Reflection Paper

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Pauline I.

Delgado 2- BS/M AMF Logistics Committee Fashion is Personal, Once Again

Psy101-M Mr. Nico Canoy May 20, 2011

Fashion is a billion-dollar global industry. First-world countries lead in taking advantage of the changing trends while developing countries struggle to compete with economic giants. Trends change with every blink of an eye. Factories never cease producing as designers never cease creating as the consumers tastes never cease changing. Its a very complex chain of wanting and gettingso complex that people can only look at it from the surface. Lots new clothing companies open, even more close. Thats why in school, I, personally, would not find it difficult to associate a fashionrelated project to a business or marketing class. The technicalities that beset the ways of this twisted industry are very much complementary with the expertise of management students in the Ateneo. It is this fields very complexity that makes it refreshing to have it as a project for a Psychology course. Being practical, money-wise, is what I initially assumed to be one of the class foremost dilemmas. Having a background in producing events like this, I know that moving with a budget of less than P2000 is like asking a carpenter to build a mansion out of a box of match. But now that we are on the verge of completing this task, I am relieved to say that I was wrong. It seems to me that I have exaggerated my anxiety, miscalculating the scale of this activity. Being so used to stiff large-scale productions, like those we organize in my org, I have transferred that attribute to this class project without questioning the validity of my association. And the result is this unsolicited and irrational worry. I must say, however, that my worries would have been valid, if Gen wasnt foreseeing enough to handle the class funds well. If not for her well-thought and well-executed plans, I doubt the project would be as free-flowing and manageable as it is now for everyone. When it comes to money, managing and budgeting it well pre-production is not the sole issue. It must also be taken into consideration that we are actually doing this fashion show not merely as a class project, but also for the beneficiaries, the kids helped by the Alay ni Ignacio organization. As a member of the logistics committee, mainly in-charge of manning the ticket-selling booth, I can observe how reluctant people are to buy tickets for the show. That is the situation until they find out that the proceeds will go to the ANI kids. I would probably act the same way if I were in the same position as the buyers. It definitely gives some sense of goodwill that my money is contributing for a good cause. But as it is that I am not a buyer, but a part of the first-hand movers, I cant help but feel a sense of deficiency. Im not just fully in love with the idea that we can only go so far as financing a cause. The class was given a very rare and very powerful opportunity to initiate social change, to send a message to a large and capable community. I somehow feel that something was not fully optimized, if not completely wasted, by simply saying whats hot and whats not in the Ateneo fashion.

On one hand, it has actually been emphasized that this task is supposed to be, first and foremost, a reflection of the class personalityindividual preferences and communal choices. On this aspect, I can affirm that we have been successful in letting the YOU portion of the project stand out. The group sends out a general vibe that everyones genuinely enjoying being a part of this project. Personal talents are put to use, evidently by being a part of a committee. It greatly helps the work ethics and efficiency of the group that its members see the task not as a burden but as an apparent extension and outlet of self-expression. I have seen the Creative team exert particularly great effort in performing their duties which deems fruitful as it keeps the whole projects pacing steady. Above all the success this project has achieved in its different aspects, I deem its innovativeness to be the top-notcher. As I have stated earlier, I think it is not very common to hold a complex and technical event such as a fashion show as a Psychology project. However, it is not only this that instilled the crazy impression of this project to me. What sets this task apart from traditional humdrum projects that I have well-acquainted myself with is its very nature of being applied. It puts and measures what we have toiled for the past two months into actual action. The very application of the classroom lessons made it challenging for me. Nonetheless, it was a challenge worth accepting for its immense rewards in the form of insights and experiences.

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