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Construction and Building Materials 84 (2015) 294–300

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Strength development of lime–pozzolana pastes with silica fume and fly

David O. Koteng, Chun-Tao Chen ⇑
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei 106, Taiwan

h i g h l i g h t s

 Lime–pozzolana pastes (LPP) with ordinary strength has been produced.

 Inclusion of silica fume is necessary for LPP to gain high early strength.
 Water curing at 60 °C improves the 28-day strength of the LPP by 40%.
 Strength loss occurs in water-cured specimens during hydration time of 28–90 days.
 Carbonated outer shell in air-cured specimens reduces strength gain.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study explores the lime–pozzolana pastes made from high calcium hydrated lime blended with type
Received 5 November 2014 F fly ash and silica fume, with the total pozzolana content up to 40%. Research focuses on the develop-
Received in revised form 28 February 2015 ment of the compressive strength by varying the water–binder ratio, powder proportioning, fineness
Accepted 8 March 2015
of lime, and curing conditions. The lime–pozzolana cement shows good promise as a binder which can
Available online 25 March 2015
be used alongside the Portland cement. With lower unit weight and higher compressive strength per unit
weight than the Portland cement paste, the lime–pozzolana pastes can reduce the weight of structural
elements and the overall cost of structures.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Compressive strength
Silica fume
Fly ash

1. Introduction production is reduced. Lime–pozzolana cement (LPC) is greener

than PC. The lighter unit weight of lime–pozzolana pastes (LPPs)
High energy and raw material consumption and high CO2 emis- compared to Portland cement paste (PCP) reduces the dead weight
sion during the production of the Portland cement (PC) have raised of structural elements and can reduce the building costs.
concerns over the sustainability of concrete use. Mitigation meth- Archeological excavations have shown that lime is among the
ods adopted include blending PC with pozzolana, which reacts earliest binders used by man. Theoridou et al. [1] found that in
with lime produced by the hydration of PC, to produce more Cyprus, lime mixed with crushed bricks was used as early as in
cementing materials. Many pozzolanas such as fly ash (FA) and sil- 1200 B.C. Hydraulic lime was used widely by Romans, who added
ica fume (SF) are industrial waste products which do not need fur- volcanic ash or finely ground burnt clay tiles, and later added sand
ther processing and their use in cement reduces the consumption and crushed stone or bricks to the paste to make the first lime–
of energy and raw materials and the emission of CO2. Natural lime pozzolana concrete in history [2]. Lime was also used by early
can be blended with larger amounts of pozzolana and can also gain builders in central America [3] and in China during and after the
strength by the carbonation of free lime, thereby reducing the CO2 Ming dynasty [4].
profile of the cement. Calcination temperatures for the limes are Recent publications by Grist et al. [5], Day and Shi [6], and Lanas
lower than that for producing PC clinker so the energy for cement et al. [7] show revived interest in lime-based binders. Grist et al.
blended natural hydraulic lime with 25% SF and 25% FA by mass,
prepared mortar specimens in accordance with BS EN-196-1, and
⇑ Corresponding author at: No. 43, Sec. 4, Keelung Rd., Taipei 106, Taiwan. Tel.:
+886 227376322; fax: +886 227376606.
then cured the specimens in water for up to 90 days. The strength
E-mail address: (C.-T. Chen). rose continuously to cubic crushing strengths of 19.9 MPa at
0950-0618/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D.O. Koteng, C.-T. Chen / Construction and Building Materials 84 (2015) 294–300 295

Table 1 Table 3
Typical chemical compositions and burning temperatures of lime and cement. Mixing proportions and curing conditions of specimens used to explore variations in
pozzolana content and w/b.
Material Chemical compositions (%) Burning temperature
Pozzolana Paste Curing conditions
CaO MgO SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 (°C)
composition by
NHL 96.0 1.0 1.5 0–1.5 0–1.5 900–950 weight (%)
HL 54.3 7.7 12.6 5.4 1.2 1000–1250
Content (%) SF FA NHL 0–7 days 7–14 days 14–28 days
PC 60–67 0.5–4 17–25 3–8 0.5–6 1250–1450
10 10 00 90 Mold Air Water, RT
20 10 10 80 Mold Air Water, RT
28 days and 29.8 MPa at 90 days. The authors also made mortar 30 10 20 70 Mold Air Water, RT
specimens with lime blended with 30% SF and obtained 28-day 40 10 30 60 Mold Air Water, RT

