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to feign -to pretend to have a particular feeling or to be ill, asleep

genuine-real, authentic
to scare the life out of smb - terrify somebody
to break out - to start suddenly
commitment - a promise to do something, or to behave in a particular way
melancholy - very sad
assessment - a process in which you make a judgment about a person or situation
obsolete- no longer used because it is out of date
to follow suit- to do as other people are doing
prospective partnersomeone who might become your partner in future
destiny what will happen to somebody in the future
unalterable - which can't be changed
turbulence- sudden and violent changes in wind direction
shoplifter -is someone who steals something when he/she is in a shop
pickpocket - is someone who steals from you in the street, often without you noticing.
mugger -is someone who uses violence to steal from you in the street
immediate care - first aid, simple medical treatment given to a passenger
burglar - is someone who breaks in and steals from a private house.
robber - is someone who breaks in and steals from bank or business.
thiefis the general word for someone who steals
excruciating-very painful
Parsley- a herb commonly used in cooking
tonag -to talk to somebody continuously in a complaining or critical way
to acknowledge smb’s rant - to take notice of smb’s angry words
fringe theatre - plays, often by new writers, that are unusual and question the way people think
to fuel -to increase something, make something stronger
mackerel-a kind of oily fish
tirade - a long angry speech
props - objects used by actors during the performance of a play or film
feature film - full-length film with a story, i.e. not a documentary
unobjectionable - not offensive
Connotations- impressions that a word gives in addition to its meaning
to gain currency- to start to be believed, accepted, or used by many people
to build rapport -to establish a good working relationship
to stagger-to walk as if you are about to fall
nap- a short sleep especially during the day
to cling-to hold on tightly to sb/sth
frantic- very worried
confrontation -a situation where there is angry disagreement
gruelling - very difficult and tiring
gifted program -a program of study designed for exceptionally intelligent students
fast friends-very good friends
to lose sight of-to forget about
to call the shots- to make important decisions
callus- an area of thick hard skin on a hand or foot
to snarl- to make an angry noise, like an animal does
faucet-tap, the thing you turn to let water come out
to parry- to defend yourself by stopping smb. hitting you
Rehearsal-time that is spent practicing a play or piece of music
props- objects used by actors during the performance of a play or film
feature film- full-length film with a story, i.e. not a documentary
unobjectionable- not offensive
Connotations- impressions that a word gives in addition to its meaning to
devalue- to reduce the value of smth.
nonjudgmental - openly; without having an opinion beforehand
personal biases-their own views and opinions
bandwidth - how much information can be sent at once
on board - in agreement
to hit on smb - to try to talk to smb because you are attracted to that person
kiss-up -someone who is especially friendly to the boss in the hope ofreceiving special
to make it-to succeed in doing
to assume-to accept something to be true without question or proof
eccentric-strange or unusual, sometimes in a humorous way
to postpone- to delay an event and plan or decide that it should happen at a later date or time
elaborate-containing a lot of careful details or many detailed  parts
macabre-involving death or violence in a way that is strange, frightening, or unpleasant
to pull smb”s leg-to try to persuade someone to something that is not true, as a joke
to get cold feet-to become worried about smth and think you might change your mind
not be able to get smth. out of one’s head- not be able to stop thinking about smth
to wrap (up)-to cover with paper
to pat -to hit lightly with your hand
to enhance-to improve the quality, amount, or strength of something
to morph -to change, to transform
to trim head count -to reduce the number of employees
to zero in on- to focus on
flight-or-fight mode - responding by walking away angrily or by arguing
semantic barrier–breakdown in communication based on the meaning of words
to give smb. a hand-to help
to refer to smb/sth-to talk or write about someone or something, especially in only a few
to have (got) butterflies in one’s stomach-to feel nervous, usually before an important event,
e.g. an exam, giving a speech in public
limp-not firm or strong
emotionally charged words -words that make people feel upset
to fake attention-to pretend to listen
to clarify questions -)questions that help the listener understand what the speaker is saying
to impinge-to intrude; to interfere with
figments of an active imagination-imaginary things that someone believes are real
Viral- becoming popular very quickly, especially online
to elaborate-to add more information  to or explain something that you have said
to abandon- to leave a place, thing, or person, usually forever
to acknowledge-to accept, admit, or recognize  something, or the truth or existence of
impact-the force or action of one object hitting another
emotionally charged words -words that make people feel upset
to fake attention-to pretend to listen
to clarify questions -)questions that help the listener understand what the speaker is saying
to impinge - to intrude; to interfere with
figments of an active imagination-imaginary things that someone believes are real
to give smb. a hand-to help
to refer to smb/sth-to talk or write about someone or something, especially in only a few
to have (got) butterflies in one’s stomach-to feel nervous, usually before an important event,
e.g. an exam, giving a speech in public
limp-not firm or strong
arrogant-showing an offensive attitude of superiority
to manipulate-to use or control something with skill
to breake smb’s heart-to make smb feel very unhappy
in a row-one after the other
to totter-to walk like a baby, nearly falling over
maid-female servant
perspective-the way that you think about something; your point of view
conscious-aware of one's own existence, sensations, thoughts, surroundings, etc
conspicuous-easily seen or noticed
ambitious-having a desire to be successful, powerful, or famous
random-without definite aim, direction, rule, or method
bias-the fact of preferring a particular  subject or thing
distinction-a difference  between two similar things
to encounter-to experience something
to imply-to communicate an idea or feeling without saying it directly
excruciating - very painful
excruciating - very painful
hefty - large and heavy
to pursue-to follow someone or something, usually to try to catch him, her
sustainable - able to continue over a period of time of time
user-oriented - designed with users’ needs in mind
start –up - a small business that has just been started, especially an internet company
tirade - long angry words
to do the trick- to succeed; to solve the problem
to praise - to say smth positive about sb
be up to smth - to be doing smth , often secretly
to snarl - to make an angry noise
to aspire - to have a strong wish or hope to do or have something
to acknowledge smb’s rant - to take notice of smb’s angry words
to venture - to undertake a risky or daring journey or course of action
to anticipate - to imagine or expect that something will happen
to haggle - to argue, usually over money
reward - to give smth to smb because they have done smth well
plausible - seeming likely to be true , or able to be believed
to launch - to begin something such as a plan or introduce something new such as a product
to bounce - to move (smb or smth) up and down
hamper - clothes basket
to nag- to talk to smb continuously in a complaining or critical way
to internalize- to accept or an idea, opinion, belief, etc. so that it becomes part of your character
outrageous-very strange or unusual, surprising or shocking.
1) Death penalty is the best way to control or reduce serious crime.
To what extend do you agree?
There are various ways to punish criminals all around the world to reduce criminality and
provide security to civilians. I accept that sometimes capital punishment is necessary. However, I
believe that death sentences are not fruitful in decreasing crime, violence and other offenses.

