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Study the presented situation below then answer the following questions.
Ms. Madelyn, a Special Education teacher, handles five students from 7:30 - 10:00 in the morning. Joshua B. is 7
years old; Joven is 8; Steve, 6; Joshua G, 5; and RG, 7, Assessment results for Joshua B. and Joven indicated an
impression of global developmental delay. Steve was assessed as exhibiting attention deficit hyperactive disorder.
Joshua G and RG, 7 have pervasive developmental delay. Joshua B. and Joven are the withdrawn type. Receptive
and expressive language for both is developmentally appropriate. While Joshua can initiate communication with the
teacher, Ms. Madelyn finds it difficult to let Joven talk or respond even to a simple greeting like "Good morning.
Joshua G has receptive and expressive language. Echolalia speech seldom appears. His tantrums are still frequent
which he uses as a defense whenever he refuses to comply. He performs academic work in the preparatory level and
is partially mainstreamed in the regular preparatory class for less stressful subjects like science, music and art and
storytelling. Steve is often out-of-seat, frequently off-task, grabs, and has violent impulses. Resistance to adult
authority is strongly pronounced and compliance behavior is absent. However, he does very well on academic tasks
when he wants to. RG has receptive language below his level. Expressive language has to be assisted and initiated
by the adult. While his tantrums have been reduced and out-of-seat behavior established, task performance has
always to be initiated by the teacher. Play is still solitary confined to activities requiring less movement. For two and a
half hours, Ms. Madelyn juggles her time attending to the five students as she works on the individual goals designed
for each.

1. What types of children does Ms. Madelyn have?

Ms. Madelyn handles students that have an ADHD or Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity

Disorder. It is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders of childhood. This
condition includes being unable to sit still, especially in calm or quiet surroundings, being
unable to concentrate on tasks and excessive physical movement as well as Autism
Spectrum Disorder.

2. In what ways are the children diverse? Pick out two and make a comparison.

Some does excessive physical movement some are unable to concentrate on tasks just
like Steve who assessed as attention deficit hyperactive and he is often out-of-seat,
frequently off-task, grabs, and has violent impulses while Joven struggles to talk or
respond even to a simple greeting like "Good morning and also Joshua G has receptive
and expressive language.

3. Joshua G and RG were both assessed having autism spectrum disorder. What do
you suppose make them different from each other although their disabilities are

Accommodate them as they are different from each other base on they perform
academically inside the classroom.

4. What will be your greatest challenge if you were Ms. Madelyn?

I think the biggest challenge is to set goals that are suited for them. Also, I need a big
amount of patience to them.

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