and 90-day strengths of 28.7 MPa and 37.6 MPa, respectively. Note: RT = room temperature.
Day and Shi [6] tested paste specimens made by hydrated lime
with natural pozzolana of 554 m2/kg Blaine fineness in a mass ratio CaðOHÞ2 þ SiO2 þ H2 O ! C  S  H ð1Þ
of 1:4 and incorporated calcium chloride as reaction activator.
Specimens were cured in water at 50 °C for up to 90 days. The CaðOHÞ2 þ Al2 O3 þ H2 O ! C  A  H ð2Þ
authors obtained 28-day and 90-day cylindrical crushing strengths
LPP also hardens in moist air by the reaction of calcium hydrox-
of 17 MPa and 19 MPa, respectively. Strength rose continuously
ide with atmospheric CO2 to form calcite as shown in Eq. (3) and
until 14 days, remained constant until 28 days, and then rose
slightly until 90 days. Lanas, et al. [7] tested mortar specimens
made with natural hydraulic lime and sand in a ratio of 1:1 by vol- H2 O þ CO2 ! H2 CO3 ð3Þ
ume and cured in water at ambient laboratory conditions until
365 days. The 28-day and 365-day cubic crushing strengths were H2 CO3 þ CaðOHÞ2 ! CaCO3 þ 2H2 O ð4Þ
9 MPa and 16 MPa, respectively. Between the hydration times of
The aim of this study is to explore the effects of powder propor-
28 and 180 days, the strength increased only slightly to 9.5 MPa
tioning, water–binder ratio (w/b), fineness of lime, and curing con-
but rose steadily after 180 days. In summary, specimens in most
ditions on the early strength of LPP. The total amount of pozzolana
of the studies were cured in water until the time of testing and
in the paste is limited to 40% in order to observe the effects of
had high strengths. However, onsite structures are often cured in
carbonation of free lime on strength development.
water for only limited periods. In view of this issue, this study
investigates the strength development of the paste when exposed
2. Experimental work
to air after an initial water curing regime.
Calcitic or high calcium hydrated lime is obtained by burning 2.1. Materials
calcite (CaCO3) bearing rocks, such as limestone and chalk, at
900–1250 °C to release CO2 and produce quick lime (CaO). Water NHL in accordance with ASTM C821 was used. FA produced in accordance with
is added to the lime to produce hydrated lime (Ca(OH)2). The cal- ASTM C618 was supplied by Formosa Petrochemical Corporation, Taiwan. Type I PC
in accordance with ASTM C150 was used to prepare control specimens. SF was sup-
cite bearing sands and shells of eggs, snails, oysters and sea organ- plied by Elkem Materials, China. The properties of the powders are given in Table 2.
isms can also be used in lime production. Hydraulic lime (HL) A polycarboxylated superplasticizer (SP) in accordance with ASTM C 494 type G
contains significant natural quantities of silica and alumina and admixture was used.
sets in both air and water. Non-hydraulic lime (NHL) sets only in
moist air but also sets in water when mixed with pozzolana. 2.2. Sample preparation
Table 1 shows the typical chemical compositions and burning tem-
Densities of the raw materials used in this study were determined in accor-
peratures of NHL [8], HL [7], and PC [2,8]. The choice of NHL over dance with ASTM C 188. Weights of the desired NHL, FA, SF, and water were calcu-
HL is preferred due to the lower calcination temperature range of lated by predetermined proportions of the total mass of powder. The mixing
NHL and the reduced production energy. In addition, NHL has proportions of the powders are given in Tables 3 and 4.
40% more CaO than HL. Therefore, when NHL blends with more SF, FA and PC were used as supplied, but NHL was sieved by ASTM #50 sieve to
remove hard lumps and sintered particles. Some NHL was sieved through ASTM
pozzolana, the production energy, raw materials and CO2 emission
#30, #50, #100 and #200 sieves in order to obtain different particle size fractions.
is further reduced. Pozzolanas contain reactive silica and alumina. The materials required to make each mix were weighed to the nearest gram. A pad-
Among the pozzolans, FA is a by-product of burning coal and rich dle mixer shown in Fig. 1(a) was used for mixing. The water was added to the pan
in reactive silica and alumina. Type F FA has a low amount of followed by SF and FA. The pozzolanas were mixed to produce a uniform paste as
CaO compared to type C FA. SF is a powder with particles finer than shown in Fig. 1(b). NHL was then added to the pozzolana paste in three equal por-
tions, and each addition was followed by mixing at low speed of 140 rpm to pro-
cement, consisting almost entirely of very reactive silica. It is a by- duce a uniform paste. A stiff paste as shown in Fig. 1(c) was formed and drops of
product during the manufacture of silicon and ferro-silicon alloys. SP were added while mixing at low speed to bring the paste to imminent flow, as
Lime–pozzolana paste (LPP) hardens partly by the chemical shown in Fig. 1(d). The paste was then mixed at high speed of 245 rpm for one min-
reaction of calcium hydroxide in hydrated lime with silica and ute. SP dosages were varied with the paste proportions and w/b but less than 0.5%
of the total weight of powder. In general, an increase in w/b or FA reduced the
alumina in pozzolana in the presence of water to form cementing
amount of SP required to provide the target workability. The paste was used to cast
C–S–H and C–A–H phases as shown in Eq. (1) and (2). test cylinders with 50-mm in diameter and 100-mm in height.

