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In the Spine Program Year




A Report On





PRN: 20021141025

Name of the organization: SUMS CORPSOLUTIONS

Under the guidance of

Dr. Ridhi Rani

Final SIP Report




Submitted by


PRN: 20021141025

Name of the organization: SUMS CorpSolutions

Date of submission:


This is to certify that the Summer Internship Project submitted by Devika Praveen, is a record
of project work done by her during the academic year 2020-21 under my guidance and
supervision at SUMS CorpSolutions in partial fulfilment of her MBA programme at
Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Hyderabad. This Summer Internship Project has
not been submitted for the award of any degree, diploma, associateship or fellowship or any
other title in this University or any other University.

Dr Ridhi Rani


This attempt of mine was possible only due to the support and guidance of few people. The
supported me, believed in me and encouraged me to do the best. Let me take this chance to
thank all those who directly or indirectly helped me in completing this project successfully.

Let me begin by offering my humble gratitude to Mr. Umesh Rateja (Founder, SUMS
CorpSolutions), who in spite of his busy schedule offered his guidance and shared knowledge
with me whenever possible. He was very keen on sharing his experiences with me and made
this project a wonderful learning experience for me even in the remote work mode. Without
you it would not have been possible for me to complete this project.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my faculty guide Dr. Ridhi Rani, Assistant
Professor, SIBM – Hyderabad, who always guided me be it topic formulation to every single
step of the way. She was always available, was patient enough and suggested me ways by
which I will be able to make the best out of a situation.

I express my gratitude to our beloved sir, Dr. Ravi Kumar Jain, Director, SIBM-Hyderabad
for giving us all this opportunity to develop ourselves by gaining first hand industry knowledge
and constant support throughout this project.

I would also like to extend my gratitude to every members teaching and non- teaching staff of
SIBM-Hyderabad, for their support every step of the way.

This learning experience was made fruitful and very much engaging due to the support and
motivation I gained from my family and friends. Thank you for sharing your opinions and
helping me out whenever possible. Above all, to Lord Almighty in giving me the strength in
all my pursuits.


i. Internship Certificate………………………………………………………………………
ii. Acknowledgement ………………………………………………......................................
iii. Abstract/Executive Summary……………………………………………….…………….
1. Introduction ……………………………………………………….………………………
1.1 Objective……………………………………………………………..……………….…..
1.2 Methodology……………………………………………………………………….….…
1.3 Scope & Limitations………………………………………………………………..….…
2. Economy Industry Analysis…………………………………………..…………………...
3. Company Analysis…………………………………………………………..…………….
4. Project Specific Analysis…………………………………….…………………………....
5. Conclusion & Recommendation…………………………………………………………..
6. Outcome/Contribution…………………………………………………………………….
7. Learning from SIP…………………………………………………....................................
8. References…………………………………………………………………………………


This project is mainly aimed to understand the usage of a software in an HR consultancy firm
to carry out each steps involved in the hiring process. The different stages of this project

• Conducting research on HR Consultancy firms and recruitment agencies who

incorporates ATS in their process.

• Attending Vendor meeting, understanding the sample ATS and giving suggestions to
improve the system in consonance to the need of the firm.

• Designing Mail templates and inputting applicant, company, client and vendor details
into the system.

• Learning stages of recruitment from collecting resumes of applicants to sharing offer

letter of the company to selected candidates using ATS.

• In short to understand, how the recruitment process for a client company will be carried
out from beginning till end using Applicant Tracking System.

The main objective of this project is to understand each step of hiring process in an HR
consultancy firm using applicant tracking software and also to analyse the challenges faced
during hiring process in a HR consultancy firm. Identifying the right candidate for the post
manually is going to be a very tedious task which unwraps the merits of having a system carry
out this process easily. This is the relevance of this project which tries to study the
implementation of ATS in SUMS CorpSolutions.

