Normobaric Hyperoxygenation Enhances Initial Survival, Regeneration, and Final Retention in Fat Grafting

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Normobaric Hyperoxygenation Enhances Initial

Survival, Regeneration, and Final Retention in
Fat Grafting
Harunosuke Kato, M.D.
Background: Fat grafting is a promising modality for soft-tissue augmentation/
Jun Araki, M.D.
reconstruction. However, grafted fat tissue is not initially perfused and relies
Kentaro Doi, M.D.
on plasmatic diffusion from the recipient bed until revascularization occurs.
Shinichiro Kuno, M.D. The authors evaluated the therapeutic effects of normobaric hyperoxygenation
Kahori Kinoshita, M.D. for enhancing fat graft retention.
Kazuhide Mineda, M.D. Methods: Aspirated human fat tissue was cultured under tissue hypoxia (1%
Koji Kanayama, M.D. oxygen), normoxia (6%), and hyperoxia (20%) levels, and evaluated for adipo-
Kotaro Yoshimura, M.D. cyte viability. Inguinal fat pads were autografted under mouse scalps (n = 36),
Tokyo, Japan and mice were housed in either 20% (control) or 60% (normobaric hyper-
oxygenation) atmospheric oxygen for the first 3 days, and then returned to
normoxia. Samples harvested at 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, and 12 weeks were analyzed im-
munohistochemically for adipocyte viability and regeneration.
Results: Organ culture adipocytes died more quickly under lower oxygen ten-
sions; thus, hyperoxygenation of recipient tissues may delay adipocyte death after
fat grafting. Autografted mouse adipose tissue underwent dynamic remodeling,
from ischemic degeneration to partial regeneration, over 12 weeks. Normobaric
hyperoxygenation grafted samples showed significantly larger survival zones and
engraftment scores (calculated using sample weight and adipocyte viability) at 1
and 12 weeks, respectively, than control samples. In addition, adipocyte regen-
eration (number of perilipin-positive preadipocytes), which peaked at 4 weeks,
was significantly increased in normobaric hyperoxygenation samples.
Conclusion: The normobaric hyperoxygenation protocol using 60% oxygen
can be safely applied to enhance adipocyte survival, regeneration, and final
engraftment after fat grafting.  (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 134: 951, 2014.)

at grafting has been increasingly used for soft- diffusion until the ingrowing neovasculature
tissue augmentation and reconstruction.1 develops. Ischemic tissues with low nutrient and
Clinical cases that used fat grafting to treat oxygen provision are not good recipients for fat
radiation damage2,3 and scar contracture4 suggest grafting. It is also difficult to obtain desirable graft
the clinical potential of fat grafting not only for retention in stem cell–depleted recipient tissues
tissue enlargement, but also for tissue harmoniza- such as irradiated tissue and nonhealing ulcers.
tion and revitalization. Although there have been Blood perfusion and tissue oxygen consumption
many attempts to optimize and standardize fat are key factors in determining tissue oxygen tension.5
grafting surgical procedures, inconsistent engraft-
ment and complications such as oil cysts and calci- Disclosure: The authors report no commercial asso-
fications remain problematic. ciation or conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise,
In nonvascularized tissue grafting, the con- with regard to this article.
dition of the recipient bed is a critical factor in
graft success, because the recipient tissue alone is
responsible for providing the graft with plasmatic Supplemental digital content is available for
this article. A direct URL citation appears in
From the Department of Plastic Surgery, University of Tokyo the text; simply type the URL address into any
School of Medicine. Web browser to access this content. A clickable
Received for publication October 14, 2013; accepted March
link to the material is provided in the HTML
26, 2014.
Copyright © 2014 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons text of this article on the Journal’s Web site
DOI: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000000600 951
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • November 2014