Table 2
Chemical and physical properties of raw materials.

Raw materials Chemical compositions (%) Specific gravity

SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO Ca(OH)2 CaCO3 MgO
NHL 1.5 1.0 0.5 – 90.0 6.0 1.0 2.45
FA 58.3 27.9 3.3 4.4 – – – 2.00
SF 93 2.0 1.0 1.2 – – 0.5 2.31
PC 20.4 4.4 3.3 63.2 – 2.0 3.2 3.11
296 D.O. Koteng, C.-T. Chen / Construction and Building Materials 84 (2015) 294–300

Table 4 average of three tests. Representative samples for microstructure examination were
Mixing proportions and curing conditions of specimens used to explore variations in taken and preserved in 95% alcohol. Specimens cured in air were broken across and
fineness of lime, silica fume, fly ash, and curing conditions at w/b of 0.35. the exposed cross-section was sprayed with 1% phenolphthalein in 70% ethyl alco-
hol. The un-carbonated inner core rich in calcium hydroxide turned pink while the
Pozzolana Paste composition by Curing conditions carbonated outer shell remained neutral. The depth of the carbonated outer shell
content weight (%) was measured to the nearest 0.1 mm using Vernier calipers.
(%) SF FA NHL 0– 7–28 days 28–
7 days 180 days
2.5. Microstructure examination
25 10 15 75 Mold Water, RT Water, RT
30 10 20 70 Mold Water, RT Water, RT Tests were carried out to determine the compositions of the outer shell and
35 10 25 65 Mold Water, RT Water, RT inner core at 90 days for specimens with 10% SF, 30% FA, and 60% NHL, which were
40 10 30 60 Mold Water, RT Water, RT cured in water at room temperature up to 28 days and then cured in air. Test sam-
40 00 40 60 Mold Water, RT Water, RT ples were cleaned with alcohol, dried by compressed air, crushed and sieved
40 10 30 60 Mold Water, RT Air, RT through ASTM #200 sieve. The powder was placed in a plastic sample holder and
40 10 30 60 Mold Air, RT Air, RT the surface levelled smooth with a glass pane. The sample was then examined by
40 10 30 60 Mold Water, Air, RT an X-ray diffractometer (D2 Phaser, Bruker Corp.) using X-ray radiation with a
60 °C dwell time of 0.3 s and step size of 0.02° in 2h.

Note: RT = room temperature.