1. Introduction

1.1 Background

SUMS CorpSolutions helps businesses to build long term and measurable manpower
resources. They provide a variety of Consulting and Advisory services to assist our customers
in developing systems and processes for procuring, engaging, maintaining, and improving
human capital. Creating strategies to manage human resources, maintaining
productive efficiency and ensuring excellence are the main objectives of SUMS

They help organisations in improving their profit margins by implementing advanced HR

strategies and methodologies. The provide HR solutions which are customer tailored with
enhanced efficiency and sharpness. The Organization collaborate closely with their clients and
resolve issues that go beyond the classroom, based on data, innovative technologies, and
authenticated development services.

The project here focusses on the implementation of Applicant Tracking System at SUMS
CorpSolutions. The organization used to perform talent acquisition for each of their clients
manually using the traditional method. Due to competition from its opponents using advanced
technology and the benefits from the usage of modern systems to resolve HR issues, they
decided to implement Applicant Tracking System to carry out talent acquisition process. An
ATS, is a technical solution that handles all aspects of hiring and acts as a database for all
recruitment processes. As the name implies, an applicant tracking system allows for
computerised candidate tracking and can analyse huge amounts of data.

Leading businesses prefer recruiting for multiple positions at once and collect many resumes
for each vacancy. Several of these potential employees are underqualified, yet still send their
resumes because the hiring process is online. This will create a situation wherein for one
vacancy there is going to be a list of resumes. Identifying the right candidate for the post
manually is going to be a very tedious task which unwraps the merits of having a system carry
out this process easily. This is the relevance of this project which tries to study the
implementation of ATS in SUMS CorpSolutions.

ATSs accumulate and keeps resumes in a repository that potential employees can access. They
will maintain your resume in the system even if the first position you applied to is filled. Based
on the type of system they're employing, corporate hiring managers or potential employees
now can browse and examine your resume through different ways. ATS assist in Filtering,
vetting, and sharing information with candidates with features such as interview scheduling,
evaluation formation, and comparative analysis, response transmission, global scan, and
personalised exports and imports of data.

ATS alternatives are useful for all types of businesses, Irrespective of the size of the
organisation. Companies may choose from a wide range of implementation formats based on
particular company requirements. The problem now isn't finding a customised Applicant
tracking system, but instead selecting the most appropriate system from amongst many
possibilities available in market.

1.2 Objective

1. To understand each step of hiring process in an HR consultancy firm using applicant

tracking software.

2. To understand the challenges faced during hiring process in a HR consultancy firm.

1.3 Methodology

Research Philosophy Interpretivist Philosophy

Research Strategy Multiple Strategy (Literature review, Interviews and surveys)
Sampling Method Entire population Sampling Method (S=9)
Data Collection Technique Secondary data, Questionnaire method and Interview method
Data Analysis Method Mixed method

1.4 Scope & Limitations

The scope of the project is:-

• Conducting research on HR Consultancy firms and recruitment agencies who

incorporates ATS in their process.

• Attending Vendor meeting, understanding the sample ATS and giving suggestions to
improve the system in consonance to the need of the firm.

• Designing Mail templates and inputting applicant, company, client and vendor details
into the system.

• Learning stages of recruitment from collecting resumes of applicants to sharing offer

letter of the company to selected candidates using ATS.

• In short to understand, how the recruitment process for a client company will be carried
out from beginning till end using Applicant Tracking System.

The project was made with a sincere effort to study the implementation of ATS in the
organisation and the data was collected and analysed using the best methods possible. However
few limitations of the project are:-

1. There is a non-disclosure agreement with the organization, so various data used will not be

2. The scope of the project is diminished due to work from home, as the project is more on
learning the daily challenges employees faced during the hiring process and to understand the
benefits of ATS, an application based hiring.

3. Even though the first part that is to learn the challenges faced by employees during manual
hiring could be studied, the benefits of ATS system may not be completely analysed owing to
time constraints.

2. Economy Industry Analysis

Global Economic Conditions

The global HR advisory services market is expected to increase from $85.85 billion in 2019 to
$86.82 billion in 2020 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 1.12%1. The pandemic
has resulted in strict preventive actions such as restraining ourselves to home, Work from
home, and suspension of Trade related activities and Economic functions, all of which have
contributed to various growth obstacles. The market is then expected to recover and reach
$106.75 billion in 2023 at a CAGR of 7.13%2.