There are different ideas about this issue, some people believe that capital punishment is the best
way to stop criminals to committing crimes such as murder, they say when there is death penalty,
fewer criminals would dare to commit crimes. Therefore, the existential belief of capital
punishment is to reduce crime by spreading fear among criminals about the consequence of their
action. Additionally, capital punishment is a way to avoid imprisonment cost which can
otherwise be used by government in development.

In other hand, I think that capital punishment is not a good way as innocent people could be
wrongly executed. For instance, recent news is published by a daily newspaper in China that a
person was wrongly punished after 18 years and it has been proved that he is innocent. there is
no evidence about the reduction of crime rates due to the way of death penalty. Many criminals
do not think they will be caught therefore they do not have fear of this kind of punishment.

Moreover, some other people believe that capital punishment itself promote more violence in
society, therefore for reducing violence they offer another idea that we can replace capital
punishment with life imprisonment.

In conclusion, I personally believe it is different from society to society, yet I think in general
capital punishment is not essential to control crime and violence in community. In fact, I believe
replacing death penalty with life imprisonment is a better idea.

2) Why do people believe in fortune telling? Use specific reasons and

examples to support your opinion.
I think people come to fortune telling for various reasons.

Kids tent to enjoy reading astrology. I assume it's because they're still learning who they are and
tried to define their individuality. It's nice to know that some star in heaven had already decided
what kind of person you are, and all you need to do is to follow it. I don't think they believe in
astrology, it's mostly just confirmation bias.

