QB Current Affaires Ii

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QUESTION BANK – UG – 2019 - 2020

School: Media Studies Programme: BAJH

Course Name: CURRENT AFFAIRES II Course code: :03ABAJR19214
Semester: II Credit: 04

1. Do not change the format or use self-created formats.
2. KLAAp column should have only one parameter out of K, L, A, Ap
3. Fill up all the details of the course mentioned above correctly.
4. The format for question bank for 1 Mark questions with options a, b, c, d (multiple
choice) is attached separately.
5. For a 4 credit paper, it is mandatory to give minimum 20 questions per unit for 1
mark, 20 questions per unit for 2 marks and 10 questions per unit for 5 marks.
6. For a 3 or lesser credit paper, it is mandatory to give minimum 15 questions per unit
for 1 mark, 15 questions per unit for 2 marks and 8 questions per unit for 5 marks.
7. Ensure that punctuation marks are in place, either ? or .
8. Avoid grammatical errors.

S. 1 Mark Questions KLAAp Concept Sub
No. unit
1. Parliamentary
What is the structure of Indian Parliament? K Structure 1.1
2. Parliamentary
What is parliamentary system of government? L Structure 1.1
3. Parliamentary
How is a parliamentary democracy organized? K Structure 1.1
4. Parliamentary
What are three parliamentary parts? L Structure 1.1
5. Parliamentary
Who is the head of parliament? A Structure 1.3
6. Fundamental
What are the 7 fundamental rights of India? L Rights 1.3
7. Fundamental
What are the 6 fundamental rights? L Rights 1.3
8. Fundamental
What is Article 21 of the Constitution? K Rights 1.3
9. Constitution &
When did the rule of law start? K Media 1.4
10. Constitution &
What does the Constitution say about media? K Media 1.4
11. Which specific rights are related to media and Constitution &
why? K Media 1.4
12. Are journalists protected by the First Constitution &
Amendment? L Media 1.2
13. Constitution &
What are the rights of the press? L Media 1.2
14. Constitution &
Do journalists have special rights? L Media 1.2
15. Does yellow journalism still exist today? K Fourth Estate 1.4
16. Who started yellow journalism? L Fourth Estate 1.4
17. Who is the father of journalism? L Fourth Estate 1.3
18. Who was the first journalist? L Fourth Estate 1.3
19. Who is the most famous journalist? K Fourth Estate 1.2
20. Who coined Fourth Estate? L Fourth Estate 1.4

S. 1 Mark Questions KLAAp Concept Sub
No. unit
1. How did India gain its independence from the Indian
British Empire? K Independence 1.1
2. Indian
How long did British rule India? L Independence 1.1
3. Indian
What was India called before British rule? K Independence 1.1
4. Indian
Who ruled India before British? L Independence 1.1
5. Indian
Why India is called Bharat? A Independence 1.3
6. Freedom
What was the nature of English rule in India? L Struggle 1.3
7. Freedom
What does British Raj mean? L Struggle 1.3
8. Freedom
When did the British Raj begin? K Struggle 1.3
9. Freedom
How long did British rule America? K Struggle 1.4
10. Freedom
Is America ruled by British? K Struggle 1.4
11. Gandhi
How was Gandhi different from other leaders? K thoughts 1.4
12. Gandhi
Who has been influenced by Gandhi? L thoughts 1.2
13. Gandhi
Why Mahatma Gandhi is a great leader? L thoughts 1.2
14. Gandhi
What is the public sphere in media? L thoughts 1.2
15. Gandhi
Is Facebook a public sphere? K thoughts 1.4
16. Gandhi
What is the meaning of freedom struggle? L thoughts 1.4
17. Sphere and
Who started freedom struggle? L Media 1.3
18. Sphere and
Who started the freedom movement in India? L Media 1.3
19. Who is the owner of British East India Sphere and
Company? K Media 1.2
20. Sphere and
Who Ruled India after independence? L Media 1.4

S. 1Mark Questions KLAAp Concept Sub
No. unit
1. Who authored the book ‘India After Gandhi’? K Gandhi 1.1
2. When was Article 370 removed? L Kashmir 1.1
3. What is Article 370? K Kashmir 1.1
4. What is Article 35a in Kashmir? L Kashmir 1.1
5. In which part of the Indian Constitution drafted Kashmir
Article 370? A 1.3
6. Who drafted Article 370? L Kashmir 1.3
7. Expand PDS. L PDS 1.3
8. When was Green Revolution initiated? K Programme 1.3
9. Expand BPL. K BPL 1.4
10. Name any two food security programmes in Food Security
India. K 1.4
11. When was National Food Security Act enacted? K Food security 1.4
12. Give two examples of populism in India L Populism 1.2
13. What is peasant populism in India? L Populism 1.2
14. What is socialism? L Populism 1.2
15. Expand RSS and BJP. K Populism 1.4
16. Who authored the book History of Modern Modern India
India? L 1.4
17. When did modern period start in India? L Modern India 1.3
18. Who and what shaped India's independence Modern India
movement? L 1.3
19. Why is India called a republic? K Modern India 1.2
20. Who gave the slogan ‘Jai Hind’ to our nation? L Modern India 1.4

