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Portfolio Rubric

Student Name: Ashley Legault

CATEGORY Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Needs Improvement

Purpose Explained Included Portfolio Ticket Included Portfolio Ticket Portfolio Ticket was
and completed it in full. but parts not fully missing or parts not
Clearly explained the completed. Minimal completed. Explanation
reason for the selection explanation for the for the selection of the
of the artifact. Direct selection of the artifact. artifact was missing or
reference to coursework. Direct reference to too brief. Little
coursework. connection to

TL Growth Artifact reflects clear Artifact reflects some Artifact reflects minimal
evidence of TL’s evidence of TL’s growth evidence to TL’s
professional growth through reflection, professional growth
through reflection, modification, or through reflection,
modification, or incorporation of modification, or
incorporation of prescriptive feedback. incorporation of
prescriptive feedback. prescriptive feedback.

Bloom’s Taxonomy Presented clear evidence Presented minimal Some or no evidence

that this artifact reflects evidence that this artifact shown for the artifact’s
higher level thinking reflects higher level selection. Evidence of
according to the thinking according to the higher level thinking not
taxonomy. taxonomy. clearly established.

Peer Feedback provided by: ___Navreen__________

Comments:__Hi Ashley! I thought your portfolio did a fantastic job at representing

your growth throughout the course. I can see you incorporated the feedback you
received from peers and the instructor into your final versions of the assignments.
I enjoyed reading your portfolio ticket, especially how the artifact reflects higher
learning for you.

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