Construction and Building Materials: Phuong Trinh Bui, Yuko Ogawa, Kenichiro Nakarai, Kenji Kawai

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Construction and Building Materials 94 (2015) 28–34

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A study on pozzolanic reaction of fly ash cement paste activated

by an injection of alkali solution
Phuong Trinh Bui, Yuko Ogawa, Kenichiro Nakarai, Kenji Kawai ⇑
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hiroshima University, 1-4-1, Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima, 739-8527 Japan

h i g h l i g h t s

 We investigate the pozzolanic reaction of fly ash activated by alkali injection.

 Alkali injection increases the CH consumption by pozzolanic reaction.
 Alkali activation for 1 month decreases the volume fraction of 20–330 nm pores.
 Alkali activation for 1 month increases the volume fraction of 3–20 nm pores.
 Alkali injection accelerates the pozzolanic reaction of the fly ash cement paste.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The purpose of this study is to investigate the pozzolanic reaction of the fly ash cement paste by an injec-
Received 24 February 2015 tion of an alkali solution after hardening. Cement pastes with 0%, 20%, and 40% of fly ash replacement
Received in revised form 15 June 2015 ratios were used. An NaOH or saturated Ca(OH)2 solution was injected into the paste through a syringe
Accepted 22 June 2015
1 month after casting at normal temperature. In addition to the reduction of the Ca(OH)2 content, the
Available online 1 July 2015
consumptions of Ca(OH)2 in the paste with 40% replacement of fly ash activated by NaOH and Ca(OH)2
solution were observed to be 2.6 and 4.5 times as large as that with 20% replacement of fly ash. It indi-
cates the alkali solution accelerates the pozzolanic reaction, together with the promotion of cement
Alkali activation
Pozzolanic reaction
hydration. The results of pore structure analysis also confirmed this activation. As a result, it can be
Fly ash cement paste concluded that the 1-month alkali solution injection was effective in accelerating the pozzolanic reaction
Ca(OH)2 content of the cement paste with 40% replacement of fly ash.
Ca(OH)2 consumption Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction silica or alumina in the fly ash particles and calcium hydroxide

(Ca(OH)2–CH) formed from cement hydration in the presence of
Fly ash concrete has been applied extensively in the building water at normal temperature [7]. Therefore, the cross-linked
construction because of taking the advantage of the enhanced silica-tetrahedra (or cross-linked alumina-tetrahedra) in fly ash
durability, cost saving, and environmental protection [1,2]. have to be broken so that the silica or alumina become reactive
However, it was reported that the early age strength of the fly [9,10]. It was found that the disruption of these links occurs at a
ash concrete is one of its disadvantages due to the high replace- pH of 12.5 of pore solution in the paste at the room temperature
ment of cement with fly ash [3]. In addition, the slow pozzolanic [9] and more than 13 at 20 °C in NaOH solution [10]. This results
reaction of fly ash is considered as one of factors which result in in considering the addition of an alkali solution in order to increase
the low early age strength of the fly ash concrete [3–6]. the alkalinity of pore solution in the fly ash cement paste which
Many researchers have focused on investigating the mechanism owns the less alkalinity [10].
of the pozzolanic reaction and exploring the reasons of this slow Hence, many methods of alkali activation have been investi-
reaction [7–11]. It is known that the pozzolanic reaction of the gated for accelerating the pozzolanic reaction of the fly ash cement
fly ash cement paste is the chemical reaction between reactive paste [11–15]. However, this alkali activation in almost of these
researches has been mainly carried out by adding an alkali solution
or mixture of many alkali solutions in the water mixing of the fly
⇑ Corresponding author.
ash cement paste which is cured at high temperature.
E-mail addresses: (P.T. Bui), ogaway@hiroshima-u. (Y. Ogawa), (K. Nakarai), The aim of this paper is to investigate an influence of activation
(K. Kawai). on the pozzolanic reaction of the fly ash cement paste at normal
0950-0618/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P.T. Bui et al. / Construction and Building Materials 94 (2015) 28–34 29

