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pentru admiterea în clasa a IX-a cu program bilingv


A. Complete the gaps with the correct form of the verb: (10 x 2p=20 points)

I come from a very large family, and recently my parents (1)______ (decide) that they (2) ________
(spend) long enough living in an overcrowded house in Birmingham. “We (3) _________ (move) to
the country”, my father (4)__________ (announce) one evening. “I (5) _________(sell) this house,
and we (6)___________ (live) on a farm.” So last week we (7) __________(load) all our possessions
into two hired vans, and for the last few days we (8)__________ (try) to organize ourselves in our
new home. Yesterday, for example, my three brothers and I (9) ___________(start) painting the
downstairs rooms. Unfortunately, while I (10) ___________(mix) the paint, one of my sisters opened
the door.
B. Use the words in capitals to form a word that fits in the space: (10 x 1.5 p = 15points)
1. Her ………………………..did not surprise anybody. REACT
2. Climbing this mountain might be very………….. DANGER
3. Entering the cave, the scientists made an extraordinary…….. DISCOVER
4. In this shop you can find a great……………………of products. VARY
5. This………………..tries to save endangered species. ORGANISE
6. The surgeon operated with great………… PRECISE
7. To my……………… lied to me again. DISAPPOINT
8. I have to talk to you…………… IMMEDIATE
9. I don’t like to judge people on first……….. IMPRESS
10. You forgot to put an…………………mark here. EXCLAIM

C. For each of the following sentences, complete the second sentence using the word given so
that the meaning stays the same. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and
five words. There is an example at the beginning (0). (5 x 2p = 10 points)

(0) We had never been to the park before. FIRST

It was the first time we had been to the park.

1. I've never read such a good book. EVER 

It's the ..................................... read.  
2. When did Pauline leave home? SINCE 
How long ................................ Pauline left home?
3. They didn't begin eating until everyone had arrived. BEFORE 
They waited until everyone ........................................ eating.
4. James will have a shower before he calls Emily.
James will call Emily ............................................ a shower. AFTER
5. It isn't necessary for you to write the instructions down.
You ................................................... the instructions down. HAVE 

D. Circle the correct answer: (15x1p = 15 points)

1. I’m going on a month-long holiday to the Caribbean!

………………? I bet you’re so excited!
a. Can you really? c. Are you really?
b. Did you really? d. Have you really?
2. We……………..the movie when, suddenly, there was a power cut.
a. watched c. had watched
b. were watching d. had been watching
3. It’s far…………………….to travel by bus than it is by car.
a. as expensive c. least expensive
b. most expensive d. less expensive
4. He didn’t like working evening shifts but he eventually………………it.
a. used to c. got used to
b. was used to d. is used to
5. The party was a disaster. There ..... there!
a. was somebody c. was nobody
b. was anybody d. was everybody
6. Unless he ……………. eating healthily, he will become ill.
a. don’t start c. doesn’t start
b. starts d. start
7. He was a great musician by………………..many musicians were influenced.
a. which c. whom
b. where d. who
8. As it’s very sunny today, you…………………wear plenty of sunscreen.
a. must c. are likely to
b. are able to d. will be able to
9. I wish I………………….to the beach, but I have to stay at home and study.
a. could go c. can go
b. could have gone d. should go
10. I’m afraid………..any paper left for the printer.
a. it isn’t c. they aren’t
b. there is d. there isn’t
11. It was raining……………………she didn’t have an umbrella.
a. before c. but
b. despite d. in spite of
12. The children are having a good time, ……………….?
a. isn’t it c. are they
b. aren’t they d. aren’t the children
13. I need…………………information for my project.
a. many c. several
b. a great deal d. a lot of
14. We can……………………….watch TV or go to the cinema.
a. either c. whether
b. neither d. nor
15. If I were you, I………………..cut down on salt.
a. would c. will
b. could d. might

A. (10 x 2p=20 points)

1. have decided/decided
2. had spent/spent/have spent
3. are going to move/are moving
4. announced
5. am selling/have sold/will sell/am going to sell
6. are going to live/will live/will be living
7. loaded
8. have been trying/have tried
9. started
10. was mixing

B. (10 x 1.5 p = 15points)


C. 5 x 2 = 10 points (1 point each correct half)

1. best book | I have ever

2. is it |since
3. had arrived |before they began
4. after |he has
5. do not| have to write 

D. 15 x 1 p= 15 points

1c; 2b; 3d; 4c; 5c; 6b; 7c; 8a; 9a; 10d; 11c; 12b; 13d; 14a; 15a.
pentru admiterea în clasa a IX-a cu program bilingv

I. Read the following text aloud:

What then are the effects of Global warming? Well, first a rise in sea levels. Second, an increase in
severe weather conditions, and third, an increase in the frequency of outbreaks of infectious diseases
- such as malaria and dengue fever. These are considered to be the main effects, although there are
many, many others.
Looking at the rise in sea levels - we know for certain that over the past 100 years - sea levels have
globally risen by over a foot and continue to rise at an alarming rate. If global warming is not slowed
down some cities and coastal areas and indeed whole island nations will be completely covered in
water by the next century. Global warming also leads to extreme weather patterns such as El Nino -
we’ve seen on the TV news the heavy storms, droughts and floods caused by these weather patterns.
As mentioned before, insects that carry infectious diseases such as malaria and dengue fever are now
on the increase. This is due in part, to their ability to survive in places that were previously too cold
or too hot for them. This has lead to an increase in the percentage of the world’s population exposed
to these diseases from 45 to 65%. This increase, is also in part, due to the rising global population

II. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the main effects of global warming?
2. How fast are weather phenomena influenced by global warming?
3. Why do infectious diseases spread more?
4. Is there a connection between the world’s population and global warming? Explain.

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