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Movie Recommendation system

•Content Based Recommendation System.

•Popularty Based Recommendation
•Collabartive Based Recommendation
• Recommender systems are machine learning systems that help
users discover new product and services. Every time you shop
online, a recommendation system is guiding you towards the
most likely product you might purchase.
• Recommender systems are an essential feature in our digital world, as
users are often overwhelmed by choice and need help finding what
they’re looking for. This leads to happier customers and, of course,
more sales.
• Recommender systems are like salesmen who know, based on
your history and preferences, what you like.
What Are Recommender Systems?
Recommender systems are so commonplace now that many of us
use them without even knowing it. Because we can’t possibly look
through all the products or content on a website, a recommendation
system plays an important role in helping us have a better user
experience, while also exposing us to more inventory we might not
discover otherwise.
• Some examples of recommender systems in action include product
recommendations on Amazon, Netflix suggestions for movies and
TV shows in your feed, recommended videos on YouTube, music
on Spotify, the Facebook newsfeed and Google Ads
•An important component of any of these systems is the recommender
function, which takes information about the user and predicts the rating
that user might assign to a product, for example. Predicting user ratings,
even before the user has actually provided one, makes recommender
systems a powerful tool.
Relationships provide recommender systems with tremendous insight, as
well as an understanding of customers.
There are three main types that occur :

• User-Product Relationship(Content based)

The user-product relationship occurs when some users have an
affinity or preference towards specific products that they need. For
example, a cricket player might have a preference for cricket-related
items, thus the e-commerce website will build a user-product relation
of player->cricket.
Product-Product Relationship(collAborative

• Product-product relationships occur when items are similar in nature, either

by appearance or description. Some examples include books or music of the
same genre, dishes from the same cuisine, or news articles from a particular

User-User Relationship(Hybrid)
• User-user relationships occur when some customers have similar taste with
respect to a particular product or service. Examples include mutual friends,
similar backgrounds, similar age, etc.
Libraries used
I had first the dataset from the cs im db website, which having 5,000 rows and
some columns <affirmative> here in the first line. I connected my google drive
with the google lab. And the second line I install these smart lab important
libraries, which are necessary for, for my projects, for reading the csv file or
loading the dataset from the, my drive add import depart does as pd and for
the medical, the medical values purpose to doing the medical operations on the
dataset and importing the number by suppose, your data sets present in the
form of xml file or excel file. Then you can import this sv as well. Here. It is a
brief discussion about my first dataset, which having the 5,000 rules and some
columns named buzz, january homepage, et cetera here, I had the, I elaborate
the column named the keywords in which it has id named id and name named
as cultural cash as well. And tag in the taglines. There are the descriptions
about the, there is, are descriptions about the movie, how the movie is, how
the movie is and what is inside that movie. And inside the january, there are,
there is a main characteristics about the movie means which type of movies
that is it, action type. Is it Size it adventurous type or the science fictions, et
cetera. There is another data sets known as movie created inside my google
drive and which, which contain the cast and crew inside the cast. There are the
various characters that are present .
Literature Review
There are three techniques of recommendation system: collaborative filtering, content-based filtering and
hybrid filtering. In content based recommender system, user provides data either explicitly (rating) or im-
plicitly (by clicking on a link). The system captures this data and generates user profile for every user. By
making use of user profile, recommendation is generated. In content based filtering, recommendation is given
by only watching single user’s profile. System tries to recommend item similar to that item based on users past
activity. Unlike content based, collaborative filtering finds those users whose likings are similar to a given user.
it then recommends item or any product, by considering that the given user will also like the item which other
users like because their taste are similar . Both these technique have their own strength and weakness so
to overcome this, hybrid technique came into picture, which is a combination of both these techniques. Hybrid
filtering can be used in various types. We can use content based filtering first and then pass those results to col-
laborative recommender (and vice-versa) or by integrating both the filter into one model to generate the result.
these kinds of modifications are also uses to cope up with cold start, data sparsity and scalability problem.

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