Any Land Related Document Rent Agreement, Rent Receipt, Land Deed, Porcha, Lease Document As Applicable

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FOR TENANCY is nrade on this 1st day of February,

Two Thousard,rwenty one
BETWEEN srnt.chaitali chakraborty,;it
chakraborty, being pAN being No-
?? ALE8C4999B by faith - Hindu, by nationality -Indian,
, residing at- 5 No Bijoy Nagar, Naihati, p.o+p.s-
I'./ Naihati, Dist:-24 PGS (N), Pin:-743165, State:-west
the "FWNEIVLAND LORD" (which expression
Bengal, Iirdi4 hereinafter oalled and refb*ecl to
shali unless excluded by or repugna,t to t1e context
4 of thfi oNE PART"
deemed to mean a:rd include his respective heirs.
executors, administratorr, ,=p*-rrntatives and

f, fi amo
LCSSINI9AAGCD46S9MIZU, a Private Limited
PAN being no-AAGCD46B9MI
company, incorporated under the provisions o1. the
Cornganies Act, 2013, having its Registered
office at ath Floor, Block-B, 1 I, Santosh chamber, Noapara,
KolkHta' District North 24 Parganas, west llengal,
represeuted by itvtheir Director, pllANAB
I'}ANubeing no-AWFPM07?981 S/o- Late. MEUR.,
, Sanyasi Meur, by faith- Fli,du, by natio,aliry
residBrg at23515' R"B'c' Roaci' Bipasa Apartmen!
Block-B, room No-B Naihati, pin 743165, District-
North 24 Parganas, west Benga\ hereinafter calle<l
and ref"effecl to as the ,'TENAN1., (r,vhich expression
hy or repugnant to the context be deemed to mean
:l*ldt'l$:c'rcluded ancl include its/their directr:r in
ur IrQu' olrlce oearers, executors, administrators,
representatives and assigns) of t6e o.1FiEI{ pAI{T.
*F Sub/r ankur Ghosh
Adrraca{e (1)
Barrackpore Court
i\,1. t. T. RoarJ, Bhatoara
1,..(j._ Lltrittpara, p$.-
,.lagaCcla{, /di l Z3
- 70032?4 ?tl 1 /eoii;i ;qi

wIIEREAS the said Smt.Chaitali chakraborty, Wo-Sri.Sujit chakraborty is the

absolute owner of two
storied building, situatecl at:-Holding No:-3857/10
,Village:-f)ogachiya. Under Mamudpur Gram
Panchyet, Mouza-Dogach5ra, R.S Dag No:-147, R.S Khatian No-1005,
J.I- No:-6, Area of land more or
less:-12 Kh- I Ch (9,000.00 Sft:836,43 SQM oR 12K.8 CH) P.S;-Naihati,
Dist:-24 pGS (N),State:-West

