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Construction and Building Materials 48 (2013) 764–771

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New perspective of service life prediction of fly ash concrete

Zhuqing Yu a,⇑, Guang Ye a,b
Microlab, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft University of Technology, Delft 2600 GA, The Netherlands
Magnel Lab for Concrete Research, Department of Structural Engineering, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium

h i g h l i g h t s

 The chloride migration coefficients of fly ash concrete are determined with maximum curing age of 2 years.
 w/b Ratio largely influences the chloride migration coefficients of fly ash concrete.
 A reasonable reference time, t0 is determined for fly ash concrete.
 The service life of fly ash concrete is predicted based on DuraCrete model.
 The long-term chloride migration coefficient of fly ash concrete is predicted under laboratory condition.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Rapid Chloride Migration (RCM) test developed in Sweden in the 90s is widely used to determine the
Received 22 April 2013 chloride migration coefficient (DRCM) of concrete because of its simplicity and rapidity. In Europe, the
Received in revised form 16 July 2013 time-dependent DRCM has been introduced in the DuraCrete project as input parameter to predict the ser-
Accepted 21 July 2013
vice life of concrete. In the DuraCrete project, when determining the DRCM of fly ash concrete, reference
Available online 24 August 2013
time (the maturity age of concrete) is normally set as 28 days like what used in Portland cement concrete
and blast furnace slag (BFS) concrete. However, fly ash does not fully play its role in concrete at 28 days
due to slow Pozzolanic reaction of fly ash. Therefore, 28 days is not a realistic reference time for predict-
Fly ash concrete
Chloride migration coefficient
ing service life of fly ash concrete. This study is aimed at determining a reasonable reference time (t0) for
RCM test fly ash concrete. The DRCM of fly ash concrete is determined by the RCM test for a long-term period of cur-
The DuraCrete project ing up to 2 years. The influences of fly ash dosage and w/b ratio on the DRCM of fly ash concrete were con-
Service life prediction sidered. The results show that the DRCM of fly ash concrete significantly decreases after 28 days of curing.
The reference time, t0 for fly ash concrete is proposed according to the concrete maturity indicated by the
content of calcium hydroxide (CH) in cement paste blended with fly ash. This proposed reference time is
applied to predict the service life of fly ash concrete and predict the long-term chloride migration coef-
ficient of fly ash concrete under laboratory condition.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction of Portland cement is able to improve the resistance of concrete

against chloride ingress. At present, different test methods for
Chloride ingression is one of the most important factors affect- measuring and evaluating chloride ingress have been proposed.
ing the durability of reinforced concrete structure. Corrosion These methods can be categorized as diffusion test, migration test,
caused by chloride penetration leads to the deterioration of bridge, and indirect tests based on resistivity or conductivity [8]. Rapid
marine structure, manufacturing plant, and construction building. Chloride Migration (RCM) test is a non-steady state migration test
In Europe, around 5 billion Euros were spent on maintenance of applying an external electrical field for accelerating chloride pene-
the infrastructure due to reinforcement corrosion annually [1]. tration. The parameter, non-steady state migration coefficient
Nowadays, much attention has been devoted to extend the service (DRCM) obtained from RCM test describes the property of chloride
life of concrete structure suffering from chloride ingress. To pre- transport under a condition of reduced chloride binding [9]. Now-
vent such kind of corrosion, the concrete structure with good adays, it is widely used in Europe.
impermeability is desired. Until now, a number of studies [2–7] The DRCM obtained from the RCM test is not only used to esti-
have been performed and shown that fly ash as partial replacement mate the resistance of concrete to chloride ingress, but used for
predicting the service life of concrete by means of the model pro-
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +31 (0)15 27 89342; fax: +31 (0)15 27 86383. posed in the DuraCrete-project [10]. The DuraCrete project is one
E-mail address: (Z. Yu). of the guidelines for durability design and assessment of concrete