S. 1 Mark Questions KLAAp Concept Sub
No. unit
1. What is the breaking news? K News Analysis 1.1
2. What is a soft news story? L News Analysis 1.1
3. What are the three types of news? K News Analysis 1.1
4. What are news categories? L News Analysis 1.1
5. Who owns USA Today? A News Analysis 1.3
6. What is the largest news organization in the
world? L News Analysis 1.3
7. Who owns most of the media in the world? L News reading 1.3
8. Who is the biggest entertainment company? K News Reading 1.3
9. What is the best news channel? K News Reading 1.4
10. Who owns economic times? K National News 1.4
11. Who founded the Times of India? K National News 1.4
12. Which is the oldest newspaper in India? L National News 1.2
13. Who invented the newspaper? L National News 1.2
14. Who is the founder of Hindu newspaper? L National News 1.2
15. International
Which is the best business paper in India? K News 1.4
16. How many entertainment channels are there in International
India? L News 1.4
17. International
What is a local media? L News 1.3
18. International
What are different types of social media? L News 1.3
19. What is an international news organization? K Sports 1.2
20. Business
What is the definition of a tabloid newspaper? L News 1.4

S. 2 Mark Questions KLAAp Concept Sub
No. unit
1. Parliamentary
What is media definition and meaning? K Structure 1.1
2. Parliamentary
What does yellow press mean? L Structure 1.1
3. Parliamentary
What is media law definition? K Structure 1.1
4. Parliamentary
How is media used? L Structure 1.1
5. What are the five important functions of Parliamentary
Parliament? A Structure 1.3
6. Fundamental
Who are the members of parliament? L Rights 1.3
7. Fundamental
How many votes make a parliament seat? L Rights 1.3
8. How many seats does each party have in Fundamental
Parliament? K Rights 1.3
9. Constitution &
What is media and example? K Media 1.4
10. Constitution &
What are media tools? K Media 1.4
11. Constitution &
What is media power? K Media 1.4
12. Constitution &
What is a crime reporter? L Media 1.2
13. Constitution &
What are the 4 estates of democracy? L Media 1.2
14. How is the media the fourth branch of Constitution &
government? L Media 1.2
15. What are the four estates in the US? K Fourth Estate 1.4
16. Who is the head of parliament? L Fourth Estate 1.4
17. What are the advantages of parliamentary system
of government? L Fourth Estate 1.3
18. What do you mean by coalition government? L Fourth Estate 1.3
19. Which specific rights are related to media and
why? K Fourth Estate 1.2
20. Which rights are related to application of media
freedom and why L Fourth Estate 1.4

S. 2 Mark Questions KLAAp Concept Sub
No. unit
1. Indian
What are the qualities of Gandhi? K Independence 1.1
2. Indian
Was Mahatma Gandhi a transformational leader? L Independence 1.1
3. Indian
How was Gandhi successful? K Independence 1.1
4. Indian
What was the goal of Gandhi? L Independence 1.1
5. Indian
What did Gandhi do as a leader? A Independence 1.3
6. Freedom
What is political sphere? L Struggle 1.3
7. What is the difference between public and Freedom
private spheres? L Struggle 1.3
8. Freedom
What are the five definition of freedom? K Struggle 1.3
9. Freedom
Did India get independence due to WWII? K Struggle 1.4
10. Freedom
Who is youngest CM in India? K Struggle 1.4
11. Gandhi
How is PM elected? K thoughts 1.4
12. Gandhi
How are MPS elected in India? L thoughts 1.2
13. Gandhi
How many parties are in India? L thoughts 1.2
14. Gandhi
Which is the oldest political party in India? L thoughts 1.2
15. How many articles are in the Indian Gandhi
Constitution? K thoughts 1.4
16. Gandhi
What are the 4 types of laws? L thoughts 1.4
17. How many preambles are there in Indian Sphere and
Constitution? L Media 1.3
18. Sphere and
Who are the freedom fighters of India? L Media 1.3
19. Sphere and
What is the qualification of BR Ambedkar? K Media 1.2
20. Sphere and
Which country has the most press freedom? L Media 1.4