AND WHEREAS the said smt.chaitali chakraborry, wo-Sri.sujit chakraborry

is intended to give the
SAID ENTIRE AREA of Ground floor comprising of (2510.00 sft 237 seM
= &
) First floor comprising
of (2822'00 Sft=262.00 SQM) fcrr monthly rent basis of Rs.70,000/- (Seventy
Thousand* GST) for the
term of 3 years (Thirty Six Month) from the clate of execution of
this agreement Subject to the condition
that:- (a) The 'OWNER/LANDLORD' shall hanclover the possession
to the ,TENANT, of the GROI-IND
Ifl'ooR from the month of February I't day 2Q21, for that possession purpose the
'OWNEII/LANDLORD' entitled to get the rent for this Fehruary month
only Rs.35,000/- ('l'hirty Five
Thousand* GST @1s%) to the next calendar month within lOtr'
,luy March & (B) The
'OWNER/LANDLORD' shall handover the possession to the 'TENANT' of the FIRST
FLOOR from the
month of March I't day 2021, for that purpose the 'OWNER/LANDLORI)'
entitled to get the rent
Cumulatively 'GROUND FLOOR + FIRST FLOOR, to the next calendar
month of April lq'il, day 202 t
sum total of Rs.70,000/-(Seventy Thousand+ GST and
@18%) ttre subsequent following months as of
l nrorrthly rent shall be payable by the TENANT TO TI{E OWNERiLANDI-ORD
I as rent of Rs. 70,a001-
(Seventy ThoLrsand+ GST 8%) per within
{f,, @l month lOth day of next every calendar months for the terms
c\ of 3 years (36 Months).
t/ AND WI{EREAS mentioned that, from the clate of completion of One year from
the date of execution of
-t this agreernent then the TENANT is liable to pay the monthly rent to
a Rs'1,00,000/-(one Lakh)+ GST
@l9Yo for subsequent rest 2 years (Twenty Four months) bgt not before
{(J 0i completion of One year.
*t *
4 WHEIIEAS the 'TENANT' is already been paicl of Rs.6,00,000/- (Six
'OWNER/I.ANDLORD' for the 'SECQIIRITY DEPOSIT' which is refundable
Lakh) to the
by the
! 8 'oWNER/LANDLORD' within oNR MONTFI frorn the date of termination of
(J *& this agreement to the
'"[ENANT' AND W}{EREAS to avoid future conhadictions both the parties now
entered into an
'.li Agreenrent forTenancy on 01.02.2021 in respect of the
SAID PROPERTY on the following term ancl

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H* qh 1 DATE OF COMMENCEMENT:-I st day of February,Z)Zt.

ri cdi:i r- I DATE, OF' COMPLETION:-

ec ,.{)
3 l,t day of J anaary, 2024.

3. PLACttr OF TENANCY:- I-lolcliug No:-3857/10 ,Village:-Dogachiya, tJnder Mamttdpur Gratrr
Panchyet, Mouza-Dogachya. R.S Dag No:-147, R.S l(liatian No-1005. J.l- No:-(r, Area o{"lantl
rnore or less:-12 Kh- 8 Ch (9,000.00 Sft:836.43 SQM OR 12K.8 CI'I) P.S;-Nailrati, f)ist:-24 PCS
(N ),State:-West Bengal,

4. SITC]URI"fY DEPOSITE:- Rs.6,00,0001- (Six t,akh), which is refundable withirr I (Orre rnorrth)
fron-r the date of termirration of agreement.

5" RENT: 'fhe rent has been settled as fbllows:- (a) The 'OWNER/L,ANDLORD' shall handover the
pgssession to the 'TENANT' of the GROLJND FI-OOR from the month of February I "t day 202 1,
for that possession prlrposc the'OWNER/l,ANDt,ORf)' entitled to get the rent for this Febrtrary
1nonth only Rs.35,000/- (Thirty Five Tl.rousand+ GST @lS%) to the next calerrdar month u'ithirr
l0'r'clay March & (B) The'OWNER/I-ANDLORD'shall handover the possession to the
'1ENANT' of the I.-IRST FLOOR fiom the rnonth of March l"t day 202 I, for that purpose the
'OWNERII-ANDI,ORD' entitled to get the rent Cumulatively 'GROUND FLOOR + FIRST
ITLOOR' to the next calendar rnonth of April lOrh day 2021 surr-r total of Rs.70,000/-(Severrty
Thousand+ GST @187o) and the subsequent fbllowing months as of monthly rent shall be
payable hry the TENANT TO THII OWNER/I-ANDLORD as rerlt of Rs. 70,000/-(Seventy
'Ihousand+ CST @187o) per month within 1Oth day of next every calendar months.

6. INTERES]' I"'REE SECTJRITY DEPOSIT': t(s. 6,00,000iJ- (Six Lakh only) paid by the tenant to
i the owner/landlorcl as a security deposit but subject to the condition that the SECIJRITY
+rl DIIPOSI'I' is Rs.6,00,000/-to be refundable within I month frorn the time oF leaving the
{' possessior.r after adjusting alty dues an<l valr-re of damaged caused of possession by the tenant ottt

of the amount of Rs.6,00,000/- shall be decluctable . It is also to be mentioned here that before the
prentature termirration of the contract trorn either side, this security deposit lvill also be returnable
'\-) within I month from the date of evacuating the prernises'
p The tenant shall not payable maintenance charges for the building
or any other rnodification and alteration which rnade by the orvner/landlord'
8" PAYMENT 'IERMS: 'lo be payable on and within 1"t to l0thday of next English Calerrdar month
by CashlC heque/RTG S/N Et'T.

