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Cleaner Chemical Engineering 1 (2022) 100004

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Simulation of the soybean oil hydrotreating process for green diesel

Cláudia J.S. Cavalcanti a,∗, Mauro A.S.S. Ravagnani b, Luiz Stragevitch a, Florival R. Carvalho a,
Maria Fernanda Pimentel a
Department of Chemical Engineering, Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife-PE, Brazil
Department of Chemical Engineering, State University of Maringá, Maringá-PR, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: Renewable diesel, or green diesel, is the biofuel with the fastest growing use in the world. Its use as a replacement
Decarboxylation for fossil diesel is important to reduce the impact of carbon emissions. Green diesel is formed by a mixture of
Decarbonylation hydrocarbons with a chemical composition similar to that of fossil fuel, making it a drop-in biofuel. Commercial
processing employs hydrotreatment of vegetable oil, which, in addition to producing green diesel, can also be
used to produce biofuel for aviation, bionaphtha and biopropane. The present paper proposes a model for the
Green diesel
Aspen plus hydrotreatment of soybean oil for the production of green diesel. The process was simulated in Aspen Plus® v10;
Soybean oil the decarboxylation, decarbonylation and hydrodeoxygenation reactions were carried out in a stoichiometric
reactor in the presence of an NiMo/Al2 O3 catalyst. In addition to the cracking reactions and fractionation, the
fuels produced green diesel, aviation biofuel, and light gases. Brazilian soybean oil was used as the raw material
to produce the green diesel. Sensitivity analyses were performed to adjust the best fractionation conditions,
considering the composition of the product and the distillation column energy. The best results were chosen
when the distillation column was configured with 22 stages, feed at stage 12 and reflux ratio equal to 0.8.
The hydrogen/soybean oil ratio was 0.031. The energy used in the process was 1181 kW/h. More than 80%
of the soybean oil was converted to renewable fuels, with approximately 65% to green diesel. In addition, a
prediction of the simulated physical chemical properties was made and compared with the current Brazilian
legislation for green diesel obtaining values within the established specifications. The ASTM D86 distillation
curve was compared with simulated results from green diesel obtained from experimental data and fossil diesel.
The experimental and simulated distillation curves agreed, showing only a small difference between curves up
to 25% of recovered volume. This can be explained by the lighter components present in the experimental green
diesel. The proposed simulation supported the potential of Brazilian soybean oil for the production of quality
renewable fuels.

1. Introduction linear hydrocarbons obtained from the hydrogenation of vegetable oil

(Souza et al., 2022).
Due to the depletion of non-renewable energy sources, the high cost The most common biofuel is biodiesel, which is composed from fatty
of extracting oil in ever deeper layers and the increasing global concern acid methyl esters (FAME) produced by the transesterification of veg-
about climate change, the global energy sector has begun to move to a etable oils. Even though biodiesel is biodegradable, does not contain
new scenario in which renewable sources gain more space in the energy sulfur molecules in its composition and has acceptable lubricating prop-
matrix. Renewable fuels produced from vegetable oils are an attractive erties, biodiesel has some limitations as an alternative fuel (Koul et al.,
alternative to fossil fuels. Amongst the possibilities of alternative fuels 2021). Biodiesel is technically viable when mixed with fossil diesel, but
compatible with diesel oil, biodiesel and renewable diesel (green diesel) it cannot be used in its pure form to replace fossil diesel due to technical
are important. Both are derived from biomass, but they are different problems in an engine. In addition, biodiesel performs poorly when cold
fuels and use two different techniques to transform vegetable oil into and has low oxygen stability (Sonthalia and Kumar, 2019; Amin, 2019).
molecules compatible with fossil diesel. Biodiesel is a mixture of fatty Therefore, new technologies are being investigated for the produc-
acid esters obtained by transesterification; green diesel is a mixture of tion of an alternative diesel with the hydrotreatment of vegetable oils
(Amin, 2019; Zhang et al., 2018). These produce high-cetane-index fuels

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (C.J.S. Cavalcanti).
Received 29 November 2021; Received in revised form 9 February 2022; Accepted 9 February 2022
2772-7823/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
C.J.S. Cavalcanti, M.A.S.S. Ravagnani, L. Stragevitch et al. Cleaner Chemical Engineering 1 (2022) 100004

