Approximate Methods: P Chandramouli

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Approximate Methods

P Chandramouli
Indian Institute of Technology Madras

October 26, 2015

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1 Modeling Beams using FIC

2 Weighted Residual Methods

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Flexibility Influence Coefficients

So far we have written the equations of motion as follows

I (−ω 2 M + K)X = F
This is called a stiffness based formulation
If we use flexibility which is the inverse of stiffness then
I X = K−1 F = aF
Now why do we need to use the idea of flexibility instead of
stiffness like what we have done so far?
I In some problems it is easier to formulate using flexibility
I One such case is solving beam vibration problems using discrete

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Beam Lumped Model

We decide to solve the beam vibration problem

Instead of continuous system approach we decide to use lumped
modeling approach LumpedModel
We have lumped masses at 2 locations on the simply-supported
L 2L
I At x = 3 and x = 3
The segments between the masses have only elasticity and no
mass associated
So how do we form the stiffness matrix for this system?

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Elements of stiffness matrix

What is the meaning of a stiffness matrix element Kij

It is the force generated at i due a displacement at j
I Assuming that all other displacements are zero
I Kij = Fxji with xk = 0; ∀ k 6= j
In a beam if one applies a force at j displacements exist at all
Hence not so easy to enforce above condition to arrive at
stiffness matrix elements

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Flexibility approach

In the case of a beam easier to use flexibility

I Inverse of stiffness
Now the flexibility matrix element αij has the following meaning
I It is the displacement generated at i due to a force applied at j
I αij = Fxij with Fk = 0; ∀ k 6= j
As can be seen from above it is easier to do this
We apply unit loads at each of the lumped mass locations one at
a time
I Calculate the displacements for each case to get αij

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Simply Supported Beam

Let us now take the SS beam example Example

We start by applying a unit force at location 1 (x = L3 from left)
From simple strength of materials we calculate the moment
distribution (
3 x, 0 ≤ x ≤ L3
I M (x) =
− 13 x + 13 L, L3 ≤ x ≤ L
Following this integrate to get the displacements at L/3 and
The displacements or flexibility coefficients are α11 = 243EI ,
α21 = 486EI

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Simply Supported Beam

We now apply a unit load at location 2 (x = 2L

from left)
Once again we calculate the moment function
3 x, 0 ≤ x ≤ 2L
I M (x) =
− 23 x + 23 L, 2L
3 ≤ x ≤ L
Following this integrate to get the displacements at L/3 and
7L3 4L3
The displacements are α12 = 486EI , α22 = 243EI

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The flexibility matrix is
" #
L3 8 7
486EI 7 8

The stiffness matrix is the inverse

" #
486EI 8 −7
15L3 −7 8

The mass matrix if we assume the entire mass is equally

distributed " #
0.5m 0
0 0.5m

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Natural frequencies

The natural frequencies are

q q
I ω1 = 8.05 mL3 ; ω2 = 31.18 mL3
The exact values
q are q
I ω1 = 9.87 mL3 ; ω2 = 39.48 mL3
So one can see that the predicted frequencies are lower than the
exact frequencies
This would imply that our mass is more in the lumped model
I Actually the beam segments close to the supports do not
participate in the vibration
I Effective mass participation is lower than the total mass

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Energy Based Argument

Let us look at the kinetic energy associated with vibration

0 ρl |ẇ|2 dx = 12 ρl ω 2 0 W (x)2 dx
For the first mode of vibration the overall kinetic energy is
1 2 L sin2 πx
2 ρl ω 0 L dx

Let us now look at the energy in [0, 6
] and compare it with
[ L6 , L3 ]
1 2 6 πx
sin2 = 0.007ρl ω 2
2 ρl ω 0 L dx

I 1
2 ρl ω 2 3
L sin2 πx
L dx = 0.042ρl ω 2

Same values for [ 5L6

, L] and [ 2L
, 5L 6
The energy in [ L3 , 2L
] is 0.152ρl ω 2

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Effective mass
Suppose we assume that the L/6 length segments close to the
supports do not contribute
Then the total mass is 2m/3 and mass matrix becomes
" #
M= m
0 3

The new natural frequencies are

q q
I ω1 = 9.86 mL3 ; ω2 = 38.19 mL3
One can see that the first natural frequency is almost the same
as the exact frequency
The second one is now much closer to the exact frequency (3%

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Three DOF Lumped Model

We now look at a 3 DOF lumped model 3DOFLumping

To calculate the flexibility coefficients a unit load is applied first
at location 1 (x = L4 )
4 x, 0 ≤ x ≤ L4
I M (x) =
− 14 x + L4 , L4 ≤ x ≤ L
The flexibility coefficients are
3L3 11L3 7L3
I α11 = 256EI ; α21 = 768EI ; α31 = 768EI
Next we apply a unit load at x = 2

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3 DOF Example

 1 x, 0 ≤ x ≤ L2
M (x) =
− 1 x + L , L ≤ x ≤ L
2 2 2
The flexibility coefficients are
11L3 L3 11L3
I α12 = 768EI ; α22 = 48EI ; α32 = 768EI
Finally a unit load is applied first at x = 4
4 x, 0 ≤ x ≤ 3L
I M (x) =
− 34 x + 3L
4 , 3L
4 ≤ x ≤ L
The flexibility coefficients are
7L3 11L3 3L3
I α13 = 768EI ; α23 = 768EI ; α33 = 256EI

