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Should Programming Languages Hang On English?

An argument and personal research agenda for culturally sustaining programming

Ryan Enser

Background Affordances References

1. Dixon, R.M. (2016). Are some languages better than others?

Most popular computer programming languages are derived Culturally sustaining programming affords many benefits for Oxford University Press.
from the natural language of English, which creates a barrier Comparison of English speakers languages and cultures traditionally excluded from 2. Flores, N. (2020). From academic language to language
and all other language speakers
to learning computer programming languages for 90% of the programming. architecture: Challenging raciolinguistic ideologies in research and
world. practice. Theory into practice, 59(1), 22-31.
• The field of computer programming would be open to many
• English is spoken natively by only about 400,000,000 people, more aspirants who are ready to participate given the 3. Flores, N., & Rosa, J. (2015). Undoing Appropriateness:
less than 10% of the global population (Lingoda, 2021; TIOBE opportunity (Scott et al., 2015). Raciolinguistic Ideologies and Language Diversity in Education.
Software BV, 2021). Harvard educational review, 85(2), 149-171.
• Native language programmers could develop new native
Culturally Sustaining Programming 4. Kafai, Y. B., & Proctor, C. (2021). A Revaluation of Computational
• Linguists have determined that no natural language is superior language software engineering industries to benefit their
Thinking in K–12 Education: Moving Toward Computational
to any other for communicative purposes, including computer linguistic group.
Literacies. Educational researcher, 0013189X211057904.
programming (Dixon, 2016; Flores & Rosa, 2015). To empower native language programmers to develop their • Native language derived programming languages would 5. Lingoda. (2021). What are the main English speaking countries?
own programming languages, culturally sustaining become linguistic and cultural assets of the linguistic group. Retrieved November 29, 2021 from
Exclusion pedagogies, an approach from the field of education
principally developed by Django Paris (2017) and rooted in • For example, an Arabic-derived programming
6. Ladson-Billings, G. (1995). Toward a theory of culturally relevant
Gloria Ladson-Billings work (1995), could be adapted for language would surely strengthen the linguistic and
pedagogy. American educational research journal, 32(3), 465-491.
Historical and Sociolinguistic factors explain English’s software engineering as culturally sustaining programming. cultural identity of Arab speakers.
7. Metz, M. (2017). Addressing English teachers’ concerns about
exclusive role as the source language for nearly all
programming languages.
• The concept flows from the intersection of software Research Questions decentering Standard English. English Teaching: Practice & Critique,
development and cultural pluralism where the plurality of 16, 00-00.
Historically, software engineering began and continues to be cultures and languages of programmers is an asset. 8. Paris, D., & Alim, H. S. (2017). Culturally sustaining pedagogies:
conducted in English-speaking parts of the world. To develop the concept of culturally sustaining programming, Teaching and learning for justice in a changing world. Teachers
• Native language software engineers can develop programming many research questions need to be asked including: College Press.
• North America only contains about 6.5% of the global languages from their own native languages and educate the
9. Ruby, I., & David, S. (2016). Natural-Language Neutrality in
population, but commands 40% of the global information next generation of native language software engineers with 1. What kinds of support do non-English speakers need for
Programming Languages: Bridging the Knowledge Divide in
technology market (U.S. Department of Commerce, 2021). Kafai and Proctors’ (2021) computational literacies model. developing programming languages in their native languages?
Software Engineering. In P. Zaphiris & A. Ioannou, Learning and
Sociolinguistically, the English language could be used by Collaboration Technologies Cham.
2. What educational infrastructure is already in place to facilitate
software engineers to empower English speakers and 10. Scott, K. A., Sheridan, K. M., & Clark, K. (2015). Culturally
native language programming language development?
disenfranchise others, like it is used in education. responsive computing: A theory revisited. Learning, Media and
Technology, 40(4), 412-436.
• Nelson Flores has written extensively on raciolinguistic 3. How can theoretical models of power, agency, and
11. TIOBE Software BV. (2021). TIOBE index for November 2021.
ideologies that exclude minoritized Americans from educational Representation of United States computational literacies be used to support native language
disproportionate share of the information Retrieved November 29, 2021 from
opportunities based on racial and linguistic variation (Flores, technology market language programming development?
2020; Flores & Rosa, 2015).
12. U.S. Department of Commerce. (2021). Select USA: Software
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• Within schools, efforts to decenter the dominant English variety and Information Technology Spotlight.
in the United States have been met with fierce resistance from qqqBlbj6rGkjo00iaO3Ug/edit?usp=sharing
educators, as well (Metz, 2017).

Department of Learning and Instruction

Graduate School of Education

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