Subcutaneous tissue has a low oxygen consumption oxygen), in humidified air. Culture medium was Dul-
rate and has a higher tissue oxygen tension than other becco’s Modified Eagle Media containing 10% fetal
organs such as the brain and muscle.5,6 Grafted fat tis- bovine serum, 100 IU of penicillin, and 100 mg/ml
sue is not initially perfused and has to rely on plas- streptomycin. A cover glass was placed over the fat to
matic diffusion from the recipient bed. The driving prevent exposure to the air. Organ culture fat sam-
force of this diffusion is the gradient of oxygen partial ples were fixed (Zinc Fixative; BD Biosciences, San
pressure6; therefore, a high oxygen partial pressure is Jose, Calif.) and paraffin-embedded for histologic
needed to force oxygen into the grafted fat. analysis after 1, 2, and 3 days. Freshly harvested tissues
In this study, we tested normobaric hyper- samples were immediately fixed to serve as controls.
oxygenation to therapeutically manipulate the
recipient microenvironments. Normobaric Mouse Autologous Fat Grafting Model
hyperoxygenation is easily performed and com-
Animals were cared for in accordance with our
monly used during or after surgery and anesthe-
institutional guidelines. Eight-week-old BL6/Jjcl
sia. Experimental normobaric hyperoxygenation
mice (n = 36) were purchased from Japan CLEA, Inc.
therapy was applied after fat grafting in mice, and
(Tokyo, Japan) and were anesthetized with intraper-
the therapeutic value was evaluated carefully.
itoneal pentobarbital (50 mg/kg). The subcutane-
ous inguinal fat pad (150 to 200 mg) was aseptically
MATERIALS AND METHODS excised for autologous grafting. The fat pad was
small enough to mimic the human aspirated fat tis-
Human Adipose Tissue Sampling sue used for clinical fat grafting. Autologous mouse
We obtained lipoaspirates from three healthy fat pads were transplanted by insertion through an
female donors (mean age, 42.0 ± 8.5 years; mean incision into a small subdermal pocket underneath
body mass index, 21.9 ± 1.0 kg/m2; n = 3) who the scalp of the donor mouse. Grafted mice were
underwent abdominal liposuction, for use in an in randomly divided into two groups, control and nor-
vitro study (organ culture). Participants provided mobaric hyperoxygenation. Control animals were
written informed consent, and our study proto- housed under room air (20% oxygen), whereas nor-
col had been approved by our institutional review mobaric hyperoxygenation animals were kept under
board. Subcutaneous fat tissue was suctioned using normobaric 60% oxygen/40% air for the first 3 days
a 2.5-mm (inner diameter) cannula at −500 to −700 after fat grafting and under room air for the remain-
mmHg with a conventional liposuction machine, ing period (Fig. 1). Animals were given free access to
under general anesthesia, after infiltration of food and water, and were killed after 0 (before graft-
saline solution containing epinephrine (0.001%). ing), 1, 2, 4, 8, or 12 weeks (n = 3 at each time point).
The grafted fat samples were weighed and the nor-
Organ Culture under Different Oxygen malized sample weight ratio, which is the ratio of the
Concentrations harvested sample weight to total body weight, was
Human aspirated adipose tissue was cultured in calculated to evaluate the change in sample weight.
a petri dish at 37°Cunder 5% carbon dioxide and Each harvested sample was fixed (Zinc Fixative) and
different oxygen concentrations (1%, 6%, or 20% paraffin-embedded for histology.

Fig. 1. Postoperative normobaric hyperoxygenation therapy (NBO)

protocol. After autologous fat grafting, mice were housed under
room air (control) or 60% oxygen (normobaric hyperoxygenation)
for the first 3 days. From day 4, both models were kept under room
air. Grafted fat samples were evaluated before transplantation and
at 1, 2, 4, 8, and 12 weeks after grafting.