People who're in the middle of a dilemma, facing some tough choices, or don't know what to do
with the situation at hand sometimes go to fortune tellers for consultant. In most of these cases,
people are facing the unknown, the uncertainty of future. Fortunetelling provide them with
knowledge, fake knowledge but nonetheless it'd make people feel better, safer, knowing that it's
already predicted in their star, their palm, or by some cards, it gives them the false sense of
security that everything will turn out alright. Of course, they still have to make whatever decision
by themselves, but it does release some stress and anxiety.

Knowledge is power. fortunetelling gives people that power. Fake, not reliable, but still, power is
power. A man in deserve will take water no matter where it come from, poisoned or not.
I don't think people get serious about fortunetelling unless they really need something. I'm not
talking about people who doing it for fun or just curious. People really believe in fortunetelling
are often desperate or desecrate to start with, and when fortunetelling somehow helped them
solve their problems, they become "believers".

3) Describe an important social event you took part in (wedding,

religious party, sports event)
Caucasian weddings are considered one of the most colorful weddings in the world.

I want to tell you about my sister's wedding. It was one of the most beautiful weddings in the
world. It all started with a cute waltz, a song that was chosen very long and carefully. Then a
bright party began, in which there were mostly young people. They danced energetically and
tactfully. I even learned a lot of dance from them. Everything was very simple and creative. The
bride's dress was also combined with this decoration.

Then the interesting games began. The main characters of these games were the groom and the
daughter-in-law. They were really interested in the games and played like crazy. The
bridesmaids, including me, began to play a flash mob. Our dress code was cream color, which
looked very gentle. Our partners were our brothers and husbands. The cake was too big and

Then everyone went to the groom's house. There were only relatives and we discussed the party.
And in this wedding, I realized that my childhood would never be the same again. Because my
sister will no longer be with me forever and she has another family.

4) The invention of the Internet has had negative effects on our

civilization. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Use
specific reasons and examples.
The Internet was created in 1969. And with this began a "new period" in the history of mankind.
The Internet helps us in all areas. In my opinion, the Internet has more pros than cons.

At first, internet is source of Inexhaustible Education. For instance, students can gain readily
available help for his or her homework online. Then we can use it as entertainment. Most folks
love using our laptops, smart phones, and, tablets. The web is that the big reason behind us
spending such a lot of time on these gadgets.

Many services of emails, online banking, online shopping, etc are there. Free mail to anyone is
definitely accessible all around the world. E-commerce enables one in America to shop for
things in Asia, Africa, or other areas within the world through some simple clicks of the mouse.
Social media also plays an important role in our life. Social networking is the sharing of data
with people across the planet. Aside from being an entertainment website, it’s many uses. The
web has now become a neighborhood of education. Education like homeschooling is definitely
administered using the web. Teachers can upload their teaching videos on the web.

But there are many disadvantages of the Internet. The Internet’s drawbacks can’t be overlooked
any longer as numerous teenagers are affected by Internet addiction disorder and many ladies
became online shopaholics. Internet addiction is detrimental to not only fitness but also
psychological state.  There are also cyber crimes on the internet. Hacker programs a virus which
gets into the pc and ruins valuable data. Users’ personal information like name, address, master
card, bank details, and other information are often accessed by culprits when used on the web,
leading to significant economic loss.

The Internet is a boon for society, but some people try to convert it into a bane. We all need to
understand its importance in our lives and try to use it in a more judicious manner. Its proper use
can change the way we lead our lives, and improper usage can be a disaster not just for us but
anyone associated with us. Hence, if you are introducing the Internet to your kids and family
members, first teach them its importance and then make them enter this world of information and

5) When people succeed in life, it is because of hard work. Being

lucky has nothing to do with success in life. Do you agree or disagree
with the quotation above? Use specific reasons and examples to
explain your position.
  We have all heard stories about people who have achieved success in their life, and we often
wonder how they did it.  Personally, I believe that success is only the result of hard work and
perseverance. I feel this way for two main reasons, which I will explore in the following essay.