temperature by an injection of an alkali solution 1 month after temperature increase of TGA equipment was installed at
casting through a syringe. In order to evaluate this influence, a 20 °C/min up to 100 °C and kept at 100 °C for 30 min to remove
quantitative analysis of the Ca(OH)2 content and porosity of the evaporable water completely, and then at 20 °C/min up to
fly ash cement paste was carried out by thermal gravimetric anal- 1000 °C. The CH content was calculated based on the ignited mass
ysis and mercury intrusion porosimetry. of the sample and the mass loss due to the dehydration of calcium
hydroxide. This mass loss was picked up from differential thermal
gravimetric (DTG) curves between the initial and final tempera-
2. Experiments
tures of the corresponding DTG peaks [16].
2.1. Materials
2.5. Measurement of porosity
The cementitious materials selected in this study were
high-early-strength Portland cement, and low calcium fly ash The porosity of the pastes at the age of 2 months was measured
which met the standard values of type II per JIS A 6201 (fly ash by mercury intrusion porosimeter (MIP). The samples for test rang-
for concrete). The chemical composition and physical properties ing 2.5–5 mm in size were obtained by crushing and choosing the
of these materials are shown in Table 1. area, which was around the position of the needle for the injection
(as shown in Fig. 1). After that, these samples were soaked in etha-
nol for 24 h to stop the further hydration and dried in a vacuum
2.2. Preparation of paste specimens
desiccator for 24 h before MIP measurement. The MIP is built on
the mercury intruded into the cylindrical pores under the strictly
Fly ash was used to replace high-early-strength Portland
controlled pressure. The diameter of the cylindrical pore into
cement at ratios of 0%, 20% and 40% by mass (hereafter, abbrevi-
which the mercury has been intruded is calculated according to
ated as FA0, FA20, and FA40, respectively). A water to binder ratio
the following Washburn equation [17].
of 0.30 was kept constant. The pastes were mixed in a mechanical
mixer and cast in 40 mm cube molds, and then sealed by D ¼ 4c cos h=P ð1Þ
aluminum tape to prevent water loss as well as carbonation.
After that, a syringe with a capacity of 1 ml, of which the plunger where D: the diameter of pores (lm), c: the surface tension of mer-
was disconnected, was inserted in the specimen center (as shown cury (assuming a value of 480 mN/m), h: the contact angle of mer-
in Fig. 1). All specimens were demolded 24 h after casting and cury on the paste (taken as 140°), P: the pressure at which mercury
cured in sealed condition at 20 °C. is intruded into the pore (mN/m2).
The MIP equipment used in this study has the maximum pres-
sure of 414  106 N/m2. The porosity of the pastes at the age of
2.3. Activation method
2 months was measured at a diameter range of 3 nm–300 lm.
An activation was conducted by supplying an alkali solution
1 month after casting through a syringe, which was prepared in 3. Results and discussions
the Section 2.2. Two alkali activators, which were an NaOH solu-
tion (pH = 13.0) and a saturated Ca(OH)2 solution (pH = 12.6), were 3.1. Effect of fly ash
injected naturally through the permeability of the pastes by them-
selves. Additionally, water was also injected instead of an alkali 3.1.1. CH content
solution for the comparison. The CH content of the control samples, which were the samples
without the injection of water or alkali solution, at each
2.4. Measurement of CH content 4 mm-section of the samples is shown in Fig. 2. It can be seen that
the higher the replacement ratio of cement with fly ash, the less
The CH content of the pastes at the age of 2 months was deter- the CH content. This can be attributed to the high cement replace-
mined by thermal gravimetry analysis (TGA), using the half sam- ment with fly ash [3] and the consumption of CH by the pozzolanic
ples as shown in Fig. 1. The CH content of the sample was tested reaction [6].
by each 4 mm-section from the surface to the point of the needle The consumption of CH by the pozzolanic reaction was calcu-
(as shown in Fig. 1). These samples were obtained in the form of lated according to the following equation [18]:
a powder by a driller. Then, they were soaked in ethanol for 24 h CHcons: ¼ CHPC ðc=ðc þ f ÞÞ  CHFC ; ð2Þ
to stop the further hydration, and dried in a vacuum desiccator
for 24 h before measuring the CH content. The rate of the where CHcons. is the consumption of CH by the pozzolanic reaction
(%), CHPC is the CH content in the plain cement paste – FA0 (%), CHFC
is the CH content in the fly ash cement paste – FA20 or FA40 (%),
Table 1 (c/(c + f)) is the mass ratio of cement in the mixture of cement
Chemical composition and physical properties of cementitious materials.
and fly ash.
Chemical composition and physical Cement Low calcium fly The consumption of CH by the pozzolanic reaction at each
properties ash 4 mm-section of the samples is shown in Fig. 3 left. It shows the
SiO2 (%) 20.30 57.7 consumption of CH was increased significantly with the increase
Fe2O3 (%) 2.71 5.43 in the fly ash content (40% replacement of fly ash). This phe-
Al2O3 (%) 4.96 27.54
CaO (%) 65.49 1.26
nomenon was considered to be the result of the large quantity of
MgO (%) 1.21 1.06 fly ash used to replace the cement, resulting in the consumption
SO3 (%) 2.98 0.36 of CH by the pozzolanic reaction. Comparing the consumption of
Na2O (%) 0.22 0.44 CH between FA20 and FA40, the normalization is also shown in
K2O (%) 0.35 0.76
Fig. 3 right. It can be seen that the consumption of CH for FA40,
Loss on ignition (%) 1.19 2.8
Density (g/cm3) 3.14 2.21 which had 2 times as high the fly ash content as FA20, was less
Blaine specific surface area (cm2/g) 4590 3290 than 2 times of that for FA20. This may be due to the fact that
the smaller Ca(OH)2 content in FA40 than that in FA20 (as shown
30 P.T. Bui et al. / Construction and Building Materials 94 (2015) 28–34