Volume 134, Number 5 • Hyperoxygenation for Fat Engraftment

Immunohistochemistry to hypoxia (1%), normoxia (6%), and hyperoxia

After preparing 5-μm-thick sections of the (20%). The oxygen tension of the culture medium
harvested tissue samples, we performed immu- was almost the same as that of the culture vessel
nostaining with the following primary antibodies: gas (1%, 8 mmHg; 6%, 47 mmHg; and 20%, 152
guinea pig anti-mouse perilipin, a cytoplasmic mmHg). Immunohistology for perilipin showed
marker of viable adipocytes (dilution, 1:200; Pro- that adipose tissue organ cultures progressively
gen Biotechnik, GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany) degenerated during the first 3 days of culture,
and rat anti-mouse MAC-2 (also known as galec- and this degeneration was significantly influ-
tin-3; dilution, 1:200; Cedarlane, Burlington, enced by oxygen tension (Fig. 2, above). [See Fig-
Ontario, Canada). MAC-2 is a cell surface mol- ure Supplemental Digital Content 1, which shows
ecule expressed by macrophage subpopulations. perilipin expression in human aspirated adipose
For double-fluorescence staining, the following tissue cultured for 1 to 3 days after isolation (com-
secondary antibodies were used: Alexa Fluor plete version of Fig. 2, above). Stained adipose
488–conjugated goat anti–guinea pig immuno- tissue sections (green, perilipin for viable adipo-
globulin G (dilution, 1:200; Invitrogen, Carlsbad, cytes; blue, Hoechst 33342 for nuclei) revealed
Calif.) and Alexa Fluor 568–conjugated donkey that adipocytes degenerated more quickly under
anti-rat immunoglobulin G (dilution, 1:200; Invit- lower oxygen tensions, in both time- and oxygen
rogen). Appropriate species-specific fluorescently concentration–dependent fashions. Scale bars = 50
labeled isotype-matched immunoglobulin Gs μm, The number
were used as negative controls for immunostain- of viable adipocytes (perilipin-positive round cells)
ing. Nuclei were stained with Hoechst 33342 (dilu- in fat tissue cultures was significantly greater under
tion, 1:200; Dojindo, Tokyo, Japan). The number 20% oxygen than 1% oxygen at 3 days (p = 0.038)
of matured small (diameter <20 μm) adipocytes (Fig. 2, below). The finding suggests that mature
(perilipin-positive cells) was counted in at least adipocytes die more quickly under lower versus
four field images for each sample. higher oxygen tensions; thus, generating higher
Viable adipocyte area was measured by evalu- oxygen tension of the recipient tissue may help to
ating the perilipin-stained area in sections. Dead delay adipocyte death after fat grafting.
adipocytes do not express perilipin, whereas viable
adipocytes are strongly positive for perilipin. An Sequential Changes in Autologous Grafted
engraftment score was calculated to evaluate the Mouse Adipose Tissue with and without
magnitude of graft retention, as follows: Engraft- Normobaric Hyperoxygenation Treatment
ment score = Normalized fat sample weight × Per-
centage of viable adipocyte area. The normobaric hyperoxygenation tissue
samples were exposed to normobaric hyperoxy-
Statistical Analysis genation conditions for 3 days before return to
normoxia. These normobaric hyperoxygenation
Results are expressed as mean ± standard error tissues appeared to have less fibrous scarring
of the mean. The statistical significance between compared with control samples (Fig. 3, left). Nor-
control and normobaric hyperoxygenation in
mobaric hyperoxygenation samples also showed
animal experiments was determined using an
greater normalized weight throughout the 12
unpaired t test in. The Tukey-Kramer method was
weeks examined than the control samples (Fig. 3,
used for the organ culture experiment. Values of p
right). At 12 weeks, the normalized normobaric
< 0.05 were considered indicative of statistically sig-
hyperoxygenation sample weight (0.55 ± 0.08 per-
nificant differences between comparator groups.
cent of total body weight, n = 3) was significantly
larger that the control samples (0.19 ± 0.05 per-
RESULTS cent, n = 3) (p = 0.006) (Fig. 3, right). Weight reten-
tion rate was calculated by dividing the normalized
Adipocyte Viability in Adipose Tissue Cultured sample weight by the normalized initial sample
under Different Oxygen Tensions weight; normobaric hyperoxygenation samples
Organ cultures of aspirated adipose tissue showed a significantly larger rate (81.4 ± 1.6 per-
were generated to mimic the nonvascularized cent) than control (31.2 ± 3.9 percent) (p = 0.008).
condition that exists initially after fat grafting.
By using the organ culture system, we examined Fat Graft Remodeling after Grafting
sequential changes in adipocyte viability in non- Before grafting, adipose tissue was filled with
vascularized aspirated adipose tissues subjected viable mature adipocytes that were stained strongly

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • November 2014

Fig. 2. Organ culture of human aspirated fat tissue. Aspirated fat samples were cultured under 1% (hypoxia), 6% (normoxia),
or 20% (hyperoxia) oxygen for 3 days. (Above) Stained sections (green, perilipin for viable adipocytes; blue, Hoechst 33342
for nuclei) revealed that adipocytes degenerated differently, depending on the oxygen tension. See also Supplemental
Digital Content 1,, for the complete version. Scale bars = 50 μm. (Below) By day 3, viable
adipocyte (round perilipin-positive cells) numbers were significantly reduced in fat tissue cultured under 1% oxygen versus
20% oxygen (*p < 0.05).

