Amazon Company Report-Updated

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Amazon Company Report

Prepared For

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Amazon Company Report

Table of Contents
Executive Summary..............................................................................................................
Industry and Geographic Regions..........................................................................................
Vision and Mission of Amazon Company..............................................................................
Uniqueness of Amazon Company..........................................................................................
How Mission and Vision Affects the Success of Amazon........................................................
Amazon Company- Revenues and Expenses...........................................................................
Strengths of Amazon Company.............................................................................................
Weakness of Amazon Company............................................................................................
How Amazon Company Incorporates ESG...........................................................................
Becoming a Responsible Corporate Citizen..........................................................................

List of Illustrations
Figure 1: Pie-Chart of Company’s Revenue by Category............................................6
Figure 2: Company’s Costs and Expenses by Year.....................................................7
Figure 3: Amazon's Logistics Costs.............................................................................8

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Executive Summary

Amazon is one of the fastest growing firms in the world, and it is based in the United States

of America, where it has been operating since 1994. The headquarters are in Washington,

where the majority of the company's services are provided. As a result of its current CEO,

Jeffrey Bezos's discovery and promotion of the firm to prominence in 1995, the company has

drastically expanded its line of operations from the sale of bookshop books to the sale of

DVDs, MP3s, and other online packages. The establishment of the company has completely

altered the landscape of internet selling. The company's Chief Executive Officer, Jeffrey

Bezos, acknowledges that the company has undergone expansion in the supply of retailing

services, with its items now being designed to appeal to a wider range of age groups than in

the past. As a result, the paper examines the various consequences that the company has had

as a result of its mission and vision statements, while also noting the important role that the

company's major stakeholders have had. Additionally, it provides insight into the company's

strengths and weaknesses.

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Introduction is a cloud computing, electronic commerce, and electronic distribution

firm with its headquarters in Settle, Washington, DC. The company is among the largest

internet-based merchants in both the United States and the world (Plotkin, 2020). The

company was founded by Jeff Bezos in 1994. Amazon is focused on growing its market share

and revenues over the long run. Its business includes e-commerce, a new focus on media that

is separate from the Kindle, higher profit margins from (AWS), and the management of a

negative cash conversion cycle, among others. It is an online multinational corporation that

develops electronic book readers and web services, and it has become well-known as a result

of its success. The corporation sells its products over millions of people throughout the world,

either directly or through intermediaries, via the internet or through intermediaries. Company

generated operating income of $4.2 billion in 2016, $4.1 billion in 2017, and $12 billion for

2018. The company is a leading provider of ecommerce and cloud computing services. The

corporation employs roughly 647000 people on a full-time and part-time basis, according to

corporate statistics.

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Industry and Geographic Regions
Amazon is a corporation that is involved in the Internet Service and Retailing

industries. Goods and services are sold by the corporation mostly through electronic media,

specifically the internet. It conducts business in the following geographical regions: North

America, South America, Europe/Middle East/Africa, and the Asia Pacific region.

Its business segments are divided into three categories: North America, International,

and Amazon Web Services (AWS). Among the activities of the North America segment

include retail sales of consumer products and subscriptions through websites that are

specifically targeted at North American customers, such as and amazon

(Plotkin, 2020).

Vision and Mission of Amazon Company

The vision of Amazon is “to be the earth's most customer-centric company and to

build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want

online” (Klaus, 2013). The vision statement has increased the number of the customers

using the company's services with the latest survey elucidating that the number is itching

to not less than 60 million shoppers (Klaus, 2013).

Amazon's mission statement is “We strive to offer our customers the lowest possible

prices, the best available selection, and the utmost convenience.” This corporate mission

promises attractive e-commerce services to satisfy target customers' needs.

Uniqueness of Amazon Company

One of the most distinguishing characteristics of the Amazon organization is that it

consistently executes consumer orders correctly. They choose products and services that

clients want and need, and they make use of distribution hubs located all over the world to

ensure that products are delivered fast. Aside from that, Amazon has good vendor ties, which

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allows them to provide customers with lower prices, which is one of the aspects of this

organization that I admire the most.

