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Software for Data Centers

Users Guide

HORIZONT RZ-Organisations- und Software-Entwicklungs-GmbH Garmischer Str. 8, 80339 Munich, Germany Tel. 89 / 540 162 0 Fax. 89 / 540 162 62 E-Mail Homepage

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Introduction Features System Requirements Getting Started Before You Start Connecting to the TWS/WebAdmin Server TWS/WebAdmin General Layout TWS/WebAdmin Home Page Plan Management Overview Managing Workstations Managing Domains Managing Jobstreams Managing Jobs Managing Resources Managing Prompts Managing Files Plan Filters Saving and Restoring Filters Submitting Jobs and Jobstreams Set Alternate Plan - Viewing Previous Production Days Generate New Plan - Forecasts TWS/WebAdmin Options Database Management Overview Lock / Unlock Managing Workstation Definitions Managing Workstation Class Definitions Managing Domain Definitions Managing Jobstream Definitions Managing Calendar Definitions Managing Job Definitions Managing Resource Definitions Managing Prompt Definitions Managing Parameter Definitions Managing User Definitions Database Filters Saving and Restoring Filters TWS/WebAdmin Reports Overview Job History Report Job Detail Report TWS Activity Report Production Planning Report TWS Database Report 2 2 3 4 4 4 5 6 8 8 8 13 16 22 30 33 36 38 39 43 50 53 56 59 59 59 60 70 76 82 99 106 113 119 125 130 134 135 139 139 139 147 151 157 161

Cross Reference Report Critical Jobs Report SQL Query (Custom Reports) User Defined Reports TWS/WebAdmin Job and Workstation Notes Overview Viewing Job Notes Creating Job Notes HTML Job Note Text Modifying Job Notes Deleting Job Notes Display All Job Notes Viewing Workstation Notes Creating Workstation Notes Modifying and Deleting Workstation Notes Display All Workstation Notes TWS/WebAdmin Event Monitoring, Alerting, and Logging Overview Event Monitor Alert and Event Configuration Audit Logs Appendix A: TWS/WebAdmin Table Structure events event_state jobhist jobhist_schedlogs notes alerts critical_jobs critical_jobs_lists

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ii TWS/WebAdmin User's Guide

Printed: Thursday, 02 August 2007


Technical Support If you have a problem that requires technical support, please contact your support representative:

This guide describes how to use TWS/WebAdmin, the web interface to Tivoli Workload Scheduler.

TWS/WebAdmin allows you to manage Tivoli Workload Scheduler from a web browser and provides the following capabilities: Create and modify scheduling objects in the TWS database: Jobs, jobstreams, workstations, workstation classes, domains, calendars, resources, prompts, parameters, and user definitions View and modify jobs, jobstreams, workstations, domains, prompts, resources, and file dependencies in the current plan Submit ad-hoc jobs and jobstreams Access previous production days (Symphony files) Apply and save filters for database and plan views Generate and view forecasts Attach notes to jobs and workstations: Contact information, recovery procedures, etc. that can be recalled later Create, customize, and view reports: Job History, Job Details, TWS Activity, Production Planning, TWS Database, Cross Reference, Critical Jobs Design custom reports using SQL queries Track and filter TWS events Generate automatic email alerts for specific events such as job abends View and filter audit logs in an easily readable table format Examine TWS mailbox and mozart files

System Requirements
TWS/WebAdmin is installed on the Tivoli Workload Scheduler Master workstation. The following operating systems are supported: AIX versions 4.3.2 and above, 5.x Solaris 2.6 - 9 HP-UX 11.00, 11i Red Hat Linux 7.1 - 7.3 for Intel processors Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows 2003

The following are minimum system requirements: 50 MB free disk space TCP/IP Tivoli Workload Scheduler 8.3 (or higher)

Users access TWS/WebAdmin through a web browser. Any operating system and web browser may be used as long as the following conditions are met: Web browser supports HTML 4.0 Web browser supports CSS Level 1 Web browser supports JavaScript 1.2 TCP/IP network connectivity between the web browser system and the Tivoli Workload Scheduler Master workstation

Getting Started
This chapter explains how to get started using TWS/WebAdmin.

Before You Start

You will need to know the hostname of the TWS/WebAdmin server. This should be the same hostname as the Tivoli Workload Scheduler master workstation.

Connecting to the TWS/WebAdmin Server

Launch a web browser and enter the name of the TWS/WebAdmin server in the address bar. You will be prompted for a user name and password:

Figure 1: TWS/WebAdmin Logon

Enter your user name and password. You will then be presented with the TWS/WebAdmin home page:

Figure 2: TWS/WebAdmin Home Page

TWS/WebAdmin General Layout

The TWS/WebAdmin display consists of two frames. The navigation frame is on the left side and the main window frame is on the right. The navigation frame is used to select from the available TWS/WebAdmin operations. Results are displayed in the main window frame.

TWS/WebAdmin Home Page

After logging in, the TWS/WebAdmin home page is displayed in the main window frame. The home page shows general information, current status, settings, and statistics:

Figure 3: TWS/WebAdmin Home Page Details

The following information is presented on the TWS/WebAdmin home page: General: Logged in as: Your user name ( Logout ): Click to login with a different user ID Date: Current date Time: Current time

TWS/WebAdmin Server: Workstation: TWS Workstation name of the TWS/WebAdmin server Hostname: Hostname of the TWS/WebAdmin server TWS Version: TWS version information for the TWS/WebAdmin server Node Type: Node type (Master or FTA) of the TWS/WebAdmin server

Batchman: Status (Running or Down) of batchman, the primary TWS scheduling process, on the TWS/WebAdmin server DB Server: Status (Up or Down) of the database server

Settings: Auto-Refresh: Shows whether automatic refresh of TWS/WebAdmin displays is enabled (on or off) Symphony: Shows which Symphony file is currently active for Plan views Compression: Shows whether compression of web pages is enabled or disabled

Statistics: # Workstations: Number of TWS workstations in the currently active plan # Jobs: Number of TWS jobs in the currently active plan # Succ: Number of TWS jobs that have completed successfully in the currently active plan # Abend: Number of TWS jobs that have abended in the currently active plan

Plan Management
This chapter describes the plan management functions of TWS/WebAdmin.

The plan management functions of TWS/WebAdmin allow you to view objects in the current plan, such as jobs, jobstreams, workstations, and prompts. In addition to viewing the status of objects, you can take actions such as canceling jobs, releasing jobstreams, changing workstation limits, and submitting ad-hoc jobs. The Set Run History function allows you to view previous production days, and the Forecast function allows you to view future production days in a special forecast mode.

Managing Workstations
Viewing Workstations To view workstation objects in the plan, click the Workstations link under the Plan group heading in the navigation frame:

Click to display workstations

Figure 4: Plan Workstation List

The Plan Workstation List shows all TWS workstations along with the following information: Workstation: TWS Workstation name. Clicking on a workstation name displays the Plan Jobstream List for that workstation. Run: The run number of the Symphony file loaded on the workstation Node: Node type and workstation type. Node types are: - UNIX - MPEV - MPIX - OTHER Workstation types are: - MASTER - FTA - S-AGENT - X-AGENT Limit: The TWS job limit for the workstation Fence: The TWS fence for the workstation Date: Run date of the Symphony file for the workstation Time: Start time for the Symphony file State: Initialization state of the workstation: - L=Link is open - T=TCP/IP link - D=DS link (MPE) - I=jobman initialized - J=jobman running - W=workstation linked via TCP/IP - M=workstation linked via DS (MPE) - X=workstation linked as an extended agent - H=workstation linked through its host Method: For extended agents, the name of the access method Domain: Domain name for the workstation

Performing Actions on Workstations Beneath the Plan Workstation List is a row of buttons containing the actions that can be performed. To perform an action on a workstation, first select it by clicking in the checkbox to the left of the object, and then click the desired button. Multiple workstations can be selected for most actions. Check All will select all workstations in the list and Clear All will de-select all workstations.

First, select the workstation

Then click the desired action

Figure 5: Plan Workstation Actions

The actions that can be performed on workstations are: Limit: Change the workstation limit which controls the number of concurrent jobs that are allowed to execute on the workstation. Valid range is 0-1024. Fence: Change the workstation fence, which sets the minimum job priority needed for a job to launch on the workstation. Valid range is 0-101, HI, GO. Start: Start the workstation. Stop: Stop the workstation. Link: Link the workstation.


Unlink: Unlink the workstation. Submit Job: Submit an ad-hoc job to run on the workstation. Submit Jobstream: Submit an ad-hoc jobstream to run on the workstation. Info: Display detailed information about the workstation. Notes: Add or view TWS/WebAdmin Workstation Notes for the selected workstation. Filter: Display the workstation filter menu. Layout: Change the column layout and ordering. Print: Print the current workstation list. Netplan: Display a netplan (see Netplan Users Guide) for more information). Refresh: Make sure you have the latest version of the current Web page.

Workstation Filter Menu Clicking the Filter button displays the Workstation Filter menu:

Figure 6: Workstation Filter


Workstations can be filtered by Domain name, Workstation name, Workstation type, Operating System and Workstation Status. Wildcards can be used: @ or * match any string of characters and ? matches any single character. Click Set Filter to set the filter and return to the Plan Workstation List. Click Clear Filter to clear the current filter settings. Click Load Filter to load a set of saved filter settings. After setting a filter, the Plan Workstation List appears slightly different:

Filter setting

Save Filter button added

Figure 7: Filtered Plan Workstation List

The workstation filter setting will appear in the Filter cell above the workstation list, and Save Filter will appear in the row of action buttons. Refer to the section Saving and Restoring Filters for details on the Save Filter function.


Managing Domains
Viewing Domains To view domain objects in the plan, click the Domains link under the Plan group heading in the navigation frame:

Click to display domains

Figure 8: Plan Domain List

The Plan Workstation List shows all TWS workstations along with the following information: Domain: TWS Domain name. Clicking on a domain name displays the Plan Workstation List for all members of that domain. Manager: The name of the domain manager for the domain. Clicking on a managers name displays the Plan Workstation List for that workstation. Parent: The name of the parent domain, if any


Performing Actions on Domains Beneath the Plan Domain List is a row of buttons containing the actions that can be performed. To perform an action on a domain, first select it by clicking in the checkbox to the left of the object, and then click the desired button. Multiple domains can be selected for most actions. Check All will select all domains in the list and Clear All will de-select all domains. The actions that can be performed on domains are: Link CPUs: Link all workstations in the domain. Unlink CPUs: Unlink all workstations in the domain. Start CPUs: Start all workstations in the domain. Stop CPUs: Stop all workstations in the domain. Switch Manager: Change the domain manager for the selected domain. Info: Display additional information about the selected domain(s). Filter: Display the domain filter menu. Layout: Change the column layout and ordering. Print: Print the current domain list. Refresh: Make sure you have the latest version of the current Web page.


Domain Filter Menu Clicking the Filter button displays the Domain Filter menu:

Figure 9: Domain Filter

Domains can be filtered by Domain name. Wildcards can be used: @ or * match any string of characters and ? matches any single character. Click Set Filter to set the filter and return to the Plan Domain List. Click Clear Filter to clear the current filter settings. Click Load Filter to load a set of saved filter settings.


Managing Jobstreams
Viewing Jobstreams To view jobstream objects in the plan, click the Jobstreams link under the Plan group heading in the navigation frame:

Click to display jobstreams

Figure 10: Plan Jobstream List

The Plan Jobstream List shows all TWS jobstreams along with the following information: Workstation: TWS Workstation name. Clicking on a workstation name displays the Plan Workstation List for that workstation. Jobstream: TWS Jobstream name. Clicking on a jobstream name displays the Plan Job List for the jobstream. Sched Time: TWS Scheduled start time. State: The state of the jobstream. Jobstream states are: - ABEND : Jobstream terminated unsuccessfully - ADD : Jobstream has just been added - CANCL : Jobstream cancelled - EXEC : Jobstream is currently executing - HOLD : Jobstream is awaiting dependency resolution


- READY : Jobstream dependencies resolved, jobstream is ready to launch - STUCK : Jobstream execution interrupted - operator intervention required - SUCC : Jobstream completed successfully Priority: The priority of the jobstream Start: The scheduled start time of the jobstream. If the start time is in parenthesis, it is an expected start time. If the start time is more the 24 hours in the past or future, a date is listed instead. Elapse: The execution time of the jobstream. If the elapse time is in parenthesis, it is an estimated elapse time based upon past run statistics. Num Jobs: The number of jobs in the jobstream OK Jobs: The number of successfully completed jobs in the jobstream Limit: The jobstream limit, which controls the number of concurrent jobs that are allowed to execute in the jobstream. If blank, no job limit is in effect. Sched ID: TWS jobstream identifier Dependencies: Jobstream dependencies are listed, one per column. Dependency types are: - Follows : A follows dependency is displayed as a jobstream or job name. Clicking a follows dependency displays additional information about that jobstream or job object. - Opens : An opens file dependency is displayed as a filename. Clicking the opens dependency displays the Plan File List for the file. - Needs : A needs resources dependency is displayed as a resource name surrounded by hypens (-). The number of units needed is also displayed if greater than zero. Clicking the resource dependency displays the Plan Resource List for the the resource. - Prompt : A prompt dependency is displayed as a pound sign (#) followed by a name (for a global prompt) or a number (for a local prompt). Clicking on a prompt dependency displays the Plan Prompt List for the prompt. - Until : An until time dependency is displayed as a time preceded by a less than sign (<). An expired until time dependency is displayed as UNTIL- Special : For jobstreams carried forward from a previous production day, the original name and schedule date of the jobstream is displayed in brackets ([ ]). Jobstreams with the Carryforward option enabled are flagged with [Carry]. Cancelled jobstreams are flagged with [Cancelled].


Performing Actions on Jobstreams Beneath the Plan Jobstream List is a row of buttons containing the actions that can be performed. To perform an action on a jobstream, first select it by clicking in the checkbox to the left of the object, and then click the desired button. Multiple jobstreams can be selected for most actions. Check All will select all jobstreams in the list and Clear All will de-select all jobstreams. The actions that can be performed on jobstreams are: Limit: Change the jobstream limit, which controls the number of concurrent jobs that are allowed to execute in the jobstream. Valid range is 0-1024. Priority: Change the jobstream priority. Valid range is 0-101, HI, GO. Release: Release the jobstream from all dependencies. This action effectively removes all dependencies including Follows, Opens, Needs, Prompts, Start Time, and Until Time. Cancel: Cancel the jobstream. This action effectively removes the jobstream from the current plan. If more than one jobstream is selected, a Safe Mode option is provided. Selecting safe mode will set the priorities of all jobstreams to zero before canceling them, preventing race conditions if there are dependencies between the jobstreams. NOP: Cancel the jobstream with the Pend option. Dependent jobs and jobstreams are not immediately released, as with the standard Cancel action. Instead, the NOPed jobstream is effectively placed on HOLD, and is cancelled when its launch time arrives. Resubmit: Re-submit the jobstream with an alias. Add Dep: Display the add dependency menu which allows you to add additional dependencies to the jobstream Delete Dep: Delete one or more dependencies from the jobstream Submit Job: Submit an ad-hoc job to run on the jobstream. Successors: Show all dependent jobs and jobstreams that follow the selected jobstream Display: Display the jobstream scheduling definition. Filter: Display the jobstream filter menu. Layout: Change the column layout and ordering. Print: Print the current jobstream list.


Netplan: Display a netplan (see Netplan Users Guide) for more information). Refresh: Make sure you have the latest version of the current Web page.

