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Microsoft Corporation is an American multinational technology corporation which produces
computer software, consumer electronics, personal computers, and related services

Mission Statement:
Microsoft’s mission statement is “to empower every person and every organization on the
planet to achieve more.” ‘Empowerment’ is the key term in this mission statement. It
represents the primary objective of the company and what the strategic tactics of the
organization seek to achieve. It also zeros on two major recipients of the ‘empowerment,’
the people and organizations. Some of the components that emerge from this mission
statement include:
1. Empowering communities. In the first component of its mission statement,
Microsoft focuses on the intended purpose of its products on the users –
empowerment. The company deals with a wide range of products with varying
benefits. For instance, its software can be exploited to improve the corporate
managerial systems by other companies. Individuals can also hone their
computing skills with the easy-to-use Microsoft products.
2. Exceeding expectations. Microsoft lays a lot of emphasis on going beyond what
their customers expect them to do. For example, Microsoft has expanded its
wings to have its impact felt in all spheres of life including in the automotive as
well as in some of the most sensitive sectors such as in healthcare.
3. Every person and organization. While doing what it does best, Microsoft
remains aware of its market. By making clear that it does not exclude anyone,
the company re-emphasizes its determination to do more as reflected in the
second component of its mission statement..

Vision Statement:
Microsoft’s vision statement is “to help people and businesses throughout the world
realize their full potential.” The concept presented in this vision statement is on how the
company goes all out to ignite positive changes in its customers. One can identify the
following elements from this vision statement:
1. Throughout the world. The first element of this vision statement reveals that
Microsoft is not a local or regional company. The firm targets the entire global
market, and there is no limitation to who can benefit from the products of the
company. Microsoft has something for everyone ranging from individuals to
businesses of all types and sizes.
2. Realize full potential. In this second element, the company brings out the
intricate details of what all its tools, devices and software are meant to do.
Helping its clients to enhance their skills and potential is what defines Microsoft,
and that is why the company prioritizes on innovations that are customer-

Core Values:
Microsoft’s core values are “innovation, trustworthy computing, diversity and inclusion,
corporate social responsibility, philanthropies, and environment.” The presence of these
values has enabled the management to direct all workers towards the mission and vision of
the firm. These values aid the company in various ways.
Microsoft understands the importance of creating an innovative culture to thrive in the
computer technology sector.

It also enhances this reputation by staying true to its responsibility to the society through
programs that empower and give back to the communities as shown in its fourth and fifth
corporate values. As a sustainable company, Microsoft’s success is directly related to the
environmental friendliness associated with its products as well.

2. Stripe
Stripe, Inc. is an Irish-American financial services and software as a service company dual-
headquartered in San Francisco, United States and Dublin, Ireland. The company primarily
offers payment processing software and application programming interfaces for e-
commerce websites and mobile applications.

Vision Statement:
Stripe vision is to raise the economic or monetary value of the internet. They plan to go
about doing that by spreading their platform as far as possible, thus increasing the number
of online transactions and, in turn, raising the internet’s economic value. In short, its mission
is to reach a wider target audience, one that encompasses the entire world. Let us try and
understand the concept in depth.

Stripe Mission Statement:

Stripe mission statement is, “to increase the GDP of the internet.” Consider the most
prominent word in the phrase – the abbreviation, GDP (Gross Domestic Product). GDP is
usually cited in reference to the economy of a country for a specific time period. For
instance, the first-quarter GDP of the UK for the year 2021 fell by about 1.2%, or the GDP of
the US has almost always been on a steady rise.
In the mission statement, Stripe is referring to the GDP of the internet. As you might know,
the internet cannot be confined to a particular place. It is present almost all over the world.