How Mission and Vision Affects the Success of Amazon

Having a vision and goal that are clear, precise, and cohesive are the building blocks

of a productive and competitive firm. They contribute to the company's relevance on the

business front by bringing new ideas to the table. Amazon is one of the firms that takes

pleasure in having a sound organizational structure, which is supported by a well-articulated

vision and purpose statement, as well as strong backing from the company's major

stakeholders. The mission statement of the organization emphasizes the importance of the

customer. Since the company's inception, the purpose has been carried out alone, and it has

developed a strong bond with its clientele, adding value to the company's overall operational

standards. It makes things possible.

Amazon Company- Revenues and Expenses

Pie-Chart of Company’s Revenue by Category

Figure 1: Pie-Chart of Company’s Revenue by Category

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Stacked Column-Company’s Costs and Expenses by Year

Figure 2: Company’s Costs and Expenses by Year

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Figure 3: Amazon's Logistics Costs

Strengths of Amazon Company

Amazon Company is relying on its cutting-edge technology to develop new items that

are in line with market demand as it continues to expand. The application of new technology

is grabbing the attention of consumers. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and the

use of information technology (IT) to compare corporate strategy, as well as customer

behavior in terms of purchasing power, are among the most significant breakthroughs (Klaus,

2013). As a result, the organization is able to provide an exceptional number of services to its


In the internet retail business, the company has developed a strong brand identity. As

a result, the company experiences exponential growth as a result of its position at the top of

the market and its ability to withstand aggressive rivalry. The fact that it offers a diverse

product mix, which provides clients with the ability to choose from a variety of products, is a

significant driving force (Klaus & Nguyen, 2013). Additionally, the company generates

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substantial income, which allows it to expand into other commercial ventures in order to

increase the overall sales of its products. Finally, the corporation is led by a dynamic and

compelling leader in the person of Jeffrey Bezos, the company's Chief Executive Officer.

Weakness of Amazon Company

The seasonality of the company is a challenge for Amazon. This expresses itself when there

is a shift in the demand for their items on the market. Because everything is dependent on the

flourishing seasons, sales are subject to fluctuations. Another area of weakness for the

organization is the lack of product or service categories. It is not possible to categorize all of

the many types of items that they deal with. According to current statistics, there has been an

increase in the number of sales. The company's brand image has been tarnished as a result of

the tax dodging controversy in which it was implicated. They were embroiled in a tax evasion

issue at a time when business was thriving and their consumer base was expanding. Finally,

the organization operates on a scale with poor profit margins, which is especially true given

the presence of a third-party vendor in the business.

How Amazon Company Incorporates ESG

The incorporation of environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG)

considerations into investment analysis and portfolio design across a broad variety of asset

classes is referred to as ESG incorporation (Hill, 2020). The Amazon corporation supports

the ESG shift and sets the standard for finance and investing practices. Amazon founder Jeff

Bezos offered USD 10 billion to fund climate change solutions, thereby setting the standard

for climate finance and investment in the United States. In line with the Principles of

Responsible Investment, which include the incorporation of environmental, social, and

governance (ESG) considerations into investment analysis and decision-making processes,

this is unquestionably appropriate.

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Becoming a Responsible Corporate Citizen
The company expresses its dedication to being a relevant organization that adheres to

professional codes of conduct while also allowing its employees to use their own initiative.

With the goal of outpacing counterfeit sales, it is committed to achieving a strong-willed

corporate responsibility by taking the lead in this effort. Amazon's brand image has been

altered as a result of these efforts, and the company has been thrust back into the spotlight.

Amazon Company one of the most significant and quickly growing online retail

organizations in the world. The Company is expanding its reach into new markets throughout

the world. It continues to grow its customer base as a result of its ability to innovate and its

genuine dedication to providing excellent customer service. Applaudable efforts are being put

forward by all of the many departments.

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Work Cited
Hill, J. (2020). What’s next for ESG investing? Environmental, Social, and Governance

(ESG) Investing, 329-335. doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-818692-3.00016-5

Plotkin, M. J. (2020). History: The struggle for the Amazon. The Amazon.


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Hill, J. (2020). What’s next for ESG investing? Environmental, Social, and Governance

(ESG) Investing, 329-335. doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-818692-3.00016-5

Plotkin, M. J. (2020). History: The struggle for the Amazon. The Amazon.


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