9. ELECTRICTY CITARGES;- That tenant is solely responsible to pay lris/her part of constrtned
electricity r,rsed frorn the meter of the landlord and further more in near future if the tenant wants
N u-r
t6l take new corlnection with lris/lrer own aompany name on that time the landlord is bouncl t<r
oE'* produce no ob"iection certificate to tlre concern electricity board if favor of tlre tenantecl propertl
-i, :var
$ sl[; j :Y
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(c (sr_ tbr taking nerv electric connection but subject to condition tlrat after the mature termination ol
4 1f Dm tlris agreement or either pre-mature tennination of this tenancy agreement the tenant lvill vacat<
,ia:l sl 6mR6
tlre premises or possession and he/ will liable to disconnect the electricity connection fi'otn tlrt
S se;$ coneern electricity offi ces.

g F-eh
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10. ADDITION & AI-TERATION: The tenant shall not rnake any addition and alteration of tlre sair
#= BB
area in cluestion. The tenant lras been permitted to make all fttrniture's and fittings and fixtures il
the tenanted area. 'lhe saicl furniture and fixtures and fittings will be removed by the tenatrt at th
or) tirne of evacuating the tenanted area.

11. TENI-JRE, OF TENANCY:- 3 years (36 Months) from the date of execution of this agreement-

12. RENEWAL OF TENANCY: This present agreement of tenancy shall be renewable after tl
completiol of parent agreement if the both parties agree by amicably but subject to the condition
that the landlord is strictly prohibited to terminate the tenancy agreement and
agreemeltt if the terrant paid the tenancy rent within tirne.

l3' RtlctrlP'I': 'rhe owner/landlorcl will give receipt

for receiving rent fbr each and every rr1o6tlr.

14' INCI{EASIJMENI- oF RENT: There is no question of incensement of rent in

staled periocl except
after starting eaclr tenure of new renewable agreement.

15' PTJRPOSE: 'l'he tenant shall use the saicl PROPERTY only for Ayurvedic Medioine
manufaoturing unit purpose, not authorize use any other purpose.

16' EXPIRY: After the expiry of three years frorn the clate of present agreement
or in case the tenant
vacate earlier the tenant shall handover possession to the owner ir-r
as it is condition of the takilg
possession subject to its natural r.vear and tear and the landlord
is liable to return the interest free
security deposit to the tenant after adjusting if any dues within 30 days
from the date of
termination of tenancy agreement.
17. TERMINATION PRIOR TO EXPIRY: In case the tenant want to vacate
-$ periocl as stated hereinbefore they will give three months notice
before the expiry of the
\c said tlrree months.
in writing to the owner for the
:t Y)
\v ,ql l8' suB-LEASE / TENANCY: The tenant will rrot be perrnitted to deliver the possession part
the possession in sub-lease or in sub-tenanay on the basis of this agreement
or to c.leliver the
\j possession and / or part of the possessiol.r to any third party

4 and if the possession is given to any
thircl pafty in any rlanller that will be enforceable in eye of law. It is also
may open similar business in the said tenanted area under the same
settled that the tenant
directorship in differeut name.

'- -) 19' DAMAGtrS: If the tenant will do any <lamages of the tenanted portion,
it the ou,ner/landlord rvill
\,: have evely right to claim clemurrage charges for the same.