The Human resources consulting industry deals with Organizations, joint ventures and small
businesses, that offer Manpower Solutions or any other HR services. Human resource
consulting has two major clients: those trying to enhance their Hiring process by modifying
HR practices, and the next type are the ones who implements modifications like M&A
transactions and requiring well trained fresh talent pool.

Domestic economic conditions

The consulting market in India is congested, with massive worldwide players with a strong
appearance. In literal meaning, consulting is a facility that assists a customer in surmounting a
unique organisational obstacle. Strategists, hiring experts, industry experts, management
consultants, and infrastructure providers are some of the consulting services available in India.
In the consultancy industry, the market is very wide depending on the size and the level of
maturity. There are four main division in the HR consulting firms types in India, each of which
is at different stage of development and they are :-

1. Indian MNCs those established their presence since a very long time,
2. Baby MNCs who just started or planning to start their operation here,
3. Huge Business, SMEs, and
4. Tiny Companies.

Over the last few years, the consulting industry in India has undergone few transformations.
Corporate consulting funding levels have dropped as a result of direct pressures and economic
conditions, finding it challenging for tiny business to stay afloat. Due to which, there


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occurred integration, and now we have less number of players in market but they play on wide
scale scope. India's consulting firms, believes that there is a lot of unused possibilities in the
Indian market.

The supply and demand parts of the market are placing pressure on price and expenses. India's
consulting firms are also concerned about a shortage of qualified manpower. Consulting firms
will have to look into diversifying their service portfolios, recruit best talents, and enhance their
attention on value-based service placing to create a different positioning for them.

Regulatory issues

Data security acts as a huge issue to HR function as they can cause serious hindrance to the
Human Resources consulting services overall market growth. Across all industries, regardless
of size, a data security violation is difficult and expensive. Human resources practitioners
carries heavily confidential data such as personal information, birthdates, addresses, and
banking information.

HR function should follow all applicable Employment, workplace safety, as well as other
related laws in the territory at which company works. This contains rules concerning various
aspects of human resources, such as staffing, entitlements, and labour rights. They should keep
track of latest regulations and indicates that the organization stays in conformance and
eliminates financial penalties.

Industry structure

Human capital strategy includes a wide range of Human resource operational processes,
including trying to define a business culture, structure of the organisation, establishing an HR
structure which helps critical business areas and developing Human resource techniques in the
sectors of multiculturalism, hiring, and talent acquisition, and several other things.
Compensation and benefits, often called as remuneration and incentive system, examines every
issues related to the pay of workforce, be it primary pay or other bonuses or miscellaneous pay,
in the enterprise.

Organizational change entails the transformation process, with the goal of efficiently leading
and implanting modifications in a business and its operating style. The Human resource layer
is accountable over all efforts to enhance the HR function efficacy. Every efforts on employing,
maintaining and creating growth in manpower, also ensuring proper strategic plans so that
each specialists could indeed function better, comes under the purview of talent management.

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Exhibit 1:- Industry Structure of HR Consultancy sector in India

HR analytics has evolved to a packed delivery area under Consultancy services due to the
advancement of tech space with everything and anything involving data. Learning and
development encompasses both the sensitive side of growth, like mentorship, and also the
physical side of coaching, like the management and execution of blended learning. Finally, HR
technology is an area which focusses on overall Human Resources methods and technologies.

Major players

A Leaders Matrix is very much an informational way to visualize the position of service
providers in a particular geographical area or in an industry. The below given, that is Exhibit
two is a leaders matrix that provides the growth level of the top 6 Indian HR consultancy firms
by valuating their ability to deliver and the focus element.

Exhibit 2:- Leaders Matrix of Top Indian HR consultancy Agencies

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At the market leaders quadrant both focus and ability to deliver will be high. Proven leaders
quadrant will deliver the service well but lacks focus. Niche leaders’ ability to deliver is
average, however their focus is definitely high. Emerging leaders’ ability to deliver is average
and very low focus criteria.