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The flexibility matrix is
 
9 11 7
L 
α= 11 16 11

7 11 9

The mass matrix if we assume the entire mass is equally

distributed m 
0 0
M =  0 m3 0 
 

0 0 m3
We invert the flexibility matrix and solve for the natural

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Natural Frequencies

The natural frequencies are

q q q
I ω1 = 8.55 mL3 ; ω2 = 33.94 mL3 ; ω3 = 72.06 mL3
The exact values
q are q q
I ω1 = 9.87 mL3 ; ω2 = 39.48 mL3 ; ω3 = 88.83 mL3
Once again one can observe that the effective mass is lower and
model needs to be modified
I So each lumped mass is now m/4 instead of m/3
We now solve for the natural frequencies to get
q q q
I ω1 = 9.87 mL3 ; ω2 = 39.19 mL3 ; ω3 = 83.21 mL3

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What about Mode shapes?

The corresponding mode shapes are

 1     1 
√ √
 2
  1 
    2
 
I 1 ; 0 and −1
 √1 
 −1
    √1 
 
2 2
If we compare with the exact mode shapes sin πx L
, sin 2πx
sin 3πx
at the lumped locations values are identical

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Different Approach for Beams

Instead of a lumped mass approach we look at a continuous

system approach
We use approximation functions for the entire beam length
PN iωt
w(x, t) = m=1 qm ψm (x)e

Since ψm (x) is an approximate solution the governing equation

is not satisfied exactly
I There is a residue generated
Let us now apply this idea to solve beam vibration problems

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Weighted Residual form

Recall the beam free vibration equation

4 w(x,t) 2 w(x,t)
I EI ∂ ∂x 4 + ρl ∂ ∂t 2 =0
We have shown earlier that this will reduce to the form
4 W (x)
I EI d dx 4 − ρl ω 2 W (x) = 0
We now substitute the approximation to W (x)
PN d 4 ψm (x)
m=1 qm EI dx 4 − ρl ω2ψ m (x) = R(x)

We now require that this residue be orthogonal to some

weighting function φm (x)
0 φm (x)R(x)dx = 0

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Galerkin Method

If we choose φm (x) = ψm (x) we get the Galerkin weighted

residual scheme
We now integrate by parts the first term in the residue
For each term m in the summation we have
R L d 2 ψn (x) d 2 ψm (x) 3 2
0 dx 2 dx 2 dx + ψn ddxψ3m |L0 − dψ n d ψm L
dx dx 2 |0

To eliminate boundary terms ψn (x) should satisfy geometric or

forced boundary conditions
I ψn = 0 and/or dx =0
This then leads to the form

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Weak form

R Lh d 2 ψn (x) d 2 ψm (x)
PN i
m=1 qm 0 EI dx 2 dx 2
− ω ρl ψn (x)ψm (x) dx =0

The above can be rewritten as an eigenvalue problem

I Kq = ω 2 Mq
2 ψ (x) d 2 ψn (x)
EI d
RL m
I Kmn = 0 dx 2 dx 2 dx
I Mmn = 0 ρl ψm (x)ψn (x)dx
The eigenvalues provide the natural frequencies and the
eigenvectors the constants for multiplying the ψm (x)

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Clamped-Clamped Beam

Let us choose a two term representation

I ψ1 (x) = sin2 L ; ψ2 (x) = sin2 ( πx πx
L ) cos( L )
Both these functions satisfy the forced boundary conditions of a
clamped-clamped beam
I w(0, t) = w(L, t) = 0; w 0 (0, t) = w 0 (L, t) = 0
The stiffness elements Kij are
4π 4 EI RL 2πx 2π 4 EI
I K11 = L4 0 cos2 L dx = L3
2π 4 EI RL 3 πx 2 πx πx
cos( 2πx
I K12 = L4 0 L ) 2 cos ( L )−7 sin ( L ) cos( L ) dx =0
I K21 = K12 = 0
π 4 EI R L 2 41π 4 EI
I K22 = L4 0 2 cos3 ( πx 2 πx πx
L ) − 7 sin ( L ) cos( L ) dx = 16L3

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Mass matrix

The mass elements Mij are

RL πx R L 3−4 cos( 2πx )+cos( 4πx ) 3L
I M11 = ρl 0 sin4L dx = ρl 0
dx = 8 ρl
RL 4 πx πx
I M12 = M21 = ρl 0 sin L cos L dx = 0
I M22 = ρl 0 sin4 ( πx 2 πx
L ) cos ( L )dx =

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Natural frequency

q q
ω1 = 22.79 mL3
; ω2 = 63.2 mL3
q q
The exact values are ω1 = 22.4 mL 3 and ω2 = 61.7 mL3
You can see that the approximation leads to a slightly larger
value unlike the lumped case
This is true for such methods
The starting point for finite element methods is usually the
weighted residual method

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Lumped Model


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SS Beam example


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Three DOF Lumping


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