0950-0618/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Z. Yu, G. Ye / Construction and Building Materials 48 (2013) 764–771 765

structure, which is also widely used in Europe. The chloride con- 2. Materials and methods
tent at certain depth and time is calculated by the following equa-
2.1. Materials and properties
tion [11,12].
Portland cement (CEM I 42,5 N), fly ash (low calcium) with mean particle
" # size of 21.46 lm, aggregate, and tap water were used in preparing concrete mix-
x tures. Graded Dutch river sands with a maximum grain size of 4 mm and gravel
Cðx; tÞ ¼ C s  ðC s  C i Þerf pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð1Þ
f4kDðtÞtg with a 16 mm maximum grain size were used as fine and coarse aggregates,
respectively. Demineralized water was applied to cast blended cement paste.
The chemical compositions of fly ash and Portland cement used are shown in
where C(x,t) is the chloride content at depth x and time t, Cs is the Table 1.
surface chloride content, Ci is the initial chloride content in the con-
crete, k is a correction factor, which depends on the binder type, the
environment and the curing conditions. D(t) is the apparent migra- 2.2. Mix proportions and specimen preparation

tion coefficient at time t. It is a time-dependent function.

The dosages of fly ash were 30% and 50% as the replacement of Portland cement
by weight for fly ash concrete mixtures and blended cement paste mixtures. The
 n water/binder (w/b) ratios used for fly ash concrete were 0.4, 0.5, and 0.6. Two w/
DðtÞ ¼ D0 ð2Þ b ratios, 0.4 and 0.5 were used to cast the cement paste blended with 30% fly ash.
t The w/b ratio of 0.4 was used to prepare the cement paste blended with 50% fly
ash. The fly ash concrete with 50% of fly ash and with a w/b ratio of 0.6, the cement
paste blended with 30% fly ash and a w/c ratio of 0.6, and the cement paste blended
where D0 is the achieved chloride migration coefficient at the matu- with 50% fly ash and two w/c ratios of 0.5 and 0.6 were excluded because of segre-
rity age t0 of the concrete [13]. gation and bleeding. The mixture proportions of concrete and blended cement paste
The parameter n is the ageing coefficient. It is theoretically are given in Tables 2 and 3.
range from 0 to 1 [13]. It depends on the type of binder, the rate After mixing for 2 min, the concrete mixtures used in the RCM test were cast in
cylindrical molds with a diameter of 100 mm and height of 300 mm. After 24 h, the
of cement hydration and environmental factors. D0 and n are the
concrete specimens were demolded and cured in the fog room (95% ± 5% relative
parameters determined by regression analysis of the test results humidity and 20 °C ± 1 °C temperature). After preconditioning, the RCM test was
[13]. The ageing coefficient, n, was determined by various performed at 28, 91, 180, 365 and 730 days. Before testing, the hardened concrete
researchers for different concrete binders under different exposure specimens were cut into three cylindrical samples (height = 50 mm) as shown in
conditions. According to Fick’s second law of diffusion, some diffu- Fig. 1.
The blended cement pastes to be used for thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA)
sion coefficients are determined for the same concrete binder at measurement was cast at room temperature around 20 ± 2 °C. After mixing for
different ages. The ageing coefficient can be obtained from the 3 min, the specimens were sealed in a plastic bottle to prevent moisture loss and
slope of the diffusion coefficient against time [14]. This way is rotated for 24 h to avoid possible segregation. Then, the specimens were stored at
adopted in the DuraCrete and European standard [15]. Another room temperature. At the cuing age of 28, 90, 180, 365, and 730 days, the specimens
were demolded from the plastic bottle and crushed into small pieces around 1 cm
possibility to obtain ageing coefficient is to use the actual RCM val-
diameter. Afterwards, the specimens were frozen by immersion into liquid nitrogen
ues from specimens of different age. But this RCM test results for 5 min in order to stop hydration [18], and then dried in a freeze-dryer until a
should from field exposure describing the actual use conditions constant weight loss (0.05%) was reached. The dried specimens were ground for
[14]. In DuraCrete, the DRCM,28days measured at the curing age of TGA test.
28 days (reference time, t0) has been suggested to use for predict-
ing the service life of concrete structures. At 28 days, a substantial
percentage of the hydration has taken place for Portland cement 2.3. Test methods