Add Dependency Menu Clicking the Add Dep button displays the Add Jobstream Dependency menu:

Figure 11: Add Jobstream Dependency

One or more dependencies can be added by filling in the fields and clicking the Add Dependencies button. Dependency types are: At: Add or change the scheduled start time of the jobstream. An offset that delays execution by one or more days can be specified by filling in the plus __ days field. Until: Add or change the deadline time of the jobstream. An offset that delays the deadline time by one or more days can be specified by filling in the plus __ days field. Priority: Change the jobstream priority. Valid range is 0-101, HI, GO. Limit: Change the jobstream limit, which controls the number of concurrent jobs that are allowed to execute in the jobstream. Valid range is 0-1024. Carryforward: Enable the Carryforward option for the jobstream, which determines whether the jobstream carries forward to the next production day if it is not complete.


Follows Jobstream: Add a Follows Jobstream dependency. Enter the workstation and jobstream name. Follows Job: Add a Follows Job dependency. Enter the workstation, jobstream, and job name. Prompt: Add a Prompt dependency. Enter the prompt name. Opens File: Add an Opens dependency. Enter the workstation name and a filename. Needs Resource: Add a Needs dependency. Enter the workstation name, the resource name, and the number of units.

Jobstream Filter Menu Clicking the Filter button displays the Jobstream Filter menu:

Figure 12: Jobstream Filter


Jobstreams can be filtered by: Workstation: Wildcards can be used - @ or * match any string of characters and ? matches any single character. Jobstream: Wildcards can be used - @ or * match any string of characters and ? matches any single character. Jobstream Status: One or more jobstream states can be specified: - ADD - ABEND - CANCEL - EXEC - HOLD - READY - STUCK - SUCC Started: A range of start times can be specified with optional date. Finished: A range of completion times can be specified with optional date. Priority: A range of priorities can be specified. Specify only a Low priority value if you wish to filter on a single value. Follows: Specify a workstation and jobstream name if you wish to filter on jobstream dependencies. Specify a workstation, jobstream, and job name if you wish to filter on job dependencies. Wildcards can be used - @ or * match any string of characters and ? matches any single character. Needs: Specify a workstation and resource name. Wildcards can be used - @ or * match any string of characters and ? matches any single character. Opens: Specify a workstation name and filename. Wildcards can be used - @ or * match any string of characters and ? matches any single character. Prompt: Specify a prompt name or prompt number. Wildcards can be used - @ or * match any string of characters and ? matches any single character.

Click Set Filter to set the filter and return to the Plan Jobstream List. Click Clear Filter to clear the current filter settings. Click Load Filter to load a set of saved filter settings.


Managing Jobs
Viewing Jobs To view job objects in the plan, click the Jobs link under the Plan group heading in the navigation frame:

Click to display jobs

Figure 13: Plan Job List

The Plan Job List shows all TWS jobs along with the following information: Workstation: TWS Workstation name. Clicking on a workstation name displays the Plan Workstation List for that workstation. This field may also contain one of the following notations: - >> rerun as : Job was rerun with the Rerun command or as a result of an automatic recovery option - >> rerun step : Job was rerun with the Rerun;step command - >> every run : Job is an iteration of a repeated job defined with the every option - >> recovery : Job is an automatic recovery job Jobstream: TWS Jobstream name. Clicking on a jobstream name displays the Plan Jobstream List for the jobstream. Sched Time: TWS Scheduled start time.


Job: TWS Job name. Clicking on a job name displays the job output (stdlist) for the job if it has completed. State: The state of the job. Job states are: - ABEND : Job terminated with a non-zero exit code - ABENP : ABEND confirmation was received for the job, but it has not completed execution - ADD : Job has just been added - CANCL : Job cancelled - DONE : Job completed in an unknown state - ERROR : For internetwork dependencies, an error occurred while checking for the remote status. - EXEC : Job is currently executing - EXTRN : For internetwork dependencies, an error occurred, a rerun action was just performed on the job in the external job stream, or the remote job or job stream does not exist. - FAIL : Unable to launch job - typically this is the result of an error in the job's definition - FENCE : Job's priority is below the fence setting for its workstation - HOLD : Job is awaiting dependency resolution - INTRO : Job has been introduced for launching by the system - PEND : Job completed and is awaiting confirmation - READY : Job dependencies resolved, job is ready to launch - SCHED : Job's start time has not arrived - SUCC : Job completed with a zero exit code - SUCCP : SUCC confirmation was received for the job, but it has not completed execution - SUSP (MPE only) : Job suspended by breakjob command - WAIT (MPE and extended agents only) : Job is in the wait state - WAITD (MPE only) : Job is in the wait state, and is deferred

Priority: The priority of the job Start: The scheduled start time of the job. If the start time is in parenthesis, it is an expected start time. If the start time is more the 24 hours in the past or future, a date is listed instead. Elapse: The execution time of the job. If the elapse time is in parenthesis, it is an estimated elapse time based upon past run statistics. Return Code: The return code of the job, if it has completed. Dependencies: Job dependencies are listed, one per column. Dependency types are: - Follows : A follows dependency is displayed as a jobstream or job name. Clicking a follows dependency displays additional information about that jobstream or job object.


- Opens : An opens file dependency is displayed as a filename. Clicking the opens dependency displays the Plan File List for the file. - Needs : A needs resources dependency is displayed as a resource name surrounded by hypens (-). The number of units needed is also displayed if greater than zero. Clicking the resource dependency displays the Plan Resource List for the the resource. - Prompt : A prompt dependency is displayed as a pound sign (#) followed by a name (for a global prompt) or a number (for a local prompt). Clicking on a prompt dependency displays the Plan Prompt List for the prompt. - Until : An until time dependency is displayed as a time preceded by a less than sign (<). An expired until time dependency is displayed as UNTIL- Every : For jobs with an every rate, the repetition rate is displayed, preceded by an ampersand (&) - Special : Executing (or completed) jobs show the process ID (PID) of the job in the form #Jnnnnn where nnnnn is the process ID. Cancelled jobs are flagged with [Cancelled]. Terminated jobs that require operator intervention are flagged with [Recovery]. Jobs defined with the confirmed option are flagged with [Confirm] and required manual confirmation. Performing Actions on Jobs Beneath the Plan Job List is a row of buttons containing the actions that can be performed. To perform an action on a job, first select it by clicking in the checkbox to the left of the object, and then click the desired button. Multiple jobs can be selected for most actions. Check All will select all jobs in the list and Clear All will de-select all jobs. The actions that can be performed on jobs are: Priority: Change the job priority. Valid range is 0-101, HI, GO. Release: Release the job from all dependencies. This action effectively removes all dependencies including Follows, Opens, Needs, Prompts, Start Time, and Until Time. Cancel: Cancel the job. This action effectively removes the job from the current plan. If more than one job is selected, a Safe Mode option is provided. Selecting safe mode will set the priorities of all jobs to zero before canceling them, preventing race conditions if there are dependencies between the jobs. NOP: Cancel the job with the Pend option. Dependent jobs and jobstreams are not immediately released, as with the standard Cancel action. Instead, the NOPed job is effectively placed on HOLD, and is cancelled when its launch time arrives.


Rerun: Rerun the job in one of three ways: - Rerun : Simple Rerun. - Rerun From : Rerun the job, reloading the job definition from the TWS database. - Rerun Step : Rerun the job from a specified step. The step name is used in place of the job name.

Kill: Kill the job. The job must be in the EXEC state. Confirm: Confirm the job SUCC or ABEND if the job is in the PEND state. A job in the ABEND state can also be confirmed SUCC. Tail: Display the job output (stdlist) for the selected job and navigate to the end of the output, refreshing every 10 seconds. Add Dep: Display the add dependency menu which allows you to add additional dependencies to the job Delete Dep: Delete one or more dependencies from the job Successors: Show all dependent jobs and jobstreams that follow the selected job Info: Display additional information about the job Detail Report: Launch the Job Details Report for the selected job Notes: Add or view TWS/WebAdmin Job Notes for the selected job Filter: Display the job filter menu. Layout: Change the column layout and ordering. Print: Print the current job list. Netplan: Display a netplan (see Netplan Users Guide) for more information). Refresh: Make sure you have the latest version of the current Web page.


To display the output of a job, click on the job name. The stdlist is displayed in a new window:

Figure 14: Job Output

At the bottom of the job output display are two buttons: Print: Print the job output. Close Window: Close the job output window.

To save the job output to a file, select the text, then copy and paste into a text editor or word processor.


Add Dependency Menu Clicking the Add Dep button displays the Add Job Dependency menu:

Figure 15: Add Job Dependency

One or more dependencies can be added by filling in the fields and clicking the Add Dependencies button. Dependency types are: At: Add or change the scheduled start time of the job. An offset that delays execution by one or more days can be specified by filling in the plus __ days field. Until: Add or change the deadline time of the job. An offset that delays the deadline time by one or more days can be specified by filling in the plus __ days field. Every: Add or change the repeat frequency of the job. Priority: Change the job priority. Valid range is 0-101, HI, GO. Confirmed: Enable the Confirmed option for the job, which forces the job to enter the PEND state upon completion pending manual confirmation by an operator. Follows Jobstream: Add a Follows Jobstream dependency. Enter the workstation and jobstream name. Follows Job: Add a Follows Job dependency. Enter the workstation, jobstream, and job name.


Prompt: Add a Prompt dependency. Enter the prompt name. Opens File: Add an Opens dependency. Enter the workstation name and a filename. Needs Resource: Add a Needs dependency. Enter the workstation name, the resource name, and the number of units.

Job Filter Menu Clicking the Filter button displays the Job Filter menu:

Figure 16: Job Filter

Jobstreams can be filtered by: Workstation: Wildcards can be used - @ or * match any string of characters and ? matches any single character. Jobstream: Wildcards can be used - @ or * match any string of characters and ? matches any single character. Job: Wildcards can be used - @ or * match any string of characters and ? matches any single character.


Logon: Wildcards can be used - @ or * match any string of characters and ? matches any single character. Script: Wildcards can be used - @ or * match any string of characters and ? matches any single character. Job Status: One or more job states can be specified: - ABEND - ABENP - ADD - CANCEL - DONE - ERROR - EXEC - EXTRN - FAIL - FENCE - HOLD - INTRO - PEND - READY - SCHED - SUCC - SUCCP - SUSP - WAIT - WAITD Started: A range of start times can be specified with optional date. Finished: A range of completion times can be specified with optional date. Priority: A range of priorities can be specified. Specify only a Low priority value if you wish to filter on a single value. Follows: Specify a workstation and jobstream name if you wish to filter on jobstream dependencies. Specify a workstation, jobstream, and job name if you wish to filter on job dependencies. Wildcards can be used - @ or * match any string of characters and ? matches any single character. Needs: Specify a workstation and resource name. Wildcards can be used - @ or * match any string of characters and ? matches any single character. Opens: Specify a workstation name and filename. Wildcards can be used - @ or * match any string of characters and ? matches any single character.


Prompt: Specify a prompt name or prompt number. Wildcards can be used - @ or * match any string of characters and ? matches any single character. Recovery Option: Specify a recovery option: - Stop - Continue - Rerun Short Mode: If selected, only the first and last iteration of repeated jobs are displayed.

Click Set Filter to set the filter and return to the Plan Job List. Click Clear Filter to clear the current filter settings. Click Load Filter to load a set of saved filter settings.

Managing Resources
Viewing Resources To view resource objects in the plan, click the Resources link under the Plan group heading in the navigation frame:

Click to display resources

Figure 17: Plan Resource List


The Plan Resource List shows all TWS resources along with the following information: CPU: TWS Workstation name Resource: TWS Resource name Total: Total number of units of the resource Available: Number of units of the resource currently available In Use: For each job / jobstream, the number of units of the resource allocated Used By: Job or jobstream using the resource

Performing Actions on Resources Beneath the Plan Resource List is a row of buttons containing the actions that can be performed. To perform an action on a resource, first select it by clicking in the checkbox to the left of the object, and then click the desired button. Multiple resources can be selected for most actions. Check All will select all resources in the list and Clear All will de-select all resources. The actions that can be performed on resources are: Change Units: Change the total number of units for the resource. Valid range is 0-1024. Dependent Objects: Show all dependent jobs and jobstreams that need the selected resource. Filter: Display the resource filter menu. Layout: Change the column layout and ordering. Print: Print the current resource list. Refresh: Make sure you have the latest version of the current Web page.


Resource Filter Menu Clicking the Filter button displays the Resource Filter menu:

Figure 18: Resource Filter

Resources can be filtered by: Workstation: Wildcards can be used - @ or * match any string of characters and ? matches any single character. Resource: Wildcards can be used - @ or * match any string of characters and ? matches any single character.

Click Set Filter to set the filter and return to the Plan Resource List. Click Clear Filter to clear the current filter settings. Click Load Filter to load a set of saved filter settings.


Managing Prompts
Viewing Prompts To view prompt objects in the plan, click the Prompts link under the Plan group heading in the navigation frame:

Click to display prompts

Figure 19: Plan Prompt List

The Plan Prompt List shows all TWS prompts along with the following information: State: The state of the prompt dependency. Prompt states are: Yes : The prompt was replied to with a Yes No : the prompt was replied to with a No Asked : The prompt was issued but not replied to Inact : The prompt has not been issued

Number: The unique prompt number associated with the prompt dependency Prompt Name: For global prompts, the prompt name. For local prompts, the dependent job or jobstream name Prompt Text: The message text of the prompt dependency


Performing Actions on Prompts Beneath the Plan Prompt List is a row of buttons containing the actions that can be performed. To perform an action on a prompt, first select it by clicking in the checkbox to the left of the object, and then click the desired button. Multiple prompts can be selected for most actions. Check All will select all prompts in the list and Clear All will de-select all prompts. The actions that can be performed on prompts are: Reply: Reply YES or NO to a prompt. Dependent Objects: Show all dependent jobs and jobstreams that depend on the selected prompt. Filter: Display the prompt filter menu. Layout: Change the column layout and ordering. Print: Print the current prompt list. Refresh: Make sure you have the latest version of the current Web page.


Prompt Filter Menu Clicking the Filter button displays the Prompt Filter menu:

Figure 20: Prompt Filter

Prompts can be filtered by: Prompt: Wildcards can be used - @ or * match any string of characters and ? matches any single character. State: One or more prompt states can be specified: - Yes - No - Asked - Inactive

Click Set Filter to set the filter and return to the Plan Prompt List. Click Clear Filter to clear the current filter settings. Click Load Filter to load a set of saved filter settings.


Managing Files
Viewing Files To view file objects in the plan, click the Files link under the Plan group heading in the navigation frame:

Click to display files

Figure 21: Plan File List

The Plan File List shows all TWS file dependencies along with the following information: Exists: The state of the file dependency. States are: YES : The file exists NO : The file does not exist ? : The file dependency is currently being checked blank : The file dependency has not been checked

File Name: The workstation name and file name for the dependency, separated by a pound sign (#)


Performing Actions on Files Beneath the Plan File List is a row of buttons containing the actions that can be performed. To perform an action on a file, first select it by clicking in the checkbox to the left of the object, and then click the desired button. Multiple files can be selected for most actions. Check All will select all files in the list and Clear All will de-select all files. The actions that can be performed on files are: Dependent Objects: Show all dependent jobs and jobstreams that open the selected file. Filter: Display the file filter menu. Layout: Change the column layout and ordering. Print: Print the current file list. Refresh: Make sure you have the latest version of the current Web page.

File Filter Menu Clicking the Filter button displays the File Filter menu:

Figure 22: File Filter


Files can be filtered by: Workstation: Wildcards can be used - @ or * match any string of characters and ? matches any single character. Filename: Wildcards can be used - @ or * match any string of characters and ? matches any single character.

Click Set Filter to set the filter and return to the Plan Job List. Click Clear Filter to clear the current filter settings. Click Load Filter to load a set of saved filter settings.

Plan Filters
The Plan Filters menu item provides direct access to all plan filter settings. Select a filter type from the drop down menu to navigate to the corresponding filter page:

Figure 23: Plan Filters

Upon selecting a filter type, the display will be redirected to the selected filter page. The Plan Filters function is a useful shortcut in environments with a large number of jobs by allowing a filter to be set prior to visiting the Plan Job List page.