  To begin with, success is always the result of hard work over a long period of time.  Success
happens gradually, and only after a series of correct decisions and small victories.  A stroke of
luck, in contrast, is generally perceived to be a one-time event. The experience of my uncle, a
successful entrepreneur, is a compelling example of what I mean.  Since 2005, he has run a very
profitable technology firm which manufactures and sells a wide range of products. His business
started very small when he invested his savings to develop and market a single product and hire
his first employee.  When that product became popular, my uncle compounded his success by
introducing new products and gradually increasing the size of his company. His company later
grew from a single employee to include a staff of dozens. While my uncle might have been lucky
at one stage of his company’s growth, the long-term success of his firm cannot simply be the
result of good fortune.

     Secondly, success is usually the result of careful planning, research and education, all of
which require a lot of work to achieve.  For instance, some people said that my uncle was lucky
when his initial product offering was successful. However, he was confident that his product
would be a hit even before he started manufacturing it. This is because he spent thousands of
dollars on market research and focus groups. It was this investment of time and money, not luck,
which assured the early success of his business.  Likewise, when his small firm merged with
another firm just before that company rose to prominence some called him lucky. However, my
uncle had spent weeks interviewing the research and development team at that company and
predicted their success based on what they told him. Had he not been confident of their potential,
he would not have completed the merger. Again, this victory was the result of diligence rather
than luck, despite what some observers say about it.   In conclusion, I firmly believe that success
comes as a result of hard work.  This is because success takes a lot of time to achieve, and it also
required very careful planning.

6) There is nothing that we as individuals can do to prevent climate

change. Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.
Fortunately, there are always things that we can do to fight against climate change. Saving the
environment starts with us and it is our responsibility to act against these terrible changes to
preserve the planet for future generations.

One of the best ways to improve climate change to is to help those who will fight against it get
into office. This means voting for legislation and politicians that aid against the detrimental
effects of climate change. Many corporations have politicians on their payroll and use them to
lobby against legislation that would require more regulations against them. Voting the right
people into office will help pass legislation that allows us to fight against these corporations that
are mainly to blame for climate change.

Manufacturing plants emit a large number of greenhouse gasses per year. It is unavoidable in the
production of goods that we use on a regular basis. However, a cleaner alternative would be
to invest in recycling. Recycling is a cost-effective and eco-friendly process that eliminates
waste and doesn’t emit greenhouse gasses into the environment. Be sure to collect your
discarded paper, glass, plastic, and electronics to your local recycling center. The professionals
will take these items to a processing plant where they will be remade into other recyclable
materials again.

The importance of educating others about climate change cannot be overstated in our modern

society. There are many platforms for us to utilize that can allow us to spread our message easily.
Whether you use word of mouth or social media, there are always ways to educate others on
what climate change is doing to our planet. You can help protect the planet by educating others
about the dangers of climate change and how to act against it.

7) If you could change one important thing about your country,

what would you change? Use reasons and specific examples to
support your answer.
There is no doubt that I really love my country, because I was born and grew up in here with a
lot of beautiful memories from childhood. Although my country is very wonderful, it still has
some social and economic issues that we should change in order to help people to have better
lives. From my point of view, the most significant thing that I would like to change in my
homeland is traffic systems because of safety and economy development.

First of all, the improving of traffic systems brings safety for people in my country. Nowadays, a
long with the development of economy, the numbers of people and transports are rising very
quickly. Nevertheless, all old roads are inadequate for the demand of people who need to use
traffic systems. The roads are small and obsolete, but cars and other transports are too crowded;
as a result, amount of dangerous accidents are also rising rapidly. The lager and better roads will
reduce a numbers of accidents, because it decreases the numbers of cars on the way at the same
time and make drivers to prevent some issues such as obstacle on the ways or to slip when it

Secondly, new traffic systems will benefit our society and contribute to the development of
economy. When we improve roads, people will move faster and easier. Therefore, they may save
a lot of times for moving and use these time for other works. In addition, farmers need to use
roads to carry their goods to markets, so to built new highways helps transportation goods from
source of supply to the markets to become more convenient and effective. Consequently, the
economy will grow up faster and attract more foreign investment thanks to new traffic systems.

To sum up, the traffic system is the main factor of economy and society in my country. For these
reasons that I mention above, improving traffic systems is my best choice when I can change one
thing in my country, because it will bring safety and prosperity for my country.