Fig. 1. Activation method and preparation of the samples for analyzing the Ca(OH)2 content.

Fig. 4. The porosity of the control samples (FA0, FA20, and FA40) at the age of
Fig. 2. The CH content of the control samples (FA0, FA20, and FA40) at each 4 mm- 2 months.
section of the samples at the age of 2 months.

in Fig. 2) is attributed to the pozzolanic reaction of fly ash partially. tendency was also observed in the case of FA40. However, the total
It also results in a lot of unreacted fly ash particles in FA40 remain- pore volume of FA20 was smaller than that of FA0. It can be
ing, and playing mainly as the space filler at the age of 2 months explained by the fact that the use of 20% replacement of fly ash
[5,6]. Therefore, the injection of the alkali solution at the early at the same water to binder ratio increased the water to cement
age would be effective in accelerating the pozzolanic reaction of ratio; resulting in promoting the hydration extent of cement and
the fly ash cement paste. fly ash which forms more hydration products filling up the pores
of the paste [5,13]. Furthermore, the decreasing and increasing ten-
3.1.2. Porosity dency of the volume ratio of pores ranging 20–330 nm and 3–
The total pore volumes and the volumes of pores ranging 20– 20 nm in diameter relative to the total pores respectively are also
330 nm and 3–20 nm in diameter of the control samples are shown reported when the pozzolanic reaction of fly ash occurs [19].
in Fig. 4. It is known that the porosity of the fly ash cement paste is These tendencies are also observed in the cases of FA20 and
coarser at the early ages than that of the cement paste [10]. Similar FA40 when compared with FA0.

Fig. 3. The consumption of CH by pozzolanic reaction (left) and its normalization (right) of the control samples at each 4 mm-section of the samples at the age of 2 months.
P.T. Bui et al. / Construction and Building Materials 94 (2015) 28–34 31

