% 260,000.00 or 1% 50,000.00 or 19 100,000.00 or 1% 200,000.00 or 1% 4,000.00 50,000.00 4000.00 1,000.00 000.00 2,000.00 20.00 25.00 500,00 Court Fee (daytime) per hour Cout foe (right time) per hour 4) Fitness & Aerobics Gym Package ‘monthly foe for locetorsinveslors end outside cents 5) Leeming Genter “Tution for locatorsinvestors and outside cients, por meth Registration fe (one-imo upon enrolment) ‘Miscellaneous fee (one time upon enrllment iT “VEAL TH SERVICES OFFICE issued to Locators & Smal Scale ‘Kiosk, food sta, ambulant vendor, warehousing) + Water rafling Station (for Service Contractors) Page 7 of 12 3) Medium Seale {Ganteens/cancesstonsire within manufacturing companies and offices) © Large Seale (Industrials, Manufacturing, BPOs, Restaurants, Gatenngs, Banks, Transport Services, Sorvice oriented establishments and Duty Free shops, Beauly SatowBarber Shop, Convonience Store, ‘Laundry, Water Renting Staton (lor Locators) 4 Non-Compliance Penatios: Non-posting of Saitay Permit + 1st Nation + 2nd Notice + 3rd Notice Late Renowal of Saritery Perit Heaith Card (per person) +Health Carc not avaiabo upon inspection, per person Certificate of Potabilty of Drinking Water (CPDW) “Temporary Sanitary Pemit (during events) Health Services @. — Consutafon Fee initial + focators followup ~focalors b. Wound dressing + locators ©. Minor surgery (minimum of 2 sftchestsuture) + locators 4. Minor surgery (lor axonal stitch, per stitch €.Telerus toxoid 1 Suture removal * locators 9. Eyeirigation & eye cops * locators he Nebu with kit + locators 1. Nebu without kt and medicine + locators J. Nebu with tend medina + locators k.Nebu with mecicine + locators 1. Oxygen inhalation, perhour + focators rene m ATS n_ Intertle ‘0. Ambulance Fee (within Pampanga) 1p. _ Ambulance Fee (Metro Manila) Clinical Laboratory Procedures ‘8. _ Stool Exam (Fecalyss)DFS 00.00 ‘500.00 none 1000.00 1,500.00 500.00 0.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 100.00 490.00 ‘500.00 100.00 190.00 150.00 150.00 1000 60,00 200.00 130.00 80.00 150.00 130.00 40000 | 4,000.00 | 40.00 Page 8 of 12 “Tocators b. Utinelysis with 0 chem. test * locators FECT dOccuitblood * locators ©. Pregnancy test ‘locators . Complete Blood Count (CBC) w platelet count + locators 9. Complete Blood Count (CBC) wpiatstet count, ABO blood typing + locators h. ABO Biood typing + locators 1. HBsAg Screening + locators i. Repid Plasma Reagin + locators Blood Sugar ‘locators 4) Package for Health Certificate includes (excopt for XRAY) ‘individual Fee: Physical Exam Fecalysis Urinalysis Heath Cortitcate 5) Annual PE Package (except for X-RAY) Individual Fee: Physical Exam Fecalysis 600 90.00 80.00 20.00 160.00 20000 10000 0.00 250,00 +0000 EC SMARKETINGDEPARTIIENT ES 1) InvestorsfLocators ‘Application Processing Foo * Direct Lease to CDC of more than 1 Mion of investment + Sublease Agreement with Industial Parks + Canteen/Concessionaire 2) Booth Request Use of Faaility * Real Estate Broker per day y 2 cS) 4) Page9 of 12 . Fumigatonroaging 70060 ©. Fir Evacuation iil and Safety Orientation 200.00 .Hotworks 450.00 ‘e. Freincidant Clearance 100.00 f. Catfied Tuo copy ef FSIC 50.00 5) __ Alam Activation fee, per alarm activation 00.00 TRANSPORT REGULATORY 8) Public Transport Regulatory Fees a. Rogistration for New Operators 00.00 . Annual Registration (Pemnil to oprat inside the Zone) 50000 Penalty for non-display of Registration Certicato 100.00 7) Monthly Public Transport Regulatory Fee 3. Public Utlty deopnoy (due 28h of each month) 5000 three (3) moths adrence payment 325.00 ‘x (6) months advance paynent 300.00 One (1) year advane paynent 77500 Shute Jeeney (due 25th of each month 2000 ©. Shutle Miri Bus (due 2h of each mont) 40000 4. Shutle Bus (due 15h of each mont) e000 e. Tourist Transport Taxi (due 46th of each month) 600,00 | Penalty for late payment: per day % 8) Temporary Ent Pet ony, per vei) Contactors Senice Vericle ‘new application frst morih 400.00 renowal 20000 . Contractor's transit dump tuck ‘new application, frst month 00.00 renewal 200.00 | 8. Contactors ronstmixer | ‘new application first morih 600.00 renewal 30000 4. Contractors trator header now application, frst month 00.00 renewal 400.00 ‘Smoke Emission Testing, per 160.00 Penalty for failing the test First Ofense 4,000.00 9 Sesond Offense 2,000.00 ‘Third Orfonse, plus suspension of uso of vehiclo unt the séme has baen overhauled or emission aes problem is comected _ 10) Yearly Vehicle inspection for PUV +8000 41) Annual CDC stickers: a CDC Empioyoos 18000 b. _CIAC and PAF employecs, CZ residents +6000 ¢. Locators andlocators' employees 80.00 Visitors 200.00 Public Uy Jeepney 200.00 {Shull senicos 20000 h. Tourist Transport (Tax and buses) 200.00 | ____ i. Mctoreyates 7500 | te Page 10 of 12 onaty per day tor Pls, Sete Services and Tourist Transport Veticles fr fale fo eocare sticker on issuance date: 1% 12) Certification Fee (As bonafide CFZ PUV service provider -LTFRB Requirement) 50.00 42) Police Clearance 30.00 14) Other Fines and Penalties Impoundment Fee, per day + Mooroyle/ motorized ticyate/ bicycle 3000 + Vehicle up to 4500 kgs 50.00 + Vehicles above 4.500 kgs (6 wheeler vehicos) 00.00 + Ten Whgelerveticles endatne. 