Stripe Core Values:

Stripe core values are:
▪ Move with Urgency and Focus: The company knows that several businesses
around the globe depend on it for functioning smoothly. Hence, they always
move with urgency and focus to ensure that every transaction occurs without
any glitch.
▪ Think Rigorously: Stripe already has several online transaction platforms in
place. It doesn’t mean that they are satisfied with their work. They keep
thinking about improving those, while also coming up with newer and better
apps on the side.
▪ Trust and Amplify: The Stripe mission and vision depend on gaining the trust of
its clients, and vice versa. But the company tends to trust them implicitly, while
always working toward gaining their trust! That is how they have kept
expanding over the years.
▪ Global Optimization: The company resolves individual problems in a way that
doesn’t hurt its overall reputation. In short, it always does what is best for the
▪ The Stripe Service: The Stripe vision statement implies its excellent customer
service as well, for how can they grow the internet’s GDP if they cannot satisfy
their clients!
3. Tesla

Tesla, Inc. is an American automotive electric vehicle and clean energy company based in
Austin, Texas. Tesla designs and manufactures electric cars, battery energy storage from
home to grid-scale, solar panels and solar roof tiles, and related products and services.

Mission Statement:
Tesla’s mission statement is “to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy.”
The mission statement by Tesla shows the shift towards business approaches that are more
futuristic. The focus on sustainability indicates the compliance of the company with global
demands of business methods that align with calls for green energy. Tesla adopted this
mission statement after abandoning the earlier one whose focus was on transitioning the
world to sustainable transport. In this case, the company demonstrates its focus on energy
as the critical aspect of its business. The mission statement has the following components:
▪ Accelerating global transition. The entire business model by Tesla is based on
its determination to lead the world from the traditional energy uses to the more
sustainable and clean energy sources especially in the motor vehicle industry.
Tesla indicates that it is time the world appreciated the importance of
preserving the stability of the planet, and this starts with the energy sources
used across all sectors. To achieve this ambition, Tesla concentrates all its
resources on coming up with the most applicable technologies to make this a
reality in the car manufacturing sector.
▪ Improving communities. The second component in the mission statement of
Tesla has a close relationship with the first one. By inclining on clean and
sustainable energy, Tesla directly contributes to the overall wellness of
communities including the promotion of their health with less environmental
pollution unlike in the case of traditional vehicles that run on fossil fuel. What’s
more, Tesla gifts people with more efficient vehicles that are significantly
economical meaning that people save more money that can be channelled to
other developmental processes in society.
▪ Exceeding expectations. Tesla respects the preferences of its customers in the
manufacture of its vehicles and other products. Its custom order, however, goes
beyond common practice, as it allows customers to influence the appearance
and other design elements of the vehicle or the product they order.

Vision Statement:
Tesla’s vision statement is “to create the most compelling car company of the 21st century
by driving the world’s transition to electric vehicles.” The vision statement acknowledges
that the world has come to an era where only renewable energy should be prioritized. In the
case of Tesla, the focus is on the use of electric energy to power all motor vehicles. The
vision statements comprise these features:
▪ Most compelling car company. In this component, Tesla reveals its leadership in
the car manufacturing sector. The business approach adopted by Tesla is all
about leading other manufacturers into understanding the concept of electric-
powered vehicles and appreciating the benefits green energy has in the
21st century. As a result, Tesla focusses all its resources and creativity into
making this a reality.

▪ Transition to electric vehicles. Tesla has a global agenda of influencing the

whole world to embrace electric cars. In fact, the company expansion trends
show how committed it is in achieving this vision of globalizing electric vehicles.
For instance,

Core Values:
Tesla’s core values comprise “doing the best, taking risks, respect, constant learning, and
environmental consciousness.” Tesla applies these values as the principles that govern the
overall attitudes and practices of all stakeholders and its workforce.
The emphasis on performance is a value that has seen Tesla advance technological-wise, as
the company also encourages its employees to take calculated risks while driving
innovations. In addition, the success recorded by Tesla so far has a lot to do with the
corporation promoted by respect among the different players that come in contact with the

4. Adidas

Adidas AG is a German multinational corporation, founded and headquartered in

Herzogenaurach, Bavaria, that designs and manufactures shoes, clothing and accessories. It
is the largest sportswear manufacturer in Europe,

