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Pilihan Ganda

The following text is for questions 1-3.

Standing gracefully on Lapangan Banteng square in Central Jakarta, the neo-

gothic Jakarta Catholic cathedral has long been one of the city's main architectural
The majestic building was built in 1901 by Dutch priest Antonius Dijkmas and
features 60 meter twin spires and a 45 m central spire. The church, which was
designed to form a cross, has two floors.
On the lower floor, there are three altars: the Altar of Saint Mary, which was
completed in 1915; the Altar of Saint Joseph, which was built in 1922; and the central
altar that holds a gold cross is believed to have been made in the Netherlands in the
19th century and installed in 1956.
Statues of Ignatius de Loyola and Franciscus Xaverius and the marble baptism
vessel also decorate the interior of the church, which is still actively used for mass
The second floor used to be used by the choir, but as the building has aged it was
feared it could not hold too many people, so in 1991, the head priest Rudolf Kurris
decided to make it a museum.

1. Who built the cathedral?

A. Antonius Dijkman
B. Ignatius de Loyola
C. Franciscus Xaverius
D. Rudolf Kurris
E. Saint Joseph

2. How long was the second floor used for choir?

A. 89 years
B. 90 years
C. 91 years
D. 92 years
E. 93 years

3. What is true about the cathedral?

A. It has got two tall spires altogether.
B. It's influenced by traditional Indonesian architecture.
C. The central altar was the oldest among the three altars.
D. The space for the museum used to hold the church choir.
E. It is decorated with the statues of Saint Mary and Saint Joseph.

The following text is for questions 4 - 7.

Tjipto Mangunkusumo, (bom 1884-died March 8, 1942, Djakarta, Java, Dutch

EastIndies (now Indonesia]), early 20h-century Indonesian nationalist leader whose
resistance to Dutch colonial rule brought him exile and long imprisonment.
Tjipto Mangunkusumo was among the first Indonesian leaders to abandon the
cultural approach of most early nationalist groups, which promoted distinctly
Indonesian art, literature, and values. With E. F. E. Douwes Dekker and Suwardi
Surjaningrat (later known as Ki Hadjar Dewantoro) he founded in 1911 the socialist
Indies Party (Indische Partij), which was devoted to political action to attain
independence. Two years later all three leaders were ordered out of the Dutch East
Indies, although Tjipto Mangunkusumo was allowed to return in 1914. He resumed
activity in Insulinde, the successor to the Indies Party, backing radical action such as
the peasant resistance to taxes in the Solo princely lands. In 1918 he became a member
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of the Volksraad, a parliamentary body that included Indonesians but exercised very
little power. In July 1927 he helped found the Indonesian Nationalist Party (Partai
Nasional Indonesia), of which Sukarno was chairman. Shortly thereafter, however,
Tjipto Mangunkusumo was sent into exile on a prison island for attempting tofoment
revolt among the Indonesians serving in the Dutch forces. He remained in exilefor 11

4. Paragraph 1 talks about …

A. early 20th-century Indonesian hero
B. the lifespan of Tjipto Mangunkusumo
C. Indonesian resistance to Dutch colonial rule
D. Tjipto Mangunkusumo's struggle for Indonesia
E. background information about Tjipto Mangunkusumo

5. When was Tjipto

Mangunkusumo first exiled?A.
B. 1913
C. 1914
D. 1927
E. 1938

6. Which of the following statements about Tjipto Mangunkusumo is true?

A. He adopted cultural approach in his struggle.
B. He established Indische Partij along with Soekarno.
C. He joined Insulinde after he returned from the exile.
D. He belonged to parliamentary body called Volksraad in 1927.
E. He was the main figure who founded Indonesian Nationalist Party.

7. Shortly thereafter, however, Tjipto Mangunkusumo was sent into exile on a

prisonisland for attempting ...
What is the synonym of the underlined word ?
A. striving
B. fighting
C. initiating
D. attending
E. supporting

For questions 8 - 10, put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

INTERVIEWER : Ben, how long have you been swimming?

