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This is the BFI film festival; the 2022 festival is between October 5th-16th 2022. the
final submission date for a short film is June 9th. The regulations for the short film
submissions are very open, you need to make it 40 minutes or less and you should
have produced the film less than a year before it is submitted on June 9th. 

Final idea outline

It’s about a man called Tim who has anger issues, he uses boxing as an escape, he
got to his boxing gym every time he is tense or angry. Through the film it is slowly
revealed Tim had a bad background and due to dodgy people, he had to move away
from his family and his mother doesn’t trust Tim anymore because of his past, Tim
still tries to contact his mother but she never responds. one day he is walking home
and he is getting pressured by 3 lads, they pick a fight with him and Tim is getting
battered, something in Tim’s head clicks mid beating, Tim fights back and unleashes
on one of the 3 lads, not stopping, the body becomes limp and it is clear to everyone
Tim has just killed someone. the rest of the film focuses on Tim dealing with the
pure guilty of killing someone and the reproductions of his actions.  The film will end
open ended, after Tim kills a guy, he is constantly getting flashbacks of the murder,
he tries and ignores it, but he is so guilty he can’t get over it. so, one day it drives him
so insane he runs to the edge of a bridge, he looks like he's going to jump but instead
he just sits down, and starts crying, after some time he gets enough energy to walk
back home, the film ends with Tim walking home and a handful of cinematic shots
as he's walking home, with music playing over it.

Rules and regulation’s

 No drugs
 No nudity
 No excessive swearing
 Under 40 minutes
 Approach contravention subject’s carful
 No excessive violence

Target audience
My target audience is 15 and above, I think the age of 15 is old enough to appreciate the
subject matter and I think the subject isn’t pinned down to an age group, I would show it to
anyone 15 years old and above. I think there will be graphic violence and slight amounts of
swearing. So, it would be inappropriate for younger audiences.

Legal and ethical issues

The film touches on suicide, it isn’t a big part of the film but we address the subject and we
will need to be sensitive. There is a murder in the film and that is also obviously a sensitive
subject. The focus on the film is the feeling of guilt, there isn’t really a message being spread
by the film other than be careful and don’t fight. We will try our hardest to not glamorise
fighting and to show the true effects of one bad punch.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Week 1 (5th N/A Brief handout, Proposal, Competition/ N/A N/A N/A
April 2022) Create website, production issues
Idea generator, schedule, Brief
focus group. Bibliography Weekly blogs
Week 2 (11th N/A N/A N/A Start medium N/A N/A N/A
April 2022) and genre
Week 3 (18th Continue N/A N/A Continue N/A N/A N/A
April 2022) medium and medium and
genre research genre research
Week 4 (25th Contents/ topic, write an idea Target audience. N/A N/A N/A
April 2022) with developments Use the information in my
production. Weekly blogs.

Week 5 (2nd Production planning, script, story board, music list, shooting N/A N/A N/A
May 2022) schedule, props list, auditions, practice shooting, cast lists, location.
Week 6 (9th N/A N/A N/A
May 2022)
Week 7 (16th Shooting shooting shooting shooting shooting shooting shooting
May 2022)
Week 8 (23rd shooting Shooting editing editing Editing N/A N/A
May 2022)
Week 9 (30th N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
May 2022)
Week 10 (6th Evaluation/ Evaluation/ Evaluation/ Evaluation/ Finishing off N/A N/A
May 2022) proposal proposal proposal proposal work

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