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Fred Bergh Chris Gerber Hennie Mulder Sean Bowes Henk Taljaard Marcel Bergh Alan Page
Ashlea Gardens
Church of Christ
180 Club Avenue
Ashlea Gardens
Tel: 012 997 1983
12 June 2011
The greatest among you will be your
servant, Jesus said in Matt 23:11, and
He was both the greatest and a servant.
He also said, He who will be frst
must be last (John 12:25), the man
who loves his life must lose it (John
12:25), and whoever serves me must
follow me my father will honour the
one who serves me (John 12:26).
The message is clear God elevates
those who humble themselves as His
servants. And when God honours us
because of our service He places a high
value on us and deems us worthy of His
Thus our primary function while
on earth must be to glorify God as His
servant; everything else should be
secondary to this purpose.
Christ came to show us the way
and set an example for us to follow. In
John 13:34 Jesus gave a new command
that we love one another as He loved
Jesus calls it a new command
because it is a step up from the Old Tes-
tament commands to love God with
all your heart, soul and mind and love
your neighbour as yourself.
This new command was applied by
the Christians in the frst century and
led to them being called servants and
slaves for Christ. These Christian disci-
ples were prepared to give their lives
for His cause.
To love one another as Christ loved
us has soul-surviving consequences
because it goes deeper than loving
your neighbour as yourself. Jesus didnt
love us as he loved Himself, He loved
us more than that, which is why He was
prepared to die on the cross for us.
Thus to love others as Christ loved
us is to deem them worthier and be-
come their servants.
If we love one another others will
know that we are followers of Christ.
This is what Paul meant when he said,
I have been crucifed with Christ and I
no longer live but Christ lives in me (Gal
If we able to go back in time and
spend one day with Jesus we would
fnd that everything He did was for God
nothing was for Himself. Christs love
was self-sacrifcing, wholly unselfsh. He
poured Himself out knowing what was
going to happen. He loved his disciples
in spite of their weaknesses and lack
of understanding, the mistakes they
made, their backsliding, betrayal, and
even abandonment when he was ar-
We need to examine ourselves to
determine how brightly our light is
shining for Christ that we serve God
and others and put their needs before
our own.
Jesus love was active, practical,
devoted and constant. Does ours live
up to these standards?
Servants wi th Chri st
By Fred Bergh
Th rou gh ou t t h e Bi bl e God h as exal t ed t h ose He deemed Hi s servan t s.
M oses (Ex 14:31), Josh u a (Ju d 2:8), Davi d (2 Sam 7:5), El i j ah (2 Ki 10:10),
Isai ah (Isa 23) an d Job (Job 1:8) are bu t a f ew exampl es.
Th en came Jesu s wh o t ook t h e con cept of servan t h ood t o a wh ol e n ew l evel ...
The second DVD in Lee Strobels
The Case For... series will be
shown next Sunday evening.
Please invite your friends and family to
watch this fascinating investigation into
the evidence for who Jesus claims to be.
Vi si ti ng wi th us today? Pl ease si gn our vi si tors book.
Prayers of Thanksgiving
We thank God for the blessing of warm
homes, clothes and blankets during
the current cold snap.
Prayers of Supplication
Those involved in the Tukkies Campus
Neels Botes is recovering from an eye
Those being treated for cancer: Esme
Rappard, Freda Jooste, Jana Krugers
mother and Christo (Salomes nephew).
The chronically ill: Don Wilmot (heart
function) and Isabell Harding (back
Those looking for work: Donovan
Wilmot, Grace, Paul Heger (family of
Krista) and Melissa Connoway.
The elderly: Vivien Bloem, Salmon Ger-
ber, Chris and Heillie Gerber, Dorothy
Kruger, Tina Verwey, Danie and Pat
Fourie and Hedda Botes.
Izak Connoway is working in Saudi
Deon Connoway and Isaks partner,
Henk at the company and workshop.
Jabu Manzinis son, Sayo is going
through a dif cult time.

Wednesday @ 10h00
Venue to be announced
Youth & Evangelistic
Tuesday @ 19h30
Sean & Aurettes home
to show thyself
Today (12 June)
Opening prayer: Owain Bowes
Table: Addo Bediako
Servers: Deon Taljaard
Sean Bowes
Willem Lombard
Byron Harding
Reading, prayer: Keenan Bowes
Closing prayer: Christo Gerber
Sermon am: Fred Bergh
pm: Alan Page
Key, money orderly: Don Wilmot
Security bs: Bernie Meyer
am: Deon Connoway
pm: Theo de Weerd
Tea duty: Caitlin & Irmarie
Table preparation: Heillie & Annette
Flowers: Amelia
Next Week (19 June)
Opening prayer: Willem Lombard
Table: Leonard Ramagwede
Servers: Hendrik Pieterse
Liam de Weerd
Christo Gerber
Charl Greef
Reading, prayer: Sean Bowes
Closing prayer: Alan Page
Sermon am: Fred Bergh
pm: DVD
Key, money orderly: Bernie Meyer
Security bs: Don Wilmot
am: Gavin de Steur
pm: Sean Bowes
Tea duty: Belinda & Megan
Table preparation: Jana & Lucia
Flowers: Colleen

Robert Today!
The past few days have been exceptionally cold and so many
going cold and hungry. Our benevolence cupboard is urgently
in need of the following items to help fll empty tummies: jam,
marmite, peanut butter, oil, tomato sauce, four.
Other important items needed are bath soap, toothpaste,
washing powder and laundry soap.
Mmm... pancakes!
Nothing warms away the
winter blues like a plate of hot
pancakes covered in cinnamon
sugar and plenty of these will
be served at Henk and Elkes
home on 24 June. Cost is R5
per person.

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