BEN : Well, I (8) ... swimming when I was eight so I've been
swimmingfor 14 years.
INTERVIEWER : And when did you start swimming in
BEN : I entered my first competition when I was
INTERVIEWER : Did you win?
BEN : No, I didn't. I won my first race when I was
twelve. It wasfantastic.
INTERVIEWER : And how many times have you won since then?
BEN : Oh Lots of times. (9) I... (swim) in so many
races I can'tremember.
INTERVIEWER : What (10) ... (be) the best moment so far?!
BEN : When I was in the Athens Olympic Games in 2004.
INTERVIEWER : Yes, I remember, you won a madal

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BEN : That's right. I won a bronze medal

8. A. have been started

B. have started
C. had started
D. started
E. start

9. A. was swimming
B. have swum
C. had swum
D. swam
E. swim

10. A. is
B. was
C. are
D. were
E. has been

The following text is for questions 11

- 14.Sunday, 14 June, 1942

On Friday, June 12, I woke up at six o'clock and no wonder, it was my birthday.
Butof course I was not allowed to get up at that hour, so I had to control my curiosity
untila quarter to seven. Then I could bear - it no longer, and went to the dining room,
where I received a warm welcome from Moortje (the cat).
Soon after seven I went to Mummy and Daddy and then to the sitting room to
undomy presents. The first to greet me was you, possibly the nicest of all. Then on the
tablethere were a bunch of roses, a plant, and some peonies, and more arrived during
the day

I got masses of things from Mummy and Daddy, and was thoroughly spoiled by
various friends. Among other things I was given Camera Obscura, a party game, lots of
sweets, chocolates, a puzzle, a brooch, Tales and Legends of the Netherlands by Joseph
Cohen, Daisy's Mountain Holiday (a terrific book) and some money. Now I can buy
The Myths of Greece and Rome - grand!
Then Lies called for me and we went to school. During recess I treated everyone
tosweet biscuits, and then we had to go back to our lessons.
Now I must stop. Bye-bye, we're going to be
great pals!

11. The writing above belongs to ....

A. memo
B. notice
C. diary entry
D. short story
E. announcement

12. What topic is mainly discussed in the text?

A. he writer's pals
B. A fortunate child
C. No place like home
D. The writer's birthday
E. Typical childhood life

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13. We learn from paragraph 3 that...
A. the presents had been prepared for long.
B. the writer invited some friends to come.
C. the writer enjoyed reading books.
D. the parents were indeed mean.
E. the writer liked to show off.

14. 'I got masses of things from Mummy and Daddy ... 'What is the synonym of
theunderlined word?
A. number
B. several
C. a lot of
D. a few
E. much

For questions 15-19.

A long time ago, there lived on the island of Bali a giant-like creature named Kbo
Iwo. The people of Bali used to say that Kbo Iwo was everything, a destroyer as well
as a creator. He was satisfied with the meal, but this meant for the Balinese people
enough food for a thousand men.
Difficulties arose when for the first time the barns were almost empty and the
new harvest was still a long way off. This made Kbo Iwo wild with great anger. In his
hunger, he destroyed all the houses and even all the temples. It made the Balinese turn
to rage.
So, they came together to plan steps to oppose this powerful giant by using his
stupidity. They asked Kbo Iwo to build them a very deep well, and rebuild all the
houses and temples he had destroyed. After they fed Kbo Iwo, he began to dig a deep
One day he had eaten too much, he fell asleep in the hole. The oldest man
inthe village gave a sign, and the villagers began to throw the limestone they had
collected before into the hole. The limestone made the water inside the hole
. Kbo Iwo was buried alive. Then the water in the well rose higher and higher until
atlast it overflowed and formed Lake Batur. The mound of earth dug from the well by
Kbo Iwo is known as Mount Batur.

15. Which the following fact is true about Kbo Iwo?

A. Kebo Iwo ate a little amount of meat
B. Kebo Iwo is a destroyer that cannot make anything
C. Kebo Iwo was angry because his food was stolen by Balinese people
D. Kebo Iwo destroyed all the house but not the temple
E. Kebo eat food was equal for food of thousand people

16. Why did Kbo Iwo feel angry to the Balinese people?
A. Because Balinese people ate his meal
B. Because Balinese people took his food so his barns was empty
C. Because Balinese people didn’t give him food
D. Because Balinese people were in hunger
E. Because Balinese people turned to rage

17. According to the story, if Kbo Iwa is never existed in Bali island, what do you
thinkwill happen?
A. There will be no Bali island
B. Bali People will never be angry
C. All Bali people will live in a prosperous way
D. We are not able see the beauty of Lake Batur
E. Mount Batur will not be a sacred place now
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18. “So, they came together to plan steps to oppose this powerful giant……”(Paragraph 3).
antonym of the word “oppose “ is….
A. Support
B. Defeat
C. Turn Against
D. Beat
E. Change

19. What is mount batur?

A. A lake build by Kbo Iwa
B. A well dug by Kbo iwa
C. The mountain build by Kbo Iwa
D. A mound of earth dug from the well by Kbo iwa
E. A home build by Balinese people to Kbo Iwa

For questions 20-22, fill-in-the gaps with the correct word.