Petroleum Agency (ANP) through resolution N° 842, of May 14, 2021

Nomenclatures (Brazil, 2021), which establishes the specifications for green diesel, as
well as the obligations regarding control of quality.
ANP Brazilian National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas The main Brazilian raw material for the production of green diesel
and Biofuels is soybean oil. Brazil is the second largest soybean-producing country,
ANVISA National Health Surveillance Agency after the United States, with a production of 135,409 million tons in the
ASTM American Society for Testing And Materials 2020–2021 harvest (Embrapa, 2021). Cremonez et al. (2021) conducted
DCN Decarbonylation a study on the potential for producing green diesel from alternative raw
DCX Decarboxylation materials available in Brazil, looking to complement biodiesel produc-
FAME Fatty Acid Methyl Esters tion or provide a possible substitute for biodiesel when ever green diesel
HDO Hydrodeoxygenation reaches conditions of greater technical-economic feasibility. However,
HDR Hydroprocessed Diesel Renewable an analysis of the production of green diesel from Brazilian soybean oil
HVO Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil has not yet been carried out.
PSRK Predictive Redlich-Kwong-Soave In recent years, some modelling and simulation works have been
SFA Saturated Fatty Acids published, using commercial process simulators such as Aspen Plus, for
the processing of green diesel from the hydrotreatment of vegetable
oils. Silva and Andrade (2021) studied the hydrogenation of various
from low quality raw materials, generating products with high added vegetable oils, such as sunflower, soybean, palm, olive, corn and cot-
value and lower cost, when compared to biodiesel (Cremonez et al., ton. Plazas-Gonzalez, Guerrero-Fajardo and Sodré (2018) presented a
2021). model of hydrotreating palm oil for green diesel production. Mederos-
Green diesel, also known as hydroprocessed renewable diesel (HRD) Nieto et al. (2019) studied the advantages and disadvantages of pro-
or hydrogenated vegetable oil (HVO) is produced by hydrotreating tri- cessing crude and methyl castor oil esters. Plazas-Gonzalez, Guerrero-
acylglycerols in vegetable oils with hydrogen (No, 2014). Hydrotreat- Fajardo and Sodré (2018) presented a simulation model of the hy-
ing is a process used by oil refineries to remove contaminants such drotreatment of palm oil components for the production of green diesel.
as sulfur, nitrogen, condensed aromatic rings and metals. In this pro- The reactions were modelled in an equilibrium reactor using Aspen
cess, the raw material reacts with hydrogen under high temperature and Plus® 7.3 software, in the presence of an NiMo/Al2 O3 catalyst, inves-
pressure to change the chemical composition. In the case of renewable tigating the influence of the reactor pressure, temperature and H2 /oil
diesel, hydrogen is introduced into the raw material in the presence of molar ratio. The results showed that the optimized conditions were ob-
a catalyst that removes oxygen, converting the triglyceride molecules tained with an average pressure of 30 bar to 60 bar, a temperature be-
into paraffinic hydrocarbons. This consists of three main reactions: hy- tween 300 and 400 °C and a molar ratio H2 /oil of 20:1. In the separation
drodeoxygenation (HDO), decarbonylation (DCN) and decarboxylation system, the operating conditions adopted were 40 bar and 200 °C on the
(DCX), to remove oxygen, carbon monoxide and water, and carbon diox- first plate and 1.013 bar and 60 °C on the second plate, resulting in 97%
ide, respectively (Sonthalia and Kumar, 2019). Different catalysts have green diesel purity, with high production levels of n-C18 and n -C16 .
been studied in the literature. Veriansyah et al. (2012) studied the hy- Mederos-Nieto et al. (2018) simulated the hydrotreatment of veg-
drotreatment of soybean oil using alumina-based catalysts supported by etable oil in Aspen Plus® v10 with two different raw materials from the
nickel-molybdenum, palladium, cobalt-molybdenum, nickel, platinum same plant: crude castor oil (RCO) and castor oil methyl esters (COME).
and ruthenium. Mohammad et al. (2013) presented a review of cata- This process was simulated with two stoichiometric reactors in series
lysts used in the hydrogenation of various vegetable oils and Santillan- and the reaction parameters were obtained from the literature. C18 and
Jimenez et al. (2014) investigated a Ni-Al layered double hydroxide cat- C20 hydrocarbons represented more than 71% of the total major prod-
alyst and more than 20% Ni/Al2O3 for comparison purposes. These pro- uct n-alkanes (C17– C20 ) of triglycerides and methyl esters, and the yield
cesses occur under elevated temperatures (300 to 400 °C) and pressures of C18 hydrocarbons was 2.5 times the yield of C17 hydrocarbons. This
(5 to 20 MPa) (Snåre et al., 2008; Donnis et al., 2009). In addition to ob- indicates that the hydrodeoxygenation pathway was preferred over the
taining a fuel chemically equivalent to petroleum-based diesel, this pro- decarboxylation/decarbonylation pathway.
cess has propane as a by-product. Because of this similarity, green diesel Few studies have investigated the use of soybean oil for the produc-
can be used as a drop-in replacement in vehicles; that is, it does not tion of renewable diesel. Silva and Andrade (2021) proposed a model for
require engine modifications. In addition, green diesel has advantages the deoxygenation of components from various vegetable oils, including
over fossil diesel: 85% fewer greenhouse gas emissions with low sul- soybean oil, to produce renewable diesel. The authors simulated a fixed
fur content and low NOx emissions resulting in cleaner combustion, ex- bed reactor based on rigorous kinetic data using Aspen Plus v8.8 soft-
cellent cold performance properties and oxidative stability, high cetane ware, which resulted in a conversion above 96% for all analysed oils
number and a high flash point (No, 2014; Singh et al., 2018). Many com- and an H2 /oil molar ratio of 2.5/1. It was observed that the type and
panies use hydrotreatment in their industrial plants to produce renew- number of converted hydrocarbons were mainly related to the initial
able diesel. Some examples are: Neste Oil (Finland), from crude palm composition of the vegetable oil used as raw material. All reactions were
oil, tallow (animal fats) and corn oil; Renewable Energy Group (USA), considered complete and Pd/C was used as catalyst, considering 0.5 g
inedible corn oil, used cooking oil, residual vegetable oils, animal fats, of catalyst and 0.5 g of silica.
greases and vegetable oils; ENI (Italy)/Honeywell-UOP (USA), palm oil, Klein et al. (2018) compared different routes for the production of re-
animal fats and used cooking oil; BP (UK), raw tallow; Cetane Energy newable aviation fuel, amongst them the hydroprocessing of esters and
(USA), vegetable oils and waste (Amin, 2019; Zhang et al., 2018). In fatty acids. amongst the vegetable oils used, the authors used a compo-
Paraguay, the ECB group is building an industrial complex for the pro- sition including soybean oil produced in Brazil. The authors simulated
duction of advanced biofuels (green diesel, aviation biokerosene and a process with an overall two-step hydrocarbon yield of about 80% soy-
naphtha) with a production capacity of 20,000 barrels per day, using bean oil, using 37.7 kg of H2 per ton of oil. amongst the routes studied
reforestation oil and vegetable and animal oils and fats (Negócios sus- by the authors, the production of green diesel was not discussed, as the
tentáveis, 2021). In 2020, Petrobras conducted co-processing tests of 2 focus of the article was the environmental and economic feasibility of
million liters of soybean oil, obtaining a mixture containing high per- different processes for the production of aviation biofuel.
centage of crude fossil diesel (typically 95%) and only 5% vegetable oil Therefore, up to the date of the writing of this paper, there have
(Cremonez et al., 2021; Aranda and Tokarski, 2021). Recently, a regu- been no published studies on the simulation of a hydrotreatment pro-
latory framework on green diesel was defined by the Brazilian National cess using Brazilian soybean oil that focused on the production of green