20' WATER& SEWERAGE: Water ancl sewerage is available for twenty four hours, sutr-fect to any
unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances.
' $
:: +iiNJ li:

ij 3fiHS 21' REPAIRING: l'he tenant will not cause any obstrtrction to the owner for
jdo*rii,Q repairing .iob and inspection in the possession time to time and he
making neaessary
shall not tenant cause
.E +t:ui* obstruction to the owner for the same.
lI 6 t--- o- rir
P--,uh 22.^fhat the tenant will not do or permitted to be done anything which will
h= #z58
nuisance or annoyanae or any sound pollution to the other reside.ce
cause any disturbances,
including neighbors of the
\t) ;i CO said prernises.
u'; I.,.
23' That the tenant slrall not store nor keep any illegal goods including inflarnmable
or combustible
goods in the said space and keep the saicr space in healthy co'dition.

24' That the tenant will not be allowecl to take any loan from any persons
or from aly filancial
institution by mortgaging the shed and / or srrowing trre schedule property.

25' That in case ofbreach ofnon-observed by the tenant any ofthe terms
and conditions hereiuafter
contained, the te,ant shall be liable to eviction by the ow,erllandlord.

26' Disputes or differences in relation to or arising out of

ortouching this Agreement orthe validity,
interpretation, construction, performance, breach or
enforceability of this Agreement shall be
Referred to the Arbitral Tribunal and finally resolvecl
by arbitration uncler the Arbitration and
conciliatiotr Act, I996' wiflr rnodifications made frorn time
to time. The place of arhitration shall
be Kolkata only' In connection with the aforesaid
arbitration proceeding, only the District.luclge,
North 24 Parganas, District ancl the High court at Kolkata
shall lrave jurisdiction to enteftain and
try all actions and proceedings.

That the Holding No:-3857/10 ,village:-Dogachiya, under Mamudpur

Gram panchyet, Mouza-
Dogachya, It's Dag No:-147, R.S Khatian No-1005,
J.L No:-6, Area of land more or less:-12 Kh- g Ch
(9"000'00 Sft:836'43 SQM oR 12K'8 CH)
P.S;-Naihati, Dist:-24 PGS (N),Stare:-West Bengal
schedule propefi's absolute owner is Smt.chaitali ,this
chakraborty, wlo-sri.Sujit chakraborty , that o,t of
i\ the mentioned schedule property the OwNER/LANDLORD
and TENANT amicably rlecided that:-
I ' The common passage in front of the main gate shall
be used by the both parties for their personal
- lcommercial use such as i.e. Car parking.
ff 2" That corlj cent of the common passage the garden
createcl by the owner/landlady is only usable by
*) the owner/landlady and such garclening place is strictly
prohibited to use by tenant.
'i./ 0l 3' That the Ieft side of the roof top which is covered by
the net useable by the tenant fur thejr
v commercial/personal use & that circumstances the tenant
not prohibited to store and tangible
\ rq
\ 4fr articles such as i'e' any empty container (Small/mediun/semi-medium/large)
used for manufacturing of Ayurvedic medicines.
or any other articles

v 6 4' That in front of the main gate & in front of the building
a GLow SIGN BOARD in the name and
I-IMITED affixed or hang on by the tenant
and for that purpose the osrNER/t,ANDLoRD shall
'lt,* ^,'..;r i
not authorized to put his/her ob.jection.

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ALL THAT piece and parcel of Two Storied building including Toilet, kitchen
room and other rooms to
the entire building lying and situated at:- Holding No:-3857/10
,Village:-Dogachiya, Under Ivtamudpur
Gram Panchyet, Mouza-Dogachya, R.s Dag No:-147, R.s Khatian No-1005,
J.L No:-6, Area of land
more or less:-l2 Kh- I Ch (9,000.00 SflF836.43 SQM OR 12K.8 CH) p.S;-Naihati, Dist:-24 pGS
(N),State:-West Bengal.

WITNSS WHEREOF the parties hereto have set and subscribed their respective
hand and seals on the
day, month and year first above written.


By the parties at Naihati in presence of:-

ffi aaon'fuJ; e'@/*@b*'t1=-

r' 6oc'tM
Smt. Chaitali Chakraborty

;ill-# H [*.\\.*x



Subhankar Ghosh
_ - 83/3, N. L. T. Road, Bhatpara
fro,- Bftrlnara, S. - .rrd"ooai?ir ea
Mob:- 200972499 t I-SOS if z,,l-.:l_i


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