3.2. Effect of water injection

3.2.1. CH content
The CH contents of the pastes, into which water were injected
1 month after casting, and their comparisons with the control sam-
ples at each 4 mm-section of the samples are shown in Figs. 5 and
6. In general, it can be found that the injection of water increased
the CH content in some positions of the samples. It is evident that
the water injection promoted the cement hydration of the paste
with and without the fly ash replacement.
The consumption of CH by the pozzolanic reaction of the
water-injected samples at the point of the needle was only consid-
ered for the comparison with that of the control sample. It was also
calculated according to the Eq. (2). The consumption of CH by the
pozzolanic reaction of the control and water-injected samples at
Fig. 5. The CH content of the control and 1-month-water-injected samples without
this position is shown in Fig. 7 left. In the case of the
fly ash – FA0 at each 4 mm-section of the samples at the age of 2 months.
water-injected sample with 20% replacement of fly ash, the con-
sumption of CH was smaller than that of the control sample. This
may be explained by the fact that water promoted the cement
hydration more in FA20. This is also compatible with the larger
CH content of the water-injected sample with 20% replacement
of fly ash than that of the control sample (Fig. 6 top). Thus, these
additional hydration products covered the surfaces of the fly ash
particles with more extent, resulting in the postpone of the poz-
zolanic reaction of fly ash particles in FA20 [20].
In the case of the water-injected sample with 40% replacement
of fly ash, the consumption of CH for the water injection was larger
than that for the control sample. It indicates the pozzolanic reac-
tion of FA40 was accelerated by the addition of water.
Comparing the consumption of CH between FA20 and FA40, the
normalization is also shown in Fig. 7 right. It can be found that
the consumption of CH for FA40, which had 2 times as high the
fly ash content as FA20, was 1.9 times as much as that for FA20
in the case of the water injection, and were more than that of
the control sample. It indicates the water injection was effective
in accelerating the pozzolanic reaction in the case of FA40.

3.2.2. Porosity
The total pore volumes and the volumes of pores ranging 20–
330 nm and 3–20 nm in diameter of the 1-month-water-injected
samples and their comparison with the control samples are shown
in Fig. 8. The total pore volume of the 1-month-water-injected
samples was smaller than that of the control samples in the cases
of FA0 and FA40, except for FA20. It indicates the water injection
was effective in improving the porosity of the paste by promoting
Fig. 6. The CH content of the control and 1-month-water-injected samples with the cement hydration more.
20% replacement of fly ash – FA20 (top) and 40% replacement of fly ash – FA40 In the case of FA20 into which water was injected, the less
(bottom) at each 4 mm-section of the samples at the age of 2 months.
decreasing and increasing tendencies of the volume ratio of pores

Fig. 7. The consumption of CH by pozzolanic reaction (left) and its normalization (right) of the control samples and 1-month-water-injected samples at the point of the
needle at the age of 2 months.
32 P.T. Bui et al. / Construction and Building Materials 94 (2015) 28–34

Fig. 8. The porosity of the control and 1-month-water-injected samples at the age of 2 months.

Fig. 9. The CH content of the control and 1-month-NaOH-activated samples (top)

and -saturated-Ca(OH)2-activated samples (bottom) without fly ash – FA0 at each Fig. 10. The CH content of the control and 1-month-NaOH-activated samples (top)
4 mm-section of the samples at the age of 2 months. and -saturated-Ca(OH)2-activated samples (bottom) with 20% replacement of fly
ash – FA20 at each 4 mm-section of the samples at the age of 2 months.

ranging 20–330 nm and 3–20 nm respectively than that in the con- said that the presence of NaOH solution (pH = 13.0) or saturated
trol sample also confirms the delay of the pozzolanic reaction. Ca(OH)2 solution (pH = 12.6) caused the CH content to decrease
Therefore, the total pore volume of the water-injected sample slightly 1 month after the injection. It indicates the alkali solution
was larger than that of the control sample. injection for the sample without fly ash played a negative role
toward the production of CH. This may be explained by the fact
3.3. Effect of alkali activation that it was difficult for the cement paste to release Ca2+ ion to
the outside due to the high alkali concentration of pore solution
3.3.1. CH content supplied from the injected alkali solution, resulting in limiting
The CH contents of the plain cement pastes into which the alka- the production of CH in the case of the plain cement paste. Thus,
line solutions were injected 1 month after casting and their com- the CH content of the activated samples was smaller than that of
parisons with the control samples are shown in Fig. 9. It can be control samples.
P.T. Bui et al. / Construction and Building Materials 94 (2015) 28–34 33