C.J.S. Cavalcanti, M.A.S.S. Ravagnani, L. Stragevitch et al. Cleaner Chemical Engineering 1 (2022) 100004

diesel considering the quality of the final product or comparing the phys- Table 1
ical chemical properties of green diesel with fossil diesel. This analysis . Average fatty acid composition of soybean oil
is important, then, from an industrial point of view, in order to ver- adopted in the simulations.
ify the feasibility of Brazilian soy for the production of green diesel. Fatty acid Formula Composition (%, wt)
Klein et al. (2018) and Silva and Andrade (2021) have presented pro-
Palmitic C16:0 12
cess flowsheets, but without considering the hydrocracking step that Stearic C18:0 4
follows the vegetable oil hydrogenation step. This step is important in Oleic C18:1 26
order to obtain lighter hydrocarbon fractions that will provide the final Linoleic C18:2 52
product with better flow properties at low temperatures, leading to an Linolenic C18:3 6

improved quality of the fuel produced.

To make up for this lack of information about vegetable oil hy-
drotreating processes including the cracking step, this present work pro- a lower hydrogen flow in the hydrotreatment process. Its higher concen-
poses a simulation flowsheet basing the cracking on a commercial pro- tration of C18:1results in hydrocarbon fractions (C17-C18), within the
cess available under the Eni/UOP patent, using the Aspen Plus v.10 sim- diesel range.
ulator. The simulation of the soybean oil hydrotreating process for the The composition adopted in this work (Table 1) was based on re-
production of green diesel is described and discussed, highlighting the search found in the literature (Woyann et al., al.,2019; Santos et al.,
use of a Brazilian oil composition that has not yet been presented in the 2013; Priolli et al., 2019) and on Resolution N° 482 of ANVISA (Brazil-
literature. Sensitivity analyses were performed to find the best fraction- ian National Health Surveillance Agency) (Brazil, 1999), which defines
ation process conditions considering the distillation column reboiler en- the identity and minimum quality characteristics to which vegetable oils
ergy and the concentration of C10-C18 fractions recovered in the green and fats must comply.
diesel stream. A prediction of the simulated physical chemical proper-
ties (distillation curve: ASTM D86, flash point: ASTM D56 / D93, cetane
number) was carried out using the Aspen Plus simulator and the results 2.3. Reactions included in the simulation
compared with the current legislation for green diesel (ANP Resolution
No. 842/ 2021) and with data found in the literature. Soybean oil hydrotreating involves a series of complex reactions in-
volving saturation, hydrogenation, decarboxylation (DCX), decarbony-
lation (DCN) and/or hydrodeoxygenation (HDO) (Fig. 1). The first reac-
2. Methodology
tions consist of hydrogenation and cracking of the triglycerides, whose
molecule contains three branches that correspond to the distribution
2.1. Process simulator and thermodynamic models
of fatty acids in the vegetable oil (soybean). The saturated fatty acids
(SFA) are then converted to alkanes through a combination of DCX, DCN
The scope of this work is limited to the use of the Aspen Plus v10
and/or HDO reactions. The alkanes produced by DCX and DCN contain
simulator, which was employed to simulate the soybean oil hydrotreat-
odd numbers of carbons in their chains. The DCX reaction does not re-
ment process for green diesel production, based on data available in the
quire hydrogen, the SFAs being converted into linear alkanes and carbon
dioxide. In the DCN reaction, the SFAs react with hydrogen, producing
Due to the presence of hydrocarbons, light gases, carbon dioxide
linear alkanes, carbon monoxide and water. In the HDO reaction, lin-
and hydrogen in the simulated process, the thermodynamic model cho-
ear alkanes with even numbers are produced, releasing water as a by-
sen was the Redlich-Kwong-Soave (RK-SOAVE). This method is par-
product of the reaction. Other reactions, such as isomerization, cycliza-
ticularly suitable in regions of high temperature and high pressure;
tion and cracking, can occur, resulting in lighter isoalkanes, aromatics
in addition, it is commonly applied to hydrocarbon processing, such
and hydrocarbons.
as gas processing, as well as to refinery and petrochemical processes.
In the present work, the hydrogenation and cracking reactions of
Studies in the literature for the hydrotreatment of other types of veg-
triglycerides present in the soybean oil, DCX, DCN and HDO reactions
etable oil have used models such as Predictive Redlich-Kwong-Soave
in SFA and the cracking of linear alkanes obtained in order to obtain
(PSRK) (Silva and Andrade, 2021) and Peng-Robinson with Redlich-
lighter hydrocarbons were considered. Table 2 shows all the reactions
Kwong (Plazas-González et al., 2018).
involved in this process according to the composition of the Brazilian
soybean oil. Methanation reactions of light gaseous compounds, carbon
2.2. Composition of the Brazilian soybean oil monoxide and carbon dioxide, generated during the reactions, were also
A recent study investigated different soybean crops currently pro- Considering the role of the catalyst, Veriansyah et al. (2012) per-
duced in Brazil. Their average oil composition was 20.35%.Their satu- formed several experiments to investigate the effects of six different
rated fatty acids, palmitic acid (C16:0) and stearic acid (C18:0), were types of catalysts on hydroprocessing efficiency and product compo-
respectively 8.59 and 3.74% of the oil fraction, 23.4% of monounsat- sition. The order of hydroprocessing conversion was: NiMo / c-Al2 O3
urated fatty acids (mainly oleic acid - C18:1) and for polyunsaturated (92.9%) > Pd / c- Al2 O3 (91.9%) > CoMo / c- Al2 O3 (78.9%) > Ni /
fatty acids, linoleic acid (C18:2) and linolenic acid (C18:3), accounted SiO2 - Al2 O3 (60 0.8%) > Pt / c- Al2 O3 (50.8%) > Ru / Al2 O3 (39.7%).
for 50.38 and 3.54%, in that order (Matei et al., 2018; Woyann et al., When a Pd or NiMo catalyst was used, diesel selectivity was high, in
2019). the range of 93.5–97.8%. Only a small number of lighter hydrocarbons
The composition of soybeans varies considerably according to dif- (naphtha selectivity of 3.2–6.5%) were produced, suggesting that the
ferent geographic regions in the world. When comparing the fatty acid hydrocracking reaction was insignificant under the given reaction con-
contents of Brazilian soybean crops with those around the world, the dition.
Brazilian has less C16:0; the C18:3 concentration is less than a half The best result of yield and selectivity was for the NiMo/Al2 O3 cata-
of the normal composition of soybeans. On the other hand, the Brazil- lyst, which produces hydrocarbons in the diesel range. A greater number
ian soybean has a composition of monounsaturated fatty acids 15–25%, of isoalkanes, cycloalkanes or aromatic carbon species in the hydropro-
greater than that of other soy crops in the world (Santos et al., 2013; cessed vegetable oil is desirable because this can increase the low tem-
Demorest et al., 2016; Priolli et al., 2019). perature flow properties resulting in better quality fuel. The authors also
This means that the Brazilian soybean has a better composition for found that the improved conversion and higher oxygen removal capa-
use in fuel due to its lower C18:3 contents, which consequently demands bilities, along with low cost, associated with the Ni, NiMo, and CoMo

C.J.S. Cavalcanti, M.A.S.S. Ravagnani, L. Stragevitch et al. Cleaner Chemical Engineering 1 (2022) 100004

Fig. 1. Possible reactions involved in the conversion of triglycerides into renewable hydrocarbons (Veriansyah et al., 2012).

Table 2
Reactions involved in the hydrotreatment process based on the adopted composition of soybean oil.