for perilipin (Fig. 2, above). The grafted adipose lost their expression of perilipin within 1 week
tissue underwent dynamic remodeling from isch- after grafting, indicating that they died because of
emic degeneration to partial regeneration and ischemia. New small preadipocytes (monolocular
showed three distinctly demarcated zones: the or multilocular cells that were strongly positive for
most superficial surviving zone, an intermediate perilipin) appeared as early as 2 weeks after trans-
regenerating zone, and a central necrotic zone plantation in the regenerating zone, whereas no
(Fig. 4). The demarcation between the surviving adipogenesis was observed in the necrotic zone.
and regenerating zones was apparent at 1 week These results confirmed adipocyte turnover after
after grafting, whereas that between the regenerat- fat grafting that we previously reported.7
ing and necrotic zones was obvious between 2 and
4 weeks after fat transplantation. In the surviving Surviving Zone in Autografted Mouse
zone, adipocytes maintained their original size, Adipose Tissue with or without Normobaric
shape, and strong expression of perilipin, suggest- Hyperoxygenation Treatment
ing that they remained viable after fat grafting. In Although adipose remodeling in the three
the regenerating and necrotic zones, all adipocytes different graft zones was similarly seen in both

Volume 134, Number 5 • Hyperoxygenation for Fat Engraftment

Fig. 3. Autologous fat grafts in mice with or without normobaric

hyperoxygenation. (Above) Macroscopic cross-sectional view of
grafted fat samples at 12 weeks after transplantation. Mice were
kept under either room air (left, control) or 60% oxygen (right,
normobaric hyperoxygenation) for the first 3 days. Dashed lines
outline cross-section edge of samples. (Below) Weight changes
of harvested fat graft samples. Normalized sample weights were Fig. 4. Three zones with different adipocyte fates in grafted
calculated (sample weight divided by body weight). Normobaric mouse autologous adipose tissue. A control sample at 4 weeks
hyperoxygenation fat graft sample weight was significantly after transplantation was stained for perilipin (a marker of viable
larger than control samples at 12 weeks after transplantation adipocytes) and Hoechst 33342 (general nuclear stain). (Above) A
(*p < 0.01). NBO, normobaric hyperoxygenation. cross-section view indicated three histologically distinct regions
from the periphery to the center. S, surviving; R, regenerating; N,
control and normobaric hyperoxygenation mice, necrotizing zones. White scale bar = 1 mm. (Below) A higher-mag-
the surviving zone (perilipin-positive area mea- nification image clearly shows that the regenerating zone has
sured 1 week after fat grafting) was significantly many new preadipocytes (small round cells strongly positive for
larger in normobaric hyperoxygenation mice perilipin) around dead adipocytes (dark round areas without peril-
(27.1 ± 5.6 percent) than control mice (14.4 ± 4.9 ipin staining surrounded by MAC-2+ macrophages). The surviving
percent) (Fig. 5, above). The engraftment score zone was filled with mature adipocytes, whereas adipogenesis
(Normalized sample weight/Normalized initial was not seen in the necrotizing zone. Yellow scale bar = 200 μm.
sample weight × Percentage of viable adipocyte
area) of normobaric hyperoxygenation samples Adipocyte Regeneration in Autografted Mouse
(29.1 ± 4.1) was significantly larger than in con- Adipose Tissue with or without Normobaric
trols (14.4 ± 4.1) (p = 0.011) (Fig. 5, below). The Hyperoxygenation Treatment
average thickness of the fat graft surviving zone Adipogenesis was observed in control fat
was much greater in normobaric hyperoxygen- grafts from 2 weeks to 8 weeks, based on per-
ilipin expression profiles (Fig. 6). The number
ation mice (505 ± 197 μm) than in controls (259
of small new adipocytes with strong perilipin
± 88 μm). This suggests that normobaric hyper-
expression was comparable to baseline at 12
oxygenation for the first 3 days after fat trans- weeks after grafting, suggesting that adipose
plantation promotes adipocyte survival in the regeneration was complete by 12 weeks. How-
superficial graft region. Beginning at 2 weeks ever, the necrotic area showed many inflamma-
after fat transplantation, perilipin-positive small tory cells and unresolved oil drops, indicating
adipocytes (newly born preadipocytes) indicating that stabilization (phagocytosis and cicatriza-
adipogenesis appeared and increased in number tion) was still ongoing. The number of small
in the regenerating zone in both control and nor- round monolocular or multilocular cells strongly
mobaric hyperoxygenation grafts. positive for perilipin in the regenerating zone,