3. Results and discussion
2.3. Curing
3.1. Effect of pozzolana content and water–binder ratio
Fresh specimens were placed in covered plastic boxes at room temperature. The
specimens were de-molded after 7 days of curing. In tests for various pozzolana
contents and w/b, the specimens were kept in the boxes for another 7 days before The purpose of these tests was to determine the trend in
starting water curing to allow the weak specimens to gain strength. For all other strength development as the powder proportions and w/b were
tests, water curing started immediately after de-molding. The specimens were varied. With a fixed SF content at 10%, the FA content and w/b
cured in saturated lime water. To explore the effect of water curing at room tem-
was varied from 0% to 30% and 0.30 to 0.60, respectively.
perature, the curing box was covered and kept under ambient laboratory conditions
at 25 °C. To explore the effect of water curing at high temperature, specimens were Specimens were tested for compressive strengths at 7, 14, 21 and
placed in water maintained at 60 °C until the age of 28 days, and then they were 28 days. The results are shown in Fig. 2. A steady strength increase
placed in dry open boxes at ambient laboratory conditions at 25 °C. To explore with increased pozzolana content and reduced w/b is observed.
the effect of air curing, specimens were placed in dry open boxes under ambient Increasing pozzolana content provided more silica and alumina,
laboratory conditions of 25 °C and 70% RH until the time of testing.
which could react with calcium hydroxide to form binding C–S–H
and C–A–H phases, resulting in high strength. A high w/b resulted
2.4. Tests for compressive strength in less binding powder in a given volume of paste, and excess
water which did not participate in the chemical reactions of the
Water cured specimens were surface dried by compressed air. Air cured speci-
mens were tested in the dry state. The specimens were weighed to the nearest 0.1 g
binding powders occupied space and contributed to porosity. For
and loaded with a computer controlled servo hydraulic compression testing example, for the specimens with 10% SF, 30% FA, and 60% NHL,
machine at a constant rate of 3.14 kgf/cm2/s until failure. Each record was an increasing the w/b from 0.3 to 0.6 reduced the amount of powder

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 1. Preparation for the pastes: (a) paddle mixer, (b) silica fume and fly ash paste, (c) stiff paste before adding superplasticizer, (d) final paste used to cast test specimens.
D.O. Koteng, C.-T. Chen / Construction and Building Materials 84 (2015) 294–300 297

in the paste by 28% and increased the porosity. The two factors is due to the aging of free lime in the paste and was observed
caused a great reduction in 28-day strength from 21.1 MPa to in all specimens cured continuously in water. Several authors
7.4 MPa. However, too little water in the paste can lead to incom- [9–13] have suggested that when calcium hydroxide is continu-
plete reaction of the powders and strength reduction. It is thus ously wetted, morphological changes take place in the crystal
important to determine the minimum w/b that gives the best structure so that its physical properties are changed. For instance,
results. Cazzalla et al. [9], Mascolo et al. [10], Margalha et al. [11], and
Rodriguez-Navarro et al. [12] have suggested that single prismatic
calcium hydroxide crystals break down into many small platelike
3.2. Effect of fineness of lime crystals under continuous wetting. Ruiz-Agudo and Rodrigues-
Navarro [13] found that the viscosity and plasticity of the paste
Specimens containing 10% SF, 30% FA, and 60% NHL were pre- increases initially due to the random alignment of the platelike
pared with NHL with particle range of ASTM sieves #30-50, #50- crystals, but the viscosity and yield stress reduces with time as
100, #100-200 and passing ASTM #200 sieve. A w/b of 0.35 was the plates realign themselves face to face. The increase in
used and all specimens were cured in water at room temperature strength after 90 days is attributed to the increased pozzolanic
until test. Test results are shown in Fig. 3. Results for LPP with reactions.
the same mix proportions but made with NHL passing ASTM #50
sieve is included for comparison. Specimens with NHL passing
ASTM #200 sieve show slightly higher strength than the other 3.3. Effect of silica fume content
mixes after 24 days. NHL passing ASTM #50 sieve gives better
results than NHL in all the remaining particle ranges. Some drop Specimens for this test were prepared with paste containing
in strength occurs between the ages of 28 and 90 days in all 10% SF and FA amounts of 15%, 20%, 25%, or 30%. Another set of
specimens. specimens was made with 40% FA and no SF. Specimens had a w/
The specimens with NHL passing ASTM #200 sieve had b of 0.35 and were cured in water at room temperature until test.
increases in 28-day and 180-day strengths by 11.8% and 11.5% Results are given in Fig. 4. It is shown that the 28-day strengths of
respectively, which may not justify the extra effort in sieving or the pastes with FA contents between 20% and 30% were very close,
grinding necessary to produce the finer powder. The increase in indicating that SF content contributes more to early strength than
strength is attributed to the improved reactivity of the powder. the total pozzolana content. Without SF, the strength development
The decrease in strength of specimens between 28 and 90 days is very slow, as shown in the paste with 40% FA but no SF.