Saving and Restoring Filters

It is possible to save and restore multiple filter settings in TWS/WebAdmin. Filters can be stored globally on the TWS/WebAdmin server so all users have access to them. When a filter is applied to a plan list view, an additional button Save Filter appears in the row of action button at the bottom of the display:

When a filter is applied

The Save Filter button is shown

Figure 24: Save Filter Action Available


To save the current filter setting, click Save Filter. The following dialog appears:

Figure 25: Save Filter Setting

Enter a filename and description for the filter, and then click Save. The display will automatically switch to the Plan List that you were viewing. Select Save for all Users to store it globally on the TWS/WebAdmin server so all users have access to them.


To restore a saved filter, click on the Filter button. Do not fill in any fields. Instead, click the Load Filter button:

Click Load Filter to restore a saved filter

Figure 26: Load Filter


The Load Filter dialog will be displayed. Choose the desired filter and click Load to apply it:

Select filter Click to add a bookmark Click Load to apply the filter

Figure 27: Restore Filter

The display will automatically switch to the Plan List with the selected filter applied. Adding Bookmarks On the Load Filter page, click the Add Bookmark link in the right-most column of the table to add a browser bookmark to the filter setting. In Internet Explorer, clicking this link will launch the Add Favorite dialog. In other browsers, it is necessary to right-click the link and select the Add Bookmark function. Once a bookmark is added, it is possible to launch TWS/WebAdmin with the selected filter setting directly from the browser Favorites or Bookmarks menu.


Submitting Jobs and Jobstreams

Submitting Jobstreams To submit a jobstream into the current plan, click on the Submit Jobstream link in the navigation frame:

Click to submit jobstream

Figure 28: Submit Jobstream

Enter a workstation name and jobstream name, or click the List buttons to display selection windows and choose the workstation and jobstream names from a list:

Figure 29: Submit Jobstream - Select Workstation


Figure 30: Submit Jobstream - Select Jobstream

Next, set options and dependencies:

Figure 31: Submit Jobstream - Set Options


The following options and dependencies can be set when submitting a jobstream: Alias: Jobstream name alias. An alias must be specified if the jobstream being submitted exists in the current plan. Otherwise, it is optional. At: Specify the scheduled start time of the jobstream. An offset that delays execution by one or more days can be specified by filling in the plus __ days field. Until: Specify the deadline time of the jobstream. An offset that delays the deadline time by one or more days can be specified by filling in the plus __ days field. Priority: Specify the jobstream priority. Valid range is 0-101, HI, GO. Limit: Specify the jobstream limit, which controls the number of concurrent jobs that are allowed to execute in the jobstream. Valid range is 0-1024. Carryforward: Enable the Carryforward option for the jobstream, which determines whether the jobstream carries forward to the next production day if it is not complete. Follows Jobstream: Add a Follows Jobstream dependency. Enter the workstation and jobstream name. Follows Job: Add a Follows Job dependency. Enter the workstation, jobstream, and job name. Prompt: Add a Prompt dependency. Enter the prompt name. Opens File: Add an Opens dependency. Enter the workstation name and a filename. Needs Resource: Add a Needs dependency. Enter the workstation name, the resource name, and the number of units.

After setting desired options and dependencies, click Submit to submit the jobstream. The display will automatically switch to the Plan Jobstream List.


Submitting Jobs To submit a job into the current plan, click on the Submit Job link in the navigation frame:

Click to submit job

Figure 32: Submit Job

Enter a workstation name and job name, or click the List buttons to display selection windows and choose the workstation and job names from a list.


Next, set options and dependencies:

Figure 33: Submit Job - Set Options

The following options and dependencies can be set when submitting a job: Into Jobstream: Specify a workstation and jobstream to place the job in when it is submitted. Alias: Job name alias. An alias must be specified if the job being submitted already exists within the destination jobstream in the current plan. Otherwise, it is optional. At: Specify the scheduled start time of the job. An offset that delays execution by one or more days can be specified by filling in the plus __ days field. Until: Specify the deadline time of the job. An offset that delays the deadline time by one or more days can be specified by filling in the plus __ days field. Every: Specify the repeat frequency of the job. Priority: Specify the job priority. Valid range is 0-101, HI, GO. Confirmed: Enable the Confirmed option for the job, which forces the job to enter the PEND state upon completion pending manual confirmation by an operator. 47

Follows Jobstream: Add a Follows Jobstream dependency. Enter the workstation and jobstream name. Follows Job: Add a Follows Job dependency. Enter the workstation, jobstream, and job name. Prompt: Add a Prompt dependency. Enter the prompt name. Opens File: Add an Opens dependency. Enter the workstation name and a filename. Needs Resource: Add a Needs dependency. Enter the workstation name, the resource name, and the number of units.

After setting desired options and dependencies, click Submit to submit the job. The display will automatically switch to the Plan Job List. Submitting Tasks (Ad Hoc Jobs) To submit an ad-hoc job into the current plan, click on the Submit Task link in the navigation frame:

Click to submit task

Figure 34: Submit Task


Enter a workstation name, or click the List button to display a selection window and choose the workstation name from a list. Next, specify the Command to execute, the Logon to run the job under, and set options and dependencies:

Figure 35: Submit Task - Select Command, Logon, and Options

The options and dependencies available when submitting a task are identical to those for submitting a job. Refer to the previous section for details. After setting desired options and dependencies, click Submit to submit the adhoc job. The display will automatically switch to the Plan Job List.


Set Alternate Plan - Viewing Previous Production Days

To view previous production days, click on the Set Alternate Plan link in the navigation frame:

Click to set alternate plan

Figure 36: Set Alternate Plan


Select the desired previous run date from the list, then click the Set Symphony button at the bottom of the page. The display will automatically switch to the TWS/WebAdmin home page:

Symphony Setting shows previous run date

Figure 37: TWS/WebAdmin Home Page Set Alternate Plan


After setting the alternate plan, all plan lists (Workstations, Jobstreams, Jobs, etc.) show the state from the run date selected. Plan list table headings are displayed in green and the Symphony indicator at the top left of the each plan list frame shows the previous run date:

Symphony indicator

Green table heading

Subset of action buttons available

Figure 38: Set Run History - View Plan Jobstream List

Only a subset of action buttons is available while in Set Run History mode. Actions that modify objects (Cancel, Release, Rerun, etc.) are not available, but it is still possible to display objects, view job output, generate netplans and set filters. To return to the current production day, click on Set Run History in the navigation frame, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Use Current.


Generate New Plan - Forecasts

A unique feature of TWS/WebAdmin is the ability to generate a forecast for a future run date, and interact with it in the same way as a previous production day. To generate a forecast, click on Generate New Plan in the navigation frame:

Click to generate new plan (forecast)

Figure 39: Generate Forecast

Enter the desired future date, then click Generate. Select Plan Type Select one of the following: Forecast: A projection of how the production plan would be in a chosen time frame. Trial: A projection of how the production plan would have been if it were lasting for a longer time.


Switch to the generated plan If this option is selected, the display will automatically switch to the TWS/WebAdmin home page:

Symphony Setting shows forecast date

Figure 40: TWS/WebAdmin Home Page - Forecast Active


If this option is not selected, a list with all forecasts is shown, where the new forecast is marked. Submit the page by using the selected forecast, or select another forecast or trial plan from the list:

After generating a forecast, all plan lists (Workstations, Jobstreams, Jobs, etc.) show a preview of the forecast run date. Plan list table headings are displayed in green and the Symphony indicator at the top left of the each plan list frame shows the forecast run date. In this way, Forecast mode operates very much like Set Run History mode. To return to the current production day, click on Set Run History in the navigation frame, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Use Current.


TWS/WebAdmin Options
To view and set TWS/WebAdmin options, click on the Options link in the navigation frame:

Figure 41: TWS/WebAdmin Options

The following TWS/WebAdmin options can be set from the Options page: Auto-Refresh: Sets the auto-refresh rate for plan lists (Workstations, Jobstreams, Jobs, etc.). When left blank (the default), auto-refresh is disabled and plan lists must be refreshed manually using the browsers refresh button. Setting Auto-Refresh lower than 15 seconds is not recommended. Check the Save as Default box to save the auto-refresh setting permanently. If this option is not checked, the auto-refresh setting will revert to the default when the TWS/WebAdmin browser session is closed. Display Job Logs: Sets the display mode for job output (stdlist) in the Plan Job List. If set to Single, only the output of the selected job iteration is displayed. If set to Multiple, the output for all iterations of the selected job is displayed, including reruns and EVERY. Check the Save as Default box to save the display job logs setting permanently. If this option is not checked, the setting will revert to the default when the TWS/WebAdmin browser session is closed.


Date Format: Sets the date format for TWS/WebAdmin displays. Available formats are: - MM / DD / YYYY (default) - MM - DD - YYYY - DD / MM / YYYY - DD - MM - YYYY - YYYY / MM / DD - YYYY - MM - DD Check Save as Default to set the date format option permanently. If this option is not checked, the date format will revert to the default when the TWS/WebAdmin browser session is closed.

Skin: Select a visual theme for TWS/WebAdmin. Action Buttons: Select the location for action buttons on TWS/WebAdmin Object List pages. Available locations are: - Bottom (Default) - Action buttons are located at the bottom of the page. Buttons are not anchored so it is necessary to scroll to the bottom of pages to get to the action buttons. - Bottom (Anchored) - Action buttons are anchored in a separate frame at the bottom of each page so they are always visible. Anchored buttons may not work properly in some older browsers. - Top (Anchored) - Action buttons are anchored in a separate frame at the top of each page so they are always visible. Anchored buttons may not work properly in some older browsers.

Disable job statistics on Home Page: Disables the listing of Statistics on the TWS/WebAdmin home page. This option will improve the load time of the home page if there are a large number of jobs. Check Save as Default to set the disable job statistics option permanently, otherwise it will revert to the default when the TWS/WebAdmin browser session is closed. Show TWS/WebAdmin database server status on Home page: Enables the display of the TWS/WebAdmin database server status on the TWS/WebAdmin home page. Check Save as Default to set the show TWS/WebAdmin database server status option permanently, otherwise it will revert to the default when the TWS/WebAdmin browser session is closed. Change Password: Click the Change Password link to change the password you use to login to TWS/WebAdmin.


Timeout: Sets the timeout value for loading TWS/WebAdmin web pages. By default, TWS/WebAdmin will abort any request that takes longer than 30 seconds. This may cause a browser timeout error when generating large reports or displaying complex pages. Increase the value of this setting if that occurs. Recommended range: 30 - 600.

After setting options, click the Set button to proceed. The display will automatically switch to the TWS/WebAdmin home page:

Figure 42: TWS/WebAdmin Options Set


Database Management
This chapter describes the scheduling object database management functions of TWS/WebAdmin.

The database management functions of TWS/WebAdmin allow you create and modify scheduling object definitions in the TWS mozart database. All TWS object types can be managed: Workstations, workstation classes, domains, jobstreams, jobs, calendars, resources, prompts, parameters, and users.

Lock / Unlock
Objects are locked automatically by TWS/WebAdmin when a user modifies an object. The objects are unlocked by TWS/WebAdmin after the user has clicked on Update, Add, Delete, or Cancel button. If user doesnt use Submit or Cancel button to exit a form, the underlying object remains locked until the Unlock button is used. Unlock buttons are available for all database objects.


Managing Workstation Definitions

Viewing the Workstation Definition List To display a list of workstations in the database, click the Workstations link under the Database group heading in the navigation frame:

Click to display workstations

Figure 43: Workstation Definition List

The Workstation Definition List shows all TWS workstations in the database, along with the following information: Workstation: TWS Workstation name. Clicking on a workstation name displays the definition of the workstation. Type: Workstation type, one of: - FTA: Fault-Tolerant Agent - SAGENT: Standard Agent - XAGENT: Extended Agent - Manager Domain: TWS domain of the workstation. Creator: Name of the user that created the workstation definition. Last Updated: Date the workstation definition was last updated.


Lock: State of the definition, one of: - Locked - Unlocked.

Performing Actions on Workstation Definitions Beneath the Workstation Definition List is a row of buttons containing the actions that can be performed. To perform an action on a workstation, first select it by clicking in the checkbox to the left of the object, and then click the desired button. Multiple workstations can be selected for some actions. Check All will select all workstations in the list and Clear All will de-select all workstations.

First, select the workstation

Then click the desired action

Figure 44: Workstation Definition Actions

The actions that can be performed on workstation definitions are: Display: Display the text definition of the selected workstation(s). Add: Create a new workstation definition. Copy: Create a new workstation definition using a copy of the selected workstation. Modify: Modify the selected workstation.


Rename: Rename the selected workstation. Text Edit: Modify the selected workstation(s) in text mode. Delete: Delete the selected workstation(s). Unlock: Unlocks the access to the definition in the database. Membership: Display a cross-reference report for the selected workstation(s) showing a list of TWS domains and workstation classes where each is used. Notes: Add or view TWS/WebAdmin Workstation Notes for the selected workstation. Filter: Set and apply a filter for the Workstation Definition List. Print: Print the current Workstation Definition List. Netplan: Display a netplan (see Netplan Users Guide) for more information). Refresh: Make sure you have the latest version of the current Web page.


Add Workstation Definition Clicking the Add button displays the Add Workstation Page:

Figure 45: Add Workstation Definition

To create a new workstation, fill in the form fields as described below, then click the Add button. TWS/WebAdmin automatically detects the TWS version, and only displays the fields that are available for that version. Workstation: Name of the workstation. For expanded databases, it can contain up to 16 characters. For unexpanded databases, it can contain up to 8 characters. The first character of the workstation name must be a letter, and it can contain alphanumeric characters, dashes ( - ), and underscores ( _ ).


Node: Hostname or IP address of the workstation. TCP Address: TCP port number that TWS uses for communication on the workstation. The TCP port specified must match the nm port setting in the localopts file in the TWS installation directory on the workstation. [ Default = 31111 ] Operating System: Operating system of the workstation, one of: - UNIX - Windows NT - MPE-iX - MPE-V - Other Description: Description of the workstation, up to 40 characters. Domain: TWS domain of the workstation. If no domain name is specified, the default value of MASTERDM is used. [ Default = MASTERDM ] Time Zone: Time Zone of the workstation. The Time Zone option will be disabled if time zones are not enabled in the TWS globalopts configuration file. Availability: TWS version 7.0 and above. SSL Communication: Type of SSL authentication for the workstation, one of: - Enabled - On - Force If the SSL Communication setting is not specified, SSL communication will not be configured for the workstation. Availability: TWS version 8.2 and above.

Secure TCP Port: TCP port number that TWS uses for SSL communication on the workstation. The secure TCP port specified must match the nm SSL port setting in the localopts file in the TWS installation directory on the workstation. Availability: TWS version 8.2 and above. [ Default = 31113 ] Behind Firewall: If checked, specifies that there is a firewall between the workstation and Master Domain Manager. Availability: TWS version 8.2 and above. Workstation Type: Workstation type, one of: - Fault Tolerant Agent (also used for Master Domain Managers, Domain Managers, and Backup Domain Managers) - Standard Agent - Extended Agent


Auto Link: If checked, specifies that a link to this workstation should be attempted automatically upon TWS network startup. Full Status: Fault Tolerant Agents only. If checked, the workstation will operate in full status mode, receiving status updates for jobs and jobstreams running on all workstations in its domain. Ignore: If checked, the workstation is disabled. Jobs and jobstreams will not be scheduled for the workstation, and no attempts will be made to link to the workstation. Server: Mailman Server ID used to communicate with the workstation. Access Method: Extended Agents only. Access method used to communicate with the extended agent workstation. The access method specified must be a valid filename in the TWS methods directory. Host: Extended Agents only. Host of the extended agent workstation. The host must be a fault tolerant agent workstation. It executes the access method and communicates with the extended agent.

After all required fields have been filled in, click the Add button to save the new workstation definition to the TWS database.