Demand drivers and Critical success factors

Users in India have all been clamouring for customised solutions lately, resulting in the chance
for a huge proportion of consulting firms to assist organizations with experienced
professional and assets. The need for solving unique HR issues, trend to outsource HR
functions to consultancy services, HR being increasingly considered as a very relevant strategic
function etc. are few demand driving factors.

Human resources can help a company grow by creating models, replicable structures,
procedures, and capacities which will aid in making a quick entry to fresh locations and then
implement novel takeovers. Human Resources also add value to the company by generating
new recruitment techniques which are best suit according to the current manpower
requirements that is largely focused on fresh skills, temporary employees, and cultural

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3. Company Analysis

About SUMS CorpSolutions

SUMS CorpSolutions helps businesses develop configurable and long-term skilled workforce.
The services they provide a wide range of Consulting and Advisory services to assist their
clients in designing structures and procedures for gaining, trying to engage, maintaining, and
constructing skilled workforce. They provide Strategic Plan, Performance Management, and
Productivity improvements to fit specific Human Resources expectations of their clients.

SUMS CorpSolutions provide services to corporates in enhancing their profit margins by

applying innovative Human resources strategies and procedures as a client specific, productive,
flexible, and highly reliable companion. They team up deeply with clients and implement
strategies that are far beyond the textbooks. The solutions they provide to their clients are
customized, well thought, innovative and authenticated HR techniques.

Organizational design

The organization is headed by Mr. Umesh Rateja and Ms. Paramita Kapat both of them with
20 years plus experience in the HR domain. The founder directors is assisted by Amol Dhamne,
Chief Consultant at SUMS CorpSolutions with over 17 years plus experience in Coaching and
training specialisation. Then comes Ms. Deepti Antani, 25 years of experience in recruitment
domain and Mr. Mohammed Aslam, 20 years’ experience in Leadership management and team
building, both of them acting as the Principal consultant. This is the structure of the core team
at SUMS CorpSolutions.

Leadership and Organization dynamics

The organizational leadership is in the hands of HR specialist who has rich experiences of 25
plus years. Core team of the organization are HR experts who understand the client
expectations and provide them with the most customized and easy to implement solutions. We
have an extremely agile team at SUMS CorpSolutions who are trained to work in the VUCA
environment. The rich experience of the team, coordinated efforts and practices aligned
towards attaining the goals of the organization clearly shows the positive organizational
dynamics here at SUMS CorpSolutions. As it is an HR Consultancy firm and the team is a
group of HR experts the team dynamics, balancing work-life and completing the work
assignments happens smoothly with complete understanding.

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Human resource policies and practices

a. Job analysis
The main designation in the organization are majorly Co-founders, Chief Consultant,
Recruitment head and Principal consultant. The co-Founders monitors the performance
of the core team and subordinates. They conduct meetings, divide projects in the team
and conduct performance appraisal.
The chief consultant and Principal consultants focus on various projects of the clients,
developing customized HR solutions and strategies. They perform wide range of
service solutions from talent acquisition to image building of an organization. The
recruitment head manages talent acquisition for the firm and coordinate with heads of
other zonal offices.

b. Recruitment
Talents are selected to SUMS CorpSolutions by the recruitment head who conducts
interview along with the co-founders after a thorough resume skimming process. The
existing workforce demographics shows employees who have been inducted one year
ago to the ones who have joined the organisation since its inception. SUMS
CorpSolutions selects its employees purely on merits of the candidate and encourage a
gender neutral work atmosphere.

c. Selection & training

The selected workforce are trained under the skill ship of Mr. Umesh Rateja for the first
week of induction/Training and then will be given group assignment where they will
learn the working dynamics of the organization and gain knowledge. After the training
period, they will be assigned client/s and will have to perform services of that particular
client/s. The training process and modules is scheduled in such a way that the trainee
will get to understand the whole recruitment process work flown from A to Z.

d. Career development
The organization is a model example on how to ensure proper career development of
the employees. Promotions and learning environment is provided in ample to each
member of the organization and the trust element that is placed by the top management
in its employees is top notch.

