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FIRST SEMESTER 2020/2021 (A201)

BJMQ 3113 – Quality Management System


Individual Assignment:

Audit Report

Prepared by:

Prepared for:

Submission Date: 23rd DECEMBER 2020

Table Content

Table Content ...................................................................................................................................1

1.0 Audit Plan ............................................................................................................................ 2-3
Agenda ......................................................................................................................................4
2.0 Audit Notification ....................................................................................................................5
3.0 Audit Checklist .................................................................................................................... 6-7
4.0 Audit Evidence .................................................................................................................... 8-9
5.0 Non-conformity report (NCR)/Corrective Action Request (CAR) ............................ 10-11

1.0 Audit Plan

Audit Plan Luscious Bites Details Comments

Auditor G5 DESIGN ENTERPRISE The auditee will need
team to query and
details Nur Fadhlin Binti Sam (General Manager) negotiate issues prior
Ngoi Lee Nee (Quality Department) to accepting the audit
Pun Kah Man (Operation Department)
Soh Yi Yi (Human Resources)
Nur Sahaeera Asyikeen Binti Mohd Sanusi
Rney Nafisa Binti Mohd Nazeri (Customer Service)
Wan Amirul Bin Wan Rosli (Sales And Marketing
Department )

Auditee The auditor will

Team clarify details with
details Muhammad Aiman Hakim Bin Hanafiah the auditee before the
auditor proceeds.
(General Manager )
Fatin Syazwani Binti Mohd Azmi (Design
Siti Nor Afiqah Binti Amran (Quality Control
Nurul Fatonah Binti Mahmad (Purchasing
Siti Zhaharah Binti Md Yunus (Production
Nur Sharziha Binti Tawang (Marketing Manager)
Liyana Binti Dahalan (Human Resource Manager)

The There is no specific location for us to meet the The location platform
location to auditee because currently the country are carry are agreed upon by
be audited out CMCO due to Covid-19. So we use the two parties
online platform Webex to meet and discuss for
Purpose To evaluate the process conformity and identify -
processes that require improvement as a way to
ensure that the ISO 9001:2015 quality management
system remains fully implemented.
The scope a. Quality Manual This includes a
summary of the
of the • Gantt chart and Business Flow.
audit areas to be audited
• From Clause 1 until Clause 10. and the references
b. Quality Procedure against which the
auditee will be
• Actions Risk and Opportunities.
assessed for
• Documented Information. compliance.
• Internal Audit.
• Management Review.
c. Other
• Date, Pages Number, Issue, Revision and
Reference Code.

Audit Criteria • Customer Requirement. The auditor will be

• ISO 9001: 2015. using the three criteria
• Space Place Furniture Sdn Bhd when audit process.

Objective Determine the Space Place Furniture Sdn Bhd be -

audited to make sure the company has been
implemented according to the ISO 9001: 2015.

The scheduled 1. Date to Audit: 17 December 2020 (Thursday). Both parties are
time and 2. Time to Audit: 8:00 pm-9:00 pm understanding and
proposed 3. Duration of The Audit: 1 hours agree on the time
duration of the
and likely duration
of the audit.


Date Activity Auditor Team Auditee Team

16 December Discussing and setting the All -

2020 date for meeting audit with
Space Place Furniture Sdn
16 December Choose the part will be audit All -
17 December Having a meeting audit with All All
2020 Space Place Furniture Sdn
20 December Sending out the check list Ngoi Lee Nee Muhammad Aiman
2020 and non-corrective action to Hakim Bin Hanafiah,
the auditee. Liyana Binti Dahalan
(clause 7.1 and 8.2)

2.0 Audit Notification

Date: 16 December 2020

Subject: Notification of Audit

Dear Space Place Furniture,

I hereby wish to inform you that our company which is G5 Design Enterprise as a third parties
audit team will be conducting on the quality management system of your company due to Covid-
19, our country are currently having CMCO we would like to inform your company that all the
audit discussion will be conducted by using Webex on 17 December 2020.

The scope of this audit is to examine and evaluate of your competence as well as compliance to
agree upon standards. The audit is part of the terms of our contract and is expected to benefit both
parties. The scope of the audit is not restricted, and the auditor should have access to all company
records, personnel and property.

As a quality department of G5 Design Enterprise, I’ll take the responsibility to audit your company
clause 7.1, 8.1, 8.2 and work instruction. Then, I am sure this exercise will be useful for your
company besides us.

If there are any weakness by using Webex as our platform we G5 Design Enterprise will feel for
other option like through Zoom or Google Meet if necessary. We will discuss with your company
together to find better solution or recommendation.

Your cooperation in this audit will ensure that the audit efficiently and shall be highly appreciated.

Thanks and regards,


(Ngoi Lee Nee)

3.0 Audit Checklist

Department/Process: All Department

ISO 9001:2015 Clause 7.1, 8.1 and 8.2
Procedure Ref.: SPF/QM/001 (Issue: 00, Page 24-28, 36-41)

No Checklist Y N Notes/Remarks

Clause 7.1 Resources

Clause 7.1.1 General
1. Do your company are required needs from / Yes, we required the external
external providers? providers to fulfil the quality
management system specifications.