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • November 2014

Fig. 5. Surviving zones in autologous fat grafts in control and normobaric hyperoxygenation mice. Adipocytes
located in the most superficial layers (surviving zone) survived probably because of direct plasmatic diffusion of
required nutrients and oxygen from the surrounding intact recipient tissues. All adipocytes died within 1 week
in the deeper zones (regenerating and necrotizing zones). (Above) Immunostained fat graft sections (green,
perilipin for viable adipocytes; red, MAC-2 for macrophages; and blue, Hoechst 33342 for nuclei) at 1 week after
fat grafting. The surviving zone (perilipin strongly positive area) was clearly demarcated by 1 week. Dashed lines
indicate the border of the perilipin strongly and weakly positive areas. The surviving zone was much thicker
in normobaric hyperoxygenation samples than in control samples. Scale bars = 300 μm. S, surviving zone; R,
regenerating zone. (Below) Mature adipocytes survived significantly more in normobaric hyperoxygenation
grafts than in controls. Engraftment scores (Normalized sample weight/Normalized initial sample weight ×
Percentage of viable adipocyte area) were calculated for comparison.

indicating adipogenesis, increased after fat quickly between 8 and 12 weeks (Fig. 3), probably
grafting and peaked at 4 weeks in both control because the control grafted fat contained many
and normobaric hyperoxygenation grafts. The oil drops (failed replacement in the necrotic
new adipocyte number at 4 weeks was signifi- zone) and they were partly absorbed between 8
cantly larger in the normobaric hyperoxygen- and 12 weeks. The percentage of viable adipocyte
ation group (73 ± 27.5) than in controls (45 area (strong positive perilipin staining) was larger
± 16.2) (p = 0.016) (Fig. 6, above), suggesting in normobaric hyperoxygenation samples (57.5 ±
that normobaric hyperoxygenation for the first 8.2 percent) than in control samples (34.3 ± 2.0
3 days after fat grafting promotes survival of percent) at 12 weeks after grafting. The calculated
resident adipose-derived stem/progenitor cells, engraftment score for normobaric hyperoxygen-
and facilitates adipogenesis at later stages. ation grafts (46.6 ± 5.2) was significantly increased
over four-fold compared with controls (10.7 ± 2.4)
Adipose Tissue Engraftment in Mice with (p = 0.002) (Fig. 7, below).
or without Normobaric Hyperoxygenation
Adipogenesis appeared complete by 12 DISCUSSION
weeks, as suggested by measurement of small This study tested the therapeutic poten-
new adipocyte numbers. Thus, we evaluated final tial of systemic hyperoxygenation for enhanc-
fat transplant engraftment at this time point ing engraftment of nonvascularized fat tissue.
(Fig. 7). The weight of control fat grafts dropped Hyperbaric oxygenation therapy is already used

Volume 134, Number 5 • Hyperoxygenation for Fat Engraftment

Fig. 6. Adipogenesis in the regenerating zone of autologous fat grafts in control and normobaric hyperoxygen-
ation mice. In the graft regeneration zone, new preadipocytes emerged adjacent to dead adipocytes beginning
2 weeks after transplantation. (Above) The number of new preadipocytes (small multilocular cells strongly posi-
tive for perilipin) increased after grafting, peaked at 4 weeks, and returned to baseline levels by 12 weeks. The
preadipocyte number was significantly larger in normobaric hyperoxygenation grafts than in controls at 4 weeks
(*p < 0.05). (Below) Immunostained fat graft sections (green, perilipin for viable adipocytes; red, MAC-2 for macro-
phages; and blue, Hoechst 33342 for nuclei) at 4 weeks. Dashed lines indicate the border between the surviving
and regenerating zones. In the regenerating zone, numerous preadipocytes (multilocular cells strongly positive
for perilipin; yellow arrowheads) were seen between dead adipocytes (dark round areas; asterisks) surrounded by
infiltrated macrophages (stained with MAC-2). Scale bars = 50 μm. S, surviving zone; R, regenerating zone; NBO,
normobaric oxygenation.

