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Meeting New People

You will meet new people anywhere you move, but the experience is different in a
city because major cities draw all kinds of people to them from all over the world. 
There are also more people in a city which means you will be encountering
new faces every day.  Meeting and talking to new people who have had very
different life experiences than yours can be refreshing and give you a new

If you have lived in the same town for 10 years or more, chances are that you know
the town very well and have done about everything there is to do.  If you spend 10
years living in a major city, you likely won’t come close to experiencing
everything the city has to offer.  There is always something to do in a major city
to keep people of all different interests from getting bored.  Most cities have a
lively nightlife, different types of food to try, shows of all types, museums,
landmarks, parks, festivals, sports games, and much more.  If you are a visual or
performance artist or a musician, there are plenty of opportunities in big cities to
become a part of the scene
Healthier Lifestyle
It’s well known that moving into the countryside can boost one’s physical and
mental health. This comes as no surprise considering the numerous health benefits
of living in the countryside.
Higher Safety
Greater safety is another important benefit of country living. Statistical data
suggests that crime is much lower in rural areas than in big cities – there are less
people (and therefore fewer ill-intentioned individuals) out in the country, the
percentage of police officers per capita is higher in non-urban areas than in urban
areas, people know each other well and any strange behavior or activity becomes
obvious immediately, etc. This means that crimes such as theft, robbery, homicide,
and assault are less likely to happen in a small town or village – so when living in
the country, you won’t need to worry so much about the safety of your loved ones
and your property. You will feel more comfortable going out after dark, letting
your kids play outside without supervision, or leaving the windows open while you

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