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e. Group dynamics
The group dynamics is pretty strong and complementing at SUMS CorpSolutions.
Team work is really essential in a consultancy services because the uniqueness and
customized service they provide to their client determines the success of the firm. That
is where the whole upbringing of the organization by its leaders plays a significant role.
The family feel and comfortness the team provides is very well seen in the group
f. Performance appraisal
At SUMS CorpSolutions, it is mandatory and part of process to conduct performance
appraisal at regular intervals. Earlier there used to be one on one session conducted by
the Co-founders with each employees to understand their work performance as well as
to analyse the contribution it has towards the organizations total wealth. Due to
pandemic they have shifted this one on one performance appraisal meetings online
manner. These meetings provides clarity of goals and inputs on changes that needs to
be made in the working of each employee.

g. Compensation
It is well seen that the employees are appropriately compensated at SUMS
CorpSolutions. The leadership believes that under compensation leads to lowering of
morale of the employees and over compensation leads to work inertia. Hence it’s made
sure that the employees are appropriately allowed salary and other perks. Another
important compensation policy they have no discrimination in gender and the decision
relating to compensation plan is finalised in a total impartial and performance based
h. Legal compliance
The organization was incorporated, operating and carrying forward their daily business
by following every law mandates prescribed under our Indian legal system and every
company policies are in strict adherence to ethics, morality and value based.

i. Diversity management
As already mentioned the work force at SUMS CorpSolutions is diverse and includes
all genders equally without any bias. Not only that diversity is followed at the time of
selection of employees but it is seen to that inclusion of each member is also considers
as priority.

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Our Philosophy

At SUMS CorpSolutions the philosophy the follow is 3 I’s, that is Impact, Innovation and
Improvement. As a part of Management consultancy, it is very vital to always stay on point
and provide service solution to the clients which positively impacts them. The competition in
the industry is so high that it is very important to stay alert and always bring in the element of
innovation to the table.

Exhibit 3:- Philosophy system practices at SUMS CorpSolutions

The team also makes it a point that they always take feedback after completing a project so that
it can provide them insights for improvement. The best way to excel is always to be in constant
competition with oneself. These are philosophies which are tied close to the value system of
SUMS CorpSolutions.

Our Services

The services at SUMS CorpSolutions includes and involves all major stages of Human
Resources Management. The company helps in acquiring best talents for their clients, earlier
using the traditional method but now shifting to the Applicant Tracking system. They provide
customized candidate search for each client considering the Job role requirement and provide
other head hunting services.

Engagement of employees is another are handled here, wherein studies and observation of the
employees will be done first. Different programs to enhance communication internally,

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building a good organization culture and dynamics, ensuring employer-employee relation
comes under the purview of employee engagement.

Management of employees of a particular client includes rebuilding or constructing employee

manuals, performance and competency mapping, assessing the existing workforce and auditing
the Human resources practices. The next service is employee development, wherein various
programs and trainings will be conducted for the workforce of clients to enhance skills,
knowledge and coach them depending on the need of the clients.

Exhibit 4:- List of services provided at SUMS CorpSolutions

SUMS CorpSolutions provides staffing solutions to its clients where they try to cater the short
term or long term staff requirements. This solution will be provided irrespective of the location
of client be it PAN Indian or even remote working set ups. Its seen to it that all legal mandates
will be taken care of in addition to the much needed background study report of the staffs
allocated to the client as per requirement. Image building is another function which also
includes employer branding which essentially means providing strategies to clients on how to
make their workspace look and create an image of best place to work so as to attract quality

Key Customers

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Figure 5 given below provide few key customers of SUMS CorpSolutions. The key customers
are selected based on the number of years they have been our clients as well as on the basis of
the number of projects we have with them.

Exhibit 5:- Key Customers of SUMS CorpSolutions

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4. Project Specific Analysis

The project specific analysis will be divide into four parts namely:-

1. Explanation of working of Applicant Tracking System (ATS) – Smart Recruitment.

2. Association with Vendor and its impacts
3. Analysis of the data collected from the employees at SUMS CorpSolutions to
understand their expectations from an ATS.
4. Details on the ATS Training program to the employees of SUMS CorpSolutions

The study conducted at SUMS CorpSolutions was on the implementation of Applicant

tracking system, a tech driven system which provides aid in the talent acquisition process. As
the project is nature revolves around the employees who will using the ATS that is 9 employees
conducting a quantitative research analysis is not ideal. This analysis of project will begin with
explanation on the working of ATS chose by the organization which Smart recruitment. The
will be proceeding to the vendor meetings and how it helped in the proper customization of the
software according to the needs of the organization.