Hydrogenation of Triglycerides

Triglyceride + 3 Hydrogen → 3 Fatty Acid + Propane

C51 H98 O6 (Tripalmitin) + 3 H2 → 3 C16 H32 O2 (Palmitic acid) + C3 H 8 (Veriansyah et al., 2012)
C51 H92 O6 (Tripalmitolein) + 3 H2 → 3 C16 H30 O2 (Palmitoleic Acid) + C3 H 8
C57 H110 O6 (Stearin) + 3 H2 → 3 C18 H36 O2 (Stearic acid) + C3 H 8
C57 H104 O6 (Trioelin) + 3 H2 → 3 C18 H34 O2 (Oleic acid) + C3 H 8
C57 H98 O6 (Linolein) + 3 H2 → 3 C18 H32 O2 (Linoleic acid) + C3 H 8
C57 H92 O6 (Trilinolenin) + 3 H2 → 3 C18 H30 O2 (Linolenic Acid) + C3 H 8
Unsaturated Fatty Acid hydrogenation
Unsaturated Fatty Acid + Hydrogen → Saturated Fatty Acid
C16 H32 O2 (Palmitic acid) Does not have unsaturation (Veriansyah et al., 2012)
C16 H30 O2 (Palmitoleic Acid) + H2 → C16 H32 O2 (Palmitic acid)
C18 H36 O2 (Stearic acid) Does not have unsaturation
C18 H34 O2 (Oleic acid) + H2 → C18 H36 O2 (Stearic acid)
C18 H32 O2 (Linoleic acid) + 2 H2 → C18 H36 O2 (Stearic acid)
C18 H30 O2 (Linolenic Acid) + 3 H2 → C18 H36 O2 (Stearic acid)
Saturated Fatty Acid → Alkane + CO2
C16 H32 O2 (Palmitic acid) → C15 H32 (Pentadecane) + CO2 (Veriansyah et al., 2012)
C18 H36 O2 (Stearic acid) → C17 H36 (Heptadecane) + CO2
Saturated Fatty Acid + Hydrogen → Alkane + CO + H2 O
C16 H32 O2 (Palmitic acid) + H2 → C15 H32 (Pentadecane) + CO + H2 O (Veriansyah et al., 2012)
C18 H36 O2 (Stearic acid) + H2 → C17 H36 (Heptadecane) + CO + H2 O
Saturated Fatty Acid + 3 Hydrogen → Alkane + 2 H2 O
C16 H32 O2 (Palmitic acid) + 3H2 → C16 H34 (Hexadecane) + 2 H2 O (Veriansyah et al., 2012)
C18 H36 O2 (Stearic acid) + 3H2 → C18 H38 (Octadecane) + 2 H2 O
Other reactions
CO2 Methanation
CO2 + 4H2 → CH4 + 2 H2 O (Veriansyah et al., 2012)
CO Methanation
CO + 3H2 → CH4 + H2 O (Veriansyah et al., 2012)
C16 H34 + H2 → C13 H28 + C3 H 8 (Martinez-Hernandez et al., 2019)
C17 H36 + H2 → C14 H30 + C3 H 8
C18 H38 + H2 → C15 H32 + C3 H 8
C17 H36 + H2 → C9 H20 + C8 H18
C18 H38 + H2 → C10 H22 + C8 H18
C17 H36 + H2 → C10 H22 + C7 H16
C18 H38 + H2 → C11 H24 + C7 H16

C.J.S. Cavalcanti, M.A.S.S. Ravagnani, L. Stragevitch et al. Cleaner Chemical Engineering 1 (2022) 100004

Fig. 2. Process flowsheet of the hydrotreatment of soybean oil as simulated in Aspen plus.

catalysts, made them suitable for use in the hydroprocessing of natural The alkanes separated in the Flash separator 3 (ALKANE11) undergo
triglycerides. a pressure reduction (VALVE-2) and are heated (FURNACE-2) to enter
the distillation column (COL-1), with top products in the gas stream;
these consist mostly of methane and propane and small fractions of C7-
2.4. Process simulation
C9 (LIGHTS). Another stream is obtained with a product in the compo-
sition range of jet fuel, C7-C10 (JET). The bottom product of the column
The proposed process flowsheet in the present work is pre-
(DIESEL) is green diesel with a range of hydrocarbons between C10-C18.
sented in Fig. 2 and was based on the works of Silva and An-
The soybean oil flowrate was specified at 1010.74 kgh−1 . The oper-
drade (2021), Klein et al. (2018), Marker et al. (2009) and Martinez-
ating conditions established for the simulations are presented in Table 3.
Hernandez et al. (2019).
The triglyceride stream (TG-1) is pumped (PUMP-1), heated (HEAT-
X) and mixed (MIXER-1) with a hydrogen stream (H2-TO-R1). This mix- 3. Results and discussion
ture is heated in a furnace (FURNACE1) to 400 °C to reach the operat-
ing conditions of reactor 1 (R-1) (400 °C and 9.2 MPa), where initial 3.1. Simulation results
hydrogenation and cracking reactions of triglycerides occur. In reactor
1, the total conversion of triglycerides into saturated fatty acids (SFA) After configuring all process inputs, the steady-state simulation was
was considered, and in reactor 2 (R-2), the DCX, DCN and HDO reac- completed without convergence errors. Table S1 in the supplementary