concrete with a typical water/cement (w/c) ratio and over 90% of 2.3.1. Rapid Chloride Migration (RCM) test
final strength is reached at 28 days. When Portland cement is The Rapid Chloride Migration (RCM) test was conducted to determine the chlo-
partially replaced by fly ash, the addition of fly ash improves the ride migration coefficient of the concrete according to the NT Build 492 standard
long-term resistance of concrete to chloride ingress. Cox [4] [19]. Fig. 2 shows the RCM test set-up used in this study.
Three slices with the thickness of 50 mm were cut from each concrete speci-
demonstrated that the DRCM value of fly ash concrete decreases sig-
men. The surface-dry specimens were placed vertically in a desiccator connected
nificantly with the increase of curing age, although fly ash concrete to a vacuum-pump for 3 h. While the vacuum-pump was still running, the saturated
has a much higher DRCM value at 28 days than Portland cement limewater was slowly filled into the desiccator to immerse all the specimens com-
concrete. Most of the studies about RCM test for Portland cement pletely. After that, the vacuum was maintained for an additional hour before allow-
concrete and fly ash concrete focused on the short-term curing ing air to re-enter the desiccator. The specimens were kept in the limewater for
18 ± 2 h.
age (3 months). The Pozzolanic reaction of fly ash in concrete con- After above preconditioning, the specimens were put in a rubber sleeve and fas-
suming calcium hydroxide (CH) is very slow during the early age tened with two stainless steel clamps. The used anolyte solution was 0.3 M NaOH
hydration [16,17]. Fly ash concrete needs longer curing time to while the used catholyte solution was 10% NaCl. With the preset voltage 30 V,
reach equal maturity like Portland cement concrete at the same the initial current through each specimen was recorded. Following the standard
[19], a corrected voltage and appropriate test duration were chosen. After chloride
temperature. The predicted service life of fly ash concrete could
migration test, all specimens were split and sprayed with 0.1 M silver nitrate
be underestimated when 28 days is chosen as reference time (t0). (AgNO3) solution to determine the penetration depth of chloride. Fig. 3 shows a typ-
The aim of this study is to determine a reasonable reference ical split specimen after RCM test. The white silver chloride precipitation on the
time, t0 which can be used to predict the service life of fly ash con- split surface is clearly visible (after 15 min). The average penetration depth, Xd of
crete based on the DuraCrete model. In this paper, the chloride chloride was recorded.
The non-steady-state migration coefficient was calculated by the following
migration coefficient of fly ash concrete blended with different equation [18]:
dosages of fly ash and different w/b ratios were determined by
the RCM test and compared with Portland cement concrete. The rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi!
0:0239  ð273 þ TÞ  L ð273 þ TÞ  L  xd
curing periods are up to 2 years. Meanwhile, the content of CH DRCM ¼
ðU  2Þ  td
 xd  0:0238
was determined in blended cement paste. The Pozzolanic reaction
of fly ash is characterized and the reference time is redefined. The
where DRCM is the non-steady-state migration coefficient, 1012 m2/s; U is absolute
long-term chloride migration coefficient of fly ash concrete is pre- value of the applied voltage, V; T is average value of the initial and final temperatures
dicted under laboratory condition which is as an application on the in the anolyte solution, °C; L is thickness of the specimen, mm; Xd is average value of
basis of the redefined reference time. the penetration depths, mm; and td is the test duration, h.
766 Z. Yu, G. Ye / Construction and Building Materials 48 (2013) 764–771

Table 1
Chemical composition of fly ash and cement used in this study.

Chemical composition (% by mass) SiO2 Al2O3 CaO Free-CaO Fe2O3 P2O5 K2O MgO SO3 Na2O
CEM I 42,5 N 20.36 4.96 64.4 0.6 3.17 0.18 0.64 2.09 2.57 0.14
Fly ash 48.36 31.36 7.14 – 4.44 1.90 1.64 1.35 1.18 0.718

Table 2
Mixture proportions of concrete (kg/m3).

