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several parts of North India have been

drilling under an intense heat wave many

districts in Rajasthan Haryana Uttar

Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh have been

posting temperatures over 45 degrees

Celsius of 5 degrees above what is

normal the maximum temperature in Delhi

settled 6 degrees Celsius above the

normal at 46 making May 26 2012 hottest

day the national capital has seen in May

in 18 years

the heatwave has been caused by the dry

northwesterly winds that started blowing

on May 21 causing a gradual rise in

temperature heat waves are among the

most dangerous of natural hazards the

frequency and intensity of which will

rise in the 21st century

due to climate change the World

Meteorological Organization defines it

as 5 or more consecutive days during

which the daily maximum temperature

surpasses the average maximum

temperature by 5 degrees Celsius or more

but some countries have adopted their

own standards like India a heatwave

according to the India meteorological

department requires that temperatures

increase 5 to 6 degrees Celsius or more

above the normal temperature heat waves

may span several days to several weeks

it may aggravate the health effects of

heat related stress causing heat

exhaustion dehydration and heat stroke

but heat wave related death tolls in

destruction are not always immediately

obvious heat waves are a significant

cause of weather-related mortality

according to the World Health

Organization more than one lakh 66

thousand people died due to heat waves

from 1998 to 2017

the Indian heatwave of 2015 killed more

than 2,500 people according to em - the

International disaster database it was

the fifth deadliest heatwave in world



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