Vacancies For Admission To Ph.D. Programme (Session 2021-22)

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Am exure-TZ


Faculty of A gricultural Sc iences

A vailable
V acancies
D epartm ent Su b je ct/Sp e c ia liza tion
Gen PwD

A g ri. E c o n o m ic s & B u sin e ss

Ph.D in Agri. Econom ics & Business M a n a g e m e nt 3 -
M anagem ent

Post-Harvest Engg. & Te ch. Ph.D in Po st-H a rve st Engg. & Te ch. 4 -

A griculture M ic ro b io lo g y Ph.D in A griculture M icro b iolog y 3 1

Plant Protection Ph.D in Plant Pathology 1 1

Hom e Science Ph.D in Hom e Science 2 -

Faculty of Arts

A vailable
V a ca ncies
Departm ent Su b je ct/Sp e c ia liza tion
Gen PwD

Fine Arts Ph.D in Fine Arts 5 1

Ph.D in English 12 2
Ph.D in English la nguage Te aching 6 1

Ph.D in M a la ya la m 1 1

Ph.D in Punjabi 1

Ph.D in Bengali 1 -
M odern Indian La ng uag e
Ph.D in Tam il 2 -

Ph.D in Te lug u 2 -

Ph.D in M arathi 2 -

Persian Ph.D in Persian 12 1

Arabic Ph.D in Arabic 12 02

Urdu Ph.D in Urdu 6 -

Linguistics Ph.D in Ling uistics 5 -

Ph.D in Hindi 11 -
Ph.D in Hindi Tra nsla tio n 2 -

Philosophy Ph.D in Philo sop hy 5 -

Sanskrit Ph.D in Sanskrit 6



Faculty of C om m erce
A vailable
V acancies
Departm ent Su b je ct/Sp e c ia liza tion
Gen PwD

C o m m e rce Ph.D in C o m m e rce 16 3

Faculty of Engg. & Tech

A vailable
V a cancies
Departm ent Su b je ct/Sp e c ia liza tion
G en PwD

Applied Physics Ph.D in A pplied Physics 14 1

C o m puter Engg. Ph.D in C o m p ute r Engg. 26 2

Civil Engg. Ph.D in Civil Engg. 121 8

Applied C hem istry Ph.D in A pplied C hem istry ii 1

M echanical Engg. Ph.D in M e c ha nic a l Engg. 126 8

C hem ical Engg. Ph.D in C hem ical Engg. 21 1

Electrical Engg. Ph.D in Electrical Engg. 25 3

Electronics Engg. Ph.D in Ele ctro nics Engg. 56 4

Applied M a them a tics Ph.D in A pplied M athem atics 17 1

Ph.D in Petrole um Proce ssing & Pe tro c he m ic a l

Petroleum Studies 16 1
Enginee ring
Interd isciplinary
Ph.D in N a n o te c hno lo g y 1 -
N a notechno log y C entre
C entre for Inte rd isc ip lina ry
Biom edical & Hum an Ph.D in Biom ed ica l & Hum an Fa ctor Engg. 3 -
Fa ctor Engg.

A rchitecture Ph.D in A rchite cture 14 1

Faculty of International Stud ies

A vailable
V acancies
Departm ent Sub je ct/Sp e c ia liza tion
Gen PwD

W est Asian Studie s and

Ph.D in W est Asian Stud ie s and North A frican Studies 8 1
North A frican Studie s
Stra tegic and Se c urity
Ph.D in Stra te g ic .Security & Peace Studie s 4 -
Stud ie s

Faculty of Law

A va ila b le
V acancies
D epartm ent Su b je ct/Sp e c ia liza tion
Gen PwD

Law Ph.D in Law 13 2


Faculty of Life Sc iences

A va ila b le
V acancies
Departm ent Sub je ct/Sp e c ia liza tion
Gen PwD

Wild Life Sciences Ph.D in W ild Life Scie nc e s 18 1

M useolo gy Ph.D in M useolo g y 1 ■

Biochem istry Ph.D in Bio c he m istry 9 1

Botany Ph.D in Botany 22 3

Zoology Ph.D in Zoology 51 4

Interd isciplinary
Ph.D in Bio te c hno lo g y 2 1
Biotechno logy Unit
Fa culty of M a n a g e m e n t Stud ies & Research
A vailable
V acancies
Departm ent Su b je ct/Sp e c ia liza tion
Gen PwD

Business A d m inistra tion Ph.D in Business A dm inistration 9 2

Faculty of M edicine

A va ila b le
V acancies
Departm ent Su b je ct/Sp e c ia liza tion
G en PwD

Biochem istry Ph.D in Biochem istry 15 1

Physiology Ph.D in Physio logy 15 1

TB & Respiratory D iseases Ph.D in Tu b e rc u lo sis 14 1

Plastic Surg e ry Ph.D in Plastic Surg e ry 14 1

Forensic M e dicine Ph.D in Forensic M e dicine & To xic o lo g y 5 -

Psychia try Ph.D in C linical Psycho logy 3 -

Pharm acology Ph.D in P ha rm a c o lo g y 20 1

Paediatrics Ph.D in Paed iatrics 15 1

Rajiv G andhi C e ntre for

Diabetes and Ph.D in End o c rino lo g y 2 -
Endo crino logy

M icro biolog y Ph.D in M ic ro b io lo g y 1 -

Interd isciplinary Brain

Ph.D in N euroscie nce 1 -
Research Centre

A na tom y Ph.D in A na tom y 25 1


Faculty of Science
A vailable
V acancies
D epartm ent Su b je ct/Sp e c ia liza tion
Gen PwD

Physics Ph.D in Physics 41 4

G eolog y Ph.D in G e olog y 10 2

C o m puter Science Ph.D in C o m p ute r Science 5 1

M athem atics Ph.D in M a the m a tic s 15 3

C hem istry Ph.D in C hem istry 32 2

G eography Ph.D in G e o g ra p hy 14 1

Ph.D in Statistics 6 1
Statistics & O perations
Ph.D in O p e ra tio ns Research 4 -

Rem ote Sensing and GIS

Ph.D in Re m ote Se n sin g and GIS A p p lic a tio ns 5 -
A pplications

Faculty of Social Sc iences

A vailable
V acancies
Departm ent Su b je ct/Sp e c ia liza tion
G en PwD

Psychology Ph.D in Psycho logy 3 - ■

History / C entre for

Ph.D in History 30 4
A dva nced Studie s

Islamic Studies Ph.D in Islam ic Studie s 10 1

Ph.D in Political Sc ience 5 1

Political Science Ph.D in Public A d m inistra tion 3 -

Ph.D in Hum an Right 2 -

Education Ph.D in Ed ucation 15 2

Econom ics Ph.D in Econom ics 12 2

Physical Education Ph.D in Physical Education 9 1

Library& Inform a tion Sc. Ph.D in Library& Info rm a tion Sc. 2 1

Sociolo g y Ph.D in So c io lo g y 1 1

Social W ork Ph.D in Social W ork 5 1

Centre for W o m e n ’s 3 1
Ph.D in W o m e n ’s Studies

Mass C o m m unica tio n Ph.D in M ass C o m m unica tio n 4 -


Faculty of The o lo g y
A va ila b le
V acancies
Departm ent Su b je ct/Sp e c ia liza tion
Gen PwD

Sunni Theolog y Ph.D in Sunni Th e o lo g y 7 1

Shia The o lo g y Ph.D in Shia The o lo g y 8 1

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