Number CEMI 42.5 N Fly ash Tap water Masonry sand 0/2 Sand 0/4 Gravel 4/16
R04 0.390 – 0.156 0.178 0.498 1.103
FA3004 0.273 0.117 0.156 0.178 0.498 1.103
FA3005 0.273 0.117 0.195 0.178 0.498 1.103
FA3006 0.273 0.117 0.234 0.178 0.498 1.103
FA5004 0.195 0.195 0.156 0.178 0.498 1.103
FA5005 0.195 0.195 0.195 0.178 0.498 1.103

Table 3
Mixture proportions of blended cement paste (g).

Number CEMI 42.5 N Fly ash Distilled water

OPC04 500 – 200
OFA3004 350 150 200
OFA3005 350 150 250
OFA5004 250 20 200


Fig. 3. Typical concrete sample after RCM test.


3. Results and discussions

Fig. 1. The sawing plan of test specimens.

3.1. The influence of fly ash dosage on the DRCM of concrete

The development of the DRCM of concrete with different dosages

of fly ash varying between 0% and 50% over 2 years is shown in
Sodium chloride Fig. 4. The DRCM values of Portland cement concrete keep almost
plateau with increasing curing age from 28 days to 730 days in
the double logarithmic coordinate system. It indicates that curing
age has no obvious influence on the resistance of Portland cement
concrete to chloride ingress. This may be because Portland cement
Sodium hydroxide
concrete with a w/c ratio of 0.4 is nearly fully hydrated and
matured after 28 days of moist curing [20].
From Fig. 4, the DRCM values of fly ash concrete are much lower
than that of Portland cement concrete after 28 days, indicating a
higher resistance of fly ash concrete to chloride ingress. It is
reported that the incorporation of fly ash results in a decrease in
the capillary pore size [21] and an improvement in the interfacial
zone of concrete [22,23]. Therefore, a more durable and impenetra-
ble concrete is obtained.
Fig. 2. The chloride migration set-up in laboratory. The results presented in Fig. 4 are strongly coincided with the
mathematical model used to describe the time-dependent chloride
migration coefficient as mentioned in Eq. (2). After taking loga-
2.3.2. Thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) test
rithm on both sides of Eqs. (2) and (5) can be derived.
Thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) test was carried out in order to determine
the content of CH in cement paste blended with or without fly ash. About 50 mg lgðDðtÞÞ ¼ lgðD0 Þ þ n lgðt 0 Þ  n lgðtÞ ð4Þ
of powder sample was taken in an aluminum oxide (Al2O3) crucible and heated
at a temperature range between 40 °C and 1100 °C at the heating rate of
10 °C min1 using argon as a protect gas. ) lgðDðtÞÞ ¼ n lgðtÞ þ C; C ¼ lgðD0 Þ þ n lgðt 0 Þ ð5Þ
Z. Yu, G. Ye / Construction and Building Materials 48 (2013) 764–771 767

100 100

Chloride Migration Coefficients

Chloride Migration Coefficients

(×10 -12 m2/s)

(×10 -12 m2 /s)


0% (fly ash)_0.4; n=0.0147 50% (fly ash)_0.4; n=0.796
30% (fly ash)_0.4; n=0.895 50% (fly ash)_0.5; n=0.808
50% (fly ash)_0.4; n=0.796 0,1
10 100 1000
0.1 Curing age (days)
10 100 1000
Curing age (days) Fig. 6. The influence of w/b ratio and curing age on the DRCM of fly ash concrete
Fig. 4. The influence of fly ash dosages and curing age on the DRCM of concrete (w/b
ratio = 0.4).