Clause 7.1.2 Person

2. How do you provide persons necessary to / We set out the roles for the person
support the operation of process for the employed in the department and
Quality Management System? recruit employees with expertise,
experience and education in the
relevant field of work.
Clause 7.1.3 Infrastructure
3. How do you determine, provide and maintain / We create and use efficient
the infrastructure for the operation of infrastructure or modern
processes to achieve products and service technologies in the production
conformity? process, use effective
communication technology that can
connect the company to control the
process of quality management
Clause 7.1.4 Environment for the operation process
4. How do you provide and maintain the / Provide and manage a suitable work
environment for the operation of environment with an optimal
processes. condition that can secure the safety
and the health of the people and the
products produce.
Clause 7.1.5

5. How are the resources determined for ensuring / We define and provide the
valid and reliable monitoring and measuring required resources to ensure a
results? true and accurate result when
monitoring or measurement is
used to verify the compliance of
the requirements relating to
products and services.

Clause 7.1.6 Organizational Knowledge

8. How do you determine necessary / Our company having an external
knowledge for the operation of processes? sources and internal sources to
determine the knowledge for the

Clause 8.2.1 Customer communication

10. Do your company establishing specific / Yes we will have a contingency
requirement for contingency action? plan to address the related

Clause 8.2.2 Determining the requirements for the products and services
11. How to your company ensure that production / Always comply with the statements
and operation process for the product for the goods and services provided.
complies with the legal requirements?
Clause 8.2.3 Review of the requirements for the products and services
13. Do your company provide requirement / Yes, we have an agent to handle
specified for customer, like delivery and that.
post-delivery activities to customer?

Clause 8.2.4 Changes to requirements for products and services

15. Do your company having relevant person or / Yes, our company ensure that
department to all of the important the relevant recorded
documented information is relevant to the information is updated and when
amended business? the specifications for goods and
services are adjusted.

4. Audit Evidence

Audit Evidence for Space Place Furniture Sdn Bhd

Clause 7.1.4
This picture was showed there are no evidence for the Space Place Furniture Sdn Bhd
provide a suitable environment can be a combination of human and physical factors. For
evidence, Space Place Furniture Sdn Bhd forget to mention the example like social,
physical and psychological for a suitable environment of human and physical factors.
Non-conformance to ISO 9001:2015 against clause 7.1.4 having combination of human
and physical factors required by this International Standard.

Clause 8.2.3

This picture was found that Space Place Furniture Sdn Bhd are write information in the
form of essays and no show information in form of the clause and This
showed that clause and were lack of information does not have proper
documented information. Non-conformance to ISO 9001: 2015 against clause 8.2.3 to
ensure this clause are same with this International Standard.


Corrective Action Request (CAR) / Nonconforming Report (NCR)

Dept / Process Quality Department CAR No. 001
ISO Clause ISO 9001: 2015 Clause 7.1.4 Date 19 December 2020

It was found there are no evidence shows the Space Place Furniture Sdn Bhd provide a
suitable environment can be a combination of human and physical factors. Non-
conformance to ISO 9001:2015 against clause 7.1.4 having combination of human and
physical factors required by this International Standard.

Auditor : Ngoi Lee Nee Auditee: Muhammad Aiman Hakim

Investigation / Cause:

Investigation of Quality Control Department of Space Place Furniture Sdn Bhd forget to
mention the example like social, physical and psychological for a suitable environment
of human and physical factors.

Auditee: Muhammad Aiman Hakim

Corrective Action: Preventive Action:
Space Place Furniture Sdn Bhd will Space Place Furniture Sdn Bhd will pay
add a suitable environment after more attention to avoid this mistake repeat
audit report. again.

Implementation / Completion Implementation / Completion Date :

Date: 21 December 2020 21 December 2020

Auditee: : Muhammad Aiman Hakim Auditee: : Muhammad Aiman Hakim

The answer for the investigation is satisfactory and the answers for preventive and
corrective action are acceptable.
Status : ( ) Open ( / ) Close
Not satisfactory Satisfactory

Auditor: Ngoi Lee Nee New CAR No. : 001

Corrective Action Request (CAR) / Nonconforming Report (NCR)
Dept / Process Quality Department CAR No. 002

ISO Clause ISO 9001: 2015 Clause 8.2.3 Date 20 December 2020


It was found that Space Place Furniture Sdn Bhd are write information in the form of essays
and no show information in form of the clause and Non-conformance to ISO
9001: 2015 against clause 8.2.3 to ensure this clause are same with this International Standard.

Auditor: Ngoi Lee Nee Auditee: Liyana Binti Dahalan

Investigation / Cause:
Investigation of the clause and were lack of information does not have proper
documented information.

Auditee: Liyana Binti Dahalan

Corrective Action: Preventive Action:
Space Place Furniture Sdn Bhd will make a Space Place Furniture Sdn Bhd will not do
proper documented information in clause careless and more attention when preparing the
8.2.3 as same with the International quality manual to ensure not happen the mistake

Implementation /
Implementation /
Completion Date: 22/12/2020
Completion Date: 22/12/2020
Auditee: Liyana Binti Dahalan
Auditee: Liyana Binti Dahalan
Verification: The answer for the investigation is satisfactory and the answers for preventive
and corrective action are acceptable.

Status: ( ) Open ( / ) Close

Not satisfactory satisfactory

Auditor: Ngoi Lee Nee New CAR No.: 002


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