Copy Workstation Definition Selecting a workstation, then clicking the Copy button displays the Add Workstation Page with the specified workstations definition applied:

Figure 46: Copy Workstation Definition

The workstation name field must be changed to the desired name of the new workstation. Other fields may be modified as well. Click the Add button to save the new workstation definition to the TWS database.


Modify Workstation Definition Selecting a workstation, then clicking the Modify button displays the Modify Workstation Page with the specified workstations definition:

Figure 47: Modify Workstation Definition

The workstation name field cannot be changed when modifying a workstation definition. All other fields may be modified. Click the Update button to save changes to the TWS database.


Text Edit Workstation Definition Selecting one or more workstations, then clicking the Text Edit button opens the workstation definition(s) on the Text Edit Workstation page:

Figure 48: Text Edit Workstation Definition

The selected workstation definition(s) are displayed in the edit area in composer command line format. After the definition(s) are modified, click the Submit button to save the changes to the TWS database. Check the Save Backup Copy of Original Workstation(s) option to save a backup copy of the original workstation definition(s) to the directory:


Delete Workstation Definition Selecting one or more workstations, then clicking the Delete button displays the Delete Workstation confirmation page:

Figure 49: Delete Workstation Definition Confirmation

Click the Delete button to confirm the operation and delete the workstation definition(s). Check the Save Backup Copy option to save a backup copy of the workstation definition(s) to the directory:


Managing Workstation Class Definitions

Viewing the Workstation Class Definition List To display a list of workstation classes in the database, click the Workstation Classes link under the Database group heading in the navigation frame:

Click to display workstation classes

Figure 50: Workstation Class List

The Workstation Class Definition List shows all TWS workstation classes in the database, along with the following information: Workstation Class: TWS Workstation Class name. Clicking on a workstation class name displays the definition of the workstation class. Description: TWS Workstation Class description. Ignore: Displays if all workstations are ignored when generating the plan. Creator: Name of the user that created the workstation class definition. Last Updated: Date the workstation class definition was last updated. Lock: State of the definition, one of: - Locked - Unlocked.


Performing Actions on Workstation Class Definitions Beneath the Workstation Class Definition List is a row of buttons containing the actions that can be performed. To perform an action on a workstation class, first select it by clicking in the checkbox to the left of the object, and then click the desired button. Multiple workstation classes can be selected for some actions. Check All will select all workstation classes in the list and Clear All will de-select all workstation classes.

First, select the workstation class

Then click the desired action

Figure 51: Workstation Class Definition Actions

The actions that can be performed on workstation class definitions are: Display: Display the text definition of the selected workstation class(es). Add: Create a new workstation class definition. Copy: Create a new workstation class definition using a copy of the selected workstation class. Modify: Modify the selected workstation class. Text Edit: Modify the selected workstation class(es) in text mode. Delete: Delete the selected workstation class(es). Unlock: Unlocks the access to the definition in the database.


Filter: Set and apply a filter for the Workstation Class Definition List. Print: Print the current Workstation Class Definition List. Refresh: Make sure you have the latest version of the current Web page.

Add Workstation Class Definition Clicking the Add button displays the Add Workstation Class Page:

Figure 52: Add Workstation Class Definition

To create a new workstation class, first enter a Workstation Class name. The first character of the workstation class name must be a letter, and it can contain alphanumeric characters, dashes ( - ), and underscores ( _ ). Then, select workstations from the list of Available Workstations that will be members of the workstation class. Click the Add button or double-click the workstation names to move them from the Available Workstations list to the Members list. Click the Add button to save the new workstation class definition to the TWS database.


Copy Workstation Class Definition Selecting a workstation class, then clicking the Copy button displays the Add Workstation Class Page with the specified workstation class definition applied. The Workstation Class name field must be changed to the desired name of the new workstation class. The workstation members may be modified as well. Click the Add button to save the new workstation definition to the TWS database. Modify Workstation Class Definition Selecting a workstation class, then clicking the Modify button displays the Modify Workstation Class Page with the specified workstation class definition. The Workstation Class name field cannot be changed when modifying a workstation class definition. The workstation members may be modified. Click the Update button to save changes to the TWS database.


Text Edit Workstation Class Definition Selecting one or more workstation classes, then clicking the Text Edit button opens the workstation class definition(s) on the Text Edit Workstation Class page:

Figure 53: Text Edit Workstation Class Definition

The selected workstation class definition(s) are displayed in the edit area in composer command line format. After the definition(s) are modified, click the Submit button to save the changes to the TWS database. Check the Save Backup Copy of Original Workstation Class(es) option to save a backup copy of the original workstation class definition(s) to the directory:


Delete Workstation Class Definition Selecting one or more workstation classes, then clicking the Delete button displays the Delete Workstation Class confirmation page:

Figure 54: Delete Workstation Class Definition Confirmation

Click the Delete button to confirm the operation and delete the workstation class definition(s). Check the Save Backup Copy option to save a backup copy of the workstation class definition(s) to the directory:


Managing Domain Definitions

Viewing the Domain Definition List To display a list of domains in the database, click the Domains link under the Database group heading in the navigation frame:

Click to display domains

Figure 55: Domain Definition List

The Domain Definition List shows all TWS domains in the database, along with the following information: Domain: TWS Domain name. Clicking on a domain name displays the definition of the domain. Description: TWS Workstation Class description. Creator: Name of the user that created the domain definition. Last Updated: Date the domain definition was last updated.


Lock: State of the definition, one of: - Locked - Unlocked

Performing Actions on Domain Definitions Beneath the Domain Definition List is a row of buttons containing the actions that can be performed. To perform an action on a domain, first select it by clicking in the checkbox to the left of the object, and then click the desired button. Multiple domains can be selected for some actions. Check All will select all domains in the list and Clear All will de-select all domains.

First, select the domain

Then click the desired action

Figure 56: Domain Definition Actions

The actions that can be performed on domain definitions are: Display: Display the text definition of the selected domain(s). Add: Create a new domain definition. Modify: Modify the selected domain. Rename: Rename the selected domain. 77

Text Edit: Modify the selected domain(s) in text mode. Delete: Delete the selected domain(s). Unlock: Unlocks the access to the definition in the database. Filter: Set and apply a filter for the Domain Definition List. Print: Print the current Domain Definition List. Refresh: Make sure you have the latest version of the current Web page.

Add Domain Definition Clicking the Add button displays the Add Domain Page:

Figure 57: Add Domain Definition

To create a new domain, fill in the form fields as described below, then click the Add button. Domain: Name of the domain. For expanded databases, it can contain up to 16 characters. For unexpanded databases, it can contain up to 8


characters. The first character of the domain name must be a letter, and it can contain alphanumeric characters, dashes ( - ), and underscores ( _ ). Description: Description of the domain, up to 40 characters. Parent Domain: The parent domain to which the domain manager is linked. [ Default = MASTERDM ]

After all required fields have been filled in, click the Add button to save the new domain definition to the TWS database. Modify Domain Definition Selecting a domain, then clicking the Modify button displays the Modify Domain Page with the specified domains definition. The Domain name field cannot be changed when modifying a domain definition. All other fields may be modified. Click the Update button to save changes to the TWS database.


Text Edit Domain Definition Selecting one or more domains, then clicking the Text Edit button opens the domain definition(s) on the Text Edit Domain page:

Figure 58: Text Edit Domain Definition

The selected domain definition(s) are displayed in the edit area in composer command line format. After the definition(s) are modified, click the Submit button to save the changes to the TWS database. Check the Save Backup Copy of Original Domain(s) option to save a backup copy of the original domain definition(s) to the directory:


Delete Domain Definition Selecting one or more domains, then clicking the Delete button displays the Delete Domain confirmation page:

Figure 59: Delete Domain Definition Confirmation

Click the Delete button to confirm the operation and delete the domain definition(s). Check the Save Backup Copy option to save a backup copy of the domain definition(s) to the directory:


Managing Jobstream Definitions

Viewing the Jobstream Definition List To display a list of jobstreams in the database, click the Jobstreams link under the Database group heading in the navigation frame:

Click to display jobstreams

Figure 60: Jobstream Definition List

The Jobstream Definition List shows all TWS jobstreams in the database, along with the following information:

Workstation: TWS Workstation name for the jobstream. Jobstream: TWS Jobstream name. Clicking on a jobstream name displays the definition of the jobstream. Valid From: TWS Valid from date. Draft: TWS Draft flag. Shows YES if Draft Flag is set.


Creator: Name of the user that created the jobstream definition. Last Updated: Date the jobstream definition was last updated. Unlock: Unlocks the access to the definition in the database.

Performing Actions on Jobstream Definitions Beneath the Jobstream Definition List is a row of buttons containing the actions that can be performed. To perform an action on a jobstream, first select it by clicking in the checkbox to the left of the object, and then click the desired button. Multiple jobstreams can be selected for some actions. Check All will select all jobstreams in the list and Clear All will de-select all jobstreams.

First, select the jobstream

Then click the desired action

Figure 61: Jobstream Definition Actions

The actions that can be performed on jobstream definitions are: Display: Display the text definition of the selected jobstream(s). Add: Create a new jobstream definition.


Copy: Create a new jobstream definition using a copy of the selected jobstream. Modify: Modify the selected jobstream. Rename: Rename the selected jobstream. Text Edit: Modify the selected jobstream(s) in text mode. Delete: Delete the selected jobstream(s). Unlock: Unlocks the access to the definition in the database. Dependent Objects: Display a cross-reference report for the selected jobstream(s) showing a list of TWS jobs and jobstreams with FOLLOWS dependencies on the selected jobstream(s). Filter: Set and apply a filter for the Jobstream Definition List. Print: Print the current Jobstream Definition List Netplan: Display a netplan (see Netplan Users Guide) for more information). Refresh: Make sure you have the latest version of the current Web page.

Add Jobstream Definition Clicking the Add button displays the first Add Jobstream page. The jobstream definition consists of 4 pages: Page 1: General Jobstream options - Name, description, start time, priority, etc. Page 2: Run Cycle - Specifies when the jobstream runs (ON / EXCEPT) Page 3: Jobstream dependencies Page 4: Jobs - Specifies the jobs in the jobstream and the jobs dependencies


To create a new jobstream, fill in the form fields on all 4 pages as described below. Use the Prev and Next buttons at the bottom of each page to navigate through the pages. On the final page, click the Save Jobstream button to save the new jobstream to the TWS database. TWS/WebAdmin automatically detects the TWS version, and only displays the fields that are available for that version.

Figure 62: Add Jobstream Definition - Page 1 - General Options

Add Jobstream Page 1 Field Descriptions: Workstation: Name of the workstation or workstation class where the jobstream launches. Jobstream: Name of the jobstream. For expanded databases, it can contain up to 16 characters. For unexpanded databases, it can contain up 85

to 8 characters. The first character of the workstation name must be a letter, and it can contain alphanumeric characters, dashes ( - ), and underscores ( _ ). Valid From: The starting date from which the job stream can run. Description: Description of the jobstream. Comment: Comment added to the jobstream, which can span multiple lines. At: Jobstream start time in 24 hour format (00:00 - 23:59) - the earliest time the jobstream will launch. Until: Jobstream expiration time in 24 hour format - the latest time the jobstream will launch. Until Action: Action to be taken on the jobstream if the UNTIL time expires, one of: - Suppress: The jobstream does not run, and any dependent jobs or jobstreams do not run. This is the default. - Continue: The jobstream will run when all dependencies are met, and any dependent jobs or jobstreams will run if / when it completes successfully. - Cancel: The jobstream is cancelled and does not run, but any dependent jobs or jobstreams are released of their dependency on this jobstream. Deadline: Jobstream deadline time in 24 hour format - the time at which the jobstream must be complete. Time Zone: Time Zone in which the jobstream runs. All time values for the jobstream are in this time zone. The Time Zone option will be disabled if time zones are not enabled in the TWS globalopts configuration file. Matching: Defines the matching criteria used. Priority: Jobstream priority value in the range 0 - 101. Values of HI and GO are also valid, where HI=100 and GO=101. A priority value of 0 prevents the jobstream from launching. Limit: Jobstream Limit - the maximum number of jobs that can execute simultaneously in the jobstream, in the range 0 - 1024. A limit of 0 prevents any jobs in the jobstream from launching. Monitored Jobstream: If checked, the jobstream is marked as key or critical in Tivoli Business Systems Manager. Availability: TWS version 8.1 and above.


Carryforward: If checked, the jobstream is eligible to be carried forward to the next production day if has not completed before the end of the day. Draft: TWS Draft flag. Shows YES if Draft Flag is set.

Figure 63: Add Jobstream Definition - Page 2 - Run Cycle

Add Jobstream Page 2 Field Descriptions: On Request: If checked, the jobstream is scheduled only when manually submitted. Run Cycle: More than one run cycle can be specified by clicking the plus (+) button to add additional run cycles. Run cycles can be deleted by clicking the minus (-) button.


- On / Except: Use the run cycle to include or excluded the jobstream from execution. - Name: Name of the run cycle. - Description: Contains a description of the run cycle - Frequency: One or more of the following can be selected: Daily: On of the following must be selected at: - Everydays - Workdays - Freedays Interval can be specified. Weekly: One of the following Days must be selected: - Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Sunday Interval can be specified. Monthly (month): One of the Days from must be selected: - -10 to 31 Interval can be specified. Monthly (week): One of the following Days must be selected: - 1st Monday - 1st Sunday - 2nd Monday - 2nd Sunday - 3rd Monday - 3rd Sunday - 4th Monday - 4th Sunday - Last Monday - Last Sunday Interval can be specified. Yearly Interval must be specified. Single Date: The jobstream is schedule for execution on the specified date. More than one single date can be specified by clicking the plus (+) button to add additional single date fields. Select On / Except to include or excluded the jobstream from execution. Calendar: The jobstream is scheduled for execution on the days included in the specified TWS calendar. An optional offset in units of Days, Weekdays, or Workdays can also be specified. More than one calendar can be specified by clicking the plus (+) button to add additional calendar fields. Select On / Except to include or excluded the jobstream from execution.


Freedays: If selected, the Calendar Specified is used as the freedays calendar when calculating the Workdays calendar dates. Consider as Free Days: The options Saturday and Sunday, if selected, are considered freedays when calculating the Workdays calendar dates.

Figure 64: Add Jobstream Definition - Page 3 - Dependencies

Add Jobstream Page 3 Field Descriptions: Jobstream Dependencies: Jobstreams that must complete successfully before this jobstream may launch, identified by a workstation name and jobstream name. More than one jobstream dependency can be specified by clicking the plus (+) button to add additional jobstream dependency fields. At Dependency resolution select one of the following: - Default - Same day - Previous day - Relative from - requires to specify a time interval - Absolute from - requires to specify a time interval Job Dependencies: Jobs that must complete successfully before this jobstream may launch, identified by a workstation name, jobstream name, and job name. More than one job dependency can be specified by clicking the plus (+) button to add additional job dependency fields. At Dependency resolution select one of the following: - Default


- Same day - Previous day - Relative from - requires to specify a time interval - Absolute from - requires to specify a time interval Internetwork Dependencies: Jobs defined in a remote Tivoli Workload Scheduler network that must complete successfully before this jobstream may launch. More than one internetwork dependency can be specified by clicking the plus (+) button to add internetwork dependency fields. Global Prompt Dependencies: Predefined TWS prompts that must be answered before this jobstream may launch. More than one global prompt dependency can be specified by clicking the plus (+) button to add additional global prompt dependency fields. Ad-Hoc Prompt Dependendencies: Ad-hoc prompts that must be answered before this jobstream may launch. More than one ad-hoc prompt dependency can be specified by clicking the plus (+) button to add additional ad-hoc prompt dependency fields. File Dependencies: Files that must exist before this jobstream may launch, identified by workstation name, filename, and qualifier. More than one file dependency can be specified by clicking the plus (+) button to add additional file dependency fields. Resource Dependencies: TWS resources that must be available before this jobstream may launch, identified by workstation name, resource name, and number of units needed. More than one resource dependency can be specified by clicking the plus (+) button to add additional resource dependency fields.