w/b ratio mainly influences the initial chloride diffusivity, while

The negative slope of this curve, namely the ageing coefficient, n the ageing coefficient has no obvious change for all fly ash con-
is calculated and shown in Fig. 4. It seems that the addition of fly crete mixtures.
ash in concrete mainly influences the slope of the curve, namely
the development of chloride migration. Similar results about the
influence of other Pozzolanic material (condensed silica fume) on 3.3. The relationship between the DRCM and w/b ratio
the DRCM of concrete are found by Maage [13].
The relations between the DRCM and w/b ratio for fly ash con-
crete at each curing age from 28 days to 730 days are plotted in
3.2. The influence of w/b ratio on the DRCM of fly ash concrete Fig. 7. The DRCM of fly ash concrete increases with the increase of
w/b ratio. The w/b ratio is a very important parameter in concrete
The development of the DRCM with time for fly ash concrete since it directly affects the rate of hydration, the pore structure
with different w/b ratios under curing age up to 2 years is illus- development and so on [26].
trated in Figs. 5 and 6. The DRCM of fly ash concrete decreases dra- There is a linear relationship between the DRCM and w/b ratios
matically with the increase of curing age. The resistance of fly ash for fly ash concrete (FA30) at each curing age from 28 days to
concrete to chloride ingress is improved by lowering w/b ratio. 730 days. It should not be denied that the linear relationship about
Higher w/b ratio causes an increase in the porosity of concrete the DRCM and w/b ratio also exists in higher volume fly ash con-
and results in lower resistance to chloride ion ingress [24,25]. crete, i.e., FA50, although only two different w/b ratios are pre-
Compared with the influence of fly ash dosage on the DRCM of con- sented for FA50 fly ash concrete.
crete (Fig. 4), lowering w/b ratio is a more effective to reduce the The liner relationships between the DRCM and w/b ratio for fly
chloride penetration ratio of fly ash concrete. ash concrete at each curing age are strongly in accordance with
Straight lines are found in the double logarithmic coordinate Eq. (6) proposed by [12].
system for fly ash concrete. The age coefficient, n is also calcu-
lated and shown in Figs. 5 and 6. There is no significant change DRCM ð28 daysÞ ¼ Aðw=bÞ þ B ð6Þ
of the value of n for fly ash concrete with two different dosages
of fly ash and three different w/b ratios under the same curing where A and B are constants related to cement types and amount of
conditions. The value of n is around 0.8. It indicates that the fly ash used.

Chloride Migration Coefficients

Chloride Migration Coefficients


30 FA30 28 days
(×10 -12 m2 /s)

10 25
(×10 -12 m2 /s)


1 91 days
30% (fly ash)_0.4; n=0.895
180 days
30% (fly ash)_0.5; n=0.862 5
30% (fly ash)_0.6; n=0.766 365, 730 days
0.1 0
10 100 1000 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Curing age (days) water to binder ratio
Fig. 5. The influence of w/b ratio and curing age on the DRCM of fly ash concrete Fig. 7. The relations between the DRCM and w/b ratio for fly ash concrete at each
(FA30). curing age up to 730 days.
768 Z. Yu, G. Ye / Construction and Building Materials 48 (2013) 764–771

3.4. Discussion of the DRCM of concrete 18 14

Chloride Migration Coefficients

16 12

Ca(OH)2 (g/g ceemnt ) (%)

As discussed above, the incorporation of fly ash reduces the rate
14 Drcm_50% fly ash; w/b=0.4
of chloride ingress in concrete which was confirmed by other stud- 10
ies [26–28]. The Pozzolanic reaction of fly ash in concrete is one of 12

(×10 -12 m2/s)

CH_50% fly ash; w/b=0.4"
the main reasons which improve the resistance to chloride ingress 10 8
[29]. The Pozzolanic reaction of fly ash takes place consuming CH
8 6
and forming additional (C–S–H) phases which results in a more
dense concrete structure. CH phase is the weak phase in the hard- 6
ened concrete structure [30]. The content of CH in concrete struc- 4
ture influences the resistance to chloride ingress. 2
The content of CH measured by TGA in blended cement paste is
0 0
illustrated in Fig. 8. For Portland cement paste, the content of CH 0 200 400 600 800
has no significant change after 28 days. This trend is remarkable Curing age (days)
consistent with the development of the DRCM of Portland cement
concrete as shown in Fig. 4. Under the same curing condition, the Fig. 9. Comparision of the DRCM and the amount of CH.
resistance of Portland cement concrete to chloride ingress is di- 2 0 13
rectly influenced by the rate of cement in concrete. The content d
6 B x C7
g ¼ cdcr  cd ðx; tÞ ¼ cdcr  cds;cl 41  erf @ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiA5 ð7Þ
of CH in blended cement paste decreases dramatically after 2 RdtðtÞ
28 days due to the Pozzolanic reaction of fly ash. Meanwhile, more cl

