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The definition of drama is a composition of poetry or prose that is expected

to describe life and character through behaviour (acting) or staged dialogue. In the
Drama English Language Teaching course, I learned many things about drama such
as the definition of drama, types of drama and what are the supporting elements in
the drama.

4 types of drama are taught such as comedy dramas, namely dramas with the
aim of making the audience laugh, and finally ending with a happy ending. Tragedy
dramas are dramas that tell sad stories. In tragedy, the character usually has good
qualities but suffers bad luck and causes him, or his relatives and friends, to get into
trouble. Drama tragicomedy is a drama that combines elements between tragedy
and comedy. That is, the drama wants to reveal a tragic event but is presented in a
humorous style, or vice versa, the last one is a melodrama that has meaning, which
is a type of drama characterized by stereotypical characters, exaggerated emotions,
and interpersonal conflicts. A melodrama has an interesting and suspenseful plot
with lots of twists and turns and suspense.

Next, learn the 6 elements of drama Plot, Theme, Character, Dialogue, Music,
and Spectacle. The plot in the drama is the course of events in the drama that
continues until the drama is finished. Then the theme is the main idea or idea that is
the basis for making drama. Themes that are usually raised in dramas include
problems of love, social criticism, poverty, oppression, patriotism, divinity, and
others. The plot is a series of events and conflicts that drive the storyline.
Furthermore, characters are people who play in a drama and of course have the
characteristics of that character. The characters in the drama are divided into two,
namely the antagonist character and the protagonist character. The protagonist is an
individual in the story who always prioritizes truth and honesty. Dialogue is a
conversation (in plays, stories and so on). Dialogue can be interpreted as a
conversation or communication process that is in a story. In the drama, almost all
information is conveyed through the dialogues that the actors make. Music in drama
is aimed at giving colour to a drama so that the drama is more interesting and
deepens the drama. Music has an important role in giving the impression of being
sad, confused, surprised, and happy, all of which can be stressed with appropriate
music. And the last spectacle is a spectacle or drama performance that is attended
by a general audience.
The drama studied is like the Drama Oedipus Rex, which tells the story of the
mythical Oedipus telling the story of a strange twist of fate. It begins with a story
about a Lae king. He and his wife, Jocasta long ago had a child. According to the
Athenian tradition, every opportunity for help should refer to the so-called Delphi
oracle. the king did. However, the Prophet darling is not happy with the father's
failed, namely that the son of his will though, but when it grows up, will definitely kill
him, then it is even worse, married his mother, wife Laius.
This is the story of how futile attempts are made for ordinary people to
change what is predetermined from above. philosophical and religious foundations
can be felt even after reading the summary. Oedipus Rex - the main hero of the
legend in which complications are the predictions of the oracle. After the father was
ordered to leave the baby appeared in the lights in the mountains of liars. But the
servant spared the child and sent him to an unknown shepherd. It was, on the
watchful eye, another king - Polybius, who Oedipus for a long time would take on his
Years later, Oedipus heard of the disaster from the oracle. This is identical to
what Lai is very afraid of: A young man will kill his father and become a husband by
killing a widow, whose mother is his own. Not knowing the names of Duka's parents,
the would-be perpetrator left the man's house, who picked him up. Some years, like
thieves, our thieves wander. And finally, accidentally killed Laius. After that,
everything that happened endured as the oracle foretold.
This drama is narrated by one of the main characters - Tom Wingfield - who
works in a shoe warehouse but secretly wants to be a poet. He lives with his mother
and sister, Laura; he is the man of the house for leaving them with nothing. Tom's
mother was obsessed with the rituals and values of his upbringing in the South. She
desperately wants her daughter to be a Southern belle as she remembers from her
own past; on the contrary, she was extremely disappointed. Laura was paralyzed by
her fear. With leg braces, he leaves no trace of home. Time at home with her glass
animals - fragments of which are her only pride and joy.

Continuing to discuss Modern Drama, namely the drama script that is used
standardly and cannot be changed in the middle of a performance. The sources of
the stories in the two types of dramas are also different, traditional dramas usually
come from folklore or local community traditions, while modern dramas come from
stories of today's social life. The equipment used is also of course different, in
traditional dramas they still use traditional musical instruments while in modern
dramas they use various more sophisticated equipment. The outdoor stage is often
used for traditional plays and for modern plays it is usually in an enclosed
space. The style of language in traditional dramas tends to be standardized and
inserts regional languages, in contrast to modern dramas which allow the use of
casual language.


Roboguru. (2021, October 5). Jelaskan Perbedaan drama tradisional dan modern.
Roboguru. Retrieved June 3, 2022, from

Sophocles' Oedipus Raja ": Ringkasan. "Oedipus Rex": Masalah, Karakter, Garis
Besar Episodiyam. (n.d.). Retrieved June 3, 2022, from

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