Figure 65: Add Jobstream Definition - Page 4 - Jobs


Add Jobstream Page 4 Field Descriptions: Current Jobs: List of jobs in the jobstream.

Add Jobstream Page 4 Actions: Add Job: Click Add Job to add a job to the jobstream. Delete Job: Select a job in the Current Jobs list, then click Delete Job to remove the job from the jobstream. New Job: Click New Job to create a new job definition and add it to the jobstream. Properties: Select a job in the Current Jobs list, then click Properties to set options and dependencies for the job in a pop-up window. Job Info: Select a job in the Current Jobs list, then click Job Info to display the job definition in a pop-up window. Up Arrow, Down Arrow: Select a job in the Current Jobs list, then click the Up and Down arrows to the right of the Current Jobs list to rearrange the job order.

Add Jobstream - Add Job Clicking the Add button displays a pop-up window with a list of available jobs. Selecting a job from the list and clicking OK will add the job to the jobstream.

Figure 66: Add Jobstream - Add Job


Jobstream - Job Properties Selecting a job in the Current Jobs list, then clicking Properties displays the Job Properties pages in a pop-up window, allowing the jobs options and dependencies to be viewed and modified. Use the Prev and Next buttons at the bottom of the 2 Job Properties pages to navigate through the pages. On the final page, click the Save button to save the job settings and return to the Jobstream definition.

Figure 67: Add Jobstream - Job Properties - Page 1


Job Properties Page 1 Field Descriptions: Description: Description of the job instance, which can span multiple lines. At: Job start time in 24 hour format (00:00 - 23:59) - the earliest time the job will launch. Until: Job expiration time in 24 hour format - the latest time the job will launch. Until Action: Action to be taken on the job if the UNTIL time expires, one of: - Suppress: The job does not run, and any dependent jobs or jobstreams do not run. This is the default. - Continue: The job will run when all dependencies are met, and any dependent jobs or jobstreams will run if / when it completes successfully. - Cancel: The job is cancelled and does not run, but any dependent jobs or jobstreams are released of their dependency on this job. Deadline: Job deadline time in 24 hour format - the time at which the job must be complete. Availability: TWS version 8.2 and above. Every: Job repeat rate in HH:MM format. If specified, the job executes multiple times at the repeat rate, in the time window defined by the At and Until settings. Time Zone: Time Zone in which the job runs. All time values for the job are in this time zone. The Time Zone option will be disabled if time zones are not enabled in the TWS globalopts configuration file. Availability: TWS version 7.0 and above. Priority: Job priority value in the range 0 - 101. Values of HI and GO are also valid, where HI=100 and GO=101. A priority value of 0 (HOLD) prevents the job from launching. Confirmed: If checked, the job must be manually confirmed Success or Abend by an operator when it completes. Monitored Job: If checked, the job is marked as key or critical in Tivoli Business Systems Manager.


Figure 68: Add Jobstream - Job Properties - Page 2


Job Properties Page 2 Field Descriptions: Jobstream Dependencies: Jobstreams that must complete successfully before this job may launch, identified by a workstation name and jobstream name. More than one jobstream dependency can be specified by clicking the plus (+) button to add additional jobstream dependency fields. Job Dependencies: Jobs that must complete successfully before this job may launch, identified by a workstation name, jobstream name, and job name. More than one job dependency can be specified by clicking the plus (+) button to add additional job dependency fields. Internetwork Dependencies: Jobs defined in a remote Tivoli Workload Scheduler network that must complete successfully before this jobstream may launch. More than one internetwork dependency can be specified by clicking the plus (+) button to add internetwork dependency fields. Global Prompt Dependencies: Predefined TWS prompts that must be answered before this job may launch. More than one global prompt dependency can be specified by clicking the plus (+) button to add additional global prompt dependency fields. Ad-Hoc Prompt Dependendencies: Ad-hoc prompts that must be answered before this job may launch. More than one ad-hoc prompt dependency can be specified by clicking the plus (+) button to add additional ad-hoc prompt dependency fields. File Dependencies: Files that must exist before this job may launch, identified by workstation name, filename, and qualifier. More than one file dependency can be specified by clicking the plus (+) button to add additional file dependency fields. Resource Dependencies: TWS resources that must be available before this job may launch, identified by workstation name, resource name, and number of units needed. More than one resource dependency can be specified by clicking the plus (+) button to add additional resource dependency fields.

After all jobstream and job configuration is complete, click the Save Jobstream button to save the new jobstream definition to the TWS database.


Copy Jobstream Definition Selecting a jobstream, then clicking the Copy button displays the Add Jobstream Page with the specified jobstreams definition applied. The Workstation name and Jobstream name fields must be changed to the desired names for the new jobstream. Other options and settings may be modified as well. Click the Save Jobstream button to save the new jobstream definition to the TWS database. Modify Jobstream Definition Selecting a jobstream, then clicking the Modify button displays the Modify Jobstream Page with the specified jobstreams definition. The Workstation name and Jobstream name fields cannot be changed when modifying a jobstream definition. All other options and settings may be modified. Click the Save Jobstream button to save changes to the TWS database.


Text Edit Jobstream Definition Selecting one or more jobstreams, then clicking the Text Edit button opens the jobstream definition(s) on the Text Edit Jobstream page:

Figure 69: Text Edit Jobstream Definition

The selected jobstream definition(s) are displayed in the edit area in composer command line format. After the definition(s) are modified, click the Submit button to save the changes to the TWS database. Check the Save Backup Copy of Original Jobstream(s) option to save a backup copy of the original jobstream definition(s) to the directory:


Delete Jobstream Definition Selecting one or more jobstreams, then clicking the Delete button displays the Delete Jobstream confirmation page:

Figure 70: Delete Jobstream Definition Confirmation

Click the Delete button to confirm the operation and delete the jobstream definition(s). Check the Save Backup Copy option to save a backup copy of the jobstream definition(s) to the directory:


Managing Calendar Definitions

Viewing the Calendar Definition List To display a list of calendars in the database, click the Calendars link under the Database group heading in the navigation frame:

Click to display calendars

Figure 71: Calendar Definition List

The Calendar Definition List shows all TWS calendars in the database, along with the following information: Calendar: TWS Calendar name. Clicking on a calendar name displays the definition of the calendar. Description: Description of the calendar.


Performing Actions on Calendar Definitions Beneath the Calendar Definition List is a row of buttons containing the actions that can be performed. To perform an action on a calendar, first select it by clicking in the checkbox to the left of the object, and then click the desired button. Multiple calendars can be selected for some actions. Check All will select all calendars in the list and Clear All will de-select all calendars.

First, select the calendar

Then click the desired action

Figure 72: Calendar Definition Actions

The actions that can be performed on calendar definitions are: Display: Display the text definition of the selected calendar(s). Add: Create a new calendar definition. Copy: Create a new calendar definition using a copy of the selected calendar. Modify: Modify the selected calendar. Text Edit: Modify the selected calendar(s) in text mode. Delete: Delete the selected calendar(s).


Dependent Objects: Display a cross-reference report for the selected calendar(s) showing a list of TWS jobstreams that use the selected calendar. Filter: Set and apply a filter for the Calendar Definition List. Print: Print the current Calendar Definition List. Refresh: Make sure you have the latest version of the current Web page.

Add Calendar Definition Clicking the Add button displays the Add Calendar Page:

Figure 73: Add Calendar Definition - Page 1

Add Calendar Page 1 Field Descriptions: Calendar: Name of the calendar. It can contain up to 8 characters. The first character of the calendar name must be a letter, and it can contain alphanumeric characters, dashes ( - ), and underscores ( _ ). Description: Description of the calendar.


After the calendar name and description fields have been filled in, click the Next button to proceed to the calendar date selection page:

Figure 74: Add Calendar Definition - Page 2

On the calendar date selection page, select the dates to include in the calendar by clicking them. Selected dates will be highlighted in yellow. Clicking a selected date again will de-select it. To move forward and backward through the calendar by month, click the single arrow buttons above the calendar. To move forward and backward by year, click the double arrow buttons above the calendar. After all dates have been selected, click the Save Calendar button to save the new calendar definition to the TWS database.


Copy Calendar Definition Selecting a calendar, then clicking the Copy button displays the Add Calendar Page with the specified calendars definition applied. The Calendar name field must be changed to the desired name for the new calendar. The description field and calendar dates may be modified as well. Click the Save Calendar button to save the new calendar definition to the TWS database. Modify Calendar Definition Selecting a calendar, then clicking the Modify button displays the Modify Calendar Page with the specified calendars definition. The Calendar name field cannot be changed when modifying a calendar definition. The description field and calendar dates may be modified. Click the Save Calendar button to save changes to the TWS database.


Text Edit Calendar Definition Selecting one or more calendars, then clicking the Text Edit button opens the calendar definition(s) on the Text Edit Calendar page:

Figure 75: Text Edit Calendar Definition

The selected calendar definition(s) are displayed in the edit area in composer command line format. After the definition(s) are modified, click the Submit button to save the changes to the TWS database. Check the Save Backup Copy of Original Calendar(s) option to save a backup copy of the original calendar definition(s) to the directory:


Delete Calendar Definition Selecting one or more calendars, then clicking the Delete button displays the Delete Calendar confirmation page:

Figure 76: Delete Calendar Definition Confirmation

Click the Delete button to confirm the operation and delete the calendar definition(s). Check the Save Backup Copy option to save a backup copy of the calendar definition(s) to the directory:


Managing Job Definitions

Viewing the Job Definition List To display a list of jobs in the database, click the Jobs link under the Database group heading in the navigation frame:

Click to display jobs

Figure 77: Job Definition List

The Job Definition List shows all TWS jobs in the database, along with the following information: Workstation: TWS Workstation name for the job. Job: TWS Job name. Clicking on a job name displays the definition of the job Task type: TWS job type. It can have one of the following values: - UNIX For jobs that runs on UNIX platforms. - WINDOWS For jobs that runs on Windows platforms. - OTHER For jobs that runs on extended agents. Logon: User ID that the job runs under. Description: TWS description of the job. Last Run Date: Date the job was last executed.


Performing Actions on Job Definitions Beneath the Job Definition List is a row of buttons containing the actions that can be performed. To perform an action on a job, first select it by clicking in the checkbox to the left of the object, and then click the desired button. Multiple jobs can be selected for some actions. Check All will select all jobs in the list and Clear All will de-select all jobs.

First, select the job

Then click the desired action

Figure 78: Job Defintion Actions

The actions that can be performed on job definitions are: Display: Display the text definition of the selected job(s). Details: Display detailed information and statistics for the selected job(s). Add: Create a new job definition. Copy: Create a new job definition using a copy of the selected job. Modify: Modify the selected job. Rename: Rename the selected job. Text Edit: Modify the selected job(s) in text mode. Delete: Delete the selected job(s).


Dependent Objects: Display a cross-reference report for the selected job(s) showing a list of TWS jobs and jobstreams with FOLLOWS dependencies on the selected job(s). Notes: Add or view TWS/WebAdmin Job Notes for the selected job. Filter: Set and apply a filter for the Job Definition List. Print: Print the current Job Definition List. Netplan: Display a netplan (see Netplan Users Guide) for more information). Refresh: Make sure you have the latest version of the current Web page.

Add Job Definition Clicking the Add button displays the Add Job Page:

Figure 79: Add Job Definition

To create a new job, fill in the form fields as described below, then click the Add button. TWS/WebAdmin automatically detects the TWS version, and only displays the fields that are available for that version. Job Type: TWS job type, either Script or Command. Workstation: TWS Workstation name for the job.


Job Name: Name of the job. For expanded databases, it can contain up to 40 characters. For unexpanded databases, it can contain up to 8 characters. The first character of the job name must be a letter, and it can contain alphanumeric characters, dashes ( - ), and underscores ( _ ). Task type: TWS job type. It can have one of the following values: - UNIX For jobs that runs on UNIX platforms. - WINDOWS For jobs that runs on Windows platforms. - OTHER For jobs that runs on extended agents.

Logon: User ID that the job runs under. Script / Command: Name of the file that the job executes and any options or arguments. For expanded databases, it can contain up to 4095 characters. For unexpanded databases, it can contain up to 255 characters. Description: Description of the job, which can be up to 64 characters in length. Exit Code Mapping: Specifies the return code condition required for the job to be marked successful. If the exit code mapping is not specified, the default condition is applied: Return code of 0 indicates success. Interactive: If checked, the job is allowed to interact with the Windows desktop (Windows jobs only). Recovery Options - Action: Action to be taken if the job abends, one of: - Stop: If the job abends, do not continue with the next job (Default). - Continue: If the job abends, continue with the next job. - Rerun: If the job abends, rerun the job.

Recovery Options - Recovery Job: Workstation name and Job name of the job to run if this job abends. Recovery Options - Recovery Prompt: Text of a recovery prompt to be issued if this job abends.

After all required fields have been filled in, click the Add button to save the new job definition to the TWS database. Click the Save Draft button to save the new job definition to a file on the TWS/WebAdmin server. The job definition will appear on the Saved Drafts page and can be retrieved later and modified or saved to the TWS database.


Copy Job Definition Selecting a job, then clicking the Copy button displays the Add Job Page with the specified jobs definition applied. The Workstation name and Job name fields must be changed to the desired names for the new job. Other fields may be modified as well. Click the Add button to save the new job definition to the TWS database. Modify Job Definition Selecting a job, then clicking the Modify button displays the Modify Job Page with the specified jobs definition. The Workstation name and Job name fields cannot be changed when modifying a job definition. All other fields may be modified. Click the Update button to save changes to the TWS database.


Text Edit Job Definition Selecting one or more jobs, then clicking the Text Edit button opens the job definition(s) on the Text Edit Job page:

Figure 80: Text Edit Job Definition

The selected job definition(s) are displayed in the edit area in composer command line format. After the definition(s) are modified, click the Submit button to save the changes to the TWS database. Check the Save Backup Copy of Original Job(s) option to save a backup copy of the original job definition(s) to the directory:


Delete Job Definition Selecting one or more jobs, then clicking the Delete button displays the Delete Job confirmation page:

Figure 81: Delete Job Definition Confirmation

Click the Delete button to confirm the operation and delete the job definition(s). Check the Save Backup Copy option to save a backup copy of the job definition(s) to the directory:


Managing Resource Definitions

Viewing the Resource Definition List To display a list of resources in the database, click the Resources link under the Database group heading in the navigation frame:

Click to display resources

Figure 82: Resource Definition List

The Resource Definition List shows all TWS resources in the database, along with the following information: Workstation: TWS Workstation name for the resource. Name: TWS Resource name. Clicking on a resource name displays the definition of the resource. Description: Description of the resource. Quantity: Total number of units available for the resource. Creator: Name of the user that created the resource. Last Updated: Date and time of last modification to the resource. Lock: Name of the user that locked the resource, and timestamp 113

Performing Actions on Resource Definitions Beneath the Resource Definition List is a row of buttons containing the actions that can be performed. To perform an action on a resource, first select it by clicking in the checkbox to the left of the object, and then click the desired button. Multiple resources can be selected for some actions. Check All will select all resources in the list and Clear All will de-select all resources.

First, select the resource

Then click the desired action

Figure 83: Resource Definition Actions

The actions that can be performed on resource definitions are: Add: Create a new resource definition. Copy: Create a new resource definition using a copy of the selected resource. Modify: Modify the selected resource. Rename: Rename the selected resource. Text Edit: Modify the selected resource(s) in text mode. Delete: Delete the selected resource(s). Unlock: Unlocks the access to the definition in the database.


Where used: Display a cross-reference report for the selected resource(s) showing a list of TWS jobs and jobstreams with NEEDS dependencies on the selected resources. Filter: Set and apply a filter for the Resource Definition List. Print: Print the current Resource Definition List. Refresh: Make sure you have the latest version of the current Web page.