8) Many people visit museums when they travel to new places. Why
do you think people visit museums? Use reasons and specific
examples to support your answer.
When we go to travel to new place, visit of museums is one of the important part of our travel.
Museums are a background of every city or country culture. Most of the people, when they go to
new place, in one of the day that they are in travelling, they planning for go to museums for two
important reasons.

First, they can inform of cities or countries culture, because in every museums in the world, there
are some important symbol of their history and the culture. For example, when I go to the
Malaysia and Singapore last year, one of the day in our trip, we went to many famous museums
with our leader in those countries. Also I could get a lot information about history for many
years ago and well-known person that efficient for themselves country and world. Every thing in
museum is originate of culture, history background of every city.

Second, it is very amusing to visit of museums in every new place, and we can keep one day of
our travel to visit of this place and have a nice and memorable day. For instance, when I was at
university in Tehran, our history teacher decided to made a some group to visit of famous and
best museums in Tehran. Therefore it was one day of my life, that I never forgot, because I had a
nice day with my classmates and our teacher in that museum, and moreover our teacher
explained about important things such as coin, carpet or painting that were in that museum, I
remember that he explained with detail about every things that were in that museum, just we
could not take any photo of that museum because in the most of the museums, take photo is

We can conclude that visit of museum is one day in most of traveler people that travel to new
place for inform of the city or country culture, that this is very amusing day.

9) What are the qualities of a good neighbor? Use specific

details and examples in your answer
Neighbours are the people who live near us, and their behaviour influence our daily life. Good
neighbours can make us feel comfortable and give us many help, and everyone will benefit from
a good relationship among neighbours. In my point of view, these are three conspicuous aspects
of the qualities of a good neighbours.

One of the most important characteristic of good neighbours is that they have a good living habit
and are friendly to others. A person with bad habit will affect your daily life. For example,
children are most likely to be influenced by bad neighbors and carry on bad habits. On the other
hand, being friendly is also an important nature of good neighbors. If neighbours are unfriendly,
they are hard to approach and difficult to get along with.

Another important aspect of of good neighbors is that they should be willing to help others. In
our daily life, emergency situations may happen, and we may encounter difficulties which can
not be resolved by ourselves. At this time, the quickest help we can get is probably from our
neighbors. To some degree, neighbours are as important as relatives to us, because they could
provide the immediate help. In the same way, a neighbour who likes to help others will get help
in return. Help each others can form a friendly and harmonious relationship among the

All in all, a good neighbour is someone who have a good living habit, is friendly and is willing to
help others. Taking into account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that a good
relationship among neighbours need the maintenance from us.

10) It has recently been announced that a new restaurant

may be built in your neighborhood .Do you support or oppose
this plan ? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support
your answer.
I welcome the idea to build a new restaurant in my neighborhood. It is a new addition of
restaurants in the neighborhood which people will love to visit new ones. Of course, building a
new restaurant has advantages and disadvantages. However it depends on restaurant to overcome
the disadvantages and impress the neighborhood people. Here are some reasons and examples.

First of all, neighborhood people will be so excited to visit new restaurant to try new food.
Usually new restaurants have less price or sometimes to attract people they offer discounts. This
attracts new people to our neighborhood. By building restaurant there is a good chance for our
community's building or land prices may increase. And also, no need to travel miles together for
a restaurant.

In addition, by building new restaurant people get new jobs, unemployment rate could decrease.
For instance, in my city a new restaurant is opened and the owner has haired 9 housewives to do
Indian food. He is giving them training to prepare food in large quantity. And food tastes
awesome just like home cooked food. Great advantage for this type of people.

Furthermore, sometimes people get bored by their own cooking and also going to the same
restaurants so this is a good reason to try new cuisine. For people who are single or people are
tried by a long day of work go to this nearby new restaurant. And also, new restaurant can supply
food to nearby businesses or industries in afternoon which helps bachelors and also other
employees if they can not bring food.
There are some disadvantages such as noise pollution, community become too crowded, parking
problem, people may be disturbed by late night parties. Some solution can be done by offering
valet parking, to reduce noise sound proof glasses can be fixed.

In conclusion, by new restaurant unemployment problem can be solved for some extant, people
can taste new food, attract new people, improve infrastructure by new building.

