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Writing transformation FOR GIFTED STUDENTS

Writing 1:
1. Her success went beyond her expectation.
Never .....................
2. Tony is very charming, but I wouldn’t trust him.
Charming .....................
3. I left without saying goodbye as I didn’t want to disturb the meeting.
Rather than .....................
4. If there is an emergency, ring this number.
In case .....................
5. The thief must have come in through the window.
The thief almost .....................
6. Driving at that sea is dangerous although you are an experienced driver or not.
However .....................
7. Its lack of irregular verbs makes Esperanto to a unique language.
Unlike .....................
8. You won’t find a more dedicated worker anywhere than Mrs . Jones.
Nowhere .....................
9. The play is so popular that the theatre is likely to be full every night.
Such is .....................
10. Experts think that all dogs evolved from wolves.
All dogs .....................
Writing 2:
1. Our picnic was cancelled because it rained heavily last Sunday.
If .....................
2. They couldn’t deceive customers although they used attractive advertisement.
Whatever .....................
3. Because the chemicals were properly combined, the prescription has brought about the
expected result.
Because of .....................
4. Newspapers report that hundreds of people died in the earthquake last week.
Hundreds of people .....................
5. I dislike it when people criticize me unfairly.
I object .....................
6. Years ago women were too busy to take part in social activities.
Years ago women didn’t .....................
7. “ The Times” was first printed 200 years ago.
It is .....................
8. John outran the others in the race.
John was .....................
9. Although he was tired, he managed to finish the marathon race.
In spite of .....................

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10. I must have my suit cleaned before the interview.
My suit needs .....................
Writing 3:
1. You wouldn’t find any more affectionate animal anywhere in the world.
No .....................
2. Liz said unforgivable things to her father at the dinner party.
What .....................
3. The realization that I had been swindled came much later.
Only .....................
4. It is fairly unlikely that he will be convicted of the offence.
There .....................
5. You won’t find out if they are open if you don’t phone them.
6. The rain brought about the cancellation of the tennis match.
The tennis match .....................
7. The reason why he applied for a job abroad was to earn more money.
With a.....................
8. The fog is heavier than usual tonight.
There .....................
9. The fete will take place on Sunday, come rain or shine.
10. Failing prompt payment, The goods must be returned by you.
You must either .....................
Writing 4:
1. It was more of an argument than a discussion
It was not so . .....................
2. Thanks to her uncle’s legacy of 15,000 dollars she was able to buy the house she wanted.
Had her .....................
3. Batigol is the footballer I admire most of all.
There is .....................
4. the man’s life was of great poverty.
Throughout .....................
5. There was no precedent for the king resignation.
Never .....................
6. These new machines have put an end to queuing.
Before these .....................
7. Tien Giang is a far less hilly province than Lamdong.
Lam Dong has .....................
8. There isn’t a pair of jeans left in the shop, Miss!
We are completely .....................
9. A house in this district will cost you at least 100,000 dollars.
You won’t be .....................
10. She doesn’t know why they are attracted to spending all day on the beach.
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She can’t see .....................

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