Add Resource Definition Clicking the Add button displays the Add Resource Page:

Figure 84: Add Resource Definition

To create a new resource, fill in the form fields as described below, then click the Add button. Workstation: TWS Workstation name for the resource. Resource: Name of the resource. It can contain up to 8 characters. The first character of the resource name must be a letter, and it can contain alphanumeric characters, dashes ( - ), and underscores ( _ ). 115

Total Units: Number of units available for the resource, in the range 0 1024. Description: Description of the resource.

After all required fields have been filled in, click the Add button to save the new resource definition to the TWS database. Copy Resource Definition Selecting a resource, then clicking the Copy button displays the Add Resource Page with the specified resources definition applied. The Workstation name and Resource name fields must be changed to the desired names for the new resource. Other fields may be modified as well. Click the Add button to save the new resource definition to the TWS database. Modify Resource Definition Selecting a resource, then clicking the Modify button displays the Modify Resource Page with the specified resources definition. The Workstation name and Resource name fields cannot be changed when modifying a resource definition. All other fields may be modified. Click the Update button to save changes to the TWS database.


Text Edit Resource Definition Selecting one or more resources, then clicking the Text Edit button opens the resource definition(s) on the Text Edit Resource page:

Figure 85: Text Edit Resource Definition

The selected resource definition(s) are displayed in the edit area in composer command line format. After the definition(s) are modified, click the Submit button to save the changes to the TWS database. Check the Save Backup Copy of Original Resource(s) option to save a backup copy of the original resource definition(s) to the directory:


Delete Resource Definition Selecting one or more resources, then clicking the Delete button displays the Delete Resource confirmation page:

Figure 86: Delete Resource Definition Confirmation

Click the Delete button to confirm the operation and delete the resource definition(s). Check the Save Backup Copy option to save a backup copy of the resource definition(s) to the directory:


Managing Prompt Definitions

Viewing the Prompt Definition List To display a list of prompts in the database, click the Prompts link under the Database group heading in the navigation frame:

Click to display prompts

Figure 87: Prompt Definition List

The Prompt Definition List shows all TWS prompts in the database, along with the following information: Prompt: TWS Prompt name. Clicking on a prompt name displays the definition of the prompt. Text: Prompt text. Creator: Name of the user that created the prompt. Last Updated: Date and time of last modification to the prompt. Lock: Name of the user that locked the prompt, and timestamp


Performing Actions on Prompt Definitions Beneath the Prompt Definition List is a row of buttons containing the actions that can be performed. To perform an action on a prompt, first select it by clicking in the checkbox to the left of the object, and then click the desired button. Multiple prompts can be selected for some actions. Check All will select all prompts in the list and Clear All will de-select all prompts.

First, select the prompt

Then click the desired action

Figure 88: Prompt Definition Actions

The actions that can be performed on prompt definitions are: Add: Create a new prompt definition. Copy: Create a new prompt definition using a copy of the selected prompt. Modify: Modify the selected prompt. Text Edit: Modify the selected prompt(s) in text mode. Delete: Delete the selected prompt(s). Unlock: Unlocks the selected prompt. Dependent Objects: Display a cross-reference report for the selected prompt(s) showing a list of TWS jobs and jobstreams with PROMPT dependencies on the selected prompts.


Filter: Set and apply a filter for the Prompt Definition List. Print: Print the current Prompt Definition List. Refresh: Make sure you have the latest version of the current Web page.

Add Prompt Definition Clicking the Add button displays the Add Prompt Page:

Figure 89: Add Prompt Definition

To create a new prompt, fill in the form fields as described below, then click the Add button. TWS/WebAdmin automatically detects the TWS version, and only displays the fields that are available for that version. Prompt Name: Name of the prompt. It can contain up to 8 characters. The first character of the prompt name must be a letter, and it can contain alphanumeric characters, dashes ( - ), and underscores ( _ ). Text: Prompt text, up to 255 characters.

After all required fields have been filled in, click the Add button to save the new prompt definition to the TWS database. 121

Copy Prompt Definition Selecting a prompt, then clicking the Copy button displays the Add Prompt Page with the specified prompts definition applied. The Prompt Name field must be changed to the desired name for the new prompt. The Text field may be modified as well. Click the Add button to save the new prompt definition to the TWS database. Modify Prompt Definition Selecting a prompt, then clicking the Modify button displays the Modify Prompt Page with the specified prompts definition. The Prompt Name field cannot be changed when modifying a prompt definition. The Text field may be modified. Click the Update button to save changes to the TWS database.


Text Edit Prompt Definition Selecting one or more prompts, then clicking the Text Edit button opens the prompt definition(s) on the Text Edit Prompt page:

Figure 90: Text Edit Prompt Definition

The selected prompt definition(s) are displayed in the edit area in composer command line format. After the definition(s) are modified, click the Submit button to save the changes to the TWS database. Check the Save Backup Copy of Original Prompt(s) option to save a backup copy of the original prompt definition(s) to the directory:


Delete Prompt Definition Selecting one or more prompts, then clicking the Delete button displays the Delete Prompt confirmation page:

Figure 91: Delete Prompt Definition Confirmation

Click the Delete button to confirm the operation and delete the prompt definition(s). Check the Save Backup Copy option to save a backup copy of the prompt definition(s) to the directory:


Managing Parameter Definitions

Viewing the Parameter Definition List To display a list of parameters in the database, click the Parameters link under the Database group heading in the navigation frame:

Click to display parameters

Figure 92: Parameter Definition List

The Parameter Definition List shows all TWS parameters in the database, along with the following information: Parameter: TWS Parameter name. Clicking on a parameter name displays the definition of the parameter. Value: Value of the parameter. Creator: Name of the user that created the parameter. Last Updated: Date and time of last modification to the parameter. Lock: Name of the user that locked the parameter, and timestamp


Performing Actions on Parameter Definitions Beneath the Parameter Definition List is a row of buttons containing the actions that can be performed. To perform an action on a parameter, first select it by clicking in the checkbox to the left of the object, and then click the desired button. Multiple parameters can be selected for some actions. Check All will select all parameters in the list and Clear All will de-select all parameters.

First, select the parameter

Then click the desired action

Figure 93: Parameter Definition Actions

The actions that can be performed on parameter definitions are: Add: Create a new parameter definition. Copy: Create a new parameter definition using a copy of the selected parameter. Modify: Modify the selected parameter. Text Edit: Modify the selected parameter(s) in text mode. Delete: Delete the selected parameter(s). Unlock: Unlocks the parameter.


Where Used: Display a cross-reference report for the selected parameter(s) showing a list of TWS object names where each is used. Filter: Set and apply a filter for the Parameter Definition List. Print: Print the current Parameter Definition List. Refresh: Make sure you have the latest version of the current Web page.

Add Parameter Definition Clicking the Add button displays the Add Parameter Page:

Figure 94: Add Parameter Definition

To create a new parameter, fill in the form fields as described below, then click the Add button. Parameter: Name of the parameter. It can contain up to 8 characters. The first character of the parameter name must be a letter, and it can contain alphanumeric characters, dashes ( - ), and underscores ( _ ). Value: Value of the parameter, up to 72 characters.

After all required fields have been filled in, click the Add button to save the new parameter definition to the TWS database. Copy Parameter Definition Selecting a parameter, then clicking the Copy button displays the Add Parameter Page with the specified parameters definition applied. The parameter Name field must be changed to the desired name for the new


parameter. The Value field may be modified as well. Click the Add button to save the new parameter definition to the TWS database. Modify Parameter Definition Selecting a parameter, then clicking the Modify button displays the Modify Parameter Page with the specified parameters definition. The parameter Name field cannot be changed when modifying a parameter definition. The Value field may be modified. Click the Update button to save changes to the TWS database. Text Edit Parameter Definition Selecting one or more parameters, then clicking the Text Edit button opens the parameter definition(s) on the Text Edit Parameter page:

Figure 95: Text Edit Parameter Definition


The selected parameter definition(s) are displayed in the edit area in composer command line format. After the definition(s) are modified, click the Submit button to save the changes to the TWS database. Check the Save Backup Copy of Original Parameter(s) option to save a backup copy of the original parameter definition(s) to the directory:

Delete Parameter Definition Selecting one or more parameters, then clicking the Delete button displays the Delete Parameter confirmation page:

Figure 96: Delete Parameter Definition Confirmation

Click the Delete button to confirm the operation and delete the parameter definition(s). Check the Save Backup Copy option to save a backup copy of the parameter definition(s) to the directory:


Managing User Definitions

Each value used in the Logon field for Windows job definitions must have a user definition in the TWS database. This is not required for logons for jobs on other platforms. Viewing the User Definition List To display a list of users in the database, click the Users link under the Database group heading in the navigation frame:

Click to display users

Figure 97: User Definition List

The User Definition List shows all TWS users in the database, along with the following information: Workstation: TWS Workstation name for the user. User: TWS User name. Clicking on a user name displays the definition of the user. Creator: Name of the user that created the user. Last Updated: Date and time of last modification to the user. Lock: Name of the user that locked the user, and timestamp.


Performing Actions on User Definitions Beneath the User Definition List is a row of buttons containing the actions that can be performed. To perform an action on a user, first select it by clicking in the checkbox to the left of the object, and then click the desired button. Multiple users can be selected for some actions. Check All will select all users in the list and Clear All will de-select all users.

First, select the user

Then click the desired action

Figure 98: User Definition Actions

The actions that can be performed on user definitions are: Add: Create a new user definition. Modify: Modify the selected user. Rename: Rename the selected user. Unlock: Unlocks the user. Delete: Delete the selected user(s). Filter: Set and apply a filter for the User Definition List. Print: Print the current User Definition List. Refresh: Make sure you have the latest version of the current Web page.


Add User Definition Clicking the Add button displays the Add User Page:

Figure 99: Add User Definition

To create a new user, fill in the form fields as described below, then click the Add button. Workstation: TWS Workstation name for the user. NT Domain: Windows domain of the user. It can contain up to 15 characters. User Name: Windows user name. It can contain up to 31 characters and is case-sensitive. Password: Windows users password. It can contain up to 29 characters. The password will not appear as it is typed. Confirm Password: Retype the Windows users password for verification.

After all required fields have been filled in, click the Add button to save the new user definition to the TWS database.


Modify User Definition Selecting a user, then clicking the Modify button displays the Modify User Page with the specified users definition. The Workstation, NT Domain, and User Name fields cannot be changed when modifying a user definition. The Password field may be modified. Click the Update button to save changes to the TWS database. Delete User Definition Selecting one or more users, then clicking the Delete button displays the Delete User confirmation page:

Figure 100: Delete User Definition Confirmation

Click the Delete button to confirm the operation and delete the user definition(s). Check the Save Backup Copy option to save a backup copy of the user definition(s) to the directory:


Database Filters
The Database Filters menu item provides direct access to all database filter settings. Select a filter type from the drop down menu to navigate to the corresponding filter page:

Click to select filters

Figure 101: Database Filters

Upon selecting a filter type, the display will be redirected to the selected filter page. The Database Filters function is a useful shortcut in environments with a large number of job or jobstream definitions by allowing a filter to be set prior to visiting the Job Definition List or Jobstream Definition List pages.


Saving and Restoring Filters

It is possible to save and restore multiple filter settings in TWS/WebAdmin. Filters are stored globally on the TWS/WebAdmin server so all users have access to them. When a filter is applied to a database list view, an additional button Save ilter appears in the row of action button at the bottom of the display:

When a filter is applied

The Save Filter button is shown

Figure 102: Save Filter Action Available


To save the current filter setting, click Save Filter. The following dialog appears:

Figure 103: Save Filter Setting

Enter a filename and description for the filter, and then click Save. The display will automatically switch to the Database List that you were viewing.


To restore a saved filter, click on the Filter button. Do not fill in any fields. Instead, click the Load Filter button:

Click Load Filter to restore a saved filter

Figure 104: Load Filter


The Load Filter dialog will be displayed. Choose the desired filter and click Load to apply it:

Select filter Click to add a bookmark Click Load to apply the filter

Figure 105: Restore Filter

The display will automatically switch to the Database List with the selected filter applied. Adding Bookmarks On the Load Filter page, click the Add Bookmark link in the right-most column of the table to add a browser bookmark to the filter setting. In Internet Explorer, clicking this link will launch the Add Favorite dialog. In other browsers, it is necessary to right-click the link and select the Add Bookmark function. Once a bookmark is added, it is possible to launch TWS/WebAdmin with the selected filter setting directly from the browser Favorites or Bookmarks menu.


TWS/WebAdmin Reports
TWS/WebAdmin provides a number of reports that can be generated and displayed in a web browser window. These reports can be customized, saved, and recalled later. In addition to the included reports, it is possible to create custom reports using standard SQL query statements. This chapter describes how to use the TWS/WebAdmin reporting tools.

Job History Report

The Job History Report displays historical job information such as start times, executions times, and job status. To generate a job history report, click on Job History under the Reports section of the navigation frame.

Figure 106: Job History Report - Part 1

To generate a Job History Report, first select the columns that you wish to appear in the report. Click Check All to select all columns or pick individual columns from the list:


Schedule Date: Production day date for the job Workstation: Workstation name Jobstream: Jobstream name Job Workstation: Job Workstation name Job: Job name Status: Job state Priority: Job priority Job Number: TWS Job number (PID) Start Time: Job start time Run Time: Job execution time (minutes) CPU Time: Job CPU time (CPU seconds) Logon: Job logon Script: Job script name Rerun: Rerun flag (YES / NO) Every: Every flag (YES / NO) Iteration: Iteration number (for rerun / every jobs)

Next, enter the selection criteria for the report: Specific Date: Specify a single date - only jobs from that date will be included Range: Specify a range of dates Day of Week: Specify one or more days of the week Day of Month: Specify a day of the month or select End of Month to specify the last calendar day of the month Workstation: Specify a workstation name - only jobs defined for that workstation will be included - Wildcards can be used - @ or * match any string of characters and ? matches any single character. Jobstream: Specify a jobstream name - only jobs in that jobstream will be included - Wildcards can be used - @ or * match any string of characters and ? matches any single character.


Job Workstation: Specify a job workstation name - only jobs defined for that workstation will be included - Wildcards can be used - @ or * match any string of characters and ? matches any single character. Job: Specify a job name - only jobs matching the job name specified will be included - Wildcards can be used - @ or * match any string of characters and ? matches any single character.

Figure 107: Job History Report - Part 2

Job Status: Specify job states - only jobs in the checked states will be included. Show only first instance of repeated jobs: If checked, only the first instance of repeated jobs will be included (i.e. if a job ran multiple times due to every or rerun).


Next, specify a sort order for the report. Up to five levels of sorting can be specified and sorting can be in ascending or descending order. Sorting can be performed by: Schedule Date Workstation Jobstream Job Workstation Job Status Priority Job Number Start Time Run Time CPU Time Logon Script Iteration

Next, specify a title, if desired. If no title is specified, a default title of Job History Report is used. Enable Embed Status Piechart to include a status piechart in the report, and then select the location of the piechart. Select Bottom (the default) to place the piechart below the job history data table, or Top to place the piechart above the job history data table. If the Embed Status Piechart option is not enabled, it is still possible to display it after the report is generated by clicking the Status Piechart button at the bottom of the report. Next, specify the number of records to be displayed per page. If the default setting of ALL is specified, all records will be displayed. Otherwise, the report is divided into multiple pages with the ability to move forward and backward through the list. The Show Query Statistics option will add query statistics to the bottom of the report: The total number of rows returned, and the query execution time.


The Send as CSV file option will create and send the report as a commaseparated-values text file that can be read by Microsoft Excel and other applications. The Open Report in New Window option launches the report in a new browser window. This preserves the report design page, making it easier to change report settings and regenerate the report. Click Generate Report to generate the report:

Figure 108: Job History Report Output


If the Send as CSV file option is selected, the web browser will attempt to launch the application that is configured to handle CSV files (Microsoft Excel, if it is installed):

Figure 109: Job History Report - Send as CSV file

Click Open to launch Excel and open the Job History Report data. It may be necessary to resize the columns in Excel after the report is loaded.