100.00 a Heavy equipment vehicies 00.00 b. “Mlegal Shutting + Fist Offense 4,200.00 + Secend Offense 2,000.00 + Third Offens= 3,000.00 © _ Operating Coloum Vehicles 3,000.00 + Employee, sibjectto approval by Mgt, max of xa year + Non employee b. — Bacholors' Pad + Employee, subject to approval by Mgt, max of 2x @ year + Nor-employes © Additional matress, per unit NOTE: Proposed fees are fully adopted fromthe Others a. Trafic Accident Report 'b. impoundment feo par day for vehicle involved intrefic accident 1: Property demaged/Homicide/Physica iniries “Motorcycle J motorized tale bicycle * Vehicle up to 4,500 kgs + Vehicles above 4,500 kgs (or up to 6 wheeler vehicles) + Ten Wheeler vehicles and above + Heavy ecuipment vehicles Vehicles involved in aocessories of crime Towing tee Keep Right Policy (All Motorcyces, Siow Moving Vehices) No CDC Sticker ‘Involvement intrffic accident causing carnage to property, piysical injury orealty Ferran LTO Fees & Charges 590.00 500.00 4,500.00 2,000.00 3.00000 3,000.00 20,000.00 4500.00 500.00 200.00 ‘500.00 Page 11 of 12 Plus: Damage to CDC property causs by a vaticular aocidort, bavod on cost estimate of CDC Enginesring Seminar Fee on tans endregaons PhotocopyingPrinting 2. Monochrome (BM), per sheet ‘AA size (Short) ‘BA size (Long) IB size b. Color, per sheet ‘4 size (Short) A3sizo Certified True Copy of Records, per sheet BURD Cert true cxpy of Buleing Permit Certified tue copy of Cetificate of Use/Ocoypancy Cottified rue copy of Damage Corttiod srue copy of Gestilicale of Demage Ctitied true copy of Electical Cortical Certiied tue copy of Gas Meter Cetified tue copy of Cetiicate of Operation Other Cetiications grensnese ‘a. Lease Agroements/Sub-lease Agreements CCrilicaion or Authenticafon of CDC-CSD issued documents B 8 Cerificate of Environmental Clearance ‘TREASURY & —Catied True Copy of Oficial Receipts (O.R) and IFMS OLR. printout b. Treasury Certfication for clearance purposes. ‘Scanning/Digitization, per sheet 100.00 90.00 50.00 2 Fine on Dishonored Checks 2 Dishonorment Fee (per day, por check) + Peso Checks (fixed amount of % of its Face Value, whichever is Highor + Dallar Checks (regardless of any amount) Php 'b, Penalty for th dolayin sattement (per day) Penaly folate submission by locators cf Sales Monthly Report (Gross Reverus) ac povidetor undor the Lease Agreement Amount de to CDC based on Perconage of Gros Revenues x pacentage, perth of delay Renee TET TOURISM PROMOTIONS OFFICE ? Use of Facilities, & Clerk Museum icket, per head b.__Bicontennial Park, perhour Page 12 of 12 “for the rst 8 hours + for every sucoeeding hour Parade grounds + 3,000 sqgn bolo, per sqm por iy + above 3000 scpn, per sqm per day ‘ea 12 ands, for the fist & hours, exclusive of ullites ‘Area 4 & 5 for the frst 8 hours, exclusive of ules ‘succooding hour, per hour 4. Pirie grounds, museum parking + 3,000 sqm below, per sqm pet day + above 3,000 sqm, per sqm per day fist 8 hours, ekclusve of ules ‘sucoseding hour, pet hour ©. Open spaces: Spur road, centennial road, centennial ooner sports activites, per day .- PDIane, 4 sqm info booth (1 table 1 ear ‘minimum of 15 days +4 month 9 Musoum function hal, Stlserborg Hal, pe 8hrfuntcrdday fh. Shooting venue within CSEZ premises, maximum Bhs er day i. Photoshoot part fe (per hour) Event Streamers, per month, per streamer Temporary Directional Signage, per month, per signage ‘Billboard Space Rental Fees, per month @—-MARoxas Highway (Noar lark Cemetery) 15 AXON b. MA Roxas Highway (IE) +208x 30K ©. MARoxas Highway (IES) +1530 Et MA Roxas Highway (Near SCTEX Overpass) + 208x308 @ CM Rocio Highway oor Creekside Rd +125 ftx 24 ft 1. MARoxas Higtmay cor A. Bonifacio +2136 H MA Roxas Highway (Near PTT) + 200x 308 fh. MA Roxas Highway (Near PTT) 215 AXIO, i. MARoxas Highway (Near ADAC Hangar entrance) HK i Panday Pra =20ftx30ft Maintenance & Electcty Fe (Bitboord) |. Group Directional Signboerd, per year + 2fx4tl m. Main Directory per year 205fx3Ht 3000.00 37500 5,000.00 8,000.00 500000 3,000.00 500.00 5,000.00 4500.00 3,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00, 4,000.00 750.00 300.00 ‘ 22,500.00 30,000.00 22,500,00 30,000.00 16,000.00, 24,600.00 30,000.00 22,500.00 14,550.00 30,000.00 00.00 16,000.00, 5,000.00

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