alkali-activated sample was smaller than that for the control

sample, whereas in the case of FA40, it was larger. This tendency
was similar to that in the case of the water-injected sample as
shown in Section 3.2.1.
In the case where the alkali solution was injected into FA40,
however, the consumption of CH for the NaOH activation was
slightly smaller than that for control sample. Comparing the con-
sumption of CH between FA20 and FA40, the normalization is also
shown in Fig. 12 right. It can be found that the consumption of CH
for FA40, which had 2 times as high the fly ash content as FA20,
was 2.6 and 4.5 times as much as that for FA20 in the case of the
NaOH activation and saturated Ca(OH)2 activation respectively,
and these consumptions were more than that of the control sample
and water-injected sample with the values of 1.6 and 1.9 times
respectively (as shown in Fig. 7 right). It indicates the alkali activa-
tion was more effective in accelerating the pozzolanic reaction
than the water injection in the case of FA40.

3.3.2. Porosity
The total pore volumes and the volumes of pores ranging
20–330 nm and 3–20 nm in diameter of the saturated-Ca
(OH)2-activated samples and their comparison with the control
samples are shown in Fig. 13. In the case of FA0, the total pore
volume of the saturated-Ca(OH)2-activated samples was smaller
than that of control samples because the cement hydration was
promoted by water supplied from the alkali solution. In the
cases of FA20 and FA40, the total pore volume of the
Fig. 11. The CH content of the control and 1-month-NaOH-activated samples (top) saturated-Ca(OH)2-activated samples was almost the same as that
and -saturated-Ca(OH)2-activated samples (bottom) with 40% replacement of fly
of the control samples. Compared with the control sample, how-
ash – FA40 at each 4 mm-section of the samples at the age of 2 months.
ever, the decreasing and increasing tendency of the volume ratio
The CH contents of the fly ash cement pastes into which the of pores ranging 20–330 nm and 3–20 nm in diameter relative to
alkaline solutions were injected 1 month after casting and their the total pores respectively were observed in the case of FA40 into
comparisons with the control samples are shown in Figs. 10 and which the saturated Ca(OH)2 solution was injected. It demon-
11. It is noticed that the CH contents of the activated samples were strates that the saturated Ca(OH)2 activation was effective in accel-
larger than that of the control samples in both of FA20 and FA40. In erating the pozzolanic reaction in FA40. This is also compatible
the case of FA40, however, the CH content of the NaOH-activated with the decrease of the CH content in the case of the
sample was approximately equal to and that of the saturated-Ca(OH)2-activated paste with 40% replacement of fly
saturated-Ca(OH)2-activated sample was smaller than that of the ash at the point of the needle (as shown in Fig. 11 bottom).
control sample at the point of the needle (as shown in Fig. 11). It
indicates that the alkali solutions were actually effective on the 4. Conclusions
acceleration of the pozzolanic reaction after the activation for
1 month in FA40. An activation by the injection of an alkali solution was investi-
Similar to the water injection, the consumption of CH of the gated on the fly ash cement paste 1 month after casting at normal
alkali-activated samples at the point of the needle was also consid- temperature. In addition, water was injected into the paste instead
ered for the comparison with that of the control sample. It was also of an alkali solution for the reference. A quantitative analysis of the
calculated according to the Eq. (2). The consumption of CH of the Ca(OH)2 content and porosity were examined in order to evaluate
control and alkali-activated samples at this position is shown in its effect on the pozzolanic reaction of fly ash. The following con-
Fig. 12 left. In the case of FA20, the consumption of CH for the clusions can be drawn:

Fig. 12. The consumption of CH by pozzolanic reaction (left) and its normalization (right) of the control samples and 1-month-alkali-activated samples at the point of the
needle at the age of 2 months.
34 P.T. Bui et al. / Construction and Building Materials 94 (2015) 28–34

Fig. 13. The porosity of the control and 1-month-saturated-Ca(OH)2-activated samples at the age of 2 months.

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