tions occur, with the reaction yield as defined according to the litera- material presents information on temperature, flowrate and composition
ture (Veriansyah et al., 2012). The stoichiometric reactor was used given of the main streams of the flowsheet presented in Fig. 2.
the availability of the reactions involved and the fractional conversion In reactor 1, triglyceride saturation occurs (initial reactions –
data obtained experimentally as reported in the literature. The alka- Table 2), forming fatty acids. The unsaturated fatty acids formed - palmi-
nes produced (ALKANE1), CO, CO2 and water enter a heat exchange toleic (C16:1), oleic (C18:1), linolenic (C18:2) and linolenic (C18:3) - are
sequence (HEAT-X and COOLER-1) and then are sent to a flash sep- saturated with an excess of 10% hydrogen (hydrogenation – Table 2). All
arator (FLASH-1), where the water (WATER-1), gases produced, and reactions from reactor 1 were considered with 100% fractional conver-
the hydrogen that was not consumed (GASES-1) are separate. The alka- sion. The main output products of this reactor are palmitic and stearic
nes formed (ALKANE4) are subjected to a pressure reduction (VALVE- acids (C16:0 and C18:0): 94.1% by mass, propane, 4.9% by mass and
1) and sent to a second flash (FLASH-2), in order to separate the excess hydrogen. The ratio of hydrogen consumed in relation to triglyc-
alkanes (ALKANE6) from the remaining gases (GASES-2). The alka- erides for the first reactor was 0.017.
nes stream is pumped (PUMP-2) and heated (HEATER-1) according In reactor 2, the saturated fatty acids are converted into hydrocar-
to the input conditions set for reactor 3 (R-3) (250 °C and 3 MPa), bons through simultaneous reactions of decarboxylation (DCX), decar-
which also receives a hydrogen stream (H2-TO-R3) under the same bonylation (DCN) and hydrodeoxygenation (HDO) (Table 2); their con-
conditions. version proportions related to the catalyst process conditions used. In
The cracking reactions occur in the third reactor, whose operational the simulation, the highest conversion (92.5%) was achieved when us-
conditions and yield of responses were defined according to the litera- ing NiMo/𝛾 - Al2 O3 as the catalyst, with a catalyst/oil mass ratio of
ture (Martinez-Hernandez et al., 2019). The alkanes obtained in reac- 0.044, according to the work of Veriansyah et al. (2012).
tor 3 (ALKANE9) are cooled (COOLER-3) and sent to a flash separator Hydrocarbons produced by DCX and DCN reactions contain odd
(FLASH-3), where the separation of water (WATER-2), remaining hy- numbers of carbons in their chains. In the case of soybean oil, the most
drogen/other gases (GASES-3) and alkanes (ALKANE11) occur. All gas abundant components are C17 and C15 when DCX and/or DCN reactions
streams (GASES-1, GASES-2 and GASES-3) are compressed (COMPR- are the main pathways. Otherwise, the formation of hydrocarbons with
1) and sent to another separator (SEP), where the waste gases (TAIL- the even carbon numbers, C16 and C18, occurs when a DHO reaction is
GASES), consisting mainly of CO2 and CO, are separated; here, the hy- dominant. Thus, the ratio between odd-numbered and even-numbered
drogen is recovered for its reuse in the process (H2-REC). The recovered alkanes of carbon atoms (e.g. C17 / C18) can serve as an indicator of
hydrogen is sent to the reactors and the hydrogen recycle calculation is the reaction pathways of DCX/DCN and DHO.
made through Design Spec blocks where the necessary flow rates to re- The experimental results presented by Veriansyah et al. (2012) for
place the MKUP-R3 and MKUP-R1streams are calculated, considering the NiMo/𝛾 - Al2 O3 catalyst showed that the C17 fraction is 2.5 times
that the reactors operate with 10% excess hydrogen. greater than the C18 fraction, that is, 40% of the corresponding molar