Mission Statement:
Adidas mission statement is “The Adidas Group strives to be the global leader in the
sporting goods industry with brands built on a passion for sports and a sporting lifestyle.
We are committed to continuously strengthening our brands and products to improve our
competitive position.” The statement banks on the boundless capacity of the company to
provide the best products for athletes to boost their performance. It also adds its
unwavering resolve to stay abreast of the market needs in the advancement of these
products as a branding tactic. The components in Adidas’ mission statement include:
▪ Improving sports. In this mission statement, Adidas emphasizes on its role to
continuously lead in offering its customers the best products. For the love of
sports, Adidas has a sports-specific culture embedded in everything about the
company. For instance, the Adidas is very particular when it comes to specifics
of what it showcases for each category of sports such as shoes for men and
women, and the respective sports they engage in.
▪ Exceeding expectations. The reason Adidas has a reputation that precedes it is
simply because of its uncompromising attitude on quality. Adidas is a brand that
one can say demands little marketing efforts courtesy of the satisfaction it gives
its customers wherever they are.
▪ Innovations. Adidas clearly shows that creative mindset is at the heart of all its
operations as demonstrated by the constant rollout of incredible sports shoes
and other related products..

Vision Statement:
Adidas vision statement is “to be the design leaders with a focus on getting the best out of
the athletes with performance guaranteed products in the sports market globally.” The
vision statement can be drawn from the operations and the priorities of the company. It
emphasizes on the creativity that characterizes Adidas making it a top brand among the best
players in the niche it operates. Some of the components that relate to this vision statement
▪ Being the design leader. In the first component of this vision statement, Adidas
re-emphasizes that it is not a company that sits back and follows the rest.
Instead, it is driven by the inventiveness and desire to lead the rest by setting a
quality bar that meets the needs of its customers.
▪ Boost athletes. The progressiveness demonstrated by Adidas in the production
of products that meets the changing needs of the customer shows just how
much the company values the athleticism of its clients.

Core Values:
Adidas core values comprise “performance, passion, integrity, and diversity.” They are the
principles that have kept Adidas ahead of its game for decades. They ensure the strategic
approaches of the company align with the mission and vision statements. They reveal the
following details:
Performance. In everything it does, Adidas emphasizes on the need for all stakeholders to
maintain the ultimate rate of performance. The company acknowledges the
competitiveness of the sportswear, boots and accessories market, and therefore, only the
best players can thrive there.
5. Netflix

Netflix, Inc. is an American subscription streaming service and production company.

Launched on August 29, 1997, it offers a film and television series library through
distribution deals as well as its own productions, known as Netflix Originals

Mission Statement:
Netflix’s mission statement is “We promise our customers stellar service, our suppliers a
valuable partner, our investors the prospects of sustained profitable growth, and our
employees the allure of huge impact.” The statement resounds what the company is best
known for – providing outstanding and unparalleled video entertainment services. It also
shows how the company balances the satisfaction of its customers with the financial needs
of its other stakeholders. An analysis of this mission statement uncovers several elements as
1. Improving lives. The commitment towards having an impact on societies over
and above entertaining them is a factor that Netflix holds with high regard. The
company links its operations to programs that ensure it satisfies its corporate
social responsibilities by contributing to the overall improvement of people,
environment, and economies.
2. Exceeding expectations. It is true Netflix does not take its customers for
granted. The stability and reliability that characterize its platform, together with
the accompanying services proves beyond doubt that Netflix is a distinguished
3. Delivering excitement and entertainment. Netflix acknowledges the ever-
changing dynamics of entertainment in the contemporary era, especially with a
shift away from linear TV. To fill this gap, the company brings its customers and
investors a dynamic system that meets all their entertainment needs.

