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Industrial Management

Unit 1
1) Henry Fayol laid down__________
12 principles.
13 principles.
14 principles.
15 principles.

2. Management is________________
an art.
a science
an art and a science.
an art not science.

3. Management is the art and science of decision making and leadership _____
Harold Koontz.
Donald J. Clough
Louis Allan.

4. F.W. Taylor is associated with________________

Scientific Management.
Future management
Modern management
Principles of management.

5.The first and foremost function of management is ___________


6. The chain of command from the highest authority to the lowest level in the organization is
Unity of direction
Unity of command
Scalar chain

7. The Practice of Management written by __________.*

Peter F. Drucker.
Louis Allan.
Henry Fayol.

8. To manage is to forecast and plan, to organize, to compound, to co-ordinate and to control.

This definition was given by____________.*
Peter F. Drucker.
Henry Fayol.
Louis Allan.

9. Every subordinate should receive orders from and be accountable to only one superior is
Unity of direction
Unity of command.
Scalar chain

10. _____________ is helpful in reducing burden of manager

None of there

Unit 2
1. Personnel management is also called as*

Personnel Administration
Manpower management
Both (A) and (B)
None of the above

2.The following is not a function of Personnel management*

Training and development of manpower

Recruitment and selection of manpower
Wages and salary administration
Production, Planning and control
3.In manpower planning, short term plans are prepared for*

One month
Three months
Six months
One year

4. ________ means limitation of organized action.*


5.Personnel man must be a person who must have the following

Conceptual skill
Human relation skill
All of the above

6.The following is not Principle of Personal Policies*

Principle of common interest

Principle of Development
Principle of recognition of trade unions
Principle of team spirit

7.Following are the types of audit in personnel department

Audit of managerial compliance

Audit of employee satisfaction
Audit of Corporate strategy
All of the above
8. The rights reserved with the employers such as direct, control and manage its business
are called
Management rights
Provision rights
Mandatory rights
Union security provision
9. The clauses of the union contract that help in retaining and obtaining members are
classified as
Distributive security provision
Union security provision
Mandatory security provision
Permissive security provision

10. This gives details about the name of the job, qualification, qualities required and work
conditions etc

Job Analysis
Job selection
Job specification
Job description

Unit 3

1 .Which of the following statement is correct

Marketing is the term used to refer only to the sales function within a firm
Marketing managers usually don't get involved in production or distribution decisions
Marketing is an activity that considers only the needs of the organization, not the needs of
society as a whole
Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating,
delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and
society at large

2. When looking at consumer income, marketers are most interested in*

Discretionary income
Deferred income
Inflationary income
Disposable income

3. The following principle of Personnel management stresses to make the labour partner to
the business*
Principle of fair reward
Principle of joint management
Principle of Dignity of labour
Principle of team spirit
4. The strategic marketing planning process begins with ______________*

The writing of the mission statement

The formulation of a marketing plan
Hiring a senior planner

5. The term marketing refers to :*

New product concepts and improvements

Advertising and promotion activities
A philosophy that stresses customer value and satisfaction
Planning sales campaigns

6.Market expansion is usually achieved by*

More effective use of distribution

More effective use of advertising
By cutting prices
All of the above are suitable tactics

7.Today’s marketers need*

Neither creativity nor critical thinking skills

Both creativity and critical thinking skills
Critical thinking skills but not creativity
Creativity but not critical thinking skills

8. Logistics means ___________*

Flow of goods.
D. Marketing channel.

9. Market value of shares are decided by _*

the respective companies

the investment market
the government

10. What does the term PLC stands for?

Product life cycle
Production life cycle
Product long cycle
Production long cycle

Unit 4

1.Financial management is mainly concerned with*

All aspects of acquiring and utilizing financial resources for firms activities
Arrangement of funds
Efficient Management of every business
Profit maximization

2.The primary goal of financial management is*

to maximize the return

to minimize the risk
to maximize the wealth of owners
to maximize profit

3. The finance manager is accountable for*

Earning capital assets of the company

Effective management of a fund
Arrangement of financial resources
Proper utilization of funds

4. The capital budget is associated with*

Long terms and short terms assets

Fixed assets
Long terms assets
Short term assets

5.The formula used to calculate the current ratio is*

Current assets / Current liabilities
Current liabilities / Current assets
Inventory / Current liabilities
Current liabilities / Inventory

6. Functions of Financial Management is/are*

Financial forecasting
Cash flow management
Cost control
All of the above

7. Break-even analysis is used in the “Make or Buy” decision


8. Using equation method, Break-even point is calculated as

Sales = Variable expenses + Fixed expenses + Profit

Sales = Variable expenses + Fixed expenses - Profit
Sales = Variable expenses - Fixed expenses + Profit
None of the above
9. Which of the following are limitations of break-even analysis?

Static concept
Capital employed is taken into account.
Limitation of non-linear behaviour of costs
Limitation of presence of perfect competition

10. Liquid assets is determined by

Current assets – stock - Prepaid expenses

Current assets + stock + prepaid expenses
Current assets + Prepaid expenses
None of the above

Unit 5
1. In which of the following layout type, materials are fed into the first machine and
finished products come out of the last machine?*

Product layout
Process layout
Fixed position layout
Cellular manufacturing layout

2. Which of the following facility layout is best suited for the intermittent type of
production, which is a method of manufacturing several different products using the same
production line?*

Product layout
Process layout
Fixed position layout
Cellular manufacturing layout

3. Process layout is also known as*

Functional layout
Batch production layout
Straight line layout
Both (a) and (b)

4. Material handling consists of movement of material from*

One machine to another

One shop to another shop
Stores to shop
All of the above

5. Principle of ‘Unit load’ states that*

Materials should be moved in lots

One unit should be moved at a time
Either ‘a’ or ‘b’ as per situation
None of the above

6. Which of the following is the first step in making a correct location choice?*

Develop location alternatives

Decide the criteria for evaluating location alternatives
Evaluate the alternatives
Make a decision and select the location

7.The unit cost in case of batch production is __________as compared to jobbing


None of the above

8. Which of the following industries should be located near the vicinity of raw materials?
Sewing machines
Steel mills

9. Which of the following is not true for Multi-storey building?

High heating and ventilation cost
Small ground runs for drainage
Adopted for manufacture of light goods
Less roof repairs

10. If all the processing equipment and machines are arranged according to the sequence of
operations of a product the layout is known as
Product layout
Process layout
Fixed position layout
Combination layout

Unit 6

1. While setting Quality objective, ________ to be considered

Customer need
Organizational need
Supplier need
Worker need

2. Which of the following is the limitation of Quality circle?*

Higher cost
Training time and cost
Development of leadership
All of the above

3. In the Just-In-Time system*

There is no delay
Conveyance times are balanced
Both (A) and (B)
There is unequal production at different places

4. JIT does not believe in*

Over production
Human relations
All of the above

5. KAIZEN is a problem-solving process with existing resources*


6. Value Engineering is the systematic application of function-oriented techniques by a

multi-disciplined team to analyze and improve the value of a product, process or service

7. Six Sigma accuracy means only 6 defective parts per million are permissible*
8. JIT does not believe in
Over production
Human relations
All of the above

9. Just-In-Time aimed at
Zero inventories
Reduced manpower
Over production
All of the above

10. MRP is different from JIT in terms of

Human orientation
All of the above

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