11) Some people prefer to eat at restaurants , some people

prefer to prepare and eat at home . Which do you prefer ?
Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
Often it depends on the kind of lifestyle people have. Those with very busy jobs outside the
house don’t always have time to cook. They like the convenience of eating out. Overall, though,
it is cheaper and healthier to eat at home.

While eating in restaurants is fast, the money you spend can add up. When I have dinner at a
restaurant with a friend, the bill is usually over twenty dollars. I can buy a lot of groceries with
that much money. Even lunch at a fast-food stand usually costs five or six dollars for one person.
That’s enough to feed the whole family at home.

Eating at home is better for you, too. Meals at restaurants are often high in fat and calories, and
they serve big plates of food-much more food-than you need to eat at one meal. If you cook food
at home, you have more control over the ingredients. You can use margarine instead of butter on
your potatoes, or not put so much cheese on top of your pizza. At home, you can control your
portion size. You can serve yourself as little as you want. In a restaurant, you may eat a full plate
of food "because you paid for it."

It’s true that eating out is convenient. You don’t have to shop, or cook, or clean up. But real
home cooking doesn’t have to take up a lot of time. There are lots of simple meals that don’t take
long to make. In fact, they’re faster than eating out, especially if you think of the time you spend
driving to a restaurant, parking, waiting for a table,, waiting for service, and driving home.

Both eating at restaurants and cooking at home can be satisfying. Both can taste good and be
enjoyed with family and friends. I prefer cooking at home because of the money and health
issues, but people will make the choice that fits their lifestyle best.

12) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement ?

With the help of technology students nowadays can learn
more information and learn it more quickly . Use specific
reasons and examples to support your answer.
With the advanced development of technology, it is easier for students to get information as
much as they need these days. As a result, they get more knowledge than the previous
generations and learn quicker as well. I personally agree with it and the following essay will
discuss it in details.
Firstly, it is a fact that with the existence of the internet technology, people could get more
information and data than ever before. The online technology offers various kinds of websites
which provide precious and useful information. And students could easily get that precious and
important information by connecting their computer to the internet. Consequently, students
obtain more information than ever before and it has positively affected their intellectual and
intelligence behaviour.

Secondly, the research has showed that with the advanced technology, students are faster in
learning and absorbing lessons that they have studied. The technology provides various types of
tools and platforms which can be used by students in their study. For example, students could
learn new things not only by reading traditional books these days, as they could search some
audios or videos on the internet that could give a more comprehensive understanding of the
lesson that they are studying. Therefore it is undeniable that students are learning faster these

In conclusion, I strongly agree that technology has positively affected the way students learn
these days, as the advanced technology has assisted students in gaining more information than
ever before, and students are learning quicker these days.

13) The expression ‘Never , never give up ‘ means to keep

trying and never stop working for your goals .Do you agree
or disagree with this statement ?
The expression "Never, never give up" means to keep trying and never stop working for your
goals.Some people really believe in this and live their lives trying their best to get to their goals.
Other people give up really easy. Personally I agree with the statement with this statement.In the
fallowing paragraphs I will express some of my reasons and examples that makes me to agree
with this expression.

I believe with my whole heart that life would be really boring if we would not have dreams and
goals to fallow. So, if we have a big goal in our life what wouldn't we do everything we can to
make it happened. The easiest thing we can do is to have an optimistic approach and "never,
never give up". For instance a weak after me and my husband meet for the first time, my
husband told me he would like to have a serious relationship with me for marriage.I told him "
that is not possible" a lot of times but he never, never give up on me and now we are so happy
that he didn't. We got married after one year and this became a dream come true for both of us!

An other reason that can make us keep trying and never stop working for your goals and "never,
never give up" is the regrets that could come if we would give up easy. Life is good and we
should enjoy every minute of it. Working hard for our goals will bring us joy,happiness and
satisfaction in the end.If we will give up that the rest of our lives we will live with regrets saying
"that maybe it would have happened if we would have never, never give up".Living a life of
regrets is not fun so I prefer to keep working for my goals.

In conclusion I would say that life is a journey and we can make it a great one if we are set up
goals and if we keep trying and never stop working for your goals which means "never,never
give up".

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