Vision Statement:
Netflix’s vision statement is “Becoming the best global entertainment distribution service.”
The vision statement is all about what the company wants to achieve. It stresses the desire
to set a quality bar in the provision of on-demand video services. Specifically, this mission
statement is a reflection of the leadership position Netflix aspires to attain and secure in the
sectors. Based on this statement, the following characteristics emerge:
1. Becoming the best. The approaches adopted by Netflix in its operations
confirms that the company is not looking to settle being a conventional entity.
In fact, it has already set itself a growth pace higher above the normal. To stay
abreast of this scale,
2. Global presence. Through its integrated and customer-oriented approaches,
Netflix has positioned itself as a global establishment as a way of fulfilling this
component in its vision statement. The major aspect that draws attention to
this feat is the strategic incorporation of inclusion and diversity in its operations.

Core Values:
Netflix’s core values comprise “judgment, communication, curiosity, courage, passion,
selflessness, innovation, inclusion, integrity, and impact.” These values are integral to the
smooth running of Netflix’s operations as they ensure all players remain focused on the
major goals of the company. They can be explicated as follows:
1. Inclusion
2. Innovation
3. Passion
4. Curiosity
5. Judgment
6. Communication
7. Courage
8. Selflessness
9. Integrity
10. Impact

6. Amazon, Inc. is an American multinational technology company which focuses on e-

commerce, cloud computing, digital streaming, and artificial intelligence. It has been
referred to as "one of the most influential economic and cultural forces in the world", and is
one of the world's most valuable brands.

Mission Statement:
The mission statement of Amazon is “We strive to offer our customers the lowest possible
prices, the best available selection, and the utmost convenience.” The statement clearly
outlines what the customers should expect from Amazon – services that go beyond meeting
their needs. It targets offering the customer the best offers on three shopping factors that
include the pricing, variety and personal satisfaction. Based on this, this statement has the
following components:
▪ Affordable prices. Amazon strives to be a company that cares about the
spending of its customers. It does this by giving its customers the lowest prices
without compromising on the quality of the products that it showcases. In fact,
the attractiveness characterizing Amazon across the globe comes down to this
▪ Varied selection. To satisfy this characteristic in Amazon’s mission statement,
the management diversifies the range of services and products for the
customers to shop. The presence of these products is one of the major reasons
Amazon has gained popularity as a place where one can find virtually everything
and with ease. Essentially, there is no limit, its selection is simply limitless.
▪ Top convenience. Amazon prioritizes on the online shopping experience. It
understands that this is the most appropriate ways for clients to access
whatever they want, and at the comfort of their homes. To add to how the
company meets this component, Amazon collaborates with reliable
stakeholders to ship all the orders of its customers fast, irrespective of their

Vision Statement:
Amazon vision statement is “to be Earth’s most customer-centric company, where
customers can find and discover anything they might want to buy online.” The vision
statement revisits the desired reputation it wants to achieve as that of being a destination
where all customers in the world feel satisfied and care for in all ways. In relation to this, the
following components can be related to this vision statement:
▪ Customer-centric company. Based on the business culture cultivated by
Amazon, the customer takes the front seat in the order of importance. For
example, as a show of how much the company looks to impress its customers, it
incorporates occasional impressive deals and promotions as indirect rewards to
customer loyalty.
▪ Global presence. As an e-commerce company, Amazon strives to have the
largest influence on the market at the global level. The strategic approaches of
the company directly link to the progressive expansion efforts Amazon
considers a priority.

Core Values:
Amazon core values include “customer obsession, ownership, invent and simplify, are
right, a lot, hire and develop the best, insist on the highest standards, think big, bias for
action, frugality, vocally self-critical, earn trust of others, dive deep, have backbone,
disagree and commit, and deliver results.” Well, Amazon features a long list of values to
guide the operations of its business. Several key values can, however, be singled out to have
the greatest impact among this list:
▪ Customer obsession
▪ Invent and simplify
▪ Hire and develop the best
▪ Deliver results
▪ Earn trust of others
7. Apple