S. 2 Mark Questions KLAAp Concept Sub
No. unit
1. Why Kashmir is made union territory? K Kashmir 1.1
2. Why was Jammu and Kashmir given special Kashmir
status? L 1.1
3. When was Jammu & Kashmir became Union Kashmir
Territory of India? K 1.1
4. When was article 370 implemented in Jammu & Kashmir
Kashmir? L 1.1
5. How many union territories are there in India? A Kashmir 1.3
6. Define food security. L Food Security 1.3
7. What is public distribution system? L PDS 1.3
8. What is Nehru socialism? K Food system 1.3
9. What factors affect food security? K Food security 1.4
10. What are the main components of food Food security
security? K 1.4
11. Define populism. K Populism 1.4
12. What is right- wing politics in India? L Populism 1.2
13. Is populism left or right? L Populism 1.2
14. What is political ideology? L Populism 1.2
15. What is an elite group? K Populism 1.4
16. What led to an Indian independence movement? L Modern India 1.4
17. Why was the Indian independence movement Modern India
important? L 1.3
18. What are the features of Indian Independence Modern India
Act, 1947? L 1.3
19. Mention the two houses of Parliament. K Modern India 1.2
20. In which year Constituent Assembly of India Modern India
was set up? L 1.4
S. 2 Mark Questions KLAAp Concept Sub
No. unit
1. News
What are the elements of news? K Analysis 1.1
2. News
What are sources of news? L Analysis 1.1
3. News
Why news is important in our daily life? K Analysis 1.1
4. News
What is a news story? L Analysis 1.1
5. News
What are the types of news? A Analysis 1.3
6. News
How do you start a news story? L Analysis 1.3
7. How do you write a headline? L News reading 1.3
8. Why is newsworthiness important? K News Reading 1.3
9. What is nation news? K News Reading 1.4
10. What are sports news? K National News 1.4
11. How do you structure a news story? K National News 1.4
12. What is an international news organization? L National News 1.2
13. What are the 8 news values? L National News 1.2
14. What is the local news? L National News 1.2
15. International
What is a current economic issue? K News 1.4
16. International
What is a news analysis? L News 1.4
17. International
How do you write a good news analysis? L News 1.3
18. International
What is column writing? L News 1.3
19. What is an entertainment news? K Sports 1.2
20. Business
How do you write a news entertainment article? L News 1.4

S. 5 Mark Questions KLAAp Concept Sub
No. unit
1. Parliamentary
What is Parliament structure? A Structure 1.3
2. What is role and function of Parliament Parliamentary
structure? A Structure 1.1
3. Parliamentary
Why do we need a parliament? L Structure 1.3
4. What is media definition and meaning? L Media 1.4
5. What is the example of freedom of press? A Media 1.2
6. What is media in your own words? L media 1.2
How is media used in a democratic country? A fourth estate 1.3
8. Why is the Fourth Estate important? L Fourth Estate 1.2
9. What do u mean by multimedia? A Fourth Estate 1.3
10. Why is the press known as the Fourth Estate? A Fourth Estate 1.1

S. 5 Mark Questions KLAAp Concept Sub
No. unit
1. What are the leadership qualities of Mahatma Indian
Gandhi? A Independence 1.3
2. Indian
What are the ideology of Mahatma Gandhi? A Independence 1.1
3. What did Mahatma Gandhi contribute to his Indian
country? L Independence 1.3
4. What is the message behind the words of Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi? L Thoughts 1.4
5. Gandhi
How did freedom struggle start in India? A Thoughts 1.2
6. When did the British take over the East India Gandhi
Company? L Thoughts 1.2
7. What are the types of electoral system in India?
A Constitution 1.3
8. What is Preamble explain? L Constitution 1.2
9. What was the role of Dr BR Ambedkar in
making the Constitution? A Constitution 1.3
10. What are the benefits of press freedom? A Constitution 1.1

S. 5 Mark Questions KLAAp Concept Sub
No. unit
1. Discuss the provisions of Article 370 of the Kashmir
Indian Constitution. A 1.3
2. Write a book review of India After Gandhi. A Gandhi 1.1
3. Discuss the Nehruvian model of development. L Nehruvian 1.3
4. How does political instability affect food food security
security? L 1.4
5. Discuss the relationship between populism and Populism
foreign policy in India. A 1.2
6. Discuss the limitations of populism. L Populism 1.2
7. Write a short note on the freedom struggle of Modern India
India. A 1.3
8. Write a short note on the role of Mahatma Modern India
Gandhi in India’s freedom movement. L 1.2
9. Is Narendra Modi a populist? A Populism 1.3
10. Does populism have a mass base in India? A Populism 1.1

S. 5 Mark Questions KLAAp Concept Sub
No. unit
1. News
What is news explain? A Analysis 1.3
2. News
How do you identify a news story? A Analysis 1.1
3. News
What are the characteristics of news? L Analysis 1.3
4. What is human interest in news? L News 1.4
5. What is the biggest economic problem? A News 1.2
6. What is difference between editorial and National
column? L News 1.2
What is the purpose of entertainment news in National
Media? A News 1.3
8. What is the difference between local and International
national news? L news 1.2
9. What is the difference between broadsheet and
tabloid? A Sports news 1.3
10. Business
What does a tabloid contain? A News 1.1

