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At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
a. Use the present form of verb that agrees with the subject;
b. Write sentences using the present tense of a verb; and
c. Work cooperatively in groups.


A. Topic: Present Tense of a Verb
B. References: English IV Teacher’s Guide pg. 152 - 153
English IV Learner’s Material pg. 157 - 159
C. Materials: Pictures, Chart, Manila Paper, Pentel Pen
D. Values Integration: Cooperation

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Recall
What are verbs again? “Verbs are words that tell what a person,
animal or thing does. They show action”

Can you give more examples? (Pupils will give their own examples)

B. Motivation

The bamboo grows as
tall as big trees.

Some bamboos grow as
big as trees
The worker uses Workers use bamboo as a
bamboo as a fence. fence also.

Look at the illustrations. Read the sentences below

picture A and picture B.
(Pupils will read the sentences)
How many bamboos are there in picture A?
“Only one, Ma’am”
In picture B?
“Two, Ma’am”
Read also sentences C and D.
(Pupils will read the sentences)
How many workers are there in picture C?
“Only one, Ma’am”

How about in picture D?

“Two, Ma’am”
Yes. Very good!

C. Presentation

Read the chart below.

Singular Plural
The bamboo grows Some bamboos grow
The worker uses Workers use
(Pupils will read the chart)
What are the verbs used in the sentences?
“Grows, Ma’am”
“Uses, Ma’am”
“Grow, Ma’am”
“Use, Ma’am”
What have you observed with the verbs in the first
“An -s is added in the end of the verbs”
How about the verbs in the second column?

Nice observation! “No -s is added on the verbs”

Verbs change their form depending on the person or
subject in the sentence. You will come to understand it
as we go on to our discussion on the present tense of
a verb.

D. Discussion
A verb is in the present tense when it uses the s-form
and the base form.
If the subject of the sentence talks about one person or
thing, the subject is singular and it takes a singular
verb. If the subject talks about two or more persons or
things, it is in the plural form and it takes plural form
of the verb.
The verb used when the subject of the
sentence is more than one person, place, or thing is
the base form. When the subject talks about one
person, place, or thing, s-form of the verb is used.
These verbs are in the present tense.
(Pupils will listen attentively in the
E. Generalization

When do we use the s-form of a verb?

When do we use the base form of the verb?

“We use the s-form of a verb, when the
subject is singular”
F. Application
“We use the base form of a verb, when the
I will group you into 5. subject is plural”

Choose your representatives and each of them will

pick 2 pictures from this box. You are going to write
sentences about the pictures using the present tense of
a verb. Paste the pictures in this manila paper and (Pupils will be grouped)
write at least one sentence below them. Present your
work after 10 minutes.

(Pupils will listen attentively to the

A. Choose the correct form of the verb in the parentheses to complete the sentence. Write your
answers on a separate sheet of paper.
Animal Beds
Edie Adams

A bat (sleep, sleeps) in a cave

The bird (rest, rests) in a tree
Rabbits (stay, stays) in a tunnel underground
And fish (sleep, sleeps) in the sea.
B. Choose the verb that agrees with the subject in the sentence. Write your answers on a separate
sheet of paper.
1. A tree (serve, serves) as a home to animals.
2. The queen bee (lays, lay) at least two thousand eggs every day.
3. Dogs and cats (walk, walks) with their feet.
4. Maria (plants, plant) different kinds of seeds.
5. Birds (build, builds) their nests on the tree branches.

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