Fig. 2. Strength development of pastes with 10% silica fume and varying fly ash at (a) w/b = 0.3, (b) w/b = 0.4, (c) w/b = 0.5, or (d) w/b = 0.6, cured in air for 7–14 days and then
in water for 14–28 days.
298 D.O. Koteng, C.-T. Chen / Construction and Building Materials 84 (2015) 294–300

Fig. 5. Effect of curing condition on the compressive strength of paste with 10%
Fig. 3. Effect of fineness of lime on compressive strength of paste with 10% silica silica fume, 30% fly ash, and 60% lime at w/b = 0.35.
fume, 30% fly ash, and 60% lime made with w/b = 0.35 and cured in water at room

Fig. 6. Carbonation of pastes with 10% silica fume, 30% fly ash, and 60% lime at w/
b = 0.35 at 90 days by (a) air curing or (b) water curing at room temperature for
28 days and then air curing.

dropped from 9.0 MPa at 7 days to 6.1 MPa at 14 days.

Microcracks were observed on the surface of those specimens at
Fig. 4. Effect of silica fume content on the compressive strength of paste made with 14 days, but beyond that time the cracks reduced with age and
w/b = 0.35 and cured in water at room temperature. eventually disappeared.
Curing specimens at high temperature increased the rate of
3.4. Effect of curing conditions pozzolanic reaction and the early strength. All specimens exposed
to air after an initial period of water curing continued to gain
All specimens were made with 10% SF, 30% FA, 60% NHL at w/b strength through a combination of pozzolanic reaction and car-
of 0.35 and classified as four groups with different curing condi- bonation of free lime by atmospheric carbon dioxide. Specimens
tions. The first group of the specimens was cured in water at room cured in air throughout show poor strength development, implying
temperature throughout, the second group of specimens was cured the importance of wet curing at the early age. The initial cracking
in water at room temperature up to 28 days and then cured in air, of specimens cured in air resulted from drying shrinkage as speci-
the third group was cured in water at 60 °C up to 28 days and then mens lost the moisture, and this cracking led to reduction in
cured in air, and the fourth group was cured in air throughout. The strength. At early hydration time, the loss of moisture is high and
results are given in Fig. 5. Specimens cured in water at room tem- a large volume change occurs, leading to microcracks. The ten-
perature have 28-day compressive strength of 18.7 MPa, and those dency to lose moisture is reduced as the remaining pore water is
cured in water at 60 °C have 28-day strength of 26.5 MPa. Air cured used during the pozzolanic reactions. The products of pozzolanic
specimens have 28-day strength of 12.6 MPa. Specimens cured and carbonation reactions also increase the volume of the paste,
continuously in water beyond the hydration time of 28 days have thereby compensating the shrinkage. With the increased hydration
a slight drop in strength to 17.4 MPa between 28 and 90 days time, deposition of products of pozzolanic reaction and carbona-
before rising to a strength of 31.3 MPa at 180 days. On the other tion filled the cracks, showing that LPP has good autogenous heal-
hand, specimens cured in water at room temperature and then in ing properties. The ability of cementitious pastes to heal cracks
air have strength continuously rising to 23.1 MPa at 180 days, through the deposition of reaction products, known as autogenous
and those cured in water at 60 °C and then in air attain a strength healing, has been reported by several authors, including
of 32.6 MPa at 180 days with a peak of 34.9 MPa at 90 days. Termkhajornkit et al. [14] and Van Tittelboom et al. [15]
Similarly, specimens cured in air throughout had a strength of Specimens cured in air developed a carbonated outer shell, as
12.5 MPa at 180 days but also show a peak strength of 18.9 MPa shown in Fig. 6(a) and (b), and the depth of carbonation increased
at 90 days. In addition, specimens cured in air had strength with time, as shown in Fig. 7. The curing regime of paste not only
D.O. Koteng, C.-T. Chen / Construction and Building Materials 84 (2015) 294–300 299