C.J.S. Cavalcanti, M.A.S.S. Ravagnani, L. Stragevitch et al. Cleaner Chemical Engineering 1 (2022) 100004

Table 3
Operational conditions of main equipment in simulation model.

Unit Name Aspen Block Simulation Parameters Reference

R-1 Stoichiometric reactor - based on known fractional Conversion: 100% Veriansyah et al. (2012)
conversions or extents of reactions Temperature: 400 °C
Pressure: 9.2 MPa
R-2 Conversion: 92.9%
Catalyst: NiMo/𝛾 - Al2 O3
Temperature: 400 °C;
Pressure: 9.2 MPa
R-3 Catalyst patented by MPI∗ Martinez-Hernandez et al. (2019)
Temperature: 50 °C
Pressure: 3 MPa
Reactions conversions obtained by
Martinez-Hernandez et al. (2019)
COL-1 RadFrac - rigorous 2 or 3 phase fractionations for Number of stages: 22 Configured by the authors
single columns Reflux ratio: 0.8
Feed stage: 12
Pressure: 1 Bar
Condenser temperature: 60 °C
SEP Component Separator - separates components base H2 recovery: 93% Consideration
on specified flow or split fractions

Mexican Petroleum Institute

fraction for DHO and 60% for DCX/DCN reactions. To identify in what Table 4
proportion DCX/DCN reactions occur, it was important to analyse the Summary of the main results simulated in terms of mass flow.
amount of CO2 formed, since the production of CO2 only occurs in DCX Flowrate (kgh−1 )
reactions. Since 60% of this result corresponds to the DCX/DCN reac-
Products Diesel 653.72
tions, and given the greater formation of CO2 (30%) for the catalyst
Jet 169.29
NiMo/𝛾 - Al2 O3 and only 2% of CO (from the DCN reaction), the per- Lights 74.59
centage to be considered was separated into 56.4% for DCX and 3.6% By- H2 O 50.35
for DCN. Based on the experimental data, it was possible to insert in products CO 3.37
CO2 82.98
the simulator the fractional conversion for each reaction; thus, a ratio
Raw material Soy oil 1010.74
of consumed hydrogen to saturated fatty acid of 0.0082 was obtained Input Hydrogen 30.95
in this reactor.
It should be noted that the composition of soybean oil used to obtain
the experimental data was different from the composition used in the
simulation of our work. This, however, did not affect the validity of the After the cracking step, hydrogen recovery and removal of remaining
work, considering that the main fractions of soybeans were practically gases are carried out, and the mixture of renewable hydrocarbons is sent
the same. The difference between the composition of Brazilian soybeans to fractionation. The configuration of the distillation column was made
used in the simulation this work (Table 1) and Korean soybeans used by through sensitivity analyses, which are presented in Section 3.2, and the
Veriansyah et al. (2012) was minimal. characterization of the products obtained according to the specification
The ratio between the total hydrogen consumed (reactors 1 and 2) is presented in Section 3.3. Fig. 3 shows the carbon distribution of the
and the raw material processed was 0.025 kg of H2 /kg of soybean oil. products obtained in the distillation step.
The output stream of the second reactor (ALKENE1 – Fig. 2) passes Green Diesel is obtained from the column bottom stream and com-
through a sequence of heat exchange, pressure reduction, and separa- prises the range between C10 – C18 according to the specification sheet
tion. Flash tanks removed 96.54% of the water, 96.24% of CO2 , 99.76% for petro-diesel sold in Brazil (PETROBRAS, 2020).The stream of jet bio-
of CO, and still recovered 99.95% of H2 for reuse in the process. The fuel obtained is in the range of C4-C12 and can be characterized as avi-
removal of these components is important before sending the alkanes to ation gasoline (PETROBRAS, 2019), which is used in small aircrafts. A
the third reactor, which has the function of obtaining lighter fractions light fraction is also produced at the top of the distillation column; its
through cracking. main components are methane and propane, with small fractions of C7
Although the kinetics and reaction mechanisms for this type of sys- and C10.
tem have been widely investigated for fractions derived from crude Table 4 presents a summary of the main results of the simulation of
oil, studies on mixtures of renewable hydrocarbons are still scarce. this process in terms of the flowrate of the products and by-products
Martinez-Hernandez et al. (2019) studied the cracking of renewable hy- obtained.
drocarbon fractions using a catalyst patented by the Mexican Petroleum Overall, the ratio of hydrogen used for this process in relation to the
Institute, and provided conditions for the cracking process and reaction soybean oil was 0.031. The energy used in the process was 1181 kW/h.
conversions. More than 80% of the soybean oil was converted to renewable fuels,
In the reactor simulated in our work, the methane reaction of CO with approximately 65% to green diesel.
and CO2 remaining in the input stream was considered as having a con- It is difficult to compare some parameters of the work with simi-
version of 80%. Reactor 3 was simulated with an excess of 10% in the lar studies in the literature, since the proposed flowsheet is much more
hydrogen flowrate; the ratio of hydrogen consumption in relation to complex than those already presented, making a critical comparison
the cracked components was 0.0058. Before cracking, the majority of of the processes difficult under these circumstances. A parameter pre-