hydration products like C–S–H are produced and more dense

microstructure is formed which benefit to resistance to chloride in- where cdcr is design value of the critical chloride concentration; cs ; cl
gress. Around 180 days, the content of CH does not change too is design value of the chloride surface concentration; xd is design va-
much which indicates a relative mature structure is formed. Like lue of the cover thickness; Rdcl ðtÞ is design value of the chloride resis-
Portland cement concrete, the variation of the DRCM of fly ash con- tance; and t is the time.
crete is surprising similar with the change of the content of CH in The design value of the critical chloride concentration, surface
blended cement paste. Fig. 9 shows an example of the comparison chloride concentration, cover thickness, and the time dependent
of the DRCM of concrete with 50% of fly ash and the content of CH in resistance can be determined from following equation:
cement paste blended with 50% of fly ash (w/b = 0.4). After
180 days, not only the content of CH in blended cement paste, 1
cdcr ¼ cccr  ; cds;cl ¼ Acs;cl  ðw=bÞ  ccs;cl ; xd ¼ xc  Dx; Rdcl ðtÞ
but the chloride migration coefficient of fly ash concrete changes cccr
little. Therefore, it can be concluded that fly ash concrete reaches
a relative maturity is at around 180 days. ¼ ð8Þ
c c nc
ke;cl  kc;cl  ðtt0 Þ cl
3.5. Service life prediction of fly ash concrete

As mentioned in the introduction, 28 days is normally used as where cccr is the characteristic value of the critical chloride concen-
reference time t0 to predict the service life of Portland cement con- tration. It is in the form of total chloride by weight of binder [31]. In
crete in DuraCrete project because Portland cement concrete is order to investigate the critical chloride concentration, several
matured at this age. However, for fly ash concrete, 28 days is not experimental setups are included such as: a steel electrode of inter-
a reasonable reference time since it takes about 180 days to reach est embedded in a cement based material; chloride ions present at
optimum maturity as discussed in Section 3.4. Therefore, 180 days the steel surface; detection of the depassivation of the steel elec-
is defined as the new reference time, t0 to predict the service life of trode; quantification of the total chloride content at the steel sur-
fly ash concrete. face using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry [32]. The critical
chloride concentration mainly depends on the quantity of the
3.5.1. DuraCrete model steel–concrete interface, the pH of the pore solution, the electro-
According to the DuraCrete [10], corrosion of reinforcement is chemical potential of the steel, the type of cement, w/c ratio and
initiated when the chloride concentration around the reinforce- so on [32]. cccr is the partial factor of the critical chloride concentra-
ment exceeds the critical chloride concentration: tion; Acs;cl is a regression parameter describing the relation between
the chloride surface concentration and the water-binder ratio; w/b
16 is water to binder ratio; ccs;cl is the partial factor for the surface con-
centration; xc is the cover thickness; Dx is the margin for the cover
Ca(OH)2 (g/gceemnt) (%)

thickness; Rccl;0 is resistance with respect to chloride ingress deter-
12 mined on the basis of compliance tests. For example,
10 Rccl;0 ðyear=mm2 Þ ¼ D 1 c
; ke;cl is environment factor.
2 13
RCM;28days ðm =sÞ3:153610
8 c
It can be split up into two factors: ke;0 describing the environment
6 c c c c c
and ke;c describing the type of cement. ke;cl ¼ ke;0  ke;c ; kc;cl is curing
4 Portland cement paste; w/c=0.4 factor; t0 is the age of concrete when the compliance test is per-
Cement paste blended with 30% fly ash; w/b=0.4 formed. For example, t0 = 0.767 years (corresponding to 28 days);
2 Cement paste blended with 50% fly ash; w/b=0.4
ncl is age factor which is same as ageing coefficient (n) mentioned
Cement paste blended with 30% fly ash; w/b=0.5
0 above; and cRcl is the partial factor for the resistance with respect
0 200 400 600 800
to chloride ingress.
Curing age (days)
By rewriting Eqs. (7) and (8), the time to initiation of corrosion,
Fig. 8. The content of CH in cement paste blended with or without fly ash. namely service life, is determined from the following equation:
Z. Yu, G. Ye / Construction and Building Materials 48 (2013) 764–771 769

Table 4 Table 6
The partial factors for structures in a marine environment. Predicted service life of fly ash concrete with different reference time, t0.

