ABUG Module4 Organizational Environments ABM083

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Name: Kimberly Abug

Module 4
1. Describe in your own words, how’s the environment where you are in affects
your personality?
- Environment has a great contribution to who and what we are today. It
affects not only our physicality but also our personality. In my own case,
my environment has contributed a big change and improvement of who I
am today. Growing up, I have been surrounded by people who are
academically smart and competitive with good English-speaking voice. On
top of that, my siblings also have a place on their classroom ranking every
class grading. With that being said, they influenced me to not just be a
better sibling but also a better student in terms of academics. I gained
pressure, inspiration, experiences and knowledge from them which
contributed to the success I have as of today. Besides, I am also
surrounded with people who have positivity in them and people who
chooses what to worry. With that, I became a person who loves to wander
but always compromises what I consider a priority
1. What are the factors present in your environment that would affect yourself?
- Personally, the factors present in my environment that would affect myself is
the fear of disappointment and pressure from my family/relatives. I usually have
high grades but I don't feel appreciated with those small wins, but whenever my
grades fell down a little bit from what I usually have, I always feel the
disappointment from the people I value the most. Aside from that, they don't
motivate me enough and gives pressure to me instead which affects myself as a
child and a student. On the positive side of this note, there are also people who
brings positivity and encourages me to be better because I am and it affects me
in a positive way which brings improvements in me.
2. How do you deals those factors that may directly or indirectly affect yourself?
- Dealing with those factors are somehow hard for me for it affects me
directly/indirectly. However, I deal with them by putting my thoughts, feelings,
and opinions to what should be compromised. Challenging myself to question
those factors whether it is good or bad for me which is a great help to
understand what should be disengaged and what should be improved.
3. Does the environment where you belong makes you a better version of
- If my environment doesn't make me a better version of myself, then I
don't know what should I call it. My environment helps me to make
myself prepared for the future, be a better student in the present, forget
what was in the past, be an entrepreneur who set goals and gives
excitement to the life I am currently living. Having the environment that I
have is indeed remarkable and inspiring to live the best days I still have.
However, it does not always bring positive or good side but also a
negative one which makes me drained and exhausted. Even so, I consider
them as a challenge and continue being a positive and best person I could
ever be.
2. How are the general and task environments interrelated?
- It's easy to tell the difference between the two organizations because the
general environment can affect anyone in an industry, whereas the task
environment includes sectors with which the organization interacts
directly and has a direct impact on its ability to achieve its objectives
through operations and performance. The task environment usually
consists of the industry, competitors, and customers, but it can also
include production techniques, suppliers, raw materials, and market
sectors. Human resources and the international sector will be part of this
environment for some firms. On the other hand, general environment
consists of the economy and then technological, sociocultural, an
political/legal trends that indirectly affect all organization.
1. Make a personal reaction paper about this chapter in terms of content, your
experience, your reflection and your application of this topic in the future. -
Use the CERA format for your reaction paper and one paragraph each. Hence,
you four paragraphs for this reaction paper.

The term "organizational environment" refers to the internal and external

elements that influence organizational activities and decision-making. Every
organization, whether for profit or not, has its own environment. The
organizational environment is ever-changing and dynamic. As what I have
scanned through this topic, there are factors of environmental that hinders the
three organizations; task, general, and internal, which is related to the
knowledge that have been stored in me.
Sharing my experience, I am a college student who has a small online business
and is profitable at some point. With that being said, I have encountered different
challenges which I eventually surpass. Time-management, socializing, improving
designs are those of challenges I have encountered. When having an online
business, it is a need just like any other business to engage on being socialize and
having the will to expand your knowledge in design making. I, myself, have
struggled through that as well. However, being a business-related student have
helped me with these challenges and having the knowledge that was in store in
me has been so useful as I start my own business. In-lined with our topic, what I
think will be of great help for me and my business will be the improvement my
organizational design and strategic response. In that case, I can gain more
customers and be well in handling my business.
Indeed, it is not easy but with the knowledge we hold and with the education we
gain, it will be good then. I have realized that my knowledge in terms of business
and organizations have been put into actions which I am willingly improve as
given a chance and it requires focus, determination, and being adaptable.
In the near future, the knowledge that was shared under this topic will be
reflected more on my own behavior and actions for it gave me inspiration and
contributes to my understanding in an organization. It is a great pleasure for me
to improve more as I have a lot of space for improvements and my willingness to
be better is way to thirsty to fulfill.

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