alkanes in the range of C15 – C18 were produced. After this step, the sented in most works on this topic is the oil/H2 ratio, which is directly
carbon range increased to C7-C18. The presence of lighter hydrocar- related to the number of unsaturations present in vegetable oil. Our
bons, in addition to providing other renewable fuel fractions, helps to work presented an oil/H2 ratio of 0.031, while processes that used the
meet the specifications for the physicochemical properties of the final same raw material presented ratios of 0.044 (Veriansyah et al., 2012),
product. 2.5 (Silva and Andrade, 2021) and 0.0377 (Klein et al., 2018). This

C.J.S. Cavalcanti, M.A.S.S. Ravagnani, L. Stragevitch et al. Cleaner Chemical Engineering 1 (2022) 100004

Fig. 3. Carbon distribution of distillation products obtained in the simulation.

difference is related to the composition of the raw material used. Brazil- Aspen Plus v.10 simulator. The values of the physicochemical proper-
ian soybean oil has better composition for use as a fuel due to the ties presented in this table were compared with the limits established
lower levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which consequently require by ANP Resolution N° 842 (Brazil, 2021), which establishes the specifi-
a lower flow of hydrogen in the hydrotreatment, and greater concentra- cations for green diesel. Data on the characterization of different types
tion of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, resulting in hydro- of green diesel and comparisons with the properties of fossil diesel are
carbon fractions in the diesel range. also available.
Regarding the methods used, flash point and distillation tempera-
3.2. Sensitivity analysis tures were provided for the simulator in accordance with the method
indicated by the legislation. To determine the property of the cetane
In order to produce a green diesel within specifications number, a different method was used, as the simulator does not employ
(Brazil, 2021), considering the best distillation configuration, sen- the same method as the standard. Thus, the cetane number was pre-
sitivity analyses were carried out to define the number of column dicted by ASTM D4737, which is an alternative method for estimating
stages, feed stage and reflux ratio. The reboiler energy and concentra- the cetane number when a result by the test method ASTM D613 is not
tion of the C10-C18 fractions recovered in the green diesel stream were available.
considered. According to Koul et al. (2021), green diesel has a cetane num-
Fig. 4 shows the sensitivity analysis for the number of stages of the ber ranging from 68 to 94.8. Its high value is related to its distri-
distillation column. An increase in the energy consumption in the col- bution of long-chain hydrocarbons, especially C15-C18 (Sonthalia and
umn is noticed as the number of stages increases. While the 100% of the Kumar, 2019). Thus, the simulated result for this parameter complies
fraction from C11 to C18 is recovered in the distilled stream of green with the legislation and is still within the expected range for a green
diesel, the fraction C10 has an average recovery of 53.6%. When the diesel.
energy spent by the column became stable from the 22nd stage on, this According to the analysis methods for the flash point, the
value was chosen to simulate the distillation column, also considering ASTM D93 test method determines the flash point of petroleum prod-
the recovery of fractions in the final product. ucts in the temperature range of 40 to 360 °C using a Pensky-Martens
After defining the 22-stage distillation column, the feed stage was closed-vessel. The ASTM D56 method is applied to liquids with a viscos-
investigated (Fig. 5). It can be observed that stages between 9 and 17 ity below 5.5 mm2 /s at 40 °C and a flash point below 93 °C in a TAG
meet the maximum of the recovered fractions and at the same time have closed-vessel. Both methods were simulated and the flash point result
the lowest energy consumption. So, stage 12 was chosen to simulate the is in accordance with legislation and within the range for green diesel
feeding stage. (69–146 °C) (Singh et al., 2018).
As for the reflux ratio (Fig. 6), lower energy consumption was re- In the case of green diesel, temperatures for 10, 50 and 95% of vol-
ported with a lower reflux ratio. The C10 fraction remains constant at ume recovered in the distillation are regulated by Brazilian legislation.
an average of 54% during the study and in relation to the recovery of The temperature at 10% in recovered volume is related to the ease of
C11-C18 fractions, a reflux ratio equal to 0.8 meets the specification of starting the engine. At 50% of volume, the heating characteristic is eval-
green diesel can be observed. uated, and the 95% temperature relates to the difficulty of vaporization,
residue formation and particulate emission. Table 5 shows that all sim-
3.3. Estimation of the physicochemical properties of the simulated green ulated distillation temperatures met the limits established by legislation
diesel and agreed with reports from the literature.
Fig. 7 shows the ASTM D86 distillation curve for the simulated re-
Table 5 shows the results of the physicochemical characterization sults in comparison with a distillation curve of green diesel obtained
of the green diesel fraction, predicted by the methods available in the from experimental data (Mancio et al., 2018). A distillation curve of