for various tissue repairs such as diabetic wounds the survival of stem cells in ischemic environ-
and radiation injury.8 However, oxygen toxicity ments.12,13 If revascularization is achieved within
can be a serious complication, depending on the the 3 days, the tissue can be partially repaired by
concentration and pressure of oxygen used, and activated and recruited stem/progenitor cells;
short-term (60 to 90 minutes) treatment using however, in cases with more than 3 days, the tis-
100% oxygen under high pressure remains con- sue will finally necrotize.
troversial in terms of balancing beneficial and We previously proposed three zones in the
adverse effects.9–11 Thus, great care must be taken grafted fat tissue with different fates: survival
for clinical hyperoxygenation use. Our prelimi- (superficial), regeneration (intermediate), and
nary studies revealed that normobaric hyperoxy- necrosis (central).7,12 Grafted tissue is avascular
genation using 60% oxygen was safe in mice even and is maintained only by plasmatic diffusion of
when applied continuously for 30 days (data not nutrients and gasses from the surrounding intact
shown), whereas all mice died within 2 days under tissue until revascularization occurs. This isch-
normobaric 100% oxygen because of oxygen tox- emic condition degenerates the grafted adipose
icity. We decided to use normobaric hyperoxy- tissue (except for the most superficial surviving
genation for 3 days postoperatively because the zone), but also activates resident adipocyte stem
first 3 days after fat engraftment are critical for cells/progenitor cells that repair damaged graft

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • November 2014

Fig. 7. Final adipose tissue engraftment at 12 weeks after fat transplantation in control and normobaric hyper-
oxygenation mice. Adipogenesis was complete by 12 weeks after grafting. (Above) Immunostained sections of
samples (green, perilipin for viable adipocytes; red, MAC-2 for macrophages; and blue, Hoechst 33342 for nuclei)
at 12 weeks. Scale bars  =  300 μm. (Below) Engraftment scores showed that grafted fat retention was signifi-
cantly increased in normobaric hyperoxygenation samples compared with control samples. NBO, normobaric

zones. The present study clearly showed that fat grafting. We previously cultured human aspi-
normobaric hyperoxygenation therapy applied rated fat tissue, and found that the number of
immediately after surgery is potentially ben- viable adipocytes decreased significantly dur-
eficial in promoting survival, regeneration, and ing the first day, suggesting that mature adipo-
final engraftment of transplanted fat. Perilipin cytes die readily under ischemic conditions.12 In
immunostaining is currently the most reliable this study, we regarded organ culture under 6%
tool with which to differentiate between viable oxygen (100% means 760 mmHg at 1 atm) as
and dead adipocytes, which enabled us to evalu- physiologic normoxia, because the tissue oxygen
ate regenerating adipocytes and zone surviving/ tension of subcutaneous fat tissue in humans is 40
regenerating/necrotizing areas and to calculate to 60 mmHg. Our normobaric hyperoxygenation
engraftment scores. Previous studies showed that treatment using 60% oxygen can elevate the tis-
oxygen therapies do not work well to improve sue oxygen tension of subcutaneous recipient
tissue oxygen tension if the blood supply is tissue approximately two-fold in vivo and three-
insufficient, as in an ischemic flap.5,6 Although fold in vitro, as shown in organ cultures.14 This
the grafted adipose tissue had no blood supply, effect was suggested to be the main reason for
the recipient graft bed in our model had intact the reduced tissue damage observed in the organ
perfusion and thus its tissue oxygen tension was cultures treated with hyperoxia (20% oxygen),
markedly (two- to three-fold) elevated by 60% and supports the current finding that the surviv-
oxygen normobaric hyperoxygenation. In clini- ing graft area 1 week after autologous adipose
cal situations when fat is grafted to a less well- transplantation is significantly larger in normo-
perfused recipient bed, the hyperoxygenation baric hyperoxygenation compared with control
benefits may be reduced. animals. Thus, normobaric hyperoxygenation
Organ cultures of aspirated fat tissue in treatment effectively promotes adipocyte survival
our study seem to mimic the transplant recipi- in the nonvascularized adipose graft tissue.
ent microenvironment during the first few days Our previous studies showed that adipocyte
(revascularization would normally begin) after stem cells/progenitor cells survive even in the

Volume 134, Number 5 • Hyperoxygenation for Fat Engraftment

regenerating zones, although all mature adipo- grafting and hair transplantation may also be
cytes die within a few days because of ischemic good candidates for clinical application of nor-
damage.7,12 In the present study, normobaric mobaric hyperoxygenation.
hyperoxygenation also enhanced adipogenesis
Kotaro Yoshimura, M.D.
in the regenerating zone, which peaked approxi- Department of Plastic Surgery
mately 4 weeks after fat grafting. In control mice, University of Tokyo School of Medicine
adipocyte stem cells/progenitor cells in the 7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyo-Ku
grafts were activated and functioning to repair Tokyo 113-8655, Japan
the degenerating graft tissue, but they would
die if the microenvironment did not change.
Thus, postoperative hyperoxygenation increases
the regenerating area and reduces the necrotiz-
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