Cost of mitigation of risk High Normal Low t0 (days) t0 (years) DRCM,28days/1012 m2/s Rccl;0 /year/mm2 tdi /years
relative to the cost of repair
28 0.0767 15.18 0.0025 33
Dx 20 14 8 180 0.4932 2.12 0.0149 620
cccr 1.20 1.06 1.03
ccs;cl 1.70 1.40 1.20
cRcl 3.25 2.35 1.50
Table 7
The chloride migration coefficients of fly ash concrete.

2 !!2 3 1 DRCM (1012 m2/s) 28 days 91 days 180 days 365 days 730 days
2 1 cc 1 Rccl;0 cl

t di ¼4 c  erf 1  cr   nccl
5 Experimental value 15.18 4.64 2.12 1.04 0.97
x  Dx cccr Acs;cl  ðw=bÞ  ccs;cl c c
ke;cl  kc;cl  ðt0 Þ  cRcl (30% fly ash; w/
b = 0.4)
Predicted value 9.39 3.66 2.12 1.20 0.69
(t0 = 180 days;
n = 0.8)
3.5.2. Service life prediction of fly ash concrete
As an example, the fly ash concrete blended with 50% fly ash
with a w/b ratio of 0.4 is selected to predict the service life of fly
620 years. The predicted service life with 180 days as reference
ash concrete under the condition of marine atmospheric. The input
time is about 18 times longer than that with 28 days as reference
parameters for the DuraCrete model are also discussed in the fol-
time. It implies that the service life of fly ash concrete is underes-
lowing part.
timated when reference time (t0 = 28 days) is used as same as Port-
The presence of fly ash increases the chloride binding capacity
land cement concrete.
of fly ash concrete and reduces the level of chlorides required to
As mentioned above, many factors are related to the service life
initiate corrosion [33,34]. The critical chloride concentration is
of fly ash concrete, such as the cover thickness and exposure envi-
chosen as 0.2 for fly ash concrete with 50% of fly ash according
ronment. A thicker cover will always ensure a longer service life of
to the work of Thomas [35]. The concrete cover is an important fac-
the concrete. However, for a certain designed service life of con-
tor to protect the steel reinforcement bars from corrosion. Euro-
crete structures in a given environment, the cover thickness can
code 2 recommends the minimum cover requirements for
be reduced when fly ash concrete is used.
normal weight concrete under chloride-induced corrosion is
45 mm [36]. According to the work of van Breugel [12], the cover
depths of 45 mm and 35 mm are chosen to predict the service life 3.6. Application-predicting the DRCM of fly ash concrete in laboratory
of fly ash concrete using two different reference times (t0), 28 days condition
and 180 days. That is because the DRCM,28days is 15.18  1012 m2/s
and DRCM,180days is 2.12  1012 m2/s as shown in Fig. 4. According In laboratory condition, all fly ash concrete specimens were
to NEN-EN 206 [15], the ageing coefficient, n for fly ash concrete cured under 100% humidity lime bath environment until certain
(CEM I with 21–30% fly ash) under the condition of marine atmo- curing age is reached for RCM test. The fly ash concrete has denser
spheric is 0.8. In this research, the ageing coefficient is around structure than that exposed in field condition. Therefore, not only
0.8 for fly ash concrete (CEM I with 30–50% fly ash, w/b ratio: the reference time has to be changed for fly ash concrete, but also
0.4, 0.5, and 0.6) under the laboratory condition as discussed in the age coefficient, n is needed to be modified in order to fit the
Figs. 5 and 6. So the ageing coefficient, n, is chosen as 0.8 to predict laboratory condition.
the service life of fly ash concrete under the condition of marine Based on the discussion in Section 3.5, the reference time is de-
atmospheric. Based on DuraCrete project, ke;0 is 0.68 under the fined as 180 days for fly ash concrete. The age coefficient, n, se-
marine atmospheric environment. Because of the limitation of test lected for fly ash concrete is 0.8 [12]. The predicted chloride
data in DuraCrete, the ke;c of blast furnace slag is used to present migration coefficients of fly ash concrete are listed in Table 7.
the ke;c of fly ash, which is 2.9. The regression parameter Acs;cl is Most of predicted chloride migration coefficients of fly ash con-
4.42 for fly ash concrete. The curing factor kc;cl is 0.79 for the con- crete are smaller than experimental values. In the calculation, the
crete after 28 days curing. ageing coefficient, n, was chosen as 0.8. This value is advisable
Furthermore, the partial factors relevant for structures in a mar- for concrete blended with fly ash under the condition of above
ine environment are given in Table 4. Low cost of mitigation of risk ground or marine atmospheric [12]. However, in the laboratory
is employed in this research. condition, no environmental loading is imposed. The ageing coeffi-
Based on above discussion, the input parameters are listed in cient must be adjusted according to the environmental condition.
Table 5 to predict the service life of fly ash concrete. Several n values, 0.5, 0.8, and 1.0 are used to re-calculate the DRCM
The service life (tdi ) of fly ash concrete is calculated and listed in by using Eq. (2) and to compare with experiment results as plotted
Table 6, where two different reference time, t0, 28 days and in Fig. 10.
180 days were used, respectively. The mean percentage relative error (MPRE) is calculated by Eq.
With the reference time t0 = 28 days, the predicted service life (10) and listed in Table 8. It is find that the predicted line t0 -
of fly ash concrete is only 33 years. When the reference time t0 - = 180 days; n = 1 has the minimum calculation error compared
= 180 days, the predicted service life of fly ash concrete is around with experimental data.