As a part of understanding the expectation of the employees of the organization, a small google
form was rolled out to the 9 employees in addition to the telephonic conversation to help
understand better. So the third segment of the project will be describing the analysis of the data
collected through the google form. Finally, I was asked to take a training program to the
employees of the organization so as to elaborate and explain the working of ATS. The last
section of the project report will provide a glimpse of the training program.

1. Smart Recruitment – ATS implemented at SUMS CorpSolutions

The ATS that was selected for implementation at SUMS CorpSolutions was Smart
Recruitment, a very user friendly ATS which can be customized efficiently according to the
needs of its clients. The project will now analyse this ATS and the various functions it performs
for the client one by one.

A. Dashboard

The dashboard shown above is that of the ATS names Smart Recruitment at SUMS
CorpSolutions. Left side of the dashboard projects the various functions that users can perform
in it. Applicants, openings, vendors, clients, company and reports are the six functional tables
of the system. Each tab will be explained individually along with its benefits. The centre or

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main section of the dashboard shows, the users who will be using the system, the numbers of
licenses sought by the client, status of applicants and the bulk mail update.

Exhibit 6:- Dashboard of Smart Recruitment

B. Applicants tab

The applicant tab opens way to this screen wherein before entering the system will give us two
options, one is to manually input the applicant data or else one can parse resume of applicants
by uploading resume in pdf format. This screen is the manual format where in the user of the
system that is employees of SUMS CorpSolutions will input the details of applicants from their
resume for specific job posts.

Exhibit 7:- Applicants tab 1 of Smart Recruitment

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There are 6 sub tabs which demands information of the applicants that is personal information,
Professional experience, Educational details, Reference from valid sources, necessary
documents and last page for any additional details. There is an option to assign each applicant
to any user from the organization depending on our need. Even though manual method is time
consuming when compared to the parse method it totally depends on the level of comfortness
of the user with the technological aspects. It’s also seen to it that for fresher candidates there is
a button we can switch which will automatically makes the remaining professional experience
details as non mandatory.

Exhibit 8:- Applicants tab 2 of Smart Recruitment

In the applicant tab we have next, applicants list which will show the list of applicants that was
created by the user either by using the manual method or the parse method. This list not only
shows name list of applicants user has created but also the score that was given to them, primary
email of each applicant, contact details, current organization name and job title of the applicant,
location details, stage at which the application is now positioned along with the action tab
which helps the user to edit, assign, put the applicant in hot list or blacklist according to the

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Exhibit 9:- Applicants tab 3 of Smart Recruitment

We can search applicants from this list using the search by applicant name or by their work
authorization or the date at which we uploaded their details. There is an option to bench any
applicant we have if we need to. Once the applicant names are in the list there will be a blue
triangle to the left of their name which presents us options to view the interviews scheduled for
that applicant, interviews taken, offers received and the status of each offer. We also have an
option to view the detailed view of each applicant wherein every information relate to their
recruitment stages and offer status get displayed in the chorological order.

C. Openings Tab

In the opening tab, the user can create openings as per their client details and the job roles that
are to be filled. For creating a job role, the user will have to input details of three parts mainly.
Firstly, the opening details option wherein all details relating to the job from the organization
name to CTC offered will have to be inputted. Then comes Job details option wherein the
required skills for the job, qualification, experience and priority type are to be filled by the user.
Finally there is the Job description option where in details regarding the job, nature of work
and other details relating to the position will have to be provided.

For each job role separate inputting of details is necessary even though it’s for the same client.
The platform however provides us with the option of mentioning the number of vacancies while
creating a job role and also the location of it. There is a separate switch which can be turned
on to show that the work is going to be a remote environment.