Job History Report Actions Query information and statistics are displayed at the bottom of the job history report data:

Figure 110: Job History Report Actions

At the bottom of the display are four buttons: Save Report: Saves the report definition - columns, criteria, sort order, etc. See User Defined Reports for more information Store Report: Stores a snapshot of the report output on the TWS/WebAdmin server and provides a URL to access the report. Print: Prints the current report.


Status Piechart: Displays a piechart of job status:

Figure 111: Job History Report Status Piechart


Job Detail Report

The Job Detail Report displays general information and statistics about a particular job. It also displays a runtime history graph that shows the job's execution time graphed over a time interval. To generate a job detail report, click on Job Detail under the Reports section of the navigation frame.

Figure 112: Job Detail Report

To generate a Job Detail Report, enter a workstation and job name. Click the List buttons to display selection windows and choose the workstation and job names from a list Next, select from the available options. The options available for the Job Detail Report are:


Include Execution History Graph: Select this option if you want to include an execution history graph in the report output. The other options control the appearance of the execution history graph. Contents: Select Run Time to display a graph of job run time (actual duration of the job). Select CPU Time to display a graph of job CPU time (CPU clock cycles expended). Scale: The time scale for the runtime history graph, one of: - Month - Year Style: The visual style of the runtime history graph, one of: - Bar Graph - Line Graph - Filled Line Graph - Scatter Plot Shadows (for Bar Graph): Select this option to include shadows behind the bars for the Bar Graph style. Use Plot Marks: Select this option to include plot marks (small dots on the data points) for the Line Graph style. Color: Selects the color of the runtime history graph, one of: - Black - Red - Orange - Yellow - Green - Blue - Purple Set Title: Specify a title, if desired. If no title is specified, a default title of JobName Detail Report is used. Open Report in New Window: Launch the report in a new browser window. This preserves the report design page, making it easier to change report settings and regenerate the report.


Click Generate Report to generate the report:

Figure 113: Job Detail Report Output - Part 1

The first section of the Job Detail Report shows general job information and statistics: Workstation: Job workstation name Job: Job name Description: Job definition description field Job Type: script or command Interactive: For Windows NT/2000 jobs: YES or NO Creator: User name of the job's creator Logon: Job logon user ID Script: Job script Recovery Option: Job's recovery option: STOP, CONTINUE, or RERUN


Recovery Job: Recovery Job name, if defined Recovery Prompt: Recovery Prompt name or text, if defined Number Successful: Number of successful executions of the job Number Abend: Number of abended executions of the job Last Run: Last time the job ran Elapse Time: Last, minimum, maximum, and average elapse times for the job in minutes CPU Time: Last, minimum, maximum, and average CPU times for the job in CPU seconds

The second section of the Job Detail Report shows the execution history graph, if this option was selected:

Figure 114: Job Detail Report Output - Part 2


It is possible to navigate forward and backward through different dates by using the Prev and Next links above the graph. You can also jump to a specific date by using the drop-down menus below the graph, then clicking the Go button. Job Detail Report Actions At the bottom of the display are two buttons: Store Report: Stores a snapshot of the report output on the TWS/WebAdmin server and provides a URL to access the report. Print: Prints the current report.

TWS Activity Report

The TWS Activity Report displays a graph showing the number of TWS jobs that executed over a selected time period. To generate a TWS activity report, click on TWS Activity under the Reports section of the navigation frame.

Figure 115: TWS Activity Report


To generate a TWS Activity Report, first select from the appearance options: Scale: Select a scale for the activity graph, one of: - Day - Week - Month - Year Style: Select the style of the activity graph, one of: - Bar Graph: single bar for each period showing total number of jobs - Multiple Bar Graph: multiple bars for each period, one for each job status type - Accumulated Bar Graph: single bar for each period, with sections for each job status type - Line Graph: single line showing total number of jobs - Multiple Line Graph: multiple lines, one for each job status type - Accumulated Line Graph: filled line graph with sections for each job status type Color: Selects the color of the activity graph, one of: - Black - Red - Orange - Yellow - Green - Blue - Purple Bar Graph Shadows: For bar graphs, select this option to display shadows behind the bars Show Job Count Labels: Displays numerical job counts at each data point on the graph Include Status Piechart: If selected, a status piechart is included in the report

Next, select one of the Contents options: Completed Jobs: Only completed jobs are included (Succ, Abend, Pend status) Active and Completed Jobs: Active and completed jobs are included (Succ, Abend, Pend, Exec status) All Jobs: All jobs are included (Succ, Abend, Pend, Exec, Hold, Ready)


Next, add a selection criteria, if desired: Workstation: Select one or more workstations - Only jobs for the selected workstation(s) will be included in the report. If left blank, all jobs on all workstations will be included. Click the List button to select workstations from a list - multiple workstations may be selected by holding the Ctrl key while selecting.

Next, select options: Count Reruns: If selected, rerun job iterations will be counted. If not selected, only the first iteration will be counted. Count Each Iteration of Every Jobs: If selected, all iterations of jobs with the EVERY option will be counted. If not selected, only the first iteration will be counted. Set Title: Specify a title, if desired. If no title is specified, a default title of TWS Activity Report is used. Open Report in New Window: Launch the report in a new browser window. This preserves the report design page, making it easier to change report settings and regenerate the report.

Click Generate Report to generate the report:

Figure 116: TWS Activity Report Output - Activity Graph (Bar Chart)


It is possible to navigate forward and backward through different dates by using the Prev and Next links above the graph. If the status piechart option was selected, the Job Status Piechart is display beneath the activity graph:

Figure 117: TWS Activity Report Output - Job Status Piechart

TWS Activity Report Actions At the bottom of the display are two buttons: Store Report: Stores a snapshot of the report output on the TWS/WebAdmin server and provides a URL to access the report. Print: Prints the report.


TWS Activity Report Examples The following examples show a variety of TWS Activity Report types:

Figure 118: TWS Activity Report Example 1: Week Multiple Barchart with job count

Figure 119: TWS Activity Report Example 2: Month Accumulated Barchart


Figure 120: TWS Activity Report Example 3: Year Accumulated Line Graph


Production Planning Report

The Production Planning Report creates a forecast for a range of future dates. To generate a production planning report, click on Production Planning under the Reports section of the navigation frame.

Figure 121: Production Planning Report

To generate a production planning report, enter the desired date range, then select from the options: Workstation: Enter a workstation name to filter the report on workstation name. Wildcards * or @ and ? may be used. If workstation name is not specified, all workstations will be included in the report. Jobstream: Enter a jobstream name to filter the report on jobstream name. Wildcards * or @ and ? may be used. If jobstream name is not specified, all jobstreams will be included in the report. 157

Job: Enter a job name to filter the report on job name. Wildcards * or @ and ? may be used. If job name is not specified, all jobs will be included in the report. Report Type: Select Summary to generate a report containing only a list of jobstreams. Select Detail to generate a report containing jobstreams and jobs. Include Start Times: Select this option to include the scheduled start time for each jobstream and job in the report Include Estimated Elapse Times: Select this option to include the estimated run time for each jobstream and job in the report Do not include FINAL jobstream: Exclude the FINAL jobstream from the report Limit Description field to ___ lines: Select this option to truncate the description field after a specific number of lines. This makes the report more readable if you have jobstreams with long descriptions. Open Report in New Window: Launch the report in a new browser window. This preserves the report design page, making it easier to change report settings and regenerate the report.

Click Generate Report to generate the report. For large date ranges, it may take several minutes to generate the complete report:

Figure 122: Production Planning Report Output - Summary


In Summary mode, for each date in the selected range, a list of jobstreams is displayed with the following information: Workstation: Workstation name Jobstream: Jobstream name Num Jobs: Number of jobs in the jobstream Start Time: Scheduled start time for the jobstream Est Elapse Time: Estimated run time for the jobstream Description: Jobstream description from the jobstream definition

Figure 123: Production Planning Report Output - Detail


In Detail mode, for each date in the selected range, a list of jobstreams and jobs is displayed with the following information: Workstation: Workstation name Jobstream: Jobstream name Job: Job name Start Time: Scheduled start time for the jobstream or job Est Elapse Time: Estimated run time for the jobstream or job Description: Jobstream or job description from the object definition

Production Planning Report Actions At the bottom of the display are two buttons: Store Report: Stores a snapshot of the report output on the TWS/WebAdmin server and provides a URL to access the report. Print: Prints the report.


TWS Database Report

The TWS Database Report produces a variety of reports based on the contents of the TWS database (workstation, jobstream, job, calendar, resource, prompt, parameter, and user definitions). To begin generating a TWS database report, click on TWS Database under the Reports section of the navigation frame:

Figure 124: TWS Database Report - Select Object Type

To generate a TWS Database Report, first select the database object type from the drop-down list: Workstations Domains Jobstreams Jobs Calendars


Resources Prompts Parameters Users

After selecting an object type, the Report Design page will be displayed:

Figure 125: TWS Database Report Design (Workstation) - Part 1

Select the columns that you wish to appear in the report. Click Check All to select all columns or pick individual columns from the list.


Selection criteria can be added to each column to filter the output. Wildcards can be used for most columns - * matches any string of characters and ? matches any single character. Sorting can be applied by selecting a sort type (Ascending or Descending) and selecting a sort priority (1-5). After designing the report column layout, proceed to the bottom of the report design page:

Figure 126: TWS Database Report Design (Workstation) - Part 2

Specify the number of records to be displayed per page. If the default setting of ALL is specified, all records will be displayed. Otherwise, the report is divided into multiple pages with the ability to move forward and backward through the list. Specify a report title, if desired. If no title is specified, one will be generated automatically (i.e. Workstation Report). The Send as CSV file option will create and send the report as a commaseparated-values text file that can be read by Microsoft Excel and other applications.


The Open Report in New Window option launches the report in a new browser window. This preserves the report design page, making it easier to change report settings and regenerate the report. Click Generate Report to generate the report:

Figure 127: TWS Database Report Output

TWS Database Report Actions At the bottom of the display are three buttons: Save Report: Saves the report definition - columns, criteria, sort order, etc. See User Defined Reports for more information Store Report: Stores a snapshot of the report output on the TWS/WebAdmin server and provides a URL to access the report. Print: Prints the report.


Cross Reference Report

The Cross Reference Report produces a variety of reports that show cross reference information - which jobstreams contain particular jobs, which calendars contain particular dates, which jobs contain particular scripts, etc. To begin generating a cross reference report, click on Cross Reference under the Reports section of the navigation frame:

Figure 128: Cross Reference Report - Select Object Type

To generate a cross reference report, first select the object type from the dropdown list: Workstations Jobstreams Jobs Scripts Calendars


Calendar Dates Resources Prompts Files Parameters Users

After selecting an object type, the Cross Reference Report design page will be displayed:

Figure 129: Cross Reference Report Design (Scripts)

Fill in the criteria fields. First, choose the type of matching desired, either Exact Match or Contains. Then, select the contents of the report. In some cases there is only one choice available. Finally, specify a report title if desired. If no title is specified, one will be generated automatically (i.e. Scripts Cross Reference Report).


The Open Report in New Window option launches the report in a new browser window. This preserves the report design page, making it easier to change report settings and regenerate the report. Click Generate Report to generate the report:

Figure 130: Cross Reference Report Output

Cross Reference Report Actions At the bottom of the display are three buttons: Save Report: Saves the report definition - columns, criteria, sort order, etc. See User Defined Reports for more information Store Report: Stores a snapshot of the report output on the TWS/WebAdmin server and provides a URL to access the report. Print: Prints the report.


Critical Jobs Report

The Critical Jobs Report displays a list of user-defined critical jobs with expected completion time and actual completion time. This can be used to determine if important jobs are completing on time. To begin generating a critical jobs report, click on Critical Jobs under the Reports section of the navigation frame:

Figure 131: Critical Jobs Report

Some initial setup is required before critical jobs reports can be generated. The list of critical jobs must be created, along with expected completion times (deadlines). This step must be completed only once. After the critical jobs list is configured, it is stored permanently.


To setup the critical jobs list, click the Manage Critical Job Lists link:

Figure 132: Manage Critical Jobs Lists


Click Add to add a new critical job to the list:

Figure 133: Add Critical Job

Specify a Workstation, Jobstream, and Job name. Clicking the List buttons to the right of each field will open a selection window where the object name can be selected from a list. Enter the desired Deadline time for the critical job. This is the latest acceptable completion time for the job, specified in 24-hour format. If a job finishes after the deadline time, it will be displayed in red in the Critical Jobs Report. Click the Add button to add the job and return to the critical jobs list.


After the critical jobs list is complete, it is possible to modify or delete an entry by selecting the entry on the Manage Critical Jobs Lists page, then clicking the Modify or Delete buttons. Click the Return to Critical Jobs Report link to return to the critical jobs report design page:

Figure 134: Critical Jobs Report

To generate a critical jobs report, select from the options: Select Plan: Select Yesterday to generate a report based on the most recent logged production day. Select Schedule Date and choose a date to select an earlier logged production day. Critical Jobs List: Select the desired critical jobs list. By default, list 1 will be used. However, it is possible to define and use additional critical jobs lists. Display ALL critical jobs, even if not present in plan: Select this option to display all jobs in the critical job list, even if they are not present in the selected plan.


Only show jobs that passed deadline: Select this option to only display critical jobs that did not complete by the defined deadline time. Jobs that completed on time will not be shown. Only show last iteration of repeated / rerun jobs: Select this option to only use the last iteration of a repeated job (EVERY or RERUN job) to determine if the job completed on time. Open Report in New Window: Launch the report in a new browser window. This preserves the report design page, making it easier to change report settings and regenerate the report.

Click Generate Report to generate the report:

Figure 135: Critical Jobs Report Output

Each critical job is displayed with Status, Start Time, Run Time, End Time, and the user-defined Deadline time. The End Time column is displayed in green if the job completed by the deadline time, red if the job did not complete by the deadline time, or yellow if the job does not have an end time.


Critical Jobs Report Actions At the bottom of the display are two buttons: Store Report: Stores a snapshot of the report output on the TWS/WebAdmin server and provides a URL to access the report. Print: Prints the report.

SQL Query (Custom Reports)

It is possible to design and save your own custom reports using SQL Query, found under Reports in the navigation frame:

Figure 136: SQL Query Report

To generate a SQL Query custom report, enter a valid SQL statement in the SQL Query field. Then, select the number of records to be displayed per page. If the default setting of ALL is specified, all records will be displayed. Otherwise, the report is divided into multiple pages with the ability to move forward and backward through the list.


Specify a report title, if desired. If no title is specified, one will be generated automatically (SQL Query Results). The Show Query Statistics option will display the query execution time and number of rows returned at the bottom of the report. The Send as CSV file option will create and send the report as a commaseparated-values text file that can be read by Microsoft Excel and other applications. The Open Report in New Window option launches the report in a new browser window. This preserves the report design page, making it easier to change report settings and regenerate the report. To create effective reports, it is important to have a basic understanding of SQL syntax. It is also important to understand the TWS/WebAdmin table structure. To view the TWS/WebAdmin tables, click the View Database Tables link:

Figure 137: TWS/WebAdmin Database Tables


Click on a table name to view its structure:

Figure 138: jobs Table Structure

By browsing through the TWS/WebAdmin tables, you can explore the fields available to use in SQL query statements. A full description of the TWS/WebAdmin table structure can be found in Appendix A. Only SELECT statements are allowed in the SQL Query field. In the following example, a SQL query is entered that selects all entries from the jobs table where the description contains the text "data extract":

Figure 139: SQL Query Report Example


Click Generate Report to generate the report:

Figure 140: SQL Query Report Output

It is possible to create much more complex reports using joins, sub-selects and other advanced SQL query techniques. SQL Query Actions At the bottom of the display are two buttons: Save Query: Saves the report. See User Defined Reports for more information Store Report: Stores a snapshot of the report output on the TWS/WebAdmin server and provides a URL to access the report. Print: Prints the report.