Apple Inc. is an American multinational technology company that specializes in consumer

electronics, software and online services

Mission Statement:
Apple mission statement is “to bringing the best user experience to its customers through
its innovative hardware, software, and services.” Tim Cook, Apple’s current CEO, stated
this as the company’s mission statement and included it in the 2018 annual report. Through
their mission statement, Apple highlights that it exists to offer its clients the best service
that it can. The statement also describes how the company intends to achieve this.
In this current mission statement, the company highlights the scope of its operations and
how it exploits these to satisfy the needs of its client base. While focusing on the dynamic
technological changes over time, Apple stays clear that impacting positive change through
innovation is its central objective. The following components arise from this mission

▪ Best user experience. The component of ‘best user experience’ shows that
Apple’s priority is ensuring its client base has an easy time while using their
products. Rather than be a source of entertainment, Apple designs its products
to be user-friendly.
▪ Improving the lives of people. In the first component of its mission statement,
Apple reiterates the duty of the company to stimulate ease in the lives of its
users through simplified and user-friendly technology.
▪ Empowerment of the public. Innovation is another crucial component for the
company. Apple is dedicated to helping close any gaps when it comes to the
technology space. Given that technology is ever-evolving, Apple is continually
coming up with new designs that meet its clients’ evolving needs as well.
▪ Top-quality products. The popularity associated with Apple products is evidence
of how far the company goes to fulfil the third component of its mission

Vision Statement:
Apple vision statement is “We believe that we are on the face of the earth to make great
products and that’s not changing. “Through this statement, the company highlights that
they are always determined to deliver quality products for its clients. The statement also
points out that they intend to do so for quite some time. It gives a detailed account of how
the company approaches its operations to position itself as the dominant player in the
sector it operates in. Some of the components associated with this statement include:
1. Innovations
2. Integration of partners and excellence
3. Market specialization
Apple has not limited itself to a specific geographical location. Instead, the company wishes
to come up with products that will be used all over the world. In this element, Apple had
opened 506 stores in 25 countries as of February 2019. From their vision, it is clear that the
company intends to cut across all continents and achieve a global presence.

Core Values:
Apple core values include “inclusion and diversity, education, accessibility, environment,
supplier responsibility and privacy.” Values reveal the aspects that Apple considers integral
to its overall success as a technological and innovation leader. Apple is critical about the
principles that have seen it model itself as a quality-oriented company in over two decades.
To stay true to these standards, the company ensures that all its operations are in line with
each of these values as highlighted in its statement of core values.
Apple core values include:
▪ Accessibility
▪ Education
▪ Environment
▪ Inclusion and diversity
▪ Privacy
▪ Supplier Responsibility
8. Fidelity

Fidelity Investments Inc., commonly referred to as Fidelity, earlier as Fidelity Management &
Research or FMR, is an American multinational financial services corporation based in
Boston, Massachusetts.

Fidelity Mission Statement:

Fidelity mission statement says, “to strengthen the financial well-being of our clients.”
Thus, it not only offers investment products but also helps you choose the right one. The
world of financial investments is uncertain at best and highly volatile at worst. The
consultants and advisors at Fidelity are amazingly experienced at predicting the outcome of
an investment. And the firm supports only those companies that have a tendency to keep
Thus, any layperson will stand a better chance of making profits by investing in the
companies supported by Fidelity. Plus, you will gain access to the finest and the most
detailed investment advice that will definitely benefit you in the long run. No wonder the
company’s employees are always so confident. They fulfill the Fidelity mission statement
every day!

Fidelity Vision Statement

Fidelity vision statement is, “to make financial expertise broadly accessible and effective in
helping people live the lives they want.” People have dreams and ambitions they wish to
achieve, and they often need money to do that. Investing your savings to make them grow
over time is the easiest path to financial freedom. However, you need to know the ins and
outs of the finance and trading business to amass a substantial sum in a relatively short
That is where Fidelity’s expert consultants come into the picture. They know everything
there is to know about investments and potential companies. They will consider and assess
your needs to give you the most optimum investment option. And to top it all, their fees are
quite affordable. This is the way in which Fidelity aims to achieve its vision of making
financial expertise broadly accessible.