S. 15 Mark Questions KLAAp Concept Sub

No. unit
1. Case study 1 Kashmir
we present Warren, a multi-agent system for
intelligent portfolio management which is
motivated by the great benefits of working in
teams within the domain of Distributed Artificial
Intelligence (DAI) and Text Miner which takes
advantage of information retrieval techniques to
complement quantitative financial information.
In the portfolio management domain, software
agents that evaluate the risks associated with the
individual companies in a portfolio should be
able to read news articles that indicate the
financial outlook of a company. There is a
positive correlation between news reports on a
company's financial outlook and its
attractiveness as an investment. Since it is
impossible for financial analysts or investors to
track and read each one, it would be very helpful
to have a technology for automatically analysing A 1.3
news reports that reflect positively or negatively
on a company's financial outlook. It is also
necessary for an agent to learn contextual
changes in the news reports autonomously. To
accomplish these tasks, we devised a new text
classification method and a sampling method.
With comprehensive quantitative information
gathered by efficient coordination between
agents, and the supplementing of quantitative
information by financial news analysis, we
showed a successful application of a multi-agent
system for portfolio management
1 How do you analysis Business news?
2.What is News analysis?
3. How do you make news stories?

2. Case study: 2 Gandhi

The Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata
Party (BJP), which leads the Indian
government, had promised in previous election
manifestos to offer Indian citizenship to
persecuted religious minorities from
neighbouring countries. Under the 2019
amendment, migrants who had entered India by
31 December 2014, and had suffered "religious
persecution or fear of religious persecution" in
their country of origin were made eligible for
citizenship. The amendment also relaxed the
residence requirement for naturalisation of these
migrants from twelve years to six. According
to Intelligence Bureau records, there will be just
over 30,000 immediate beneficiaries of the bill.
The amendment has been widely criticised
as discriminating on the basis of religion, in
particular for excluding Muslims. The Office of
the United Nations High Commissioner for
Human Rights called it "fundamentally
discriminatory", adding that while India's "goal
of protecting persecuted groups is welcome", this
should be accomplished through a non-
discriminatory "robust
national asylum system". Critics express
concerns that the bill would be used, along with
the National Register of Citizens (NRC), to
render many Muslim citizens stateless, as they
may be unable to meet stringent birth or identity
proof requirements. Commentators also question
the exclusion of persecuted religious minorities
from other regions such as Tibet, Sri A 1.1
Lanka and Myanmar. The Indian government
says that Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh
have Islam as their state religion and therefore
Muslims are "unlikely to face religious
persecution" there. However, certain Muslim
groups, such as Hazaras and Ahmadis, have
historically faced persecution in these countries.
1. What is CAA?
2. What was the effect of CAA on India?
3. What are the measures taken by Government?

3. Nehruvian
Case Study 3
The executive, legislative and judicial branches
of government receive their power from the
constitution and are bound by it.[54] With the aid
of its constitution, India is governed by
a parliamentary system of government with
the executive directly accountable to
the legislature. The President of India is head of
the executive branch, under Articles 52 and 53,
with the duty of preserving, protecting and
defending the constitution and the law
under Article 60. Article 74 provides for a Prime
Minister as head of the Council of Ministers,
which aids and advises the president in the
performance of their constitutional duties. The
council is answerable to the lower house under
Article 75(3). The constitution is
considered federal in nature, and unitary in spirit.
It has features of a federation (a codified,
supreme constitution, a three-tier governmental
structure [central, state and local], division of
powers, bicameralism and an
independent judiciary) and unitary features such
as a single constitution, single citizenship, an
integrated judiciary, a flexible constitution, a
strong central government, appointment of state
governors by the central government, All India
Services (the IAS, IFS and IPS) and emergency
provisions. This unique combination makes it
quasi-federal in form. Each state and union
territory has its own government. Analogous to
the president and prime minister, each has
a governor or (in union territories) a lieutenant
governor and a chief minister. Article
356 permits the president to dismiss a state L 1.3
government and assume direct authority if a
situation arises in which state government cannot
be conducted in accordance with constitution.
This power, known as president's rule, was
abused as state governments came to be
dismissed on flimsy grounds for political
reasons. After the S. R. Bommai v. Union of
India decision, such a course of action is more
difficult since the courts have asserted their right
of review. The 73rd and 74th Amendment Acts
introduced the system of panchayati raj in rural
areas and Nagar Palikas in urban areas.Article
370 gave special status to the state of Jammu
and Kashmir.
1 What is constitution?
2. Explain Rights and Duties of India?
3. What are the advantages of press freedom ?

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