Table 5
Parameters from the DuraCrete note: (%): (%) relative to binder.

Parameters DuraCrete
c c c
cccr cccr Acs;cl ccs;cl xc Dx cRcl ke;0 ke;c ncl (n) kc;cl w=b

Value 1.03 0.2 4.42 1.2 45/35 8 1.50 0.68 2.9 0.8 0.79 0.4
Unit – (%) (%) – mm mm – – – – –
770 Z. Yu, G. Ye / Construction and Building Materials 48 (2013) 764–771

to predict the service life of fly ash concrete by DuraCrete model.

Chloride Migration Coefficients

Based on the results obtained from this study, the following con-
clusions can be drawn:
(×10 -12 m2/s)

1. The addition of fly ash influences the chloride diffusivity. Unlike

Portland cement concrete, fly ash concrete shows an improve-
10 ment on the resistance to chloride ingress after 28 days.
2. The DRCM of fly ash concrete is mainly affected by w/b ratio. In
1 Experimental value FA3004 the double logarithmic coordinate system, the chloride migra-
t0=180 days; n=0.5
tion coefficient of fly ash concrete has a linear relationship with
t0=180 days; n=0.8
t0=180 days; n=1.0 the curing age. The w/b ratio has no obvious influence on the
0.1 slope, but more distinct influence on the initial chloride diffu-
10 100 1000 10000
sivity of fly ash concrete at curing age up to 2 years.
Curing age (days) 3. Like Portland cement concrete, there is a liner relationship
between DRCM and w/b ratio for fly ash concrete at curing age
Fig. 10. Experimental and calculated the DRCM value of fly ash concrete (FA3004).
up to 2 years.
4. To extend the application of DuraCrete model for fly ash con-
crete, the reference time, t0 = 180 days is determined. The pre-
Table 8
The mean percentage relative error. dicted results show that the fly ash concrete has much longer
service life when a reference time t0 = 180 days is applied com-
n 0.5 0.8 1.0
pared to that when t0 = 28 days is used like in Portland cement
MPRE 0.3040 0.2074 0.1328 concrete.

1000 No. MPRE
Chloride Migration Coefficients

FA3005 0.142 I hereby express gratitude to our technicians and colleagues in

FA3006 0.164 Microlab, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands.
100 FA5004 0.196
FA5005 0.222
(×10 -12 m2 /s)

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