Fidelity Core Values:

The Fidelity core values are directly related to its name itself – integrity, honesty, and
loyalty. The company will always be honest with you regarding your investments. They
won’t needlessly guarantee a rise in the graph if there is a chance that the stocks will fall.
Additionally, they will always be loyal to you and your investments, never disclosing your
personal information to any third party.

9. Allstate

The Allstate Corporation is an American insurance company, headquartered in Northfield

Township, Illinois, near Northbrook since 1967. Founded in 1931 as part of Sears, Roebuck
and Co., it was spun off in 1993. The company also has personal lines insurance operations
in Canada

Allstate Mission Statement:

Allstate mission statement says, “As the good hands, we aim to empower customers with
protection to help them achieve their hopes and dreams.” Interestingly, it implies that
Allstate’s hopes and dreams will be fulfilled after its customers achieve their hopes and
dreams. In essence, their cumulative success heavily depends on the overall success of their
clients. An all too generous mission if ever there was one!
In the first part of the Allstate mission statement, the company clearly hints that its
customers are in good hands.

Allstate Vision Statement:

Allstate vision statement is, “to deliver substantially more value than the competition by
reinventing protection and retirement to improve customers’ lives.” The affordability of
Allstate’s products was only subtly implied in its mission statement. Its vision, on the other
hand, emphasizes its inexpensive rates by comparing those with the competition.

Allstate Core Values:

Allstate core values are:
▪ Integrity: The company asks its employees to follow its rules and regulations,
and also encourages them to go the extra mile in helping out the customers. In
short, Allstate maintains its integrity while satisfying the customer’s
▪ Inclusive Diversity & Equity: Allstate accepts that the world is composed of
people from all walks of life and embraces their cultures and customs
▪ Collective Success: The Allstate mission and vision inspire success through
cumulative achievements. It considers individual demands but doesn’t hesitate
to prioritize the overall growth of the organization over everything else.


Rivian Automotive, Inc. is an American electric vehicle automaker and automotive

technology company founded in 2009. Rivian is building an electric sport utility vehicle and
pickup truck on a "skateboard" platform that can support future vehicles or be adopted by
other companies.

Rivian Mission Statement:

Rivian mission statement goes like this, “to keep the world adventurous forever.” Here,
‘forever’ is the keyword. It shows the kind of work they do – research and production of
eco-friendly, electric vehicles. It also says that they plan to conceive and manufacture
vehicles that will last forever, meaning that they want to create a pollution-free world that
will go on for as long as the sun shines.
Another keyword in the statement that defines Rivian’s work is adventurous. It clearly states
that the company is into manufacturing adventure sports vehicles like SUVs.

Rivian Vision Statement:

The Rivian vision aim to keep serving its customers for as long as possible. People purchase
vehicles to travel from one place to another, or simply to have an adventure. The company
understands this and plans to produce transport that can last longer and cost less. It
primarily serves the adventure sports market.

Rivian Core Values:

Rivian core values are:
▪ Come Together: The company and its employees work together to create a
pollution-free world. They also hope that more and more people will join their
cause by purchasing their electric vehicles.
▪ Ask Why: And they will provide the answer. If you do not understand a
particular part of Rivian’s operation, they encourage you to ask a question,
because they know that they will have an answer. And even if they don’t, they
will search for the right answer.
▪ Stay Open: They understand that they will have to toil, grind, and rewind to get
their message across since it is not an easy concept to grasp. Hence, the Rivian
mission and vision encourage both its employees and potential clients to have
an open mind.
▪ Zoom Out and Over Deliver: Most of the company’s time goes into researching
and developing the right kind of vehicle. No wonder it took them nearly eight
years to launch their first product. It shows that they intend to go above and
beyond what they promised – to over-deliver.

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