User Defined Reports

When report definitions are saved using the Save Report action, the following dialog is displayed:

Figure 141: Save Report

The Report Title and SQL Query fields will already be filled in. Enter a name to identify your report in the Report Name field, and enter an optional description in the Description field. Then click Save to save the report definition.


After a report is saved, it will appear in User Defined Reports under the Reports section of the navigation frame:

Figure 142: User Defined Reports

To generate a report from one of the saved report definitions, select it from the list. Select the number of records to be displayed per page. If the default setting of ALL is specified, all records will be displayed. Otherwise, the report is divided into multiple pages with the ability to move forward and backward through the list. The Send as CSV file option will create and send the report as a commaseparated-values text file that can be read by Microsoft Excel and other applications. The Open Report in New Window option launches the report in a new browser window. This preserves the report design page, making it easier to change report settings and regenerate the report.


Click the Generate button to generate the report:

Figure 143: User Defined Report Output

The report is displayed, and the SQL Query used to generate the report is shown at the bottom. Click the Store Report button to store a snapshot of the report output on the TWS/WebAdmin server and display a URL to access the report. Click the Print button to print the report.


TWS/WebAdmin Job and Workstation Notes

This chapter describes how to create and maintain TWS/WebAdmin job and workstation notes.

TWS/WebAdmin job notes are small text notes that are associated with specific jobs. Job notes can be used in many ways, but the primary purposes are: Contact Information: Names, phone numbers, email addresses, etc. can be documented in a Job Note to be quickly recalled if a job abends. Recovery Procedures: Detailed recovery procedures can be documented in a Job Note. Operators can refer to these recovery procedures if a job abends. Comment: Users can also record miscellaneous comments about a job in a Job Note - what a job does, how long it should run, a record of previous problems encountered, etc.

There is no limit to the number of Job Notes that can be created for a particular job. The content of Job Notes is limited to text, but simple HTML elements such as hyperlinks can be embedded. TWS/WebAdmin keeps track of each Job Notes creator. Only the creator of a particular Job Note can edit or delete it. However, other users can view it. TWS/WebAdmin workstation notes are very similar to job notes. Workstation notes are text notes that are associated with specific workstations. Workstation notes can be used to record general information about a workstation, contact information, maintenance windows, scheduled downtime, etc.


Viewing Job Notes

To view Job Notes, select a job from the Plan Job List display, and click the Notes button:

Select Job

Click Notes

Figure 144: Select Job Notes


All Job Notes for the selected job are displayed:

Job Note Type Job Note Title Creator

Job Note Text

Figure 145: View Job Notes

Each job note contains the following pieces of information: Type: Comment, Contact Information, or Recovery Procedure Title: Job Note title Creator: TWS/WebAdmin user that created the Job Note Created: Creation date and time Last Updated: Date and time of last modification to the Job Note Job Note Text


Creating Job Notes

To create a new Job Note, scroll to the bottom of the Job Notes display, and click the Add Note button:

Click to add new Job Note

Figure 146: Add Job Note


The Add Job Note Screen is displayed:

Figure 147: Enter Job Note Data

Select a Note Type, enter a title for the Job Note, then enter the Job Note text. When complete, click the Submit button. The display will return to the Job Notes listing.

HTML Job Note Text

It is possible to embed HTML elements in Job Note text. Some examples: Hyperlinks: Links to other web pages, such as a phone directory, are created with the <A HREF> HTML tag:
<a href="">Directory</

Text Effects: Text effects such as Bold, Italic, and Underline can be applied with the appropriate HTML tags:
<b>Bold</b> <i>Italic</i> <u>Underline</u>


Horizontal Lines: Horizontal lines can be inserted with the <hr> tag:
Section 1 <hr> Section 2

Lists: Bulleted and numbered lists can be created with the <ul> and <ol> tags:
<ol> <li>Item 1 <li>Item 2 <li>Item 3 </ol>

Tables: Tables can be created with the HTML table element tags <tabl, <tr>, and <td>:
<table border=1 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=3> <tr> <td>Row 1 Column 1</td> <td>Row 1 Column 2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Row 2 Column 1</td> <td>Row 2 Column 2</td> </tr> </tabl

Refer to a HTML tutorial for more information on creating HTML code.


Modifying Job Notes

To modify a job note, click the Edit link next to its title. You can only modify Job Notes that you created:

Click to edit Job Note

Figure 148: Modify Job Note


The Job Note is displayed and changes to the Job Note text can be made. Click Save to update the Job Note:

Figure 149: Edit Job Note


Deleting Job Notes

To delete a Job Note, click the Delete link next to its title. You can only delete Job Notes that you created:

Click to delete Job Note

Figure 150: Delete Job Note

A confirmation page will appear. Review the information, then click Delete to delete the Job Note.


Display All Job Notes

To display all Job Notes for all jobs, click on the Job Notes link in the navigation frame:

Click to view all Job Notes Click to list all Job Notes Click to show Job Notes

Figure 151: Job Notes


View Notes Click View Notes to display all job notes:

Figure 152: Display Job Notes

List Notes Click List Notes to display a list of all job notes:

Figure 153: List Notes


The following information for each job note is displayed: Created: Creation date and time Last Updated: Date and time of last modification to the Job Note Workstation: Workstation name Job: Job name Creator: TWS/WebAdmin user that created the Job Note Title: Job Note title Note Type: Comment, Contact Information, or Recovery Procedure

Click the Edit link to the left of a Job Note to edit it. Click the Delete link to the left of a Job Note to delete it. You can only edit and delete Job Notes that you created.

Viewing Workstation Notes

To view Workstation Notes, select a workstation from the Plan Workstation List display, and click the Notes button:

Select Workstation

Click Notes

Figure 154: Select Workstation Notes


All Workstation Notes for the selected workstation are displayed:

Workstation Note Title


Workstation Note Text

Figure 155: View Workstation Notes

Each workstation note contains the following pieces of information: Title: Workstation Note title Creator: TWS/WebAdmin user that created the Workstation Note Created: Creation date and time Last Updated: Date and time of last modification to the Workstation Note Workstation Note Text


Creating Workstation Notes

To create a new Workstation Note, scroll to the bottom of the Workstation Notes display, and click the Add Note button:

Click to add new Workstation Note

Figure 156: Add Workstation Note


The Add Workstation Note Screen is displayed:

Figure 157: Enter Workstation Note Data

Enter a title for the Workstation Note, then enter the Workstation Note text. When complete, click the Submit button. The display will return to the Workstation Notes listing.

Modifying and Deleting Workstation Notes

The process for modifying and deleting workstation notes is identical to the process for modifying and deleting job notes. Refer to the Job Notes section for details.


Display All Workstation Notes

To display all Workstation Notes for all workstations, click on the Workstation Notes link in the navigation frame:

Click to list Workstation Notes

Click to view Workstation Notes

Click to show Workstation Notes

Figure 158: Display All Workstation Notes


View Notes Click View Notes to view all workstation notes:

Figure 159: View Workstation Notes


List Notes Click List Notes to display a list of all workstation notes:

Figure 160: List Notes

The following information for each workstation note is displayed: Created: Creation date and time Last Updated: Date and time of last modification to the Workstation Note Workstation: Workstation name Creator: TWS/WebAdmin user that created the Workstation Note Title: Workstation Note title Note Type: Workstation

Click the Edit link to the left of a Workstation Note to edit it. Click the Delete link to the left of a Workstation Note to delete it. You can only edit and delete Workstation Notes that you created.


TWS/WebAdmin Event Monitoring, Alerting, and Logging

TWS/WebAdmin provides event monitoring and alerting capabilities through the native TWS BmEvents facility. The TWS/WebAdmin log / alert interface provides a method to set which events are reported, and an event monitor to view and filter these events. It also allows you to set up automatic alerts to send email or execute arbitrary commands when specific events occur. The log / alert interface also provides audit log and TWS logfile viewers. Note: If you have configured TWS to send events to an external event management system such as Tivoli Enterprise Console (TEC) or HP Openview, do not use the TWS/WebAdmin event configuration facilities. Doing so may interfere with your TEC or Openview integration. However, it is still safe to use the TWS/WebAdmin audit log and TWS logfile viewers.

Event Monitor
Click the Event Monitor link under the Log / Alert section of the navigation frame to view events:

Click to display event details Click to display Event Monitor

Figure 161: TWS/WebAdmin Event Monitor


The event monitor initially displays all events from the current day, including the following information: Timestamp: Date and time that the event was recorded Event Type: Event type - Job Abend, Jobstream Launched, Prompt Issued, etc. Object Name: Event object name - Job name, Jobstream name, Prompt name, etc. Severity: Severity level of the event: Info, Warning, Error, Severe, or Critical

Click the Print button to print the current event list. Click the Details link beside an event to display additional information about the event:

Figure 162: Event Details

The event details window shows additional event information such as workstation name, jobstream name, job name, logon, script, etc. The event information shown varies depending on the event type.


Event Monitor Filter At the bottom of the Event Monitor display is the Filter button, which allows you to filter the events displayed:

Figure 163: Event Monitor Filter

Events can be filtered by: Event Type: One or more event types can be selected. Click Check All to select all events and Clear All to clear all events. Severities: One or more severity levels can be selected. Click Check All to select all severity levels and Clear All to clear all severity levels.


Date: Select All Dates to display events from all dates available. Select Specific Date and fill in a date to display events from a particular date. Select Range and fill in a date range to display events from a range of dates. If no option is selected, the default is to display events from the current date. Object Name: Enter a name to filter events by object name. Wildcards can be used - * matches any string of characters and ? matches any single character.

Click Set Filter to set the filter and return to the event monitor. Click Clear Filter to clear the filter settings and return to the event monitor (with a default filter showing today's events). Click Load Filter to load a saved filter setting. Once a filter setting has been applied, a new button will appear at the bottom of the event monitor display: Save Filter. Click the button to save the filter setting. Refer to Saving and Restoring Filters in the Plan Management section of this manual for more information about saving and restoring filter settings.

Alert and Event Configuration

Alerts and Events can be configured from the Administration Page. See TWS/WebAdmin Installation and Administration Guide for further information.


Audit Logs
Auditing must be enabled to view the TWS audit logs with TWS/WebAdmin. Refer to the Tivoli Workload Scheduler User's Guide for instructions on how to enable auditing in globalopts. Database Audit Log The Database Audit Log records changes made to TWS object definitions. To view the Database Audit Log, click the Database Audit Log link under Log / Alert in the navigation frame:

Figure 164: Database Audit Log

By default, the audit log displays entries for the current day.


Database Audit Log Actions At the bottom of the display are three buttons: Filter: Set the database audit log filter, including the date range displayed Send CSV File: Send the current audit log display as a comma-separatedvalues text file that can be read by Microsoft Excel and other applications Print: Print the current database audit log

Database Audit Log Filter Clicking the Filter button displays the Database Audit Log Filter menu:

Figure 165: Database Audit Log Filter


Audit log entries can be filtered by: Columns: Select the columns you want to be displayed: - Log Type - Timestamp - User ID - Framework User - Object Type - Object Name - Action Type - Workstation - Action Data Log Type: - HEADER - CONMAN - FILEAID - PLAN - STAGEMAN - RELEASE - DATABASE - PARMS - MAKESEC - DBEXPAND Date: Select All Dates to display entries from all dates. Select Specific Date to display entries from a specifc date. Select Range to display entries from a range of dates. User ID: Filter by user ID that performed the action Framework User: Filter by Framework user that performed the action Object Type: - DATABASE - WORKSTATION - WORKSTATION CLASS - DOMAIN - USER - JOBSTREAM - JOB - CALENDAR - PROMPT - PARAMETER - RESOURCE - SECURITY


Object Name: Filter by object name. Wildcards can be used - * matches any string of characters and ? matches any single character. Action Type: - ADD - DELETE - MODIFY - EXPAND - INSTALL Workstation: Filter by workstation where action was performed Action Data: Filter by action data. Wildcards can be used - * matches any string of characters and ? matches any single character.

Click Set Filter to set the filter and return to the Database Audit Log. Click Clear Filter to clear the current filter settings. Click Load Filter to load a set of saved filter settings. After a filter is set, it is possible to save the filter setting by clicking the Save Filter button at the bottom of the Database Audit Log display. Refer to the section Saving and Restoring Filters for details on the Save Filter function. Plan Audit Log The Plan Audit Log records changes made to TWS Plan. To view the Plan Audit Log, click the Plan Audit Log link under Log / Alert in the navigation frame. The Plan Audit Log operates identically to the Database Audit Log. Refer to the Database Audit Log section for details on viewing and filtering the audit log. TWS Logfile See TWS/WebAdmin Installation and Administration Guide for further information. TWS Maintenance Functions See TWS/WebAdmin Installation and Administration Guide for further information.


Appendix A: TWS/WebAdmin Table Structure

The following tables describe database table design in TWS/WebAdmin. The following information is provided for each field: Field: The name of the field Type: Data type, typically one of: Varchar Text Int Date timestamp

Length: Field size in bytes - important for varchar type fields, where it indicates the maximum size in characters Not Null: If YES, indicates that the field may not have a NULL value Default: The default value for the field

Within each table description, the Extract Source is listed. This is the name of the TWS/WebAdmin extract utility that populates the table. For instance, the jobhist table is populated by jobhist.php. If a table has a primary key or constraints, these are listed as well.

Extract Source: tws_event.php (TWS/WebAdmin event monitor daemon)
Field event_id event_num event_type pid tws_process master domain link_state workstation Type integer integer varchar integer varchar varchar varchar varchar varchar Length 4 4 128 4 128 128 128 128 128 Not Null Yes Yes No No No No No No No Default


Field jobstream job_workstation job submitted_jobname Status logon script every_rate recovery_type prompt_name prompt_num prompt_text tstamp

Type varchar varchar varchar varchar varchar varchar varchar integer varchar varchar integer varchar timestamp

Length 128 128 128 128 32 128 255 4 64 128 4 255 6/10

Not Null No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes


Primary Key: event_id

Extract Source: tws_event.php
Field line_num md5 Type Integer varchar Length 4 40 Not Null Yes Yes Default

Extract Source: jobhist.php
Field sched_date schedlog_file Type timestamp varchar Length 6/10 128 Not Null Yes Yes Default


Field workstation Jobstream Job_workstation job status priority jobnum start_time run_time cpu_time logon script rerun_flag every_flag iteration

Type varchar varchar varchar varchar varchar char varchar timestamp integer integer varchar varchar varchar varchar integer

Length 128 128 128 128 64 64 64 6/10 4 4 128 255 64 64 4

Not Null Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


Extract Source: jobhist.php
Field sched_date schedlog_file status Type timestamp varchar varchar Length 6/10 128 64 Not Null Yes Yes No Default

Primary Key: sched_date, schedlog_file

Extract Source: none


Field tstamp last_updated workstation job username title note_type_id note_text

Type timestamp timestamp varchar varchar varchar varchar integer clob

Length 6/10 6/10 128 128 128 255 4

Not Null Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No


Primary Key: workstation, job, title

Extract Source: none
Field alert_id event_num severity workstation jobstream job_workstation job logon script tstamp last_updated alert_type recipient email_text Type integer integer integer varchar varchar varchar varchar varchar varchar timestamp timestamp varchar varchar clob Length 4 4 4 128 128 128 128 128 128 6/10 6/10 64 255 Not Null Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No Default


Field command description

Type varchar clob

Length 255

Not Null No No


Primary Key: alert_id

Extract Source: none
Field listnum workstation jobstream job deadline Type integer varchar varchar varchar timestamp Length 4 128 128 128 6/10 Not Null Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Default

Extract Source: none
Field listnum listdesc Type integer clob Length 4 Not Null Yes No Default

Primary Key: listnum


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