C.J.S. Cavalcanti, M.A.S.S. Ravagnani, L. Stragevitch et al. Cleaner Chemical Engineering 1 (2022) 100004

Fig. 4. Sensitivity analysis for the number of stages in the column.

Fig. 5. Sensitivity analysis of column feed stage.

a commercial diesel oil sample taken from Brazilian sources is also Fig. 7 presents an average curve of the experimental results obtained for
shown. green diesel.
Mancio et al. (2018) carried out fractionation experiments under at- Even if the simulated results were from a soybean composition
mospheric pressure, producing green diesel from four organic liquid that was different from the experimental results, which were from
products obtained by thermal-catalytic cracking of crude palm oil us- palm oil, it is possible to compare the distillation curve related to
ing 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% (w/w) of sodium carbonate as the catalyst. its composition of green diesel. The simulation provided a paraffinic

C.J.S. Cavalcanti, M.A.S.S. Ravagnani, L. Stragevitch et al. Cleaner Chemical Engineering 1 (2022) 100004

Fig. 6. Sensitivity analysis of reflux ratio.

Table 5
Comparison of physicochemical properties between simulated green diesel, green diesel and fossil diesel fractions.

Physical Chemical Properties Unit ANP N° 842 (Green Diesel) Simulation Green Diesel Petro-Diesel

Cetane number, min. – 51 a 85 e 68–94.8f 44.5–67f

F lash point, min. °C 38 b , c 81 b 69–146 f 52–
86 c 148
1 0% vol., recovered, min. °C 180 d 223 d 241.5–261.8g > 180i
5 0% vol., recovered, min. °C 245 −295 d 276 d 273–289 f 232–282 f
9 5% vol., recovered, max. °C 370 d 348 d 321.1–350.4h < 370i
ASTM D613.
ASTM D4737.
Singh et al., 2018.
Mancio et al., 2018.
Mohammad et al., al. 2013.
Brazil, 2014.

hydrocarbon product in the range of C10-C18, which was the same are similar to the distillation curve for petro-diesel, indicating the com-
standard as the diesel produced by Petrobras (PETROBRAS, 2020), patibility of these fuels and possibility of substitution, as they present
while the hydrocarbon fraction obtained by Mancio et al. (2018) was the same physicochemical characteristics.
in the range of C14-C17. As well, those researchers identified, In this study, we specifically addressed the process of hydrotreat-
through a characterization analysis by gas chromatography/mass spec- ing vegetable oil to produce green diesel. The green diesel can also be
trometry, other classes of hydrocarbons in addition to the paraf- produced through other routes - synthesis gas from biomass (Fischer-
finics, such as olefins, naphthenics, oxygenates, carboxylic acids and Tropsch reaction), fermentation of sugarcane juice, and oligomeriza-
alcohols. tion of ethyl or isobutyl alcohol. Amongst these forms of production,
The results observed (Fig. 7) indicate that the experimental and sim- the hydrotreatment of vegetable oil is the most promising in the case
ulated distillation curves agreed, showing only a small difference be- of Brazil. A study conducted by Cremonez et al. (2021) indicated that
tween curves up to 25% of recovered volume, which can be explained the capacity of oil refineries could guarantee the production of this
by the presence of lighter components present in the experimental green fuel at significantly lower costs, requiring few adaptations in order to
diesel. Both experimental and simulated results are in accordance with produce biofuel and mineral diesel in the same facilities. In addition,
the limits established by legislation. Brazilian producers already have access to the raw materials - chicken
Another comparison that is worth highlighting is in relation to fossil fat, fish oil, bovine tallow, waste cooking oils, soy and other energy
diesel, where it was observed that the distillation curves for green diesel crops.

C.J.S. Cavalcanti, M.A.S.S. Ravagnani, L. Stragevitch et al. Cleaner Chemical Engineering 1 (2022) 100004

Fig. 7. Comparison between ASTM D86 distillation

curves for green diesel (simulated and experimental)
and fossil diesel.

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