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Visual and Performing Arts Magnet

15709 E. Olive Branch Dr., La Mirada, CA 90638 | (562) 943-1553 | Fax: (562) 947-3861 |


Meeting start time: 5:32 p.m

Meeting end time: 6:07 p.m

Attendees: Kristi, Heather

Absent: Mary

approval of min. January, February

Treasurer's report: $73.13 amazon
Beginning money: $4320.28 Feb. 28th
End money: $2672.73 March 31st
snap raise: $25,512.30
Balance as of April 29th $28,124.17
Non Profit IRS filing: N/A
upcoming events: Knotts Berry Farm
New Business:
*Board Position
President: Veronica
V.P: Beatrice
Secretary: Becky
Treasurer: Heather
Auditor: Wendy
*$55.48 damaged instruments <approved>
*Clarinet repair $139.42
*2 buses for Knott's trip $852
*tickets for knott's need to buy 6 chaperone approve $1908 (just giving the check not
buying actual tickets) Approved
*Invoice $200 accompanist Approved
*$290.02 Jonathon Approved
*Choir Festival $150.00 Approved
*VAPA festival: May 20th, Toms tailgate selling food no drinks, PTA will sell drinks, Kettle
corn & ice cones, 5 p.m start setting up at 3 p.m, sign up on genius for this.

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