Along time ago, an old man lived in Penanggungan Mountain. His name was Kiai Gede
Penanggungan. He had supernatural power. Kiai Gede Penanggungan (..20...) had a
beautiful daughter. Her name was Dewi Walangangin. (…21...) she was very beautiful,
she was not married yet. That's why Kiai Gede Penanggungan prayed days and nights for
her daughter. (…22 …), God answered his prayer. A young handsome man came to his
Excerpted from

20. A. thus
B. also
C. since
D. due to
E. nevertheless

21. A. Additionally
B. Therefore
C. However
D. Because
E. Although

22. A. Next.
B. Later
C. At last
D. Finally
E. Firstly

For questions 23-27.

Yesterday was school sport Day. Maya…(23)… part in the 400 meters hurdles. She
had been training for there full months because she represented her class. She hoped to
win a gold…(24)…
Maya was very nervous at the…(25)…point. As soon as the gun went off, everyone
started running. Maya ran as fast as she could and jumped over the hurdles well. She
was leading. However, just before she reached the finish line, she suddenly twisted her
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ankle. Kneeing on the tracks. Maya cried out. Many of her friends and teacher who saw
what had happened quickly came to help her. Mr. Imam, her teacher, quickly
bandaged her ankle and sat her down on a bench. Every one was…(26)…and asked her
how she was.
Though Maya did not win the race, she was pleased to know that she had so
many…(27)…who cared about her
23. A. Had
B. Took
C. Put
D. Got
E. Have

24. A. coin
B. money
C. medal
D. certificate
E. paper

25. A. finish
B. starting
C. middle
D. last
E. next

26. A. happy
B. worried
C. excited
D. surprised
E. sad

27. A. foes
B. enemies
C. friends
D. rivals
E. family

Complete this dialog using asking and giving information expression

28. Nadia: Excuse me,

Man: Yes, it's at
2.30 PM
A. Where is the cinema is?
B. What are you doing here?
C. Could you tell me the time when the next train
D. Can you tell me why are you here?
E. Can I help you

29. Pam: Hi, Andra can you tell me where the bookshop is?
Andra: Sure,

A. It's at 5 o'clock
B. You are here.
C. It's next to the cinema.
D. I'm fine, thank you.
E. why not ?
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30. Ben: Mr. Hadi, could you tell me when the next project will
Mr. Hadi: Yes Ben,
A. I believe it would be next month.
B. Don't worry about it.
C. It's on the second floor.
D. It's finished last year.
E. I don’t know

31. X : We’ll have a long holiday next month.What are you going to do?
Y : ....
X : I hope you have a nice trip.

A. I am thinking of going to Bali

B. Sorry, I can’t tell you
C. It’s not your business
D. I have nothing to do
E. I don’t know what to do

32. A : What do you think about the film ?

B : I think ....................

A. I like it
B. Thank you
C. I can’t hear you
D. you forget it
E. let’s go

33. .................... he is polite.

A. I don’t think
B. I don’t
C. What do you
D. What your opinion
E. i don’t understand

34. Eric : I think our city is very hot at the moment.

Eric : I don’t think so ................ Our city is much cooler than other cities in
this country.
A. I know it
B. I am thinking of
C. He forget it
D. In my opinion
E. see you

35. Bowo : I feel tired and I feel dizzy.

Sri : I think …. Don’t leave the bed if it is not necessary.

A. you must sing

B. you should lie down and have some rest
C. you can see the doctor tonight
D. I will take you to the hospital
E. I must take some rest, too

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Song by: Rob Thomas

All day ….(36) at the celling

Making friends with
shadows on my wall All
night hearing voice telling
That I should ….(37) some sleep
Because tomorrow might be good for
something Hold on ….(38) like I’m
headed for a breakdown And I don’t
know why
But I’m not crazy, I’m just
a little unwellI know right
now you can’t tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you’ll see
A different side of me

I’m not ….(39), I’m just a little impaired

I know right now you don’t care
But soon enough you’re gonna …. (40) of me

36. A. started
b. stare
c. stares
d. staring
e. starring

37. a. get
b. gets
c. getting
d. got
e. gotten

38. a. feel
b. feels
c. fellen
d. felling
e. felt

39. a. same
b. crazy
c. good
d. bad
e. sly

40. a. thinking
b. thinks
c. think
d. thank
e. thought

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