Fig. 9. Strength-weight ratios of Portland cement paste cured in water and lime–
Fig. 7. Variation of carbonation depths of pastes with 10% silica fume, 30% fly ash,
pozzolana pastes with 10% silica fume, 30% fly ash, and 60% lime and different
and 60% lime at w/b = 0.35 and different curing conditions between 7 and 28 days.
curing conditions at w/b = 0.35.

affects the initial strength but also influences the progression of

the carbonation depth. Carbonation penetrates less if the initial influence of the secondary lateral forces reduces the rate of
strength of paste is high. This behavior is to be expected since an strength gain, giving peak strengths at 90 days.
initial high strength implies that more pozzolanic reactions have
taken place, leaving less calcium hydroxide to be carbonated.
Both filling effect of calcite and reduced free calcium hydroxide 3.5. Comparison between strength/weight ratios of lime–pozzolana
with age contribute to slow the progress of carbonation inwards. paste and Portland cement paste
Fig. 8 shows typical failure modes of specimens cured in water
and in air. Specimens cured wholly in water fail by the crushing of The strength-weight ratios of LPP specimens with 10% SF, 30%
the entire specimen, as shown in Fig. 8(a). Specimens cured in air FA, and 60% NHL at w/b of 0.35 and cured as described in section
tend to fail by the carbonated outer shell delaminating from the 3.4 were compared with those of normal strength PCP specimens
inner core at high stresses, as shown in Fig. 8(b) and (c). This failure with w/b of 0.35 and cured continuously in water at room tem-
mode is due to the secondary lateral forces, which create tension at perature. Fig. 9 shows that the LPP cured in water at 60 °C up to
the interface between the carbonate rich outer layer and the C–S– 28 days then in air attains a better strength-weight ratio than the
H/C–A–H rich inner core. The interface appears to be a point of PCP after 14 days. The LPP cured in water at room temperature
weakness in the paste. At early ages of aerial carbonation, forces then in air attains a strength-weight ratio equivalent to the PCP
required to induce delamination of the outer shell and those after 80 days, and the LPP cured in water throughout the time
required to crush the inner core are close. Therefore, both failure has a better strength-weight ratio than the PCP after 144 days. It
modes are observed, as shown in Fig. 8(b). However, at later ages appears that the LPP strength is sufficient for most concrete appli-
increased strength of the inner core leads to the delamination of cations when very high strength is not required, such as the low-
the carbonated outer layer before the inner core has attained full rise buildings, concrete for internal finishes including, mortar for
load capacity, as shown in Fig. 8(c). In Fig. 5, the increasing plastering, precast concrete elements including the masonry units,

Fig. 8. Failure of pastes with 10% silica fume, 30% fly ash and 60% lime at w/b = 0.35 and curing in (a) water until 180 days, (b) water for 28 days then in air until 56 days, or (c)
water until 28 days then in air until 180 days.
300 D.O. Koteng, C.-T. Chen / Construction and Building Materials 84 (2015) 294–300

60 °C. The LPP can thus be used alongside the PCP or replace the
1. PCP paste in some instances with economic and environmental
2. advantages. On the other hand, this study shows that the LPP
strength continues to rise when exposed to air after an initial per-
5. - calcite.
iod of water curing. This observation is important since concrete
6. - aragonite. specimens in practice are cured in water for limited periods only.
7. Specimens kept in water for long periods lose some strength
between the ages of 28 and 90 days and it is important to use
the lowest strength in this zone for design purposes. The LPP has
1 2 4 1 3 the advantage over the PCP for its appreciable strength gain
1 73 5 6 16 5 57 5 56
Outer shell
beyond 28 days.


The authors acknowledge the financial support from the Taiwan

Inner core Building Technology Center at National Taiwan University of
Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan.


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4. Conclusion [15] Van Tittelboom K, Gruyaert E, Rahier H, De Belie N. Influence of mix
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This study has shown that the LPP with 10% SF, 30% FA, and 60% hydration or calcium carbonate formation. Constr. Build. Mater.
NHL has good physical properties for concrete production. The 28- [16] Carlson ET, Berman HA. Some observations on the calcium aluminate
day strength is sufficient for most concrete applications when very carbonate hydrates. J. Res. National Bureau Standards – A Phys. Chem.
high strength is not required. This study has also shown that the 1960;64A(4):333–41.

28-day strength of the paste can be enhanced by water curing at

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