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Save a copy of this file to your science folder on OneDrive. Use the information in the PowerPoint
from the lesson to answer the below.

Activity 1 of 4 - Fill in the blanks using the words in the list at the bottom.

All _______________________are put into one of five________________________. The 2 main

kingdoms are _____________ and __________________ The animal kingdom is divided into
________________________ (which have back bones) and ___________________________
(animals without backbones).

The ______________________ group is divided into ____________ more groups. These groups are:

Mammals have ________________, give birth to live ________________ and produce


Birds have _________________ and lay eggs with _____________________________________

Reptiles have _________________________ and lay eggs with ___________________________

Amphibians have _______________________ and lay eggs in water.

Fish have ____________________ and lay eggs in water

Invertebrates include:

 _________________________
 _________________________
 _________________________
 _________________________
 _________________________

Vertebrates include:

 _________________________ (a mammal)
 _________________________ (a bird)
 _________________________ (a reptile)
 _________________________ (a fish)
 _________________________ (an amphibian)
Activity 2 of 4 - Use the drawing tools to tick the correct box / draw the lines.

Activity 3 of 4 – Complete the quiz

• Quiz –

• 1] Animals with a backbone are called ____

• 2] Animals that can live on land and in water ____

• 3] ____ have wings and can fly.

• 4]Butterfly is an example of an ______

• 5] ______ have shells

• 6]____ is sorting organisms into groups.

• 7]Living things are called ____

• 8] A animal which can’t control its internal body temperature is ________ _________

• 9] ________ have body divided into five parts.

• 10] The basic unit of classification is ______.

• Activity 4 of 4 – Read pages 74-75 in your Biology text book and answer questions 1-5

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