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Exhibit 10:- Openings tab 1 of Smart Recruitment

The next option in the openings tab is the openings list where, all the job roles that was created
can be easily views by the user. The merit of the ATS is that from the same organization all
users can have access to view the job roles that was created by other users which will enable
inflow of information and keeping in check with each other’s work. The openings list displays
the job title, owner of the job (Name of the client), location, date of positing the job, name of
the client, status of the job and option for taking action which includes editing the job role.

Exhibit 11:- Openings tab 2 of Smart Recruitment

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D. Vendors Tab

Exhibit 12:- Vendors tab 1 of Smart Recruitment

The vendors’ tablets first opens to creating of vendors by inputting the details. To begin with
all details from the contact information of vendors to essentials documents that must be
uploaded needs to be done by the user. Then there is the vendor’s list option wherein all those
information about the vendors will be displayed in it.

Exhibit 13:- Vendors tab 2 of Smart Recruitment

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E. Clients Tab

Exhibit 14:- Clients tab 1 of Smart Recruitment

The clients’ tablets first opens to creating of clients by inputting the details. To begin with all
details from the contact information of clients to essentials documents that must be uploaded
needs to be done by the user. Then there is the client’s list option wherein all those information
about the clients will be displayed in it. It’s very essential to keep updating the client details
and to maintain them confidential. Unlike vendors tab not many details in the clients tab is
mandatory this is owing to the privacy and comfort of our client.

Exhibit 15:- Clients tab 2 of Smart Recruitment

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F. Company Tab

Companies tab was created to input all details about the users and roles they are performing in
the organization. The system works in such a manner that the users listed with roles assigned
will be later perform the centres to which applicants and clients will be assigned to. To begin
with let’s explain how the roles function perform. The roles are to be created and such roles
which are created will be displayed in the roles list. The roles suiting to the needs of SUMS
CorpSolutions are namely Administrator, Manager, Recruiter and Team lead. Of the four roles
mentioned only through the account of the Administrator the ATS will display details of the
licenses issued, the SMTP feature etc.

Exhibit 16:- Company tab 1 of Smart Recruitment

The right side action option helps the user to edit the details provided in the roles according to
the situation. The user who was assigned the role of Administrator will only be able to make
modifications to other roles and add new roles as per requirement. This brings us to the next
function that can be performed by the user in company tab that is creating users. As mentioned
earlier this is a function that can only performed by administrator. The user details will have to
be inputted along with the roles they will be performing. There is also an option to provide
bulk mail access to users of our choice. Each user will have a unique id and password which
will also be accessed by the administrator of the system.

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Exhibit 17:- Company tab 2 of Smart Recruitment

Then we have the users list with all relevant details of the user such as Name, role, email id,
whom they are reporting and action tab so as to edit the details of the user as and when
necessary. At present the ATS consists of 10 users which consist of their 9 employees and
myself as an intern who handles the system.

Exhibit 18:- Company tab 3 of Smart Recruitment

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The next option available under the company tab is workflow templates. This is a function that
can be seen and performed only by the administrator of the system. The recruitment process
goes through various stages of selection starting from uploading the details of the applicant,
Job role details, assigning suitable candidates to client, sending them mail with necessary
details, collecting information from the applicant, sharing it with the client, setting up of the
interview with client, selection or rejection phase, sending offering letter and so on. For all
these it is very essential to have workflow template that is standardized for applicants. All those
templates that needs to send are drafted and kept here in the workforce templates.

Exhibit 19:- Company tab 4 of Smart Recruitment

Then we have SMTP that is simple mail transfer protocol, with email configuration, Job portal
details, VOIP configuration, email templates and other settings. Basically this section deals
with details on the mailing system. We will be dealing with many applicants and various job
roles on a daily basis to match and reject, hence it’s very important to practice smart work by
creating drafts of mails that can be stored for various purpose.

Standardized mails saves time and makes it easy while contacting applicants with job details
or clients with applicant details. This SMTP is a function that can be set and modified only by
the administrator. The section also provides details of license expiry.

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Exhibit 20:- Company tab 5 of Smart Recruitment

The next option available is to group the emails, like mentioned earlier there will job roles to
which there will be more than one opening and the applicants whose resume got selected or in
some cases the applicants to whom offer letter needs to be send will be in group in such cases
the group mail option is handy.

By inbuilt there are three email group sections which are provided in the system, Bulk email
groups, vendor groups and client groups. The purpose of the bulk email was just mentioned
above and groups are made for that purpose. Then comes the vendor grouping when any mail
has to be sent commonly to the list of vendors added in the system or any new vendor group
that was created. Similarly we have client group where in mails which needs to be send in
group will be created under the section with the mail ids.

Exhibit 21:- Company tab 6 of Smart Recruitment

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G. Reports Tab

The report tab as the same suggests is a place which assists you in creating various reports.
There are certain standard reports that are provided in the system per se, which are client
submissions, submission report, bench sales interview report and current bench marketing
report. In addition to this in built reports there are manual ways by which we can create
report in the system. Each report along with the report type and report period is mentioned
in the system.

Exhibit 22:- Reports tab of Smart Recruitment

2. Customization of ATS for SUMS CorpSolutions

The next work I was assigned to was to manage the vendor that is Smart Recruitment ATS
Company and all communication with them. I acted as the person of contact from the company
in every form of communication with respect to the customization of ATS according to the
requirements of our organization. In order to facilitate as a POC, I used to organize meeting
with the vendors and discuss with them the modification we would like in the ATS. The head
of Smart recruitment Mr. Sanjeev and his assistant Mr. Giridhar used to represent Smart
recruitment in the meetings. Following were the list of General and specific issues, I requested
vendors to change in the Applicant Tracking System:-

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List of Attributes in the Smart Recruit ATS that requires Correction

General issues

A. Applicants Tab

1. Go to Create applicant section (Manual creation), Current pay and expected pay Dollar
sign must be changed (Personal Information).
2. Go to Create applicant section (Manual creation), adding work experience details is a
mandatory attribute (Professional experience). This mandatory setting can be removed
to add the details of fresher.
3. Go to Create applicant section (Manual creation), it should show two options Mobile
number and landline number. Area code must not be made mandatory. Also the number
of digits for mobile number must be made 10.

B. Openings Tab
1. Go to Create opening section (Manual creation), Minimum Bill rate and Maximum Bill
rate dollar sign must be changed.
2. Creating Openings must be a function that can be performed by managers and other
3. CSV upload option must be enabled along with Manual and Parse option.

C. Vendors Tab
1. Go to Add Vendor section (Manual creation), Vendor Group, Company EIN Number,
Contract Start date and end date detail should be made non mandatory.
2. Both in the Add Vendor section > Vendor section and Contacts Section it should show
two options Mobile number and landline number. Area code must not be made
mandatory. Also the number of digits for mobile number must be made 10.

D. Clients Tab
1. Go to Add Client section (Manual creation), Client Department, Designation, Phone
Number, Address, Location, Client Group, Company EIN Number, Contract Start date

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and end date must be made non mandatory. In short, only Name, Department and Mail
Id must be made mandatory.
2. Both in the Add Client section > Client section and Contacts Section it should show
two options Mobile number and landline number. Area code must not be made
mandatory. Also the number of digits for mobile number must be made 10.
3. In the Add Client section, option to add Client’s Website address needs to be there.

E. Company Section
1. Go to User Registration section, it should show two options Mobile number and
landline number. Area code must not be made mandatory. Also the number of digits for
mobile number must be made 10.
2. Purpose of DB applicant is not clear.

F. Reports
1. Reports are not visible in the section.

Specific issues

● To add location columns in job opening portion so while viewing the job details in the end
we can understand the location as the district with area code.

● Project or job post end date is coming as 1970 and hence request was made to correct the

● the experience tab was showing options entry, mid, mid senior and hence we requested for
changing it 2-3 years or 0-1 years or like format.

● Under location, in the place of state City and zip code we can only make one entry that is one
city, state and zip code. But for many job post the job location will be two or more cities, states
and hence requested for more than one entry in zip code.

● Request was made for CV repository where we can store CV of those